I'm playing through DMC1 at the moment, but I'm not really enjoying it. Could be me being too casual or something, but the game isn't clicking with me. I enjoyed MGR, Transformers, God of War etc. but this isn't hooking me.

I'm doing an action game binge at the moment but I'm not having fun with it. Got to mission 5, which I know isn't too far at all but the games I listed above pulled me in way quicker.

Other urls found in this thread:

are you that guy who has to play every single game in the series in chronological order?

just directly jump into DMC3 and then 4 or you'll have to suffer through 2

It hasn't aged so good. Just take a good look at it, then move on to 3.


That was the feeling I was getting. Maybe I'll stick it out a little longer, see if it hooks me. If not, I'll just watch an LP of it.

Also, why does 2 get so much hate?

Just play 3 or 4. DMC is antiquated by today's standards with its fixed cameras and shitty level design. Don't get me wrong, I still love the game that started it all but if I had to choose between it and 3 or 4 it would be no contest.

Drop 1 and 2 and go for 3 and 4.

Because it's overall bad. Even aesthetically it is rather poor right down to Dante's attack animations which just looks like he's waving around a light stick in a lazy manner.

Remember, this game was actually a Resident Evil game at one point. Just take it in for what it's worth and move the fuck on. Despite how great 3 and 4 are, 1 has definitely aged like bacon cooked in piss.

The game did give me big RE vibes.

Fags in this thread telling OP to skip a good game.
You don't have to do all the difficulties, but don't skip it. The camera is the biggest problem, but if you can deal with it you'll be all right.

Because it's truly an awful game in every sense.
Weapon variation is just different damage/range.
Guns are the strongest.
Underwater levels.
Music is garbage.
Dante is stone-faced and boring.
Plot is probably bad, I honestly forgot it.
Stinger is no longer a long dash forward, but a standing jab.

That's what I can remember. I'm sure if I looked up gameplay I'd remember even more terrible things.

Only good thing is DMC2 had are precursors to the style system in DMC3. Wall running, twosome time, some other things.

why must I suffer?

How do I enjoy dmc 4 as dante

Seriously his moveset just feels like a fucking chore.

git gud

There's nothing to get good about, his moveset is just incomplete, which means lots of style switching which is by definition artificial difficulty

He really is just no fun to play as.

What exactly is your problem with it? I beat it recently for the first time and enjoyed it.
One thing I can say is that the difficulty curve is kind a fucked because of the way the game is structured.
It actually gets easier the further in you get as you get more abilities.

Regular mode doesn't really get interesting at least until the Nero Angelo fight, DMD is really where it's at. Do NOT skip DMC1 and don't listen to anyone who says you should, it is a great game.

Matt did one

Play as Nero then you casual

Are you legit brain damaged?

Maybe it's just because I'm new to the series or something, but I don't like this game at all. Everything about it rubs me the wrong way. This game has some of the spongiest enemies of any game I have ever played (those ghost assholes take forever to kill), a lot of the mooks are either ugly or boring (the robot soldiers are the worst), the combos seem to be 3 to 4 presses where the last press does a flurry that makes up most of the combo, it feels like if you spam jump you're pretty much invincible, the replay the story shit is lame (I have to fight all the bosses 3 times?!), and the last boss was incredibly disappointing.

Maybe you guys had a different experience than I did, but DmC4 definitely didn't do it for me. I'm hoping some of the games earlier in the series have enemies that don't take as long to kill.

What exactly is your point here? How do you determine that something is taking "too long" to kill?

Wow how casual can you get, you are all NIGGERS. That's right, i am the first person on the internet to say it.

If this isn't bait I'd recommend suicide

Yeah, I'll fully admit nero is a much more casual character to play, but then again, most are in comparison to dante.

Dante feels difficult for difficulties sake. There is no way to naturally build up a moveset and watch it evolve overtime as you play because his movesets are incomplete which requires style switching which will mean trial and error.

no fucking shit

You missed the point of my post. There is no natural evolution to his attacks.

What do you mean by natural evolution?
That you cannot unlock new moves for his weapons?

Trying to develop viable combos for dante doesn't feel natural due to the constant style switching. Trying to find moves to continue the flow feels pretty artificial, it doesn't develop naturally.

Because you are when executing a jump, you're supposed to use it as an I frame and animation cancel for smoking sick styles.

You have three weapons and 4 styles.
You can keep a combo going using only 1 weapon and 1 style.
Even then how do combos affect the difficulty? You can kill bosses and enemies without even getting S. Your argument is all over the place but you have nothing but buzzwords to back it.

DMC1 is great, it definitely is a janky game nowadays but if you let that stop you you're a casual faggot.

I dunno user, I can still go back and replay it every once in a while, but yeah it starts slow and like to throw walls every once in a while (not that it should stop anyone with decenti skills) some people hate it and some people like it

If you really intend to play through all the game in release order it's only gonna get worse before it gets way better, 2 despite a few good ideas is really shit and not in a so bad it's good way either.

If you really must watch an LP I'd go with
Mostly because it's made on DMD even if she scums the shit out of everything with grenade roll cancel

if you really wanna see a well done LP of it then Mathewmatosis has a much better one

I won't call it artifical difficulty or blame the controls but I will agree that DMC4 has a damage sponge problem. Everything feels like a punching bag and the only threatening enemies are Altos (and Frosts to a lesser extent) because of their hyper armour and unpredictable timings. It also doesn't help that the game is way too lenient. I've been given S ranks playing half asleep. If the game had DMC3's pace but kept most of its enemy designs it'd be much better.

Seen it and I disagree, don't like the dry technical tone, especially for 3 hours, also christmas mode and not DMD.

DMC 1 is sort of like MGS 1. Sure, it's a great game, but it's hindered completely by lack of technology, and was outdated immediately after a superior sequel came out.

your taste is shit, OP.


It was on DMD. It was an S-rank DMD run, no grenade spam.

Christmas mode is far more advantageous, I mean he doesn't even get to have a DTed enemy most of the time (which is why I thought it wasn't DMD at first)

But he outright says it's on DMD, and he isn't playing on Christmas mode

I'm not compelled to defend some reviewer but the things you're saying are just untrue, especially weird since you're advocating for a much worse grenade spam LP from some slut

He has almost 2 full life bars and 10 DT segments right from the start, not a fresh dante aka christmas mode

I'm advocating an actual playthrough instead of an analysis with a playthrough in the background

Meme may cry was always shit

My mom doesn't touch video games generally.
She ate DMC1 up on easy mode, just mashed on the controller and had fun anyway. Now, easy mode lets you do a shit ton of combos that you normally have to time by just mashing on the controller so that was probably a large contributing factor to her fun.
Maybe you're not casual enough and are playing a higher difficulty.

DMC1 is the foundation of everything, but it's not very good.

Play Dante Must Die and say that to my face fucker

it came out 15 years ago using a very old system for action games.

doubling up DMC isn't really an action game first, it's a resident evil game with swords

It's not really worth bothering with imo, certainly for gameplay terms. Start with III, and then enjoy the glory of IV.

No, you're fucking retarded.