Islam is the true religion of God

It is the only religion with non-degenerate values that is resistant to Jews and evil. No wonder it is also true and the signs are everywhere. This is why Jews and CIA and trying to slander it and if you fall for it you are a tard.


Other urls found in this thread:

Jeffrey Herf reports that in December 1942, von Leers published an article in Die Judenfrage, a journal which belonged to the anti-Semitic intellectual world, entitled "Judaism and Islam as Opposites". As the title indicates, the author's perspective is Hegelian, presenting Judaism and Islam in terms of thesis and antithesis. This essay also reveals the ingratiating National Socialist perspective which von Leers projected on the Islamic past as well as the intensity of his hatred for Judaism and Jewry. The following passage is part of the original text:

Mohammed's hostility to the Jews had one result: Oriental Jewry was completely paralyzed. Its backbone was broken. Oriental Jewry effectively did not participate in [European] Jewry's tremendous rise to power in the last two centuries. Despised in the filthy lanes of the mellah (the walled Jewish quarter of a Moroccan city, analogous to the European ghetto) the Jews vegetated there. They lived under a special law (that of a protected minority), which in contrast to Europe did not permit usury or even traffic in stolen goods, but kept them in a state of oppression and anxiety. If the rest of the world had adopted a similar policy, we would not have a Jewish Question (Judenfrage)…. As a religion, Islam indeed performed an eternal service to the world: it prevented the threatened conquest of Arabia by the Jews and vanquished the horrible teaching of Jehovah by a pure religion, which at that time opened the way to a higher culture for numerous peoples ….[9] (Quoted in Victor Klemperer' Tagebuch as author of an article "Schuld ist der Jude" in nr.143 of "Freiheitskampf" Review (1943), where he accuses the Jews to have prepared the First World War to destroy the German people: "if the Jews win, our destiny will be that of the Polish officers in Katyn".

Fuck off sand nigger, eat the pig and be reborn you filthy satanic shit.

Islam is the sword of Judaism

Intelligent Muslim debates delusional christian lady.

Yeah then why does Israel exists and the Zionist government makes a million wars against Islam and Islam calls for war against degeneracy? That makes zero sense.

Islam is the sword of Judaism

Aryan warrior defeats brain dead christian

Look the only argument they can make is yelling and calling names and pictures of things wiped with poop which is a non-argument against things you can't defeat. No one can make an argument against Islam except to call names.

Watch the JIDF repeats the same argument to cover up the truth.

Its extremely obvious that Christianity is a messed up off shoot of Islam that was taught by Jesus.

then why are muslims running away from muslim countries to christian countries?

Don't worry, you'll be found and face the same fate as every roach will.






Islam is a shit religion

Shut up, all you semitic boyfuckers get gassed.

Look this is the only thing they can say because there is no argument against Islam

Pigs are not offense at all we're just no permitted to eat it because it's not healthy and God looks after us with good advice.

Hitler says Islam would have been better

You are literally arguing against yourself.

Islam or any religions trying to prove their beliefs are real by finding vague analogies from science just make themselves look more pathetic.
There are only so many numbers, especially when it's almost always

Islam seems pretty cool. Christianity has stagnated a lot and has become fag and jew friendly tbh. Would like some more resources on Islam.

Yes you can argue islam is apostate because of Galations 1 saying not to trust angels from heaven bringing another gospel. Which is what mohaamed did to all islamists. That's totally ignoring how islamists ignore romans 13 ontop of not realising dog is defined in Exodus 11:7, 2 samuel 9:8, and 2 samuel 16:5,6,9.

Islamists in their ignorance have become revelations 2:9. Which is to say an arm of the kikes. Repent and read the Bible more because of 2 Peter 1:20.

Almost every muslim is a shitskin, so fuck off with this crap.


Hitler also said he was a christian, but never said the word Jesus.

almost everyone on Holla Forums is a shitskin too. your point?

Intellectual muslim defeats atheist

Angles aren't allowed

Quotes from Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

“Nobody who dies and finds good from God would wish to come back to this world even if he were given the whole world and everything in it, except the martyr, who – seeing the superiority of martyrdom – would wish to come back to the world to be killed again.”

“He who amongst you sees evil should stop it with his hand, and if he has not strength enough to do this, then he should speak out against it with his tongue, and if he has not strength enough to do even this, then he should hate it with his heart, and that is the least of faith.”

“He who has in his heart as much faith as a grain of mustard seed will not enter hell, and he who has in his heart as much pride as a grain of mustard seed will not enter Paradise.”

“Do not say, that if the people do good to us, we will do good to them; and if the people oppress us, we will oppress them; but determine that if people do you good, you will do good to them; and if they oppress you, you will not oppress them.”

“A believer to another believer is like a building whose different parts reinforce each other.”

“We will not remove a Jew from punishment. They know the shameful thing that awaits them.”

“If there are twenty good fighters, they will defeat two hundred who are a senseless people, who do not fight with good intentions nor for truth.”

Gas yourself unless you have proof you faggot.

So, you're the filthy roach here, huh.

Then how did muhammed recieve the word of the Lord?


Angles aren't allowed to disobey God

question is which "lord"

struck a nerve there, did I?

The Lord GOD almighty, the living God of abraham, isaac, and jacob. I.E the God of the Bible of old juadism and christianity.

Lucifer/Satan/the Devil did Isaiah 14:13 how do you think he got thrown out? But yes they are not supposed to disobey Godromans 13.

Miracle of Quran

Muhammad recieved the word of God from the angel Gabriel. He was illiterate and the Qur'an was revealed over several years so I don't see how any of these massive amounts of patterns could have come up if Muhammad couldn't even see it and wasn't even revealed in the order we have it today.

I need better rage bait for islamists so not really. Keep this thread alive so I can collect some. Not angry, just dissapointed in the subversion of possible fellow christians.

Yeah, not gonna watch that, if you can't even refute that these things are just cherrypicked when you could get an infinite amount of numbers to work with if you start using strange methods like counting the letters between words, you clearly don't know shit about any of this.

you know you can bend a leech into any shape right? your random numbers don't mean shit.

Intellectual Muslim unravels atheist's insane ideas.

He's not even talking about that, just general philosophical ideas

Isn't it a sign that atheism is spearheaded by Jews and it's a completely modern Jewish movement?

You subverted apostate why did you not read Galations 1? It warns against accepting scripture or doctrine from angels claiming to be from heaven. They are to be accursed as follows.
Galations 1:8-9

For do you now persuade men, or God? Or do you seek to please men? For if you yet pleased men, you should not be the servant of Christ.

*acursed on that first one gah also check those dubs. samefagging ik

Mudslimes engage in the most depraved shit possible, and their 'heaven' looks like something out of a sick fuck's rape fetish darknet website.

Hell, they even justify raping babies with some semite verse.

The Bible never claims to be the word of God, it is just a recount of things compiled by men. And also there are many different versions and inconsistencies and a large amount of it is not from the original source so it can't be trusted. It doesn't have any of the miraculous nature of the Qur'an.

"Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction." [4:82]

Islam is a part of European history. Get over it, you fucking larpers.

"And We shall remove from their breasts any hatred or sense of injury" (Quran 7:43).
"Gardens of perpetual bliss: they shall enter there, as well as the righteous among their fathers, their spouses, and their offspring. Angels shall enter from every tavistock (with the salutation): 'Peace be with you, that you persevered in patience! Now how excellent is the final home!" (Quran 13:23-24).
“They will not hear therein ill speech or commission of sin. But only the saying of: 'Peace! Peace!'" (Quran 56:25-26).
"But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portion is gardens, beneath which rivers flow" (2:25).
"Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous" (3:133)
"Allah hath promised to Believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss. But the greatest bliss is the good pleasure of Allah. That is the supreme felicity" (9:72).

Doesn't sound dreadful at all. Sounds much nicer than the Christian description of paradise. Hitler said it himself I think.

"For Hitler, religion was a means of supporting human life on earth practically and not an end in itself. “The precepts ordering people to wash, to avoid certain drinks, to fast at appointed dates, to take exercise, to rise with the sun, to climb to the top of the minaret — all these were obligations invented by intelligent people,” he remarked in October 1941 in the presence of Himmler. “The exhortation to fight courageously is also self-explanatory. Observe, by the way, that, as a corollary, the Mussulman [sic] was promised a paradise peopled with houris, where wine flowed in streams — a real earthly paradise,” he enthused. “The Christians, on the other hand, declare themselves satisfied if after their death they are allowed to sing Hallelujahs!” Two months later he commented in a similar vein: “I can imagine people being enthusiastic about the paradise of Mahomet [sic], but as for the insipid paradise of the Christians!” Hitler would also compare Islam with other Asian religions that he admired. “Just as in Islam, there is no kind of terrorism in the Japanese State religion, but, on the contrary, a promise of happiness,” he said on April 4, 1942."

Europe was the best under Islam in Spain, Hitler said. If you really cared about Europe and the white race you'd want Islam for it, despite what the Jews and government shills say.

I am planning on making a board discussing similar content called Islampol

Come here if you want to discuss things. It doesn't have any content yet.

The KJV is perfectly consistent if your going to go that route. Also
Mark 7:6,10,13
Literally calling verses from the old testament the word of God.

Also there is a board here about Islam if you'd like to learn more or ask questions.

Gas yourself if you think I am going to give you a hash you can start brute forcing. Discuss here and refute and .

Islam is a political system meant to conquer europe to enslave their women. Arabs are so obsessed with white woman they have been trying to conquer us and take our women into sexual slavery and harems for over a thousand years, and are now invading europe for the sole purpose of breeding white women.

The Moors ruled in North Africa and in most of the Iberian Peninsula for several centuries, and the Umayyad Arab aristocracy ruled all the way from Damascus to Spain.[29] Ibn Hazm, the polymath, mentions that many of the Caliphs in the Umayyad Caliphate and the Caliphate of Córdoba were blond and had light eyes.[30] Ibn Hazm mentions that he preferred blondes, and notes that there was much interest in blondes in al-Andalus amongst the rulers and regular Muslims:

All the Caliphs of the Banu Marwan (God have mercy on their souls!), and especially the sons of al-Nasir, were without variation or exception disposed by nature to prefer blondes. I have myself seen them, and known others who had seen their forebears, from the days of al-Nasir's reign down to the present day; every one of them has been fair-haired, taking after their mothers, so that this has become a hereditary trait with them; all but Sulaiman al-Zafir (God have mercy on him!), whom I remember to have had black ringlets and a black beard. As for al-Nasir and al-Hakam al-Mustansir (may God be pleased with them!), I have been informed by my late father, the vizier, as well as by others, that both of them were blond and blue-eyed. The same is true of Hisham al-Mu'aiyad, Muhammad al-Mahdi, and `Abd al-Rahman al-Murtada (may God be merciful to them all!); I saw them myself many times, and had the honour of being received by them, and I remarked that they all had fair hair and blue eyes.[31]

Muslims prized blonde women for their harems; and so enslaved Slavic women were purchased in the bazaars of the Crimean Caliphate. In Muslim Spain, an annual tribute of 100 Visigothic [blonde] women was required from Spain's Cantabrian coast.

The Bible can't be taken as a truthful source because it's been corrupted and plagiarized and there are thousands of different versions. Now you are taking only this small ambiguous verse to discredit Islam while the Qur'an has thousands of repetitive verses and miracles and consistency to back it up.

Muslims are literally Moon Demon worshipers. You will roast in hell for all eternity for your foolishness in worshiping false idols. Your children will be inbred and you will fade out of existence as your shambles you call an empire crumbles down around you.

Muhammad literally called on his followers to conquer a tribe of blondes to take their women. He promised them blonde women so that they would fight jihad.

You'd have to be mentally ill to convert to a religion whose founder called for conquering your own women. That's mentally ill cuckoldry.

Then you admit to being a liar. For your religion is founded on the angel Gabriel existing in the first place. Which means you acknowledge the old testament at the least.
God can not lie Titus 1:2 and

Are you calling God a liar? The God that values His word above his own name Psalms 138:2? God values his own words above his name. You are foolish to doubt God or not a true islamist or christian.

This. Islam will turn Europe shitskin if given the chance. Furthermore, They are already suffering the degenerative effects of inbreeding, and will cause any future converts the same genetic bottleneck. If Islam were to become the universal religion, the human race would destroy itself from disgenic breeding practices in a few millennia.

His and His* twice there.

Muhammad was a pedophile sand nigger and Islam is just one side of a Semitic coin, the other side being Judaism.

OP says that those who are against Islam are ignorant fools yet he has fallen for the oldest Kike trick in the book. He has joined the ranks of the Islamic kike golem unwittingly. Islam is a religion of the sword, wielded by cowardly low IQ Semitic arabs and exploited in order to dominate the goyim without the kikes actually having to get their hands dirty. All the bullshit you hear about Muslims hating Jews is a kike psy-op. The house of Saud themselves are krypto-kikes. Semites do not hate each other, they only pretend to when it is convenient for them to do so.

If you are a white man OP, you can still save yourself by rejecting this toxic ideology known as Islam and returning to the true Aryan way of life by refusing to be a tool of the kike any longer. If you are not white, then I care not for what happens to you, you filthy shitskin mudslime. I wish a plague on you and your family and hope to see your bodies burnt in immense piles for what you have done to my white brothers and sisters over the past millennia.

Before you say some stupid shit about Christianity, I am not a Christian. I harbor no ill will to those Christians who reject the kike in all forms, but sadly they are a rare thing in these times. As for myself, I am an Aryan who worships the Aryan gods. I submit to no others but those who's blood runs through my veins and who's spirit is carried within my soul.

All Semites must be exterminated for humanity to prosper.


Here comes the JIDF. Show's over.

That is pure unadulterated dis-info horse shit. Islam and Judaism are akin to each other.

JIDF? Where in my post did I defend kikes in any way shape or form? You must be a non-white as you clearly cannot comprehend what you read. I detest the kikes and want to see them exterminated.

What part of the last sentence of my post didn't you understand? I'll repeat it for you once more, you subhuman camel jockey. Try to pay attention this time.

All Semites must be eradicated in order for humanity to prosper, you fucking disgusting mudslime.

More like Islam was created to conquer tribes and enslave their women, especially europe because arabs are obsessed with white women.

Converting to Islam as a european is some sort of sick cuckoldry fetish and an act of submission to arabs for them to take your women.

Which God?

Fuck off mudslime newfag.

It seems like both jews and muslims consider that's it's half time and white countries are the buffet.

Personally, I believe the Catholics had good intentions, "A good tactical idea," which turned on them.
I know Islam was created by one of them, (A gut-feeling) but this Jesuit is saying that the Catholics did it.

every time I start asking questions there, mods delete my questions, so I eventually just turned to lurking there.

If I'm not mistaken there are several sections of the quran that are taken from the Talmud.

Ah, that explains your bullshitting. You're a follower of crypto-kikes yourself. Nobody is going to buy what you are selling here.

Could you give sources? I would love to use this against faggots who actually beleive in the pig shit that is islam. Great red pill material too.

Do not listen to anything a Jesuit says. The Jesuit sect of the Catholic Church was founded by a Crypto-kike and have been doing everything they can to subvert Catholicism ever since. The current Pope is a Jesuit, that alone should make you understand why they are not to be trusted.

Didn't mean to quote you but my statement stands.

I actually believe it.
goodbye cruel world

I just did a quick startpage search and got this jewtube video.

I have no reason to lie to you about this matter. I have no personal stake in Catholicism, my only interests are that of the continued existence and prosperity of the Aryan people and the destruction of the forces that have been subverting and desiccating them for thousands of years. I encourage you to do more research into the this matter yourself as you will inevitably be very disgusted by it but ultimately better off knowing the truth. This subject has been discussed much here on Holla Forums in the past in multiple religion threads but being that I am not Catholic myself I didn't bother to save the material that was showcased in them. Perhaps other anons may have it if you were to ask.

I started some research in it about a month or so ago. I actually started searching for things like "Judaism creates Islam" and things/ideas around that, because that is what I originally suspected, but all that I was getting was that the Catholics created it for warfare purposes and/or for convenience sake to pacify Arabs and to subsequently turn them against the Jews. (At this point, in this conversation with you, what I am thinking is that the Islam-Judaism connection search results are filtered) There are even references to the the star and crescent appearing in a different version in Catholic teachings. I myself, have no personal investment in any of the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) seeing that it, "Just doesn't do it for me," or words to that effect.

OP is a fag
Prove me wrong.

In the (((table talks)))

Fuck off sandnigger

I also question the validity of the Catholics creating pisslam.

However, the guy who worships his blood was nothing but respectful. Islam is evil.

OP clearly fucked off a while ago when he realized he fucked up, there is no further evidence required.