96 Year Old "Auschowitz Guard" Deemed Fit for Prison

Ex-Auschwitz guard, 96, fit for prison: German prosecutors say


I can't wait to hunt down any Jew who ever served in the IDF and charge them with war crimes for the next 100 years.

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i thought it was 8 gorillion jews

Poor guy.

Where is her sentence for murder of the entire nation and whole europe?


Jews inherit the holy hoax. There will be indirect deaths until the last jew dies.

Dr Weinberg concurs

Merkel is a puppet for Jews. Jews are the ones who will be held responsible.

It says he was a guard in the headline and at the bottom he suddenly was a bookkeeper.
Those accusing him can't even get their lies consistent.
Also fuck my country for imprisoning a 96 year old man and letting thousands of shitskin criminals of the hook because "muh feelings".

Your people are intentionally being invaded and destroyed. It has nothing to do with feelings you dense cunt.




Don't worry Hitler, soon that picture will be more true than false.

One day soon we will hunt down subversives in the same manner. The staff of every NGO, every poisonous academic and teacher, the rotten media and mercenary political class. But they wont be imprisoned, they will be tried, found guilty and liquidated so that we may live once again. It is our destiny and it is right.

Hope he has been using the time wisely to limber up the old rusty bullet hole.
Mohammed and friends are going to run a train on him.

This. Never, ever forget what these people do to /ourguys/ that fall into their power. No mercy.

I for one have none left in my heart.

It always boils down to sodomy with you kikes, doesn't it?

Oh sorry Abdul, did I trigger you? I know that you prefer goats.

You would actually be surprised by a lot of the comments

Someone ought to draw a comparison between this guy, who was only a guard, and Joshua Milton Blahyi (General Butt Naked).
The Liberian civil war only ended in 1997 but a reconciliation committee already pardoned him for the murder of 20,000 people.
Where are all the Guardian articles about this, still relatively young man's crimes going unpunished?
Where's the Jewish outrage?
Where's the SJW outrage?
Where's the UN outrage?

Literal open admission to the cold blooded sacrifice of babies on top of mass murder totalling 20,000 men, women and children.

OP, there won't be a single kike left on this planet when were done. They will only be imprisoned when we think they have useful information, and their hands and balls will be removed the day they arrice in said prison.

Jews don’t care about gentiles. No amount of pointing out their sickening hypocrisy will change things. The only way things change is with iron and steel. You can’t reason with the unreasonable, you can’t get a fair deal out of a fraudster.

Dubs confirm. You forgot your meme though, user.


DEFEND YOUR FUCKING COUNTRY! If you give a shit, stand up and fight them! Fight the kike, the mudalime, and the traitor! What do you value more, your life, or your VOLK!?

Fuck you you dirty vile faggot. There's nothing funny about this. Looking at that mans face almost brought a tear to my eye. This has to end.

Another random guy they throw in jail to remind the goyim of the muh 6 million. I bet that in 30 years they will still find people to put in jail for being a guard.

Anyone got dox for all members or previous members of the IDF, ADL or similar jew filled group?

How about the second generation guard is just as guilty? Just like "second generation holocaust survivor"?

We need a Germanfag to go interview this guy and gather more documented evidence against (((them)))

That's what I mean, it's gonna happen.

Apparently, the old fart came out on some talk show to talk about the horrors of the holohoax he totally witnessed from his accounting office, and that's how they were able to find and prosecute him in the first place. He's getting what he deserves for being a treasonous cunt, tbh.

Meanwhile everyone who leads Germany will be put to death for blasphemy when Sharia Law takes over Germany. Funny how the victor determines what is deemed just.

Probably attempting to get out of being imprisoned for the remainder of his life. That'd be some good information to get on film before this guy dies.

Reminder he will serve '4' years for 'accessory to murder' 300,000 counts. This was likely a part of the deal

Erste Staatsanwältin Kathrin Söfker

Tel.: 0511 347-3106
Mobil.: 0172 9112335

That's a certainty, but he should know better than to trust a kike.

There are so few of these guys left, to miss out on the details of his life would be a waste no matter his treachery.

In addition, if you get the story of the 'deal' he made on film, then it's good evidence that there was foul play to further the narrative.

Merkel is a jew herself.

Was the doctor a kike?

this happened with jew commies that ran concentration camps in Europe. when a nation wanted to extradite the jewish community cried shoah and said forgive and forget! they were just following orders!

these stories used to be on the net. they are gone now.

the kikes don't want the world to see the hypocrisy of nazi hunting while (((They))) hold a double standard for their commie criminals.

No proof except her Kasner name and some other ancedotal evidence. It would make sense though.

isn't there a statue of limitations for shit like this ?

Do you have some documentation of that? I’d like to be able to turn every single aspect of the holocaust around on the jews that I can.

How many fucking times do we have to tell you newfags?
Welcome to the jew world order, where the rules are made up and the laws don't matter.
Nothing changes until every jew is dead.

It's sad that the old manis getting locked up, but this guy was a stupid motherfucker. He appeared on a documentary and talked about how he had witnessed atrocities. He brought it on himself by A) lying and supporting the kikes narrative and B) trusting the kikes to leave him alone after he shilled for them.

Staatsanwalt = State's attorney by the way

Kasner is a fake name, her real family name is Kazmierczak.

Changing name is a typical jewish thing to do. Her polish ancester did have alleged some suspicoius jewish sounding names.
Despite what wikipedia writes her grandfather did fight against Germany in first world war:

The German chancellor's Polish roots
The family tree of German Chancellor Angela Merkel has caused excitement in Poland. Her grandfather Ludwig Kazmierczak was Polish, and fought against the Germans in World War I.

The Poles have developed a soft spot for German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The reason: According to the largest Polish daily "Gazeta Wyborcza," her grandfather Ludwig Kazmierczak was Polish and is believed to have fought against the Germans as a Polish soldier in 1918.

Despite the name change, Rychlicki said Merkel's grandfather stayed true to his Polish roots.


Die Wurzeln der "Aniela Kazmierczak": Merkels Opa kämpfte gegen Deutsche
Angela Merkel, von Beruf deutsche Kanzlerin, ist eigentlich auch eine Art Polin. Immerhin hieß ihr Großvater väterlicherseits ursprünglich Ludwik Kazmierczak und stammte aus Posen. Aber das ist noch nicht alles. Wie die "Gazeta Wyborcza" nun enthüllte, kämpfte eben jener Großvater im Ersten Weltkrieg vermutlich sogar gegen das Deutsche Kaiserreich.

Als Beweis hierfür dient ein Foto, das Zygmunt Rychlicki, ein 79-jähriger polnischer Verwandter der Kanzlerin, ausgrub. Das Bild zeigt Merkels Großvater gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Margarethe vermutlich im Jahr 1919 oder 1920. Dabei trägt Ludwig Kazmierczak mit stolz verschränkten Armen die Uniform der sogenannten Haller-Armee - einer Einheit von Polen, die in der französischen Armee gegen die Deutschen eingesetzt wurde.


Go and watch the interview he gave the BBC. At the very end of Auscwitz: A Warning From History, Groening delivers a few words that sound like remorse. He even admits that he saw gas chambers with his own eyes!

Except the Beeb hired a kike translator. Groening never mentioned gas chambers. They just stuck that in in post-production. You have to listen close, because they're dubbing him, but it's definitely there.

LOL : is the evidence reliable after 70 years?
also, is it not immoral to let a 'suspect' live in uncertainty for 70 years?
The right to a fair trial has exited the windows in an unseen before show of speed. breaking the actual wall where the window was located.



"The Geneva Conventions guarantee combatants the right not to be put on trial for fighting in a war – unless they commit a war crime (a grave breach) or other crime (e.g., captured behind enemy lines out of proper uniforms or insignia while carrying out espionage or sabotage operations). Most held under the Geneva Conventions are not accused of a crime and therefore it would be a war crime under the Geneva Conventions to give them a trial. "

Do you have a source saying that? I'd like to show it to someone who told me "he admitted that he saw gas chambers".

Were SS Guards combatants? Before the war they were police.
Waffen SS were combatants, member of the Wehrmacht, German armed forces. In the war there was some overlapping.
As for war crimes, I think one has to distinguish between individual motivated ones and ordered ones. After the war it was declared that “following orders” is no defense, more motivated by the wish to hang Germans, then law. Soldiers are oblitavistockd by law to follow orders by threat of the death penalty. Interesting was that the Allies employed the same executor who already served in that position in the third Reich, voluntarily and paid.

In the end it is a travesty of justice, someone wants his pound of flesh, regardless. See the case of Demjanjuk, forged evidence had to do it, after the very loose rules could not nail him.

even if they are not a soldier [court martial or tribunal], they still should have the right to a speedy trial.

After 70 years there is no evidence left, even the victims are likely dead already.
It would be more humane, to have this man come forward and tell his story.
He is living history.

All German POW in the SU were convicted of a “crime” like “illegal immigration”. I kid you not. In addition the SU quit the all conventions about land warfare and the Red Cross in the 1930, as well as Japan did.
The USA claimed German POW are “disarmed enemy personal”, and Geneva, Haage, Red Cross would not apply to them, see Bracque.

Adding filters was clearly the best idea the mods have ever had.

I think haaretz published an article the other day about the rural Swiss being Nazis.

They removed the statue of limitation for murder, explicitly to be able to prosecute “Nazi crimes”.
Groening et all, were not accused to have personally murdered a single person, or being directly involved in murder. His “complicity” was being present in one of the camps. The murder had not be proved in a single case because they are “self evident”. If his defense would have tried the not unusual defense in murder cases, that there was no murder, no corps and the state attorney failed to prove a single murder, well then the defense lawyer themselves would land in jail, for “holohoax exposure”. Did happen.
A perfect catch 22.

Real-time post forgery.