Openly anti-White Bioware BTFO

Openly anti-White Bioware BTFO
Holla Forums how will game journalists damage control the inevitability of Manveer Heir shooting up Bioware HQ in the name of Isis and BLM?

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Obviously they will argue that just because some people choose Renegade doesn't mean all of them do.

That made me laugh more than it should.


I have no idea what bioware is thinking by employing an idiotic asshole who openly presents his racist opinions on public media. Is it fashionable to employ racists suddenly?

Absolutely they're just more vocal about it now.

It works for Hillary Clinton.

They just wont bring any attention to it.

Or something something power imbalance something white supremacy something violence justified against oppressor so its fine.

Will this treacherous cunt ever be behind bars?

Mass Effect was always Halo COD level trash.
Who fucking cares.
Razor Fist is hilarious by the way.

How are they BTFO ? I ain't clicking a direct link.


If nothing else, Razorshit is good at putting Marxist retards in their place. I'll give him that.

Actually i'd say yes.
If you're SJW or anti-SJW, people will rally behind you if you're racist.

Look at any SJW site, they will openly support people that shit on whites.
Look at Holla Forums or any anti-SJW site, they will openly support people that shit on non-whites.

I'd say that the next step for both sides will be to become more and more extreme in their divide until there's nothing but people openly calling for concentration camps for everyone that they don't deem worthy, or that has different opinions than them.

It's sort of a natural evolution of the "us vs them" mentality that is escalating as bitterness builds up over the years.


This is what the communists wanted.



Well… in most cases there's generally a distinction between niggers and respectable black/etc men.
Although, the point that one of those far outweighs the other in terms of visibility… means there's a higher number of posts relating to one of these categories.
Also, racial realism isn't racism, it's rationalism, and to say it's racist is to be illogical in the face of facts.

Some retarded kike writer that was born in Russia and moved to America.

Are you retarded?
Even GamerGate, the group that came straight out of Holla Forums, started caring about PR along the line.
No anti-SJW group was publicly racist. Nigger jokes don't fucking count, shit you shitpost on a chan doesn't count

This. I absolutely loathe niggers and wish nothing but death upon them. However, I know and am even friends with a decent number of upstanding black people, and they're totally fine. It's like comparing Tom DuBois to Stinkmeaner. The former is alright, it's the latter that needs to be removed.

It is, in fact. The definition was twisted enough to make it cover racial realism.

The definition should be "racial prejudice" instead.

(((Gary Shteyngart)))

Just curious, but where would you put a hypothetical uncle ruckus?

Everyone is racist because everyone has prejudices, "positive" or "negative", doesn't matter.
Racism, just like sexism and any -ism is a natural human state.

Well shit
I suppose you could just call it racial rationalism.
As it essentially means you're approaching racial issue with the mindset to not apply emotion, or prejudices, and to only apply logic to the issue (this also means identifying patterns in said data).

On one hand he tries to be an upstanding member of society and hates niggers, on the other he hates respectable blacks, too. I can't really blame him for not being able to tell the difference with how uncommon respectable blacks are, but eh. Genuine racism against upstanding black people is an actual problem, but not one that exists in modern western society at the moment.

You don't understand.
Racial rationalism or whatever you want to call it IS racism by this definition.
Applying logic and not emotion to the issue IS racism by this definition.
By twisting the definition in this way they effectively made anyone wanting to study the differences in race from a biological standpoint a racist. An outcast who will never be taken seriously and nobody will ever publish.
If you stray from the concept "every race is the same" in any way, even if it has evidence, even if you apply logic, even if it's been proven true again and again and again, you're racist.
That's what they did.

is this fag in Edmonton?
maybe time to pay Cuckware a visit

That is a good answer, user. You seem like a reasonable individual.

You mother fucker.


Let's dox those cucks for fun gamergate troll RAPE cis army.

Wait, what? They changed the dictionary definition? Pretty sure even last year it was still "believing that another race is inferior and should be treated worse than your own".
But that's a scientific fact. There are different races, that have different racial characteristics and abilities specific to those races. This is fucking SCIENCE.

I guess it's time to report him to the FBI. Can't have another Orlando on our hands.

The same way they're currently labling a bigot anyone who attempts to do research into mental issues.
Homosexuality, for example, is a mental disorder, and while some people prefer that lifestyle, it is something that needs to be researched and investigated. As a disorder, it is theoretically curable. Over and over, they rant that homosexuality is not a choice and that you should respect people born that way, but what if it was a choice? What if homosexuals could walk into a clinic, have a treatment done, and walk out straight? By shutting down all discourse and even thoughts towards researching a cure, homosexuals are denied that choice. What about the faggots who don't want to be faggots? They will never get that choice because of these regressive retards that refuse to accept that anything can possibly be wrong. The same applies to anyone with a mental illness/disorder that suffers for it, and that's not even getting started on how fucked homos are (hue) from a statistical standpoint; more likely to be infected with horrible STDs, more likely to die young, more likely to be murdered, etc.

You know when I think of uncle ruckus I kinda see someone who was taken to the other extream, he want's to be an upstanding person, but he hates everyone that is black, even people like Du Bois.

If anything he is the black version of a "Nu-Male" been told he is worthless and that his kind would be better off not existing at all, yet he takes it to heart to win the praise of the people telling him these things.

I mean literally, just switch out Black people with "men" in general and you have feminist nu-male.

Ah, I see what you mean.
Yeah, but logic says they're wrong, and that their opinions are illogical doublethink.
Although, that's what their entire ideology is supported by so it makes sense they're attempting to subvert logic itself in favor of emotion based doublethink.

True in some regard, but a prejudice is based on beliefs garnered from shit like hearsay or social influences… so this belief is NOT garnered from experiences or empirical data.

Personally, I'm a faggot moderate and I try to be as objective as possible or admit when I'm wrong to reconsider the available information… as I've witnessed from my own personal experiences that blind emotionalism leads to extremism.
Although, due to the empirical data I still watch my back around blacks until I'm sure they're not niggers - as that's what the facts say is the rational decision (decision made to enhance survival that solely rooted in logic, and empirical data) - due to the commonality of said race being affiliated with social groups (not to mention their culture itself) that encourage the committing of homicides in my country/state.

Homosexuality could still have a genetic factor. A bilogical urge to suck dick for example. If you're too gay you don't have kids and your bloodline ends. If you're only somewhat gay you could still bang a wife and pass on the gay genes.

Though I'm pretty sure it's just learned behavior. In the 1950s people were lynched for it. There's a huge amount of fags now because it's socially acceptable

He literally justified both Orlando and the BLM sniper attack. But he muslim. He probably going to get away with it pro terrorism tweets.

What the fuck are you doing here cuck, did you accidentally type 4 instead of 8 on the address bar?
Don't try to push your agenda here. The TRUTH is that humans are naturally "racist" or it's actually called ethnic nepotism. The TRUTH is that there are different races, which have different levels of intelligence, aggressiveness, and other traits in addition to differences in appearance. The TRUTH is that different races are biologically incapable of getting along.

now i'm on this guys side, (although i don't like his methods) but one video isn't gonna blow anything out. chances are you'll see more videos calling him a "internet bully racist misogynist bigot trump supporter" because that's an easy solution for self-hating white idiots

By looking at the comments, it looks like this guy is big enough to have a fanbase. At least a direct attack from other smaller faggots will be silenced by this faggot's lil fags.

Good luck saying that in public and not getting slammed everywhere for being a racist. Those studies will NEVER be taken seriously again as long as liberalism controls the media.

I doubt it, but I'd be interested to see if it's possible. I don't think it'd be an absolute cure, maybe something that has a certain effectiveness rate

would save everyone a lot of money to bring them to a morgue. terrorist generally aren't american citizens so i don't feel there's any obligation to give them a fair trial

Are those numbers right? Didn't the Soviets try to remove all religion, Abraham's included?

Since when are most Jews religious?

Correct, a mental disorder is something out of the norm that doesn't conform to our known standards for how the brain operates; hence things like behaviors, sexual orientations, etc can all have categories of "normal" and "usual".
Although, the issue itself is a deep one, and probably ranges from pheromones, hormones, social environment, to potential genetic factors.
As you stated though, those who even want treatment can't have it because anyone researching this now "offically" dubbed "normal" behavior would be dubbed "usual".
If that's not fuckery then I don't know what is.

It wasn't until Stalin that the Jews were pushed out of the Soviet government apparatus.

Stalin, as shitty as he is, BTFO of the kikes using their own game.

I get shitting on Bioware and Manveer Kebab, but I don't get how people can watch this garbage. Razorfist needs to kill himself.

Well, almost every biologist will admit this truth if you ask them about it. It is the scientific consensus, their research just is ignored by the media and governments.

I have no problem saying the truth in public.

Yes. The source is in the picture. It's pretty common knowledge that the Soviet Union during Stalin was almost entirely run by Jews. Not a surprise, since the revolution was entirely lead by Jews (as have most communist revolutions in history been).

And no, they didn't. They made Christianity illegal and closed all churches. But practice of Judaism was still allowed, and in fact criticizing it often resulted in a summary execution by a Jewish commissar. Anyway, most of the kikes were atheists. However, even atheist and religious Jews work together towards their common interests. They always put race before religion, which is honestly the smart thing to do.

For most of his rule the Jews had the real power in the Soviet government. He was paranoid for reason, he knew they were going to have him killed, how could they let a goy have the chairman status. So luckily he purged them later.
This, though, lead to a lot of the Jews jumping over to the west, unluckily for us.


Well duh, user, that's what the empirical data says.
You're simply misconstruing my statements, and applying your own emotional preconceptions to them to form an enemy where there isn't one.

I've never seen a study about that.
Care to enlighten me, or point me in the direction of resources other than "google it"?

No. Laws are for poor people.

its funny how over the last few years this administrating has made me less and less tolerant of other races and religions than i ever was in my entire life

Most likely.

Or she's gonna be taken by "illness" first if she gets into office so the vice can take over.

I don't think it's just hillary that needs to be behind bars. The people "under" her and above her need to hit the slammer themselves.

Yeah, that was weird. Like they shut down every church but left the synagogues untouched.

Even Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, a nobel laureate who lived through the worst of the Soviet Union even said it was the jews.

No user, I never took you as an enemy, aren't you the one making a mistake here? I know you weren't disagreeing with me. I was just making a point, at this point I no longer care if some cucks think the truth is racist.

Of course not, that would truly be "politically incorrect" of scientists to do research into such a matter. It's just the logical conclusion that you should come to, after understanding that different races are very different from each other instinctually and behaviorally. I guess more accurate would be to say, we should not try to get along with other races, because it is far more difficult than getting along with members of our own race.

This is why even leftists want to live in white neighborhoods. They rant about open borders and diversity, but they want all of that to go to the poor whites neighborhoods.

Ok, I just noticed this.

Time to report him to the proper authorities.

He is actually the most famous historian in Russia, and had published many worldwide top sellers. Then, he wrote "Two hundred years together", a history book about the history of Jews in Russia. Oddly, the book was not published outside of Russia. No publisher wanted to do it, even from such a prestigious and respected historian.



I can only imagine Stalin's face when he realised that Hitler was right all along near the end.

I wouldn't say they're incapable, since with enough force you can get anyone to play nice, but here's a close enough study:

Adding coals to the fire.


Webm that shit.

what the fuck is a "snowquester?"

That's the faggot that shits on Kojima just because muh popularity. Shits on New Vegas while singing praises of Fallout 3 and liked that one shitty rogue game with the orc right?

There will never be a bottom to the cuck rabbit hole

We didn't get our Patriarchy membership card yet so we're not privy to know.

Would have been a sight to see.

Unable is exaggerating

Unwilling is close to reality

Rather not is the truth

No, you don't get to lump all "brown" people in with sub-human sand niggers. Mexicans don't kill in the name of imaginary friends.

let me guess, some lazy made-up insult like cumskin.

How long have you been here user? I've haven't seen that reaction image since 2014.

This reads like something out of a GTAV website. This reality's fucked, I'm outta here.

Came over here first exodus, was a 4fag since 20

I like the first game. Second one is acceptable. Everything after that is complete shit.

He also acts like Fallout was always a Bethesda franchise, sucked off NuDoom and defended Dude Sex Invisible Wars as well. Like Star Wars prequels too, He's the definition of "edgy contrarion man"

Yeaaaaaah. I really don't get this angle of his at all. Sure I agree with some of what he says his video about Michael Jackson was pretty good for example But the moment the fucker goes full contrarian for its own sake he loses me

The key words there are "inferior" and "superior".
By that definition, the belief that each race possesses characteristics, abilities or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as different to another race or races - is not racist.
Whether or not those differences lead to superiority or inferiority is another matter entirely, and not relevant.

Where does he live where white people attack him that much(and use "snowquester")?
Something happened in his past to affect him?

There are very few observations you could make that can state differences without implying any inferiority/superiority between the two, and there is no rational reason to say that could even be the case.

I'm convinced that social media is the worst thing to ever happen.

The Internet started out okay but turned out to be terrible

Tracer Tong was right

He was born a subhuman and this makes him upset. Sour grapes and all.

Here's the WebM for everyone with taste.

I'm laughing at this retarded poo in loo. Like he has to staple himself to sandniggers and niggers so he can use their race card. There's a reason nobody cares about him and sandniggers are more than happy to behead Hindus as a pastime.

Can you imagine the salt we'll mine when ME4 comes out and is an even bigger disaster than we could have ever imagined?

Did they ever show any gameplay?

lol "gameplay"

Yeah they just kill for drugs and pleasure.

At least they kill for real reasons. Like white people at hockey games.

Think about how pathetic leftist parasites have become that even Razorfist can tear them a new asshole and be completely in the right to do so.

So is soccer a reason or is deciding you want to chug Tequila while driving a reason?

Dip shit that's South Americans.

You're all spics.

Ok. That has nothing to do with the original point chromosome hoarder. Get your shit together.

It has everything to do with it. You want to pin the paltry sum of people who die in hockey riots on whites, then you fucking deal with the tremendous pointless death your race causes.

can this guy speak any faster? Like what the fuck I spend the whole time just looking at how his mouth expression changes so fast and being impressed that I didn't get anything he said

If you want to call faggotry different, sure whatever. But science has yet to actually prove a gay gene or some hormone defect happened. And this was when they actually tried to find some method of a cure including the extremes of electro shock therapy. A faggot is just a faggot. Go back to Holla Forums

Also, faggots are found in the animal kingdom as a survival instinct response or for society communication. Learn shit outside your fucking containment board.

PR ruined GG.
They turned into liberal redditors.

For fucks sake you stupid faggot, webm that shit. Or upload it to



I'm sure they always were. A lot were more outraged with the botched awards. GG ironically was extreme diverse and diversity as we already know is actually a weakness like that Harvard Putnam study proved.

Faggot burnouts nearly ruined GG in Holla Forums. And than we have faggots like you still around thinking gg needed to be a muscle like the Unions or feminists. If anything, gg lucked out not turning into that shit and anons now just support the cause from the shadows. Anything that needs to be called out on is. It's why gg scares sjw to this day.

I'll say this much, his obnoxiousness and verbosity become much more bearable (cathartic even) when it comes to one-sided issues such as this. I still don't trust him as a reviewer, though.

Typically I find most metalheads to be fucking annoying, but I agree, his style is actually refreshing when directed at anti-whites

Quality resource, and quite interesting. thanks user.
I can attest to the results found in the study from experiences IRL, and this is due to the variety of places I've lived for a sparse amount of years per local.
It seems areas with less diversity have an overtly better aptitude for volunteering, being neighbor-like, and general community involvement; in addition to my own willingness to take part in these.

That's the issue with movements like GG. In order to win you have to mobilize the centrists and gather "useful idiots" to fight for you, but when they end up outnumbering you, it becomes their movement and not yours. Perfect example of this is Sarcuck of Akkad: he was useful at gathering followers and attacking leftist publications, but at the same time he was preaching leftist viewpoints.

Curry in a hurry.


go fuck yourselves

I have the original

But it is different by definition, and not the dominant sexuality; look at the fucking statistics.

No, user, you didn't understand my post, and furthermore I was not advocating for lobotomizing or forcibly change anyone's sexuality; I stated for people who want a treatment can't get it.
In addition to that I was merely stating the facts, and didn't have any emotional bias in that post.

niggers detected and reported

what do I do?
I'm black

Same thing we're doing: race-based nationalism. Join/found a black nation for black people.

Believing in gulags is like believing in holocaust.

Get educated, get a good job, and improve your community til they have no reason to act like idiots.

Encourage other blacks to do the same. Don't blame some faceless conspiracy for your shortcomings, get out there and be a man. or a woman who isn't a bitch to people.

This, in general, is how all races and humans should act.

the realization is sitting right in front of his nose but his nose is too big to see it quite right.

Your race is like your family. Genetically they are closer to you than any other. Right now your people have a sickness that is preventing them from raising themselves out from their own filth. Return to your homeland and take as much of your race with you as you can. Try to build something great. You'll probably fail, but there's no shame in striving against fate.

Yeah good luck with that.

and some people are born into shitty families, like most black folks

That separates people into groups and increases the conflict between civilians, when they should be rebelling against the rich instead.

Long term, each race has to improve their own community, but that doesn't mean segragation. In fact trade between other nations or groups (not the conquering type like muslim nations) leads to appropriation of values considered to be good by each group/nation.

right now, what's happening is there's a division between whites and blacks, when whites have a ton of values to give blacks that they need in order to advance, like work ethic, respect for the law (as in not robbing a store because "fuk da police", however this doesn't mean you should respect politicians who try to pass in new laws to benefit them alone or laws like that), and the stiff upper lip (in that you don't sperg out at every instance and act trivial, instead containing your emotions when you need to accomplish a goal or work out a plan to succeed). That shit.

We can learn from eachother, bounce off of others and actually test our morality and way by mingling with other races. there is no need for outright segregation, only caution.

leftypol please leave

Liberia was actually a very successful country for decades before it fell to a native uprising.

All of these benefits can be achieved with separate nations, and without any of the strife caused by multiculturalism. No one is suggesting a complete isolation of the races, only separate governance. Each ethno-culture is best ruled by its own members.

By god i'm not suggesting globalism, I'm rebelling against the opposite.

You need a balance. Nations with sovereignty yet an exchange of ideas between each. Basically the shit we've been doing. Through this the whole world can improve, but with a one-world one-nation system, nobody benefits but the very top.

In fact i'm suggesting exactly what you are. I'm just tired of these fucks using that to start a fuckin' race war. BLM does it all the fucking time, hiding behind some excuse to reduce race relations.

Instead of telling people to "go back to africa", a place that no black in this country can survive in for even a fuckin' week, we need to improve race relations, and not the way SJWs like BLM are doing.

Instead of blaming the police, tell the black man to stop being a little bitch, actually support his community with the riches he has, and instead of rioting, how about you work like everyone else instead?

Just don't act like a nigger or associate with niggers and everything will be fine. You'll probably be called a sellout, oreo, Uncle Tom, etc. but you'll get the last laugh when they get shot over an ounce of crack while you're living an honest, happy life free from bullshit.

You have to go back, Tyrone. No, I don't care about your white admixture.

But you do seem to be suggesting a future for America with both whites and blacks in it, which I think is untenable. Like the Kurds, black Americans are a long-standing culture that will never achieve peace or adequate representation without independence. It doesn't necessarily need to be in Africa any more than whites need to go back to Europe, but I don't see continued co-governance working. We can get along and respect each other much better as separate sovereign nations than bickering housemates.

bleach skin, change your skull shape, get a hair transplant.

congratulations you are not a sub-human.

or kill yourself nigger :^)

honestly this was the answer I was expecting

Have you tried not being black?

You don't understand Jamal, as long as the wellfare state is on, most blacks will be completely dependent on the system while blaming whitey for not making them millionaires. I don't need to tell you that this system pushes them to the life of crime because they always want more.

On the other hand if we pull the plug and tell all the barely literate niggers to go out and find jobs if they want to continue eating, we'll have riots on a scale that'll make the LA riots seem like a little kindergarten fight. The result of both of those is a lot of violence between whites/blacks over stretches of time, eventually leading to two choices, do you imprison the majority of blacks for most of their worthless lives and ultimately continue the cycle of wellfare or do you permanently end the cycle by removing them from society altogether in some way? Some would argue that ending their lives in the west is somewhat more merciful than dumping them in Africa.

I can deal with leaving successful nigs whose children might inherit their good work habits but since sometimes these "success genes" get lost down the line, their breeding needs to be controlled if we don't want a repeat of the problem in the future.

polite sage because video games

Yeah, I know you're trying to pull the "noble bigot" bullshit, but you're telling a big percentage to fuck off to africa.

Do you honestly think that'll fucking work?

Look, just because some rich fuck funded a small hate group and bribed the media so he could make a distraction for the higher ups doesn't say shit about culture.

for god's sake, you know shit all about black culture and plenty are willing to get along. The people in BLM are literally mostly rich children who are told to be mad all their lives, with no direction, and with a constant re-nforcement in media to ensure that the majority of each generation ends up hateful and uneducated.

Whites have role models like pretty much any famous white in history, but blacks are taught to forget their past, not by their own parents, but by the media itself.

BLM is a media propagation designed to distract from the elections and injustices committed during them. As soon as the elections hit and are finalized, BLM will fade off if they're no longer needed to distract blacks or create an on the ground direct-able force.

For god's sake, don't you have any sort of understanding of politics? racial targeting does not work. National targeting does. Right now there's a dozen conspiracies to destabilize the US from the inside and cultivating race-baiters like you is one of them.

Destroy not your fellow man but instead the men who rule you.


webm or fuck off

thank you for not being a jewgle cuck

yeah because I'm sure funding a fucking sealion instead of funding a private investigator REALLY helped :^)

goygate became a joke when it started telling people it was a consumer revolt that didn't actively boycott the people shitting on them

The crime statistics do.

The same argument can be applied to moderate muslims but in both cases this doesn't eliminate the overarching problem with both demographics.

What past are they taught to forget exactly? I'm not being snarky, genuinely curious.

You're on the money with everything else you wrote about BLM.

Well when you starting giving awards to a nigger for being a nigger in office, it kind of has that effect on you. Also when said nigger defends his own criminal people and others for actively trying to ruin this country.

And so, what, your solution is to tell a bunch of people to fuck off to africa?

That's exactly what I was arguing against.

What the black community needs is a fucking cult-debrainwashing, a campaign for good values and de-fetishzation of criminal acts.

You tell blacks to go back to africa, they won't, and they'll worsen. You force them and you'll fail because others will stop you, I don't care how much you want it to happen because it plain won't.

You have to live with your countrymen and stop trying to segragate. You need to actually fucking teach, you dumbass preacher of retarded things that will solve nothing.

Jesus fuck, stop it with the genocide boners for a fucking second and THINK THIS THROUGH.



And just because I'm telling you to stop segregating, doesn't mean you should EVER force diversity.

It's that kind of fucking "with us or against us" mentality that comprimises communication, because you assume anyone who's being critical of you is against you.

For god's sake, stop making assumptions.

Practicality is a secondary concern. The major question is, which scenario would provide the best outcome for all parties involved? Studies have repeatedly shown that "diverse" communities lag behind monocultural and monoethnic ones:

The best option would be a world of nation-states determined by shared race and culture. There could still be international cooperation and trade between nations, but the important thing is that the everyday life of individuals would be in a monoethnic society.

doing gods work

I just find it funny that EA preferred to work with this guy instead of Anita

I'd send back the ones incompatible with the western way of life which just so happens to be quite a lot of them.

Who exactly do you think will stop a government removing dangerous elements from society? Thugs who don't even use sights?

Also as said, humans are tribal and race matters a whole lot more than ideology on a basic level.

Good luck getting anything done, retard. Practicality determines if you can or cannot solve something through an action. It's literally the first thing you consider.

Yes, they do. I'm not arguing against naturally segragated communities as they do get shit done on a city level, by a country itself cannot remain undiverse because outsourced workers from poorer countries are more feasible for big business in cost.

As a country grows, it will be mono ethnic, but as it becomes big, it will naturally become diverse because other people from smaller countries will want a piece of the pie. This is not a bad thing, but you have to be wary of, well, basically muslims.

get a good wife and take responsibility choice any race you want to marry into

If you're thinking immigrated muslims, you're right. Immigrants from other countries that do not respect the one they go to need to leave.

As for integrated blacks (aka all of BLM), no. They are american citizens. Deal with that by improving the communities that cultivate them.

The difference between each, by the way, is that muslim immigrants come from communities that we cannot improve. BLM and the like are our failures and there's no passing the buck on that.

More will pop up if you don't solve the black community problem of lack of morals and criminal fetishism. Bill Cosby is exactlt right, it is literally the rap music. They are the blacks' role models.

Not if subsidies from the government exist that encourage companies to hire locally.

No user, chink immigration in Australia has led to most of our farms and real estate to be bought out be foreign nationals. Most young people now have to rent their housing from their asian overlords. This is not how things should be.

Get it through your head that I'm not talking about just BLM here, I'm talking about generations of black families that have only been a drain in society with their actions. The culture of gibs is partly responsible for that but educating them about how they should stop being lazy fucks while keeping the option of getting free stuff open will never work.

Wasn't Omar an American citizen born in America? Is a mouse born in a stable, a horse?

You're mostly right except that you're mistaken in thinking that whites and blacks are genuinely part of the same nation; in reality we are two separate nations living in the same state, with severe consequences. The strife between our two nations has caused our only civil war and virtually all of the worst examples of unrest and mass violence. Tens of thousands have died pursuing the "one state solution" to this problem; how many more must die before you're willing to try the two-state option?

And no, I'm not telling them to "fuck off back to Africa;" they can have the Mississippi Delta or some other traditionally black region. Pic related shows good discussion ideas for where a black state could be located at least.

Holyshit this thread, I honestly don't care about anything going on besides how fucking funny this is, but this is definitely saving after today.

I think it'll work for me and my kind and I don't particularly care if it works for yours.

The rich fuck is only a part of the cause. The fact is, this kind of stuff precedes Soros' funding. Race riots are not new, there's just been more of them more frequently than any time since the 1960's. Public education and collegiate education of blacks has trained them to as a culture externalize all blame. The welfare system has taught them to externalize all personal responsibility. When you think society is wronging you or has been wronging you your whole life, what do you owe it? It becomes easy to use your feeling that someone else owes you as an excuse to take what you want by force. Of course it doesn't help that commercialized black culture lionizes such behavior.

On a macro-scale this has happened massively in the black community. There may be biological reasons as well (i.e. higher levels of testosterone, less development of the prefrontal cortex, less/no neanderthal lineage), but this creates a climate where blacks are more likely to lash out against society by committing crime. This is a problem for blacks as well as whites. Although most interracial violent crime (per capita) is perpetrated by blacks and committed against whites, most crime is intraracial (likely due to proximity). The black-on-black homicide rate is ridiculous. Because the average black (poor or not) has been taught that society owes him a debt, he sees to it to exact that debt by taking from those around him, by whatever means necessary.

Because it suits them best. They know there is nowhere near as much upward mobility for them in a non-white society. Furthermore, they're held at a premium if they, unlike most blacks are intelligent and well-mannered, because in a society that "values" diversity so much that it has been enshrined in law, the intelligent well-mannered black friend is one of the rarest and most socially-valued commodities on the planet. They are net drains on the tax system: soaking up welfare, causing crime, and causing social disruptions. There is no reason to want them around in aggregate if you're not black. If you don't value not appearing racist, there is no reason to want them around individually either.

What you'd call hate is actually the result of being educated. Soros is only pulling fuel on a fire. If your shit wasn't on fire to begin with, it wouldn't matter.

What is February? What is every single contrived "conversation" (one-sided lecture) on "race" ever held on television? What is St. Martin Luther King Jr. of the American public education system? You niggers won't shut up about the past. If you did, we wouldn't be in this situation.

No such thing.

Black: What is 1960? What is 2008?
White: What is 1968? What is 2016?

It works, tremendously well. The only problem is that the majority that has gone untapped for so long (and declined in number as a result of policies designed towards that end) still has yet to be directly invoked in recent memory. Races are nations in diverse societies. As with nations, proximity breeds conflict.

I'm going to invoke a famous quote here: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you're not allowed to criticize." I can criticize the wealthy all day and all night, and I can doxx myself while doing it, and no harm will come to me. No one gives a shit if you want to LARP like a commie. If I were to criticize a protected class: blacks, jews, muslims, native americans, gays, etc. as much and do the same, I would get lit up. People would call for me to be fired then they'd do what they could to make sure I don't have a job again. The only end to the harassment I'd face would be when they were attracted to another example of a heretic against Equality. So it would seem Equality: the myth of you being me with slightly more melanin is itself the culprit. Who does Equality serve? The anti-white. The horde that votes Democrat, among which are all the groups I've mentioned and more.

nigga c'mon. these are serious issues. Can you shut the fuck up and respect the fact that people are addressing them.




Fuck you I want voluntary segregation. You're just cucked because you're a nigger and you've never known what it's like to be in a vibrant community of your own people. I really do recommend it. Every restaurant serves the food you grew up with, and if you're lucky, you can catch a live musician. Downtown is insanely comfy, but if you want to buy something you'd better know spanish. The sea attracts all the pretty girls during the summer, which is an excellent time to round up your buddies and start kicking the football places it shouldn't be. And if you fail at the beach there's the club scene, but dancing skills are key. Fuck I'm getting sentimental. Build negroland mang, you can have this sort of thing for your own people.
song picks up at 4:11
Fruitstands are a gift from god

Which companies will bribe against and it won't happen for a long time until corruption is uncovered enough to give governments an incentive to not get caught being corrupt assholes.

Then figure it out in Australia. We're talking America here.

And so you never try, and so the cycle continues, faggot. You don't want a solution because you want to complain.

If he's a hard working man I don't care what skin color he is because he's american. Generally we should keep muslims out, though.

The biggest question here is why, if the South was so racist against them for so long after slavery, did they not fucking leave?

I can almost guarantee that not even the worst KKK members back in the day would have lynched a black for LEAVING.

apparently Holla Forums is for political discourse now


ohh of course, we just have to tell them to stop being lazy

why hasn't anyone ever thought of this before

Would you want to leave your ancestral home? Most to this day prefer to live where they are, though many did seek out the industrial jobs that became available in major northern cities, hence modern Detroit and Chicago.

If they were poor, they were poor primarily BECAUSE they were in the South.

Under the assumption that every asshole in the South was massively racist against black people, the best financial decision would have been to leave the South and go to an area with less racists, or at least less overt racism, i.e. the North.


Non white immigration hurts all western countries you silly goose, the effects of sandniggers are just the most obvious and life threatening.

What's that? You need mo money fo dem programs? Niggers are just about to get their lives on track? Forget Africa, just kill yourself.

Bet you think mexicans who send money back are ok as well.

The discussion is legit and interesting. But this just isn't the place for it

These threads have always been containment for off-topic and shitposting; better here than everywhere else.

But fair enough in this case since there actually is a Holla Forums thread on this Gawker Cuck thing.

I'd figure the poorer one is, the easier it'd be to leave the place, since you don't have many material things keeping you back

Be a black man, not a nigger.

>Who was the fucking fresh prince

That's why lots of people diferentiate between blacks and niggers

poor guy, told niggers to stop acting like niggers and it didn't work out

A subversive communist plagiarist womanizing degenerate who believed in armed self-defense (but not the divinity of Jesus) and played the negotiating role of "good cop" in arranging for political change to the benefit of the black community in the same sense that African American Studies departments played good cop to Weather Underground to secure their funding.

communist women beater

white people need to be purged.

git gud nigger.

An alcoholic nigger who beat his wife.

Well since the whole thread has gone to shit already, I might as well ask here. Is there a way to play Dragon's Crown on PC? I had it on my Vita but I lost the game


Can we delete OP's link?

It's not about someone agreeing to your politics or not. I don't agree with Martin Luther King's ideas, but I can at least recognize that the guy had actual inteligence and civilization, which is more than what any actual niggers in politics have.


It was a joke, nigger.
Nice dubs though.

Was there any political figure before the 21th Century that wasn't alcoholic or beat his wife?

You're kind of right, he was a bit of a nigger as well. Nice double dubs, user.

Communism isn't politics, it's cancer, commiecuck.

So you are the kind of anons that Holla Forums dismisses as "Holla Forums pretending to be us"?

Niggers and black people can fuck off and make their own country for I care. I don't support communists, cuck.

He had enough intelligence to plagiarize his way through college. That's about all the good I can say about the man. He was an opportunist. When people complain about Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton driving around in limosines, stirring up shit, shaking people down, and then driving off, then go on to think that King wouldn't have done that, they're lying to themselves. These men were close associates of King and they knew his racket inside and out. He would exploit the energy of blacks who were frustrated at being stuck in areas they made shitty, who then had enough agency to try to organize (mostly the Black Panther Party and the Nation of Islam) and present his ideas as a "peaceful alternative" to that, which they were in that they were capitulation for white society. He was making a name and wealth for himself by being a professional communist agitator, he was civilized in name only.

i don't watch this guy at all, although i've seen a few of his videos. Sometimes he makes decent points, but the sheer degree to which he vomits his self-righteous opinions everywhere as though they're unassailable universal truths and he is unfailingly correct about everything ever all the time is infuriating. If you want me to respect you, you need to seem like a rational, logical person whose subjective thoughts aren't more sacred than holy scripture. It doesn't help that his posturing and far overblown aura of hostility is exceedingly obnoxious.

Something tells me than in reality he's a miserable faggot who hates life and has nothing to show for anything.

Both are faggots. No compromise.

I don't either, "definetly Holla Forums infiltrator pretending to be Holla Forums because we Holla Forumslacks keep it up to ourselves and don't want to indoctrinate other boards"

I didn't know about that. I'm quite ignorant about what he really did in private, so I'll read more about the subject.
At least he actually read something if he plagiarized something.

If Holla Forums pretending to be Holla Forums is completely indistinguishable from Holla Forums, why bother making the distinction?



The definition that you find on Holla Forums isn't real user. Pick a dictionary Sometimes


Or maybe you should look up the people you prop up as black heroes you braindead liberal, I had to put with MLK propaganda in fucking elementary school. You give niggers a worse image with that shit.

Because whenever somebody calls out a retard appears saying things like the ones said, the say "muh Holla Forums dindu nuffin, it's da evil Holla Forums pretending to be us, we would never go and indoctrinate another board, we keep it to ourselves!". So I wanted to be sure abut that.

I'll watch that video later. Thanks user.

[citation needed]

Get over yourself, research the retarded shit you spout.

Laughing so hard at this. You actually believe capacity and complex behavior isn't dictated by genetics? You actually believe that all which is required of the lesser races, indeed lesser species, is a more coordinated effort?

How do you reconcile all twin studies to the contrary? How do you reconcile genomics demonstrating the influence of genes on complex behavior? It's not up to the single successful nigger to magically uplift his race as millions of superior yet misguided whites have been trying to do for hundreds of years. He's fucked. His race is fucked. There is no solution for him in his lifetime, and to believe or counsel otherwise is the ravings of a powerless madman desperately trying to control a situation beyond him.

I'm not a liberal at all.

I admited I am very ignorant about Martin Luther King (I'm not from the USA, so I didn't really know much about him outside of what the media told me), so I apologize for that.

White SJW's widely show that agency is more important than mere genetics. They're dumb as fuck despite being white and "educated" in general

Oh god I need to stop leaving /k/ and Holla Forums

Absolutely bullshit view of history which isn't supported by any serious study of it.
In all places and times it has been like this, with or without your le porky meme. There is no way for you to reconcile this as conspiracy. Ethnic ingroup preference will always reign supreme over any intellectual ingroup you try to shill. Deal with it.

Superb meme. Agency is genetics. Like everything else it is heritable, and it is also highly correlated with IQ. I can smell the reek of a basic bitch on you, so I know your only avenue from here is pretending all higher education is equal, pretending that self-reporting equals reality, and pretending that the frequency of SJW retards is ubiquitous. Watch this video, and then jam the suppository of the entire field of genomics up your sophist ass.

That's the first youtube video I've enjoyed in awhile.

Wew lad, bet he's compared Trump to Hitler too, even though he's said something closer to Hitler than Trump ever has.

So basically the personification of Holla Forums

I'll watch that video, thanks for the info.

I thought western history education got about as bad in Western European countries with USA corps peddling 'USA' culture everywhere now, a good dose of poz and self-hatred grooming. Hearing about the shit krauts put up with always pissed me off.

Homosexuality was in the DSM until ((activists)) bullied them into removing it. The same thing will happen with transsexualism & transvestism.

There is absolutely no gay gene. As you say, if it were genetic the gene would eventually cease to exist due to those possessing it never procreating; instead it only increases. There's been plenty of time to discover "the gay gene", it doesn't exist. You can either deem it a mental disorder as it had been for centuries or come up with some other theories that are not related to genetics.

I heard a theory that homosexuality is related to a parasite similar to one that manipulates behavior in cats (I think it was cats) in order to spread itself faster. Even that's more plausible than the failed genetic theory.

Out-of-Africa has been mostly used by to obfuscate or deny human biodiversity rather than the opposite. It stands on shaky ground.

I mean, if you look back that far in history in which human ancestors were all concentrated in a supposed modern-day-Africa portion of a supercontinent I don't know if you could even call those lifeforms "human" or even call the area Africa.

I think there's a lot of mental gymnastics involved with Out-of-Africa to the point that it can probably be dismissed as Afrocentrism. (revisionism favoring blacks, colloquially known as "blackwashing" or "WE WUZ KANGS")

Not exactly proof.
Our understanding on how the brain works was extremely limited until only the past few decades, so saying that it should be considered a mental disorder just because it has been for centuries is just straight up retarded.

Did you read the rest of the post? If it's genetic why does it increase instead of decrease over generations? It's something that greatly lowers if not entirely destroys any likelihood of procreation thus it isn't passed down GENETICALLY.

Saying it shouldn't be because politics and feelings is worse.

The parasite you're thinking of is Toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is a particularly interesting parasite because of the way it propagates itself. It infects mice and alters their brains to be attracted to the smell of cat urine. Because the mouse unwittingly is attracted to mice, the infected mice are quickly eaten, which allows toxoplasmosis to pass its way on into the cat. An infected cat will in turn spread the parasite through its feces which exposure to has the capacity to (somehow) pass the parasite on to humans.

It seems plausible that it could be the cause. I think another plausible explanation would be that it's a defect caused by women having kids when they are later in life. I remember hearing a finding once saying that your likelihood to be gay increases dramatically based on the number of older brothers you have. Obviously, the sex chromosome the woman passes down is X no matter what, so there might not be a mechanism to make the number of brothers you have an intrinsically significant value, that's all based on what kind of sperm the dad is firing. It is possible that the hormones at play in the woman's body when she develops a son alter the development of future sons, but I'd have to study it further. But the number of older brothers you have implies that you were born later therefore you had a less fertile egg than your predecessors. We know a woman nearing menopause giving birth to a baby tends to cause a number of problems, including possibly autism. The post-pill generations obviously had a tendency to differing parenthood until they were on economically sound footing (i.e. until their late 30's or beyond), which has caused a marked increase in all known traits associated with female infertility. People like to argue that the reason why (dedicated) homosexuals are more prevalent now than ever historically is because the culture changed to accept them, but I'm of the opinion that the technology change allowed the culture to change to create them in larger numbers than ever before.

>. Because the mouse unwittingly is attracted to cats*

So, companies are now ANTISHILLING against their competitors now?

Aren't there FTC rules about this?

Fuck the black community, it's useless to try and save them at this point. Be your own example of a good black. Get educated, get a good job, have kids, raise them to not be niggers, and live a good life. All you can do. Try to find a like-minded black. They'll be great friends, rare though they are.

Good luck, my fellow American.

Women having children at a later age increases likelihood of offspring having Down Syndrome & a myriad of other negative effects so that could contribute, but I dunno; it doesn't seem to be effecting just people with older parents.

I thoroughly believe it's a means of population control & there's no doubt that it is being promoted. Statistically, it is a suicidal "lifestyle".

The best way of "improving his community" is by being a good example to them. Just handing out money won't help, so you're right.

Nationalism is Spook
And you fags are my property

Just to clear up the "somehow", cats often clean themselves by licking. Eventually they'll lick their butthole at some point, which will lead them to spread feces and the parasite all over themselves. After that it's a simple process of someone petting the cat and transferring the parasite to their mouths via food of simply licking their fingers.

Toxoplasmosis is extremely dangerous in pregnancy, as it can cause problems in development leading to health or mental problems. In adults the effects are basically unnoticeable. One study linked infection with increased promiscuousness in women and increased aggressiveness in men, although there is no clear evidence that the parasite is indeed the cause.

video games?

Kill yourself nigger

more like
nationalism is a same
and you fags are my sames

webm related

That is giving him to much credit. He wouldn't have sucked off nuDoom otherwise. The online opinion which he wants to agree to disagree with it depending on who saying it has more of an affect on what his opinion is than the game itself.

He is basically Holla Forums with reddit-tier opinions.

What even? There is no such thing as hockey riots lol. You're thinking of football hooligans. Never have people rioted about ice hockey.

No my property now go ahead and drink my cum

You think that we fucking care if you niggers live or die?

We don't

search for hockey riots on google you fuck


So, cuckchan, then?

You'll never get such an honest discussion in any other forum. To me, this place is pretty amazing.

This is a problem in the west but it seems the Chinese scientists give no fucks. They pretty much outright say it.

This but not only that but it's even accepted in mainstream science that IQ is almost entirely hereditary. The child will almost always have an IQ that is the mean IQ of the parents. I might as well outright say it, that blacks wouldn't be such a problem if they stop their worst from breeding and only allow the intelligent to. The ghetto trash push out twenty while the intelligent seems to only have one or two at most and the white trash are the same in this regard. This is why constantly in the media you see articles about the national IQ dropping across the world. Things like welfare and such has made it easier for the worst to survive at the expense of everyone else instead of naturally falling to natural selective pressures. Like others have said in the thread, race functions in a sense like a family through breeding and closeness and natural pressures over time gave raise to certain traits that are impossible to ignore. One being very relevant to current events and that is the Olympics of black sprinters and white/asian swimmers. Even then, physical ability in modern times is not extremely valuable due to how advanced humanity has progressed. It was no doubt of exceptional value in the prehistorical and early ancient past but no matter how hard you train your body you're not going to be able to beat the guy who invents a laser cannon to shoot at you in a fight. So I'm going to say it, giving up on eugenics was the dumbest thing we've ever done but seeing how modern society thinks so little about the severity of sex that creates life but ironically whines about rape (but only from white males?) which is nothing more than non-consensual sex, babies, basic morals, marriage, and personal responsibility that they can just trash everything with rampant apathy or edgy excuses for "freedom" that end up hurting society and themselves the most, now might be the best time for eugenics and get it over with. Most people of any race shouldn't be having children to begin with especially if they lack intelligence and most of all personal responsibility i.e. virtually every modern leftist.

Except you have no fucking past and absolutely nothing to be proud of.

Fuck off back to Africa nigger

The African continent is incredibly resource rich. When Europeans colonized it, they were able to build a first world civilization all across it with the natural resources of Africa. The only reason Negroes themselves can not do it, is that they are unintelligent.

different races are already different groups dumbass, ones that evolution itself separated.
Other races have no place or future in OUR lands.

Literally eugenics.
I support this idea completely

Not an argument.

But it's not indistinguishable at all, you are either
1. merely a retarded person and can not tell the vast difference
2. have never been to Holla Forums
3. are pretending they are the same because you yourself are a Holla Forums subversive


Out of Africa is not considered truthful by vast majority of scientists or historians. It has been proven false long ago, some others already provided evidence about this too.

Europeans have been in Europe for tens of thousands of years, and before that they were in Asia

So is this ia thing Canadians do or something? I have never seen this happen in Europe

Go back to reddit


No, you're thinking of Brits. And French. And Slavs. And Spaniards. And Portugese. And pretty much every other European nation too small or irrelevant to remember by name.

They did? Especially during the World Wars. It was called the Great Migration and led to the black populations in most major American cities today.

So Holla Forums is a nigger?

Fucking retard made me sad.

Just don't call yourselves men.

thats assuming they even know who the fuck a razorfist is

Communists tend to ignore or write of "identity politics" as being against their class basis for things.

Sage for not video games.