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Tucker is that you?

Define oppressed as not white men, then pretend all laws are designed to only help the oppressed and you can legally discriminate and marginalize white men. This guy deserves his head to be caved in.

That Jew went full retard

Sometimes I feel like Tucker picks the low hanging fruit to come on his show, but then I realize they are all far, looney, lefties. He's had Kikenwald, that commie cunt Fellarca, the twitter nog Fareed something. He gets some lefty heavy hitters and they are all low hanging fruit tier. When these niggers loose their govt backing the looney left will shrivel on the vine. That's probably why their handlers in govt & (((msm))) are working so hard against Trump. They are fighting for their survival.
I'm glad he's getting them on tv so the boomer types who watch his channel can see how unhinged these moonbats really are.

This is what I'm talking about in my last sentence. What do you think the old folks watching Fox on tv after the 9-5 job who are struggling to make ends meet think of the idea that racist oppression can be transmitted genetically? I'll tell you what they do think about. The amount of their paycheck that the govt takes to pay for the welfare of these generational oppressed nogs.



You're thinking of another -oose word.


The heeb is sweating like a whore in church.


hey that's our line!



What fucking kike scumbag. This Jewish pussy is begging to be shoahed

How do we actually win?

These fucking kikes have the cia, fbi, nsa and others backing them. Military wont fight their own people true, but the intelligence agencies are defending every billionaire kike working to destroy the white race.

We need to find a way to get the spooks (who are mostly white) on our side.


Why is that person calling him a white asshole in the first place

they are starting to cave in from diversity hires and internal power struggles

Yes, but the jews know of this. We're underestimating our enemy. Clearly the parasite has thought about this, and has some type of grand plan. What we need now are powerful allies, pic related.

Can you imagine what would happen if Tucker had said: "Jews are even more over-represented than Asians"

They usually don't. They tend to just react. We call them short sighted parasites for a reason.
But we should still remain vigilant as always.

We need to shitpost harder, basically. I'm dead fucking serious, that is how we spread our influence to these groups.

Wrong. They've been planning to exterminate us since Roman times really.

We need to gain powerful allies even the cia fear. The Antarctic Nat Soc myth needs to be confirmed or denied. It's a stretch, but if they indeed exist, the hope it could bring could really help our movement.

GLR cited the old testament story of when the jews jewed Egypt as the general idea of their goal. Go to country A suck it dry and topple it and move to country B and repeat. It may be a good idea to know where they plan to go next so they can be cut off as they flee the western nations

Getting real tired if this bullshit. I'm sure this (((need))) to address past (((discrimination))) will end once whites are minorities in their own countries.


They will want to exterminate us before they leave, as they know those of us who aren't weak and susceptible to their propaganda will want vengeance.

They will use their intelligence and private security groups to try to rally us up at some point. It is paramount we own those institutions, and cut them a deal which benefits them more than working with the jews.

Why does Ethan Bearman not echo? Also what kind of Jewish name is Bearman? the only thing Jewish about the name is the suffix '-man', other than that the prefix Bear sounds like it'd be the beggining to some cool warrior name, not to a slimy inbred eastern european banker.

There is no doubt that the jew wants Whites to go extinct but if there was a putsch the jews would be the first to get out of dodge and carry on their activities from afar with a new golem

No shit, it's a jew.

It's interesting, and pretty idiotic, to bring up epigenetics. While it's a legit phenomenon and one of the frontiers of molecular biology, I'm absolutely positive that no link between epigenetic modifications, one's forefathers being slaves, and intelligence has been identified. While epigenetics certainly have clear influence on the 2nd generation after, say, a starvation stress response under pregnancy, it seems to have only limited influence on the 3rd generation. Furthermore, those known epigenetic effects relate to more fundamental aspects of physiology, such as metabolism. To suggest that merely being of low socioeconomic status would impair cognitive ability due to epigenetic modifications is just utter nonsense, as that doesn't fit all the tremendous amount of data we have on monozygotic/dizygotic twins reared apart, nor does our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms support the hypothesis.

I simply don't see a way of getting out of this mess without a limited nuclear exchange with Israel. They are unsuccessfully trying to warm up to China too. Seems to me if they get kicked out of the US, they will immediately order their pedophile pets to launch nukes at the US. So if a white nationalist order ever took direct power, forcing the jews to live in camps in the US would be the safest play. As the jews wouldn't nuke their own people.

Likely Asia. We need to warn our Chinese enemies of this parasite.

i am not so certain. plus it would be poetic if the jews were the ones to end up incinerating 6 million jews

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA they bombed supply lines to the camps holding their own in WWII, to cause hundreds of thousands (not 6 million) deaths from supplies being cut off (not from gassings, incinerator rooms, or lampshade factories). They will run their own lower classes through a meat-grinder if it meant hitting the big strike!

So what is the solution?

The parasite will try to nuke any country which uncucks itself in the west. We need a way of preventing this.

Let it happen.
Let it go down in history that the kike threw a tantrum on the way to his Extinction

How the hell are all those top leftists and jews coaxed into getting rekt on live TV? And how the hell are they so weak even Tucker, a moderate liberal, can humilliate them so consistently?

Hard to defend bullshit.

Nuke them first, fast, hard, and completely. Ensure a jew-free future by modifying a virus which will:
A) Sepuku when it encounters Euro RNA
B) Ignore (A) if kike-only RNA strands are found, and instead go into growth hypedrive
C) If neither (A) nor (B) applies then induce a common cold/flu like symptoms so as to spread among the non-Euros, non-jews.

Jews could likewise develop a virus against us like this as well.

In fact they probably already are developing one in Israel.

I think we underestimate them too much. We've been so used to dealing with subhumans with inferior intelligence that we tend to think of our enemies as too stupid to possibly outmaneuver us. This arrogance is why we are in the situation we are in now.

Because normalfags have not learned to differentiate kikes from regular whites or been conditioned not to, depends on your perspective. For a lot of them they see racial traitors rather than racial enemies when they first start waking up to what's going on.

They're all traitors, they're all actively working against our interests and the interests of their own children. You don't convert traitors.


Well it will be a hell of a war to kill over 300k intelligence agents who have several assassins on their payroll.

They have families too, surely they don't want their sons and daughters living in an undifferentiated mass of gang raping subhumans.

Tucker's not a moderate liberal, he's a civic nationalist like Trump. I'm not saying that civic nationalists are good overall but they're useful for now at least. Once they're forced to face the fact that equal standing was never an option most of them will come to the same understanding we have.

Of course.
It will be one hell of a war. And I'm the end we will triumph.

I would also like to see a conclusion to this line of speculation.

I never said things would be easy but its fanciful to assume that the amoral fuckers who participated in the kinds of shit these agencies get up to will suddenly join our side.
If they cared at all about this they would have left their positions long ago.

Nice fervor. But how? Our main weakness so far is assuming that we will win simply because we are righteous. This is not how reality works.

We need a vast army, not fancy words and memes. We don't have an army and we don't have the resources or the men to defeat the US intelligence apparatus, or any military police who dare to defy us.

We need to own the palace guard in order to take them down from within. Otherwise as soon as we start getting organized a gang of child raping spooks will be sent to van the ringleaders. I think the main reason the spooks haven't teamed with us is because our revolution currently has no teeth. They see no chance of us winning, so they don't defect.

But why is he calling him a white asshole. This isn't just about recognizing whites between Jews. I'm asking why if he thinks that person is white would he call him a white asshole.

This is exactly why they will join our side. Because they have no loyalty to the jews, they only care about who is the most powerful, and suck up to them for shekels and status.
Even sociopaths care about their children. It's a hardwired genetic altruism that's almost impossible to fight.

My opinion might be unpopular here but i don't think they will "escape" this time.
Thanks to globalism, this time they won't be able to make it. Everyone sane people on Earth is slowly learning about ((( them ))), so they won't have anywhere to go next.

Because it's a deep cover sock account. Holla Forums does a whole lot of psyop work, we are the anti-tavistock after all.

Because being white is very relevant here. He is calling him a traitor, read the comment again, he is saying that he'd sell out his own mother even. This ties into the fact that he's perceiving him as a white traitor and he's saying that he's such a treacherous fuck that he'd even sell out his own mother.

Yes, precisely, and there is absolutely 0 chance that we're going to be able to outspend a bunch of kikes.
And yet they are demonstrably working against their own children's interests and are cognizant of that fact. These aren't stupid individuals, they wouldn't have gotten to the positions they're in if they were and you'd have to be an absolute retard to participate in even the relatively less reprehensible shit like information suppression of the truth about all the anti-white shit going on to not realize you're harming your children's future.


i guess making pacts with demons isn't a good idea after all

We cause division among the enemy ranks. When they suspect each other, fight each other, they become weaker and more vulnerable to attack.

Never happened in the first place. Jewish priests wrote that story when they were in exile in Babylon. It was written for cynical political reasons; the moral of the story is that jewish priests always have power even when exiled in foreign lands.

i thought the moral of the story was that jews will invent problems and the offer solutions that only create more problems while they line their pockets and rob the gentiles of their land and goods

Even if he was, turnabout is fair play. You'll never see left wing pundits interviewing a race-realist, natsoc, or any other extreme right-wing position who isn't an easy target.


Well, that is perhaps the best lesson to take away from it. But the intended moral of the story is jewish priests teaching other jews that jewish priests are always top dog.


Gonna transcribe a bit of this for anons who don't want to watch the video, or at least the parts I found interesting.

If we take the infrastructure of the USA, it wont matter to them who pays them. Jew or gentile. They simply wont help us currently, because they don't think we can win yet. What we have to do is prove to them we are the better leaders for them in the long run.

Yes they are despicable people, but we don't have the luxury of being too picky who we team up with to destroy the jews when our entire race is at stake.


You seem to have forgotten that most of the population actually thinks every racial group is equally intelligent.

leftists want equal outcomes not equal opportunity

If we're at that point these agencies have already been defeated and they can be replaced rather than converted.

I still wake up in sweats thinking about the British stealing my lobster

We will need to control portions of them to win though. They're not all sociopaths, just the higher ups. We need to win the ones who aren't into kid raping, and who were genuinely naive enough to think their intel work is helping the USA.

If this was the argument he was making, and Tucker didn't mention Jewish over-representation, this is one more example of the fact that cuckservatives like Cucker are basically useless.


Wrong, they are. The system is designed to only allow sociopaths to get into those positions.

Ber (yid for bear), Dov (heb for bear), bear etc. is one of the more common jewish name combos in Eastern Europe.
Same with the forms for Lions, Deer, Ewe and Birds (Fink etc).


Even if they are all sociopaths, sociopaths aren't totally emotionless. Besides, they might see more benefit from working with us than with jews who want them and their families dead.

We will need the palace guard to take out the current order. And I believe you're wrong about potentially finding allies among their ranks. There have been many groups which have taken control of small% of dod for their purposes. It happens all the time.

That's because leftists believe in biological equality axiomatically. They believe that if opportunity is truly equal, then outcomes would then necessarily be equal because all humans are equal. They therefore take unequal outcomes to be proof that opportunity was not equal. Their central axiom of innate biological equality is never questioned, because that is dogma.

If we need them we're fucked. Thankfully we don't need them, we need the military which is why Trump rightly shits on the intel community and surrounds himself with generals instead. Again, they don't give a flying fuck about their own children's future or they wouldn't be doing the jobs that they are and actively hurting said futures.


How do we get a military which are civic nationalists? I agree, we do need the military. Their might could easily kill every one of them. But the top generals are filled with pedophiles and child murderers. The jews have obviously foreseen this. Furthermore, once the US army, Navy, and Air Force defect from jewry, we will immediately need to nuke the nations still under jewish control which would pre-emptively no doubt nuke the US.

Think about it, the UK and other jewish controlled nations will right away call for war with the US as a "non democratic nation" and will launch their nukes right away. Securing Chinese and Russian allegiance prior to any real coup would be key. If European nations still under control of jews dare to launch, they will stand ready to obliterate Israel, and the regions of Europe where the nuclear silos are. Alternatively we will need to take all European nations simultaneously. Which while not impossible, is very very difficult.

That kikes lip was about to fall off he was sweating so much because he knows he's inherently wrong. Also (((epigenetics))) the jew-made pseudo science that traumatic events are magically implanted into DNA so that even your children and children's children feel the pain of the holocaust.

Yeah, I guess what I was hoping for was Bearman would actually put up a good argument instead of ruining the discussion by being a disingenuous kike. One second he says that asians are over-represented (and this is bad why?), and then tells Tucker that he isn't advocating that their needs to be less asians in college. These things are mutually exclusive; you can't decrease the over-representation of asians in schools without replacing them or admitting less of them, because the number of spots is limited, obviously. Bearman is just making a shitty argument because he's pretending to be retarded or that his leftist logic is flawed, or both.

And yes, Tucker is a cuck for not mentioning disproportionate rates of Jews in a lot of institutions, but the topic was on california, so I'm not surprised it wasn't brought up. If they were talking about ivy league schools then yes, I would be surprised up Tucker didn't bring it up.

No, they won't. To do so is suicide and they know it.

It's not suicide if they do it during the rebellion itself. The jewish elite have bunkers in Switzerland, their banker pedophile paradise.

The major jew planned hideouts is argentina and new zealand, the southern hemisphere will have less nuclear fallout

I'm not unopposed to working with civic nationalists to stop the bleeding as I did vote Trump after all. We can fight it out with them afterwards through a war of ideas as they are at least well meaning and do care about their children. Stopping the current genocide of our people through blatant anti-white policies is paramount as far as I'm concerned. Besides most civic nationalists will convert to ethnic nationalism if we help them push for meritocratic policies such as getting rid of affirmative action because they'll be confronted with the reality of nearly every non-white working against them.

meant not opposed

Besides rejecting Heliocentricity and Darwinian evolution for ideological reasons, or dismissing the modern scientific paradigm (Darwin, Freud, Einstein) because they are my enemies, what would explain the relationship between sickle cell and malaria other than epigenetics? Not criticizing or shilling so much as attempting to fill in some blanks.

You don't have the slightest clue about genetics, it seems. All-too-common around here, unfortunately.

Argentina is secretly Nat Soc territory, and the jews know this.

I'm not either, but the issue is, civic nationalists are totally unaware of why we even need to overthrow the current order. And that reason is white genocide.

Listen you retard, a kike can't have the holocaust ingrained into their DNA for eternity. Especially since it never happened.

epigenetics is a real thing to some extent, but you can't pass a nonhappening down through your family

It is though, as those who will be manning the defenses against such things aren't going to be interested in dying, no matter what some Jew in a bunker in the Alps says about it.

Thats not really an argument in this case - Jew York and Californication are two of the biggest hotspots of Jewry in academia.


What are you trying to say here, exactly?
Because Darwinian evolution explains the origin of the relation between sickle cell and malaria quite effectively, without need of epigenetic factors.
That is to say, random mutation resulted in increased fitness relative to environment, thus resulting in propagation within the population.

You should add to the infographic what SAT scores and grades jews get. Methinks they do worse than goys on average proportionally.


They don't need to know the correct reason, they only need to know a correct reason and that is ignoring the political will of the people. An attempted coup is coming against Trump leaving room for the counter-coup. He set the framework for this last night at the rally.

Interesting. So you think Trump is genuinely not their puppet?

And what's your brilliant proposal to deal with the spook question? Simply kill them all?

Save from full obedience of the military, we are unlikely to do that without gaining defectors from their ranks.

All jews must die. But goys who worked for the jew should be given a chance to defect, if their crimes aren't severe enough.

I think Trump is trying to maneuver himself into a situation where they are his puppets. Probably not going to be a successful strategy long-term, but it seems consistent with the way he's playing the game.

What is Trump's end game then?

Correct, I think he's cucked on racial issues and I think that he's too old for his thinking on this to be changed but I definitely don't think he's a puppet. He wouldn't be actively attacking both puppeted political parties or be using the kind of rhetoric he did last night if he was, instead it would be your typical partisan shit which isn't what we're seeing.

where's the WEBM?

Do you have source on the rally from last night?


That is a lot of the enemy in elite institutions. There is a whole lot of goy who don't know what devious fucks Jews are and will defend them.

Nevermind, just saw snippets. You may be correct, but we shouldn't discount the possibility that this is a psy op attempt by intelligence to placate the masses from open rebellion.

rally thread from last nigher
Plenty of streams to choose from there, most noteworthy bit as pointed out in the thread is the bit where he says

nigher night here

Slowly phase them out. Turn it around and give them the slow boil. If they complain then ridicule them. Or charges of treason. Wouldn't really be that hard. The ground agents are somewhat brainwashed and it certainly isn't so bad that it can't be changed but any resistance in such a scenario isn't going to be as heavy as you think. Combat roles in the military almost unanimously at least like Trump and his policies. And in any scenario where the country is divided the only real problem will be coming from intelligence communities and the airforce minus their pilots.
At any rate all I'm getting at is there's absolutely no need to worry about the rest of the world, ie. europe/russia/china, in the event that the US were to go even just cucknat let alone full natsoc. No one is in a position to go to war with the US as it stands now or in the near future, not because "da US are best military", but because no one can fucking afford it economically or politically.

Well frankly I don't currently see a course for open rebellion outside of a situation where we have cassus belli like that. If this isn't the case all we can do is focus on redpilling for now which is what we're doing anyways as we definitely don't have an adequate amount of ethnonationalists aware of white genocide for a successful rebellion and an unsuccessful one would be disastrous and likely unrecoverable.

how can you have a runny nose in the summer? weak cuck genes must be purged

Well open rebellion would almost certainly be successful, but we can't underestimate our enemy. It obviously planned for this potentially happening.

We will have to out think them. Our top minds need to devise potential scenarios and optimize in a game theory sort of way every move we make.

I wish I could be clearer but I'm speaking toward people on the right who flatly deny environment has any effect whatsoever on DNA. Whether and to what extent probability calculations describe the relationship between an environment and an organism, or the manifestation of a trait in said organism or its species/subspecies, is one question. For that, the criticism is usually that statistics are of limited descriptive utility given the scale of variables in such an example, and that said it is not working any better than in the social pseudosciences. This reminds me of Newton and Gravity: matter in motion can be described to satisfaction with otherwise pleasing mathematical models, but conceptually speaking 'gravity' remains a metaphor or placeholder used either to temporarily describe "occult" phenomena or introduce distortions into the scientific dialogue for evaluative or ideological reasons. That part of it is clear enough. But what is the alternative model? To my mind, without some notions about evolution our scientific debate about environment and changing organisms is going to take us down to more foundational debates like materialism vs idealism. I have no idea what an idealist would say about the matter other yhan "God did it," which seems terribly banal as an answer.

I see, I knew New York academia was pretty heavily jew infested, but it's interesting to see that California schools are one of the top choices for jews as well. Nice infographic.

Such musical talent.

We might be .1% of the population right now and that's being generous, there's no way in hell it would be.

Please dont let this sheckelmeister make anyone here believe epigenetics is fake. What the jew in the video is refering to is 100% made up bullshit. Real epigenetics reflects certain genes being turned off when not in use to reserve resources.
For example: heat shock protein is produced when the body is exposed to 100+ degrees for long durations. the protein stimulates massive sweating, mitochondrial proliferation, vascular dialation, etc. This is real epigenetics

Same with exercise, after about 6 months of working out, your body will recover more quickly, adapt to physical situations better, and your heart/blood flow to muscles will be more effecient

You only need 1% of the general population in open rebellion to defeat the deep state. And as you said, it may be possible Trump and military who sides with him are anti deep state. With Trump's support it's very likely, without, I agree we have some recruiting to do.

I am suspicious this "civil war" scenario is designed to placate the masses, with Trump being secretly their guy.

Yes, this is precisely what I'm saying but as we're focused on recruiting anyways and have no real effect on what's actually going on with Trump our current course remains the same regardless.

cont. Mind you, I recall vitalism being a thing in the German Idealism framework. But to my recollection vitalism was a hybrid explanation: sort of like, we still have atoms in a void, but rather than them arranging spontaneously into a species, and then an entirely different species with stages of similitude along the way, there is an intelligent design which is imparted. Why, we do not know. How, we can only explain in limited and fallible ways. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Poor memory.

The issue is, the spooks are reading our every move online. Hell, they're probably reading this thread. We can't really reliably gain any control without Trump and the military btfoing them. Only hope burgers have is creating a large ethnocentrist militia, and pledging allegiance to help the US army fight the deep state.

As far as Trump being secretly their guy all along the reason I believe that theory is false is because there's little benefit for him. He was a multi-billionaire with all the sex and money he could want and if he's just a puppet he is willfully allowing himself to be used as a fall guy whose businesses will be devastated and who will go down in official history as one of the worst presidents along the lines of Nixon. Where's the gain?

Now its not impossible that he was forced into compliance after winning the presidency but as far as being a willing participant all along I'm not seeing it.

If people are only organizing online they are making a huge mistake. You can still convince people online, the censorship that is occurring can be used to show how things are being hidden from people which is its own redpill. Any offline tactics should be discussed offline with your core group that you trust without any surveillance devices such as cell phones around.

Yes I suppose. Still I'm not so sure this Trump optimism is warranted. If he is truly their enemy, why haven't they tried to get to him by going after his kids? Seems like something they would do.

Even by their own standards, conservatives are the most well rounded in all the foundations. No wonder they've been working so hard to corrupt conservatism into the cuckservatism we have today.

We all know what needs to be done. I think folks would rather perish than do anything. I understand.

Okay. I am arguably such a person.
Its a question we have quite a lot of data on in terms of this context.
Primarily of interest here is not only the variety of variables in play, but also, the scale of one specific variable - time. Due to the extensive length of time required for evolutionary processes to transpire in a naturalistic environment, not even taking into account the complexity of the processes themselves, and the limited frame in which humanity has been aware of and/or able to examine in any degree of detail (assuming we presently espouse such capacity) these factors, there are, unquestionably, limitations upon human conceptualization of the functional processes that act upon organisms to bring about novel traits, speciation and the like, specifically in the vein of probability factors.
That said, however, conceptually, if not in extreme detail as to fully represent the complexity of the systems in play, these theoretical basises are upheld and thoroughly supported.
At present, there is no alternative model which fits, or rather, demonstrates with a greater degree of support in data or accuracy in prediction.
Seems reasonable to expect such.
I would have to agree.

I'm still not entirely sure what it is that you're attempting to conceptualize, however, this next post

seems like you're veering off into a realm of conceptual theorizing which is too abstract relative to my initial considerations.

If I may be so bold, would it be accurate to suggest you're asking how, if not epigenetics, one who dismisses most modern theories, as to evolutionary development of speciation and the like, would explain the correlation between the sickle-cell trait and the malaria pathogen?
If so, I am of limited assistance in this capacity, as I generally accept the theoretical components of Darwinian evolution.

I'm not sure how to go about finding data on SAT scores broken up with such detail, specifically not wherein I would have faith in the claims of such data.

Indeed. Which is what makes Cucker's narrative so weak here. I'm reminded of that Jew in Trump's admin who got into the argument about the statue of liberty poem with the Cuban media stooge - the narrative he went with worked, arguably, but it was exceedingly weak; whereas notation of the origin of that poem - a Zionist Jewess who hated, amongst others, niggers - COMPLETELY undermines the narrative the Cuban media whore was attempting to employ.

Here, Cucker wanders off into the weeds in the vein of Asians, and its an okay narrative… But, specifically when talking to a Jew, why not bring up the VAST over-representation of Jews in academia - as both students and administrators - when its so obvious and so readily available?
Its ridiculous.
Any time question of over-representation comes up in academia, Jews should be the FIRST clade to which attention is directed… Yet, it always seems they are the last, if even mentioned at all… Which is a shame, because in almost every instance the go-to response will inevitably be claim of Jewish cognitive superiority, whereupon the opposition has provided the most fertile ground imaginable for discussion of the statistical issues in such a narrative, namely, the fact that Jews, even if a heightened cognitive potential is accepted as valid, are so small in population figure as to render the argument of superior cognitive function as the source of Jewish over-representation in academia to be an obvious conceptual failure.

Jews tend to gather on the coasts, or in urban centers.
As such, it no surprise that most of the schools favored by Jews are on either the Western or Eastern coastal regions, particularly California and the Northeastern coastal areas.

I think Asians are a solid angle as there's no additional historical baggage to deal with and everybody knows they're smart. Of course we're >muh PR ing it up here but its pretty hard for a jew to out argue the asian narrative as they aren't in any real positions of power, they cannot pass in any way for white (remember that jews exist in pseudo white state in the average persons mind). They're just smart and if one group is smarter than average then one group must be below average. Its a totally self contained argument that won't be derailed into the minutia of defining what race is and if you're arguing for the sake of convincing a third party the simpler argument is better.

The issue is that this angle is more likely to result in pro-Asian exemptions to affirmative action instead of getting rid of it altogether and then all you're left with is the argument you should have been using anyways this time with no incentive for Asians to help you.

What folks need to get into their heads is that we are past the point of needing to worry about PR - we need to start going for the jugular. The time for soft-stepping around the issue is past, its time to start goose-stepping right up to the JQ, and the normalfags will follow.

The historical baggage is something we need to wade through and get it over with, and that time to put on our waders, prepare our statistics, and pursue the fjording of that bog has come, and in fact, it may already have passed us by.

And, to clarify, what gets under my skin is the fact that these narratives are much more powerful and much more convincing, on several fronts, than the arguments we see people wheeling out.

is simply not as powerful as

They show no mercy. They kill when it suits them. They destroy everything they touch. Nothing survives them.
But let's talk some more.

how long until all posts read like this?

i-is it ever going to stop?

send help

Have you read anything I posted?


I wish Tucker would have brought this up as a counter-point to chinks are statistically over-represented.
I saw updated versions of these floating around earlier in the week - also saw one about top 1% income, media, and corporate board members. Any kind user save them?

Its like they are born to lie

this is more important, but jews are making real SAT scores and any objective data on actual performance of jews in academics (read not circular logic estimates or selfselected samples or subjective hiring and election practices as jews like to cite) a mystery and its hard to get a big picture

Aspergersfag here, didn't think the day would come but I'm actually beginning to understand body language.
Notice how this effeminate numale bastard keeps talking fast and blinking a lot, whereas Tucker by comparison is not when he gives his input.
That's a classic sign of overstimulation while in a situation where you have to defend something and it only gets worse when you know it's bullshit. As an autist trying to learn how to read nonverbal cues it's all too clear of a giveaway that the thick rimmed glasses moron is shitting his pants trying to defend his nonsense.


And these jews consistently get lower test scores than Europeans and Asians but are the largest minority group at Harvard.

whoops forgot the link.

You are quite correct. I tend to approach things philosophically, and so I apologize for trailing off. My own interest here is twofold. First, as someone who also accepts a significant chunk of our scientific heritage being factually on track–or at least more epistemically defensible than creationist claims and the like–I am troubled to see "the right" tangled up with what I can only describe as Christian anti-science sentimentality. And I see this basic feeling and its justification in some supposed natsoc posters who say that, in spite of the fact that Germany was the scientific capitol of the world, prior to WWI, oversocialized persons are to be considered corrupt, decadent, urban as opposed to those fine yeoman farmers who make all the children and produce all the material goods. Are such people saying the vampire class made Germany's scientific prowess what it once was? It is very confusing.

Second, I have been searching for some ideas about when and how science became "Einsteinian" or modern in a negative sense. I've looked into Enlightenment ideas about masons pulling a rationalistic and anti-subjective wool over our eyes. I've looked at how math conceals and uniquely justifies any and all hegemonic claims. I've read about government investment in science and the promise of spinoff technologies ala Vannevar Bush. And the way science relates to democratic procedures, how scientists are not uniquely qualified to pronounce on matters of public policy even when they involve sciences. Nothing satisfies me that we're living in a matrix such as our political and social one.

All I really notice are tendencies toward secrecy and compartmentalization, and groups of people making decisions about what is true rather than good old Popperian falsification. The SSK model of concept change in science is ideal for the JWO, but instead of unleashing potential to create endlessly it seems to be just a bureaucratic smokescreen to apply as needed.

I know I'm all over the place, but it occurs to me that were we to be serious about taking our civilization back we might want to get this scientism thing under control. Plus Varg has been posting videos talking about how we must return to barbarism because the toxic soup of industrial civilization is giving rise to threats more powerful than our known natural history conveys. I can't help thinking not only is it too late to do that, but environment can ill-fit us for survival just as badly, I imagine, as one more natural and unmolested.

the jews weren't even slaves in Babylon. Another bullshit hoax they made up to increase Jewish clannishness.

err. Natural environmental pressures can cause us to be as ill-fitted as we are to an unstable artificial environment. *

These people have to be holocausted

Environment does have effect on the DNA but environment doesn't effect an individual’s DNA it effects what DNA is passed down

Its a mistake to view them as our mouthpieces, they are civnat mouthpieces. We need to elevate our own people, issue is that there's noone worthy that's risen and that by the very nature of the board we'd be likely to pick at flaws of anyone who tried to a point that noone is likely to qualify.

That is one jewey looking jew

I've done these kinds of network interviews, you rarely get to see the host. Camera on you and an IFB in your ear.

does anyone have a link?

yo, am I the only one getting this?

This was really good to just let this guy talk and go into greater detail about his point of view. He is talking about precision social engineering: when affirmative action results in too many children from Group C attaining status, then we need to tweak the knobs of society to disenfranchise Group C by x% in order to make room for now "underrepresented" Group D. He's unironically a villain in a typical speculative fiction drama who's certain that through total control he can engineer a better world.

Like the way Tucker stopped him on "What do you mean by—(((underrepresented)))??" And the Jew actually explained that he means there are too many of them!

The video is down Do (((they))) know?

Its gone, the great youtube shoah continues.

Video got memory holed. Anyone have another source?


This. JewTube is actively killing this stuff as quickly as it's posted. We have to save everything.


if you guys, or anyone in this thread, have the video tab still open and able to play:
download fraps or some shit and record it. post it here as a webm or mp4. otherwise this may be lost for a while.

Can't we contact someone over at Fox Jews for the clip? Wouldn't it be buried somewhere on Fox's site?

I think I just found the segment:

you fucking stupid faggots
I've kvetched about this kind of thing for too long for this shit….

Here's an embed. This will be a good lesson in ripping webms for you newfags.

as a side note: more and more people are using this fucking epigenetics argument that wouldn't believe in it even just a year ago if jews didn't tell them that it exists because of muh holocaust trauma. it's pretty funny that this is even a thing, since this goes against the germany mechanical death machine trope. how can you transmit your epigenetics if you die in the showers or drown in the community swimming pools?

Anyone have a better embed than this without the shitty ads? The original was removed.

I don't mind education subsidies for poorer minorities. Good role-models help maximize potential & incentivize education
Jew tho…. those nepotistic fucks

No see this isn't genetics, this is epigenetics. The argument is that just going through the trauma of knowing your people got attacked is enough to damage your entire people epigenetically.

More to the point, nobody fully understands the effect of epigenetics on inheritance as it relates to behavior in populations. Anyone ascribing anything to "muh ancestral trauma" ain't doing science.


Had to add - there's a tremendous amount of illogical thought connected with epigenetics in popular usage. It certainly works in, for instance, plants in which you can easily influence patterns of chemical changes to DNA and histones in tissues *which are slated by the plant to turn into reproductive organs* and it's perfectly sensible to expect that those changes are carried along when the cells undergo meiosis to make gametes. The progeny plant inherits those changes.

All good and fair. Humans don't work like that. The cells which make your gametes are set aside from the start and have fundamentally divergent expression patterns from the bulk of the cells in your body. If you undergo stress responses which alters gene expression throughout your body, it is *possible* for that tiny subpopulation of cells to be affected, but by no means a sure thing.

Point being this is cutting edge stuff, poorly understood and characterized, and anyone who tells you anything is because of their epigenome is quite literally bullshitting you with Big Science Words to win the argument.


Then they're stupid, did they not see what happened on the 11/9 last year? We have teeth and we are already on a path to victory, if they're too dumb to see that then they were too dumb to be of any use to us anyway.

What happened on the 11/9? You mean the Berkeley riot thingy? How does that imply we're dangerous?

I'm very interested in this idea. I understand that Antarctica is generally off limits to anyone but scientists. However, if one were to go there and lead a secret expedition to find Antarctic Nazis, would or could the government even try and stop you? Can you go to prison for doing that? Also, Antarctica is huge, larger than the US. Where would we look to find them?

oy vey they shut it down

==hey== faggot
do something yourself for once instead of begging for gibs mes like an orc

Already happened. Fucked by their communism. They can go to the fucking moon.

youtube purged the video

The kike establishment is built on the 3 weak pillars of:

1. Jewish Federal Reserve
2. Jewish Media
3. Jewish false-flags (liberty, 911)

Expose these and their empire will fall

Extreme poverty. That loops back in on itself, forming a Catch-22 of Extreme Poverty.

Any genetic life, by definition of genetic, is an adaptive adaptation engine. If it has to rely on genetics alone to attain adaptation, that is one shit fuck poor life.

Sickle Cell Disease, the genetic 'cure' (patch stop-gap measure that also induces male infertility and makes 1/4-3/4 of all retarded nogs even more retarded) is not epi-genetic. SCD is heterozygous / hetero-allele. That -genetic-, literal gene, by definition. Not epi. Try again, again.

t. angry at a shill

This stupid kike sees Asians and non-Jewish whites as an ethnic threat.

Jews have a complete mastery of the English language and an uncanny ability to sway the Goys with emotional propaganda that lacks and logic.

Simple, we use mustangs and warrent officers instead of high ranking comissioned officers.

The former enlisted types are less likely to be involved in the high up corruption as their specialty is dealing with things hands on, ie like an enlisted man. Anybody who is O-6 and above in the DoD needs to be looked at, O-5 and above for Marine Corps.
O-7's and up with remotely any ties to people who are in bed with Sorros need to just be black balled.

That occurred to me, but I wouldn't have brought that up. His argument was that Asians weren't historically oppressed, yet over-represented, so they should be taken down a notch. He would simply respond that Jews were historically oppressed, so it's okay for them to be over-represented. It'd have gone nowhere.
I'd have grilled the jew more on 'the intent' of the law. Told him that we are governed by laws, not intentions.

Checkout a youtube channel called "Natural Nobility." He posts some interesting stuff on this topic.

While I would not use the Asian route Tucker could have easily mentioned detention camps during WW2 and such if he was already that angle anyways. I mean they were justified but it'd definitely have made the kike sputter all over his words.

They have a million justifications for anything, and unless you want to dissect their entire ideology in a 7 minute broadcast, you're going to have to go with pithy remarks. I guess you're right, it would have been worth making the jew say that the Japanese internment camps weren't that bad.

Video is gone.

Pure (((cohencidence)))


this is the fate of all youtube videos that appear on Holla Forums. At least it died a quick death.

Anyone have the URL?

They removed the video.

I truly despise jews with every fiber of my body.

No. Fuck you. Burn. Them. All.

Go do it then. Post about it back here when you're done. I dare you.


There exist none unblemished. Not even I. None can weather the Storm.

I wanted to, but there's no chance of it. The standard is too high and nobody measures up.


It's really unfortunate that the founding fathers' words have been twisted so much by the left. They meant all men, white men only, are equal under the law. As in, there is the law and it applies equally to all men. There are no special groups of men to which the law does not apply.

It has nothing to do with all men being equal in all ways, or that they were somehow saying that all men are physically or mentally equal, which is obviously not true, and couldn't be legislated into fact anyway. Nor did they mean that all men were guaranteed an equal outcome or success, which is also impossible to legislate, despite what leftists are trying to ram through with disastrous results.

Leftists are as bad as niggers when it come to latching onto a phrase, completely misunderstanding it, and then using it over and over in the wrong context, thinking they sound intelligent and morally superior.

Listen to any nigger "professor" from places like Evergreen College, or politicians like Maxine Waters. They spout ream after ream of nonsense which sounds suspiciously like things they've heard white people say, but they regurgitate them all wrong and in the wrong context. It's obvious they aren't actually thinking much, and just rambling things they think sound smart, when it reality it sounds like the bullshit it is.

I'm sure if you just look up Tucker from a few nights ago you'll find the clip or the whole show.

We got it here now user.
I should have looked further in the thread but I spurged out as it was tits up immediately when I tried to play it.