Who is the modern day Rockwell/Pierce/Codreanu?

Who is the modern day Rockwell/Pierce/Codreanu?

Is it me, is it you?

Does he lie in the bullrushes?

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Does it matter?

No, things are going great.

We don't need to go public anymore

Our movement no longer or should not have central leadership, should remain decentralized.
No leadership, no subversion and easier to spot the fakes.

Also no CIANIGGERS in your ranks. Just jew shills.

Actually, yes. Yes it is. Thanks for asking. Also checked.

It's me. You can believe me, or you won't. But now hear this. I will lead the movement to victory, or I will die in the process. I will not waste my life chasing the corporate American dream while my people are replaced. I will not slave for my entire life, only to be filed away in some nameless nursing home to be smothered by an non-white. I will not go quietly. The Black Sun rises.

contradiction in terms


your mom

we're all hitler now, sonny.

Right on user

relax im working on it

If I get dubs or better, it's me


t. neckbeard master race reporting in

Go to bed, Baron.

I bet over half of you faggots have never sat down and actually listened to the wisdom of these men or picked up a book for that matter.

If only he wasn't a Dugnist

It has to be all of us. I drop redpills on my friends nearly every day.

not if the rules of fascism are agreed upon by our thule society

I used to know this girl who was secretly a Nazi (as in grandpa spent time in Argentina) very redpilled and smart, and I wonder if the guy she married posts on here or maybe her.

Who knows. The noosphere is an odd beast.

This is the only true answer.

nah mayne, but you can be my vice fuhrer


we're decentralized bby. no figurehead to defame or assassinate. sucks huh.

At the end of the day it's going to spiral out of control and we'll end up defeating ourselves.

Groups will take parts of our ideas and then misrepresent them, use them for their own gain. Others will be paralyzed by confusion and inaction. Still others will advocate for pointless and counterproductive endeavors. Many will engage in in-fighting, some of it warranted, some of it utterly pointless. At this rate, we're going to burn ourselves out and turn on eachother.

There is a reason the fasces isn't just a bundle of sticks lying loosely in a pile on the ground.

In the early days, the decentralization was necessary. The multi-pronged attack has been incredibly effective. But now that we've won, our entire camp is in total chaos. Now it will become just as necessary to start falling into a real organization. Or we're going to end up with a hundred different TRS-themed alt-right offshoots fighting against a smaller more dedicated faction of ironmarch egotistical purists with a spattering of assorted trad catholic and pagan splits.
The fundamental problem with the modern left is that they are mostly submissive cattle creatures.
The fundamental problem with the right-wing personality is that every man sees himself a great thinker or great leader, and many of us are. But every organization, every movement needs leaders and followers. Without a central authority that bundles the sticks together and binds them rigidly, we're nothing but that weak set of individual sticks. If we continue on this path, factionalism will be our death.

Couldn't help but notice all of these kikes running around.

We don't need leader yet. We need intelectuals for now. Go read a book, get throughly informed and then write something of your own. That's the best you can do for now, really.
With that being said, we do have a few like Tomislav sunic and Alain de Benoist which fit the role i mentioned, although they are coerced by the (((goverment))) to denounce anti-semitism and the such, however if you look at the Guillame Faye affair you will clearly see that it's all smoke and mirrors.

Whats wrong with Dr.Duke? I mean he has his flaws but he an overall intelligent man, good speaker, and his book is a classic. Other than him being in the KKK which the kikes use to defame him he is solid imo.

Its an excuse for laziness, these faggots would rather let our people die than step out of their comfort zone.

A thule society still needs a Hitler.

Well, several reasons:
-bad fame
-he's a proud american, which means that the people who actually read books aren't interested in him
-people not reading him coupled with bad fame causes permanent cycle of dismissal

I actually don't know why i dint greentext that. Fucking academical papers fucking my shit up.

I don't mean won in the big sense. I mean won in the sense that for the first time in decades, in our lifetimes, we're making headway.

Don't cherry pick it's gay.

Good point, it would be interesting though to just play his podcast out loud to people. I bet they would agree with the things his says if they dont think its the evil David Duke. I have heard "comedians" imitate him and they do a strong southern accent, which of course he does not have. His podcast is extremely intellectual and he does not use slang like nigger or kike as others do. Duke is actually the most moderate person I listen and read tbh.

Yeah. The problem is that 90% of americans, even here, never read any books out of their degenerate fictions and other easy reads.
I honestly don't blame any non-american for not reading Duke, though, since his works aren't really pertinent outside of america.

True. I said that if you played his podcast out no one would call it "rayycist" because IIRC someone would works in Silicone Valley posted on here how he had tons of high connections on his Linked in and he was going to post it to that as he though it was not even racist and agreed with Duke. But yeah his books will probably never be in the hands of an average person due to the infamy around him.

my browser is being autistic, fucking spelling errors everywhere in that post.


We're already on several lists and attending a rally is not illegal.


I believe in you, user.



Because David duke in his 50 years of work hasn't bothered to reach out to other groups like GLR and William Pierce did, which made them such a huge threat to the Jew world order. I have nothing against Duke but he plays his role as advocate, not leader.

what a cuck


Why Codreanu and not Pelley?

All those saying we don't need a leader or even to operate IRL are retarded. We do some pretty useful stuff here on Holla Forums but nothing will ever compare to real action. Do you really want "Kekistanis" and alt-right faggots to represent your views?

sauce? He seems pretty based to me. He's just genetically inferior and lacks charisma. He can't really help that and at least he's trying.

#Je suis Pierce



Pelley and Huey Long and Father Coughlin would have made great members of the team.

We need men like Joe Tomassi of the National Socialist Liberation Front. Men who are not afraid to use violence if it means that we achieve Total Aryan Victory.


Fuck off.

I love Dr. Pierce's videos, I wish he were alive today, he would have such an insanely huge capability of reach to all whites in the USA through the Internet, especially with video sharing sites and social media.

I don't get how he was being a defeatist, he said we need structure, and we are getting to the point that we do, do you think Hitler, Codreanu or Rockwell would have been known or done what they did without being out in public and seen?

They would never have been able to do what they did without order and a hierarchy, and both of those things, order and hierarchy are fundamental building blocks to a nation and fascism as a model of government.

these are some amazing digits

How do I join Ukip, lads?


The only real answer here. Stop making bomb threats and start making bombs. McVeigh style.

we might need leaders but one shall have to rise up to the challenge
and not get assinated as well

By killing yourself.

There will be multiple. A Gang of Three or Four, if you will.
One of them will be me.

What's wrong m8.


What's wrong with Ukip m8.

I can appreciate the "no e celebs" sentiment because we don't want the board cluttered up every time some retard sargon makes a new video. Those who say we should always remain anonymous and we shouldn't have a leader are wrong, though. Obviously you run the risk of a pseudo leader subverting our movement but look at someone like Richard Spencer. He is the 'defacto leader' of the alt right because the media, who know nothing, dub him that. But if you look at what he says and what he actually accomplishes he is most definitely not our leader. When a leader arises you won't be able to signal against him and turn away like we can with little dicky spencer. There is a reason why you don't make martyrs of your enemies. People rally around a central figure, and that central figure has to be another human being. A true leader is the fulcrum by which the populous exerts its will on the rest of society. It baffles me that Holla Forumsacks will agree with the notion of natural order and that the human species is hierarchical, but then advocate that we have no hierarchy while remaining in our basements on our computers.

back to reddit, faggot

Fuck off and never come back.

If you mean that today we don't have a leader but one day we may have one and we must acknowledge that we need one, then I agree.

Perhaps, in the absence of any strong leader (could just be our generation hasn't produced a Hitler or Rockwell, they weren't just "some guy"), we could at least have a "constitutional convention" here on Holla Forums to determine some fundamental rules for our movement to adhere to. Might I begin with:

1-No dealings with Jews, ever. If an acquaintance or apparent ally turns out to be a Jew, immediately cut them off, or feed them disinfo. They are not "based". Also dox any new ally to the best of your ability, to determine if they are a Jew and/or a government agent. Were their social media accounts all started suspiciously recently? Do they know oldfag memes?

2-You are the ally of all redpilled Whites. Banter between religions, nations or subsets of Whiteness is fine, but when the shit hits the fan, we all pull together. Sorting out things like Northern Ireland can be done after the 14 words.

3-Keep religion and politics separate. Christians, Pagans and Atheists are to be supported if they are pro-White. Once again, we can sort out any issues, maybe by creating religious states within an ethnostate, after the 14 words. Or, if we go down the Fascist route, religion could be sorted out within a "second chamber" of a fascist parliament. Professional corporations vote for the first chamber, religious and cultural corporations for the second.

4-With reference to the above, Fascism, National Socialism or some sort of White-centric Libertarianism are, again, issues to sort out after the 14 words. The Jews love using all of these fracture points to divide us, every minute you waste arguing some small point with another WN is a minute the Jews win.

Great point. Take pepe & kek & the "ideals" that it entailed. It was just an inside joke that was at it's core just a meme that pushed ideals and feels. Nothing more. Just a vehicle for ideas. Since, it's been labeled a hate symbol by the aclu and been smeared by Rachel kikedow. That's not so much as important because it's the enemy shitting on us(this will happen with anything we do, they react, its natural). However, this Sargon of cuckad has twisted the meme to his own viewership. It's a completely retarded now. Not just because it was normalized or mainstreamed, but because it's been tweaked to this controlled opposition ideal that makes us look as crazy as left wingers who idolize the gender unicorn or some shit. Of course its not quite a 1=1 comparison, but i think it make sense enough. I've thought about this last year about how the pepe & like material is immature and doesn't really shine a good light on us from a outsiders perspective. Now we see faggots showing up to events and rallies decked in "kek" wear and sporting "kekistani" flags and garb. It looks like those that partake in this larping are mentally challenged and cannot separate reality from this stupid shit. Point being that the ideas this meme meant to bring forward was subverted, and try as the left might, it wasn't them that brought pepe down, but a lolbertarian with a shitskin background whom was fighting for "logic" or some bullshit line that many republicans fell for.

You're retarded. We absolutely require a centralized movement in order to take over governments and replace them.

Does that mean 8ch should go out marching in the streets, being spergs, wearing red and waving big 8's on flags? No. It means we as working class citizens who want to maintain a Cro-Magnon presence on this planet, need to fight for that future. And you can't realistically do that in your underpants while typing away on a Malaysian shitposting hub.

"What won over millions of workpeople to the Marxist cause was not the ex cathedra style of the Marxist writers but the formidable propagandist work done by tens of thousands of indefatigable agitators, commencing with the leading fiery agitator down to the smallest official in the syndicate, the trusted deletavistock and the platform orator. Furthermore, there were the hundreds of thousands of meetings where these orators, standing on tables in smoky taverns, hammered their ideas into the heads of the masses, thus acquiring an admirable psychological knowledge of the human material they had to deal with. And in this way they were enabled to select the best weapons for their assault on the citadel of public opinion. In addition to all this there were the gigantic mass-demonstrations with processions in which a hundred thousand men took part. All this was calculated to impress on the petty-hearted individual the proud conviction that, though a small worm, he was at the same time a cell of the great dragon before whose devastating breath the hated bourgeois world would one day be consumed in fire and flame, and the dictatorship of the proletariat would celebrate its conclusive victory. "

–Uncle Adolf


We all must become orators.

This is your fault. The goal must not be to replace world governments. It cannot be the goal, as this is the goal of the Jew. While the Jew aims to replace world governments with his own you plan to replace them with your's…not even yours…some Jew's idea: Spencer or Gottfried or Dugin.

It's not right that we take over governments and replace them. Not as a movement nor even an army. The People themselves must make the changes required in how our Nation operates. The majority must collectively choose National Socialism, otherwise we are no better than kikes.

Government exists because humans are imperfect. We are keen to do wrong and laws must exist to persuade us to do good. Police forces are created to enforce those laws, courts to give punishment when the law is trespassed, and governments formed to ensure the entire system operates functionally. The National Socialist should work towards becoming lawless and ungoverned. He should build up and strengthen his own character and will to such an extend he no longer requires anyone else to make him to right. And he should educate himself thoroughly that eventually good and evil as concepts are fully understood from nearly every angle: philosophical, neurological, spiritual et al. This would result in a natural and organic utopia because everyone, should they adopt this NS, would act properly. The National Socialist would live in a society not only lacking all law and any traditional form of government, but he'd live in a world where these things aren't necessary. But this ideal is far off.

The National Socialist now requires that his nation adopts the National Socialist ideology. Not only this, but he needs all nations to do the same. It isn't enough that America and even Europe along with her becomes NatSoc. Should only the white countries go full 1488 the Jew will simply spin the narrative and turn the entire non-white world against us. And so as we change the U.S. government not through force or deception but by the education of her people, we must also work to convince the people of all nations that NS is correct and needed right now. How can we do that?

If our problems are:

And if our problems are manufactured by:

Then what use is it fighting his creations? Even if we solved all of today's problems the Jew would simply concoct more for us. Therefore, to solve the world's problems we must first expose the masterminds behind them. We must first name the Jew. By turning the world against its real enemy, we will gain for ourselves the entire world as ally. Then, the entire world will adopt our National Socialist policy. For if we can convince the world of the Jewish Question we can convince them of the answer. And how do we do this?

First on social media and then in the streets. And TRS knows this. The Alt-Right started on imageboards withTRS shilling Alt-Right ideology. Then, the talking-head was linked with the ideology: Richard Spencer. The Alt-Right didn't begin with Richard Spencer saying "Wee! look at me!" It started with the spreading of memes on imageboards, which spilled over onto social media and the rest as you know is history.

Your error is underestimating the power of memetics. All we need do is expose the Jew and his tricks, first on imageboards and then social media. We can do that at home, in our underpants, and we can do it for free. And when the people of our world are so disgusted and wrathful the DOTR is called for, not just for the Jews but for their puppets like Spencer, then we National Socialists will offer the world a better solution. We will give them the real answer to the Jew – it will be a merciful and a terribly vengeful answer, and it is perfect; all people and nations will agree with this answer.

I was going to post a thread about just this topic but from the perspective of a solution that suits our current advantages. I was listening to Dr Pierce talk about how if any individual real movement were ever to appear and gain real power it would be immediately set upon by all of the news media and the lying propaganda of the.(((left))) to the point of a war if they saw it necessary. He then goes on to suggest that should a real movement gain traction to that point that we would need a global uprising in every country simultaneously to get anything done. He dismissed it as nearly impossible and in his age he was right but we have the capabilities in the modern age to do this.

What we need to be doing right now is decentralized subversion. That is to be spreading this ideology on an individual level to key players in any and every way we can. In the past the jews bought the news media during the depression. Right now we have hundreds of thousands of neets on youtube making videos, these people have huge sways in public opinion and often are completely depressed and nihilistic. Prime targets for moralisation and radicalisation. Many of these people come from our ranks already and are laying low. All we need to do is create an invisible network linked through ideology to get wrapped up in a "big topic" that will allow us to emerge all at once in a defiant swing. A sort of lightning rod event that forces an electrolysis of opinions and allows the overton window to not just shift but to flip. This is just one example of the new power structures that can be exploted and dont stop there, traditional subversion works too, get in those governments dig your trench deep and be ready to dive.

Specifically what I am proposing is
1. Take positions of power
2. Wait for or cause a massive event that will gain universal attention toward the cause
(in my opinion should be a moral/positive message over a violent "negative" one)
3. Globally rise up and smash the Jewish grip on information in one blow.

The most important factors in this is to feel it deep inside that this is the right event and to take the plunge. Never be afraid of their crumbling power structures. We have come so far in so little time its only a matter of waiting till the right time to strike and to throw EVERYTHING we have at it. This is a battle for life or death whether you want to join or not.

The sleepers will awaken

This is a wonderful thought, but it's anarchist utopianism at its core.

Possibly. The principles of National Socialism prove the validity of the system. Consider the world if every person lived in their own ancestral homeland, respected the right of others to live in their own homeland, and all of these places – from America to Zimbabwe – were NatSoc. The people would be happy, their economy would be healthy, and the system of government would be nearly perfect. This would be "globalism" but in its truest non-kiked form: all nations running independently and without interference because we all agree on a few simple principles. Eventually though, as National Socialism creates inherently good people, and as we cure things like mental illness, government and law will only need exist as formalities.

If any such person exists, you can be certain that there will be weekly threads here about how they are a secret jew because their mom's uncle's wife had a German name that was also used by jews, or that they are a coalbuner because their brother-in-law's cousin dated a spic. Complete with dozens of shitty unsourced infographs that are basically just unsubstantiated claims and jew stars everywhere.
So I guess keep an eye out for that.

Nice post and this is somewhat unrelated but can this place get rid of the filter for tavistocke? Or can it at least be modified to not fuck up other larger words that contain it. Having it show up in the middle of words hampers the flow of reading and looks retarded. My two cents sorry for off topic rant. Nice speech on Marxist scum though.

There are several here you and myself included(maybe). We'll all have roles to play when the time comes.

They most likely look average. They have are able to make friends and connect to others almost instantly through words and actions. They read and absorb information like a sponge. More then that they feel an almost divine call to action.

We are currently in the adolescent period. We had our chaotic birth and now it is important to use this period to learn as we prepare for something bigger.

hey rabbi whatcha slidin


Welcome to Holla Forums

For a board built on white pride, you guys sure do hate each other and, conversely, yourselves.

The only kike here is (((((((((((you))))))))))))))

It is a pain in the ass but it completely throws off the shills by directing their word detection algorithms to a lot of topics unrelated to Tavistock, assuming Tavistock institute still uses shills their algorithms are useless/misdirected so it is useful. I am pretty sure they got rid of word detection based algorithms because it became obvious and backfired.

It's Mike Enoch.

I tune into her radio show sometimes, the other week she was taking calls praising this one caller for being a good christian because his family adopted niglets from africa, she constantly promotes civ nationalism and the universalist idea of christianity. Kys, faggot.

Hello FBI.


not what i said