Late-Night Comedy Writers Frustrated They Aren’t Persuading Voters to Hate Trump: ‘I don’t want this job’ was...

Late-Night Comedy Writers Frustrated They Aren’t Persuading Voters to Hate Trump: ‘I don’t want this job’ was the general feeling among the writers on the panel who were apparently exhausted that their oh-so-clever writing is failing to win over Trump voters.

Adding that he found Trump’s presidency “exhausting.” He said it was not fun keeping up with the never-ending news cycle.

Nangle, apparently without any sense of irony and self-awareness of her industry, said Trump is “unearthing part of our country that people didn’t know existed” because “there’s so much more hate and resentment than we possibly could have imagined … This man didn’t come out of nowhere.”

Hollywood celebrities have been some of the most vile and unhinged during Trump’s presidency, with many envisioning violence (including murder) against Trump.

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And? Why wouldn't someone do what they could to destroy their perceived enemies, regardless of what their perceived enemies think about it?

Fuck them. Colbert right after the election said they need to tone down political talk because they were all butthurt, but ramped right back up the next fucking day. Typical kike behavior.

6 months into a possible 8 year stretch. I know libtards are really good at self flagellation and love to get pushed around, but how long until they start suiciding?
Also, lol at the picture in the article a bunch of women on the panel. Maybe there is another reason they aren't funny or persuasive?

Well no shit they would. All of (((Hollywood))) shilled against Trump and failed miserably. It turns out the general populace does not give two shits about what celebrities actually think only that they dance like monkeys for their amusement and this drives them nuts. They think they're royalty but they nothing more than mere circus animals.

Can't forget during the congressional election too. All of (((Hollywood))) shilled for that kike with all their publicity and shekels and he still lost to that retarded lady.

This is the most fun I've had in YEARS and were not even a quarter of the way through this 1st term


Wait, they were going after Trump voters?
I thought they were just preaching to their braindead libshit audience.

I'm hoping after this year, going in to 2018, with all of the media crash and burns happening right now, we get a less liberal-skewed media and some honest right wing comedians in the spotlight.

Just look at these fat sows, jesus christ, no wonder comedy isn't funny anymore. Look who's writing this shit.

Genuinely this. If the goal was to win over voters, a good start towards it might not be smugly attacking them.

Yesterday the show Rick and Morty began its 3rd season. After it aired I saw lots of complaining on social media about how it wasn't as funny or how it felt like something was missing. Then someone compared the credits from their previous season and this seasons and found out all of the show's writers are now women and most producers are now women. A lot of blue pilled people got a little taste of their equality diversity shit infecting their favorite cartoon. They didn't like it.

Imagine when your notion of "fun" involves putting on a strap-on.
They really have no idea what enjoyment is like.


Network and pay TV is dead man walking.
And the disconnected (((hollywood))) elites are speeding that death up by alienating half their viewership.

The jew cries out as he writes shitty jokes about you

how much do you think these kikes pay to get their Colbert/Oliver vids on the front page of youtube?

Nothing, they own the whole thing anyway.


You guys really think these faggots are gonna last another 10 years? You think you're still gonna see faggots like Colbert and Fallon dominating late night television? No. It will be a Holla Forumsack up there.


How many scoops?

Pretty much hits the nail on the head here. Why would anyone be convinced when it's the same act time and again? Perhaps people aren't going to be convinced when the only song you play is Trump is a big mean poopy head constantly every episode because the narrative is tired and drawn out and isn't convincing anyone new at this point. Also, way to admit there's some serious bias against Trump by suggesting your coverage is exclusively about Trump, whereas your coverage for Obama was a small fraction of the week. I know that a lot of dumb people use the Colbert Report and the Daily Show in place of actual, real news, but I don't know any right leaning people who even watch these shows. How do they intend to convince Trump supporters to hate Trump when they're not even part of the viewership?

At this point I just can't believe these "people" that seem so shocked by events.

There are plenty of left wing people out there that can explain exactly why Trump won, even if they're extremely anti-trump.

But these people in the Hollywood/New York bubbles are scary when they are so disconnected from America that they can't even concieve of a reason why this happened.

How can you be THAT disconnected from America? I'm sure you can talk to the god damn street vendors you walk by every day or talk to the janitorial staff and they'll tell you, you elitist motherfuckers.

Every single day I have to see that smarmy cucks face on the front page, with his shit eating grin. He needs a punch in the face.

This. I can imagine even non-Trump supporters getting tired of hearing the same shit over and over.


You answered your own question, but I realize you know that already. It's simple. Big city upper middle class people and of higher means do not talk to peasants, particularly is so-called flyover country. The fact that a majority of America is even labelled as flyover country is living proof that these people think absolutely nothing of the bulk of the country, and live an extremely sheltered life. You think some dumb spoiled cunt with an English, Communications, or God forbid, Women's Studies degree who got her job through nepotism and Affirmative Action gives a shit what some working poor white guy from a steel town thinks and feels? People like that don't exist to them. They assume the lights turn on due to magic and robots, and they have expensive condos and apartments unfortunately, due to those problematic construction workers who don't actually work that much and catcall innocent women most of the day. Also, robots and magic.




Late night TV won't even be a thing once the boomers die off in those ten years. It's over. The internet is the new playground of influence and kikes may own and pozz all the major websites but that just makes it more obvious to normalfags the truth and disgust of censorship and PC bullshit and the fact is that people can just go to the literally billions of alternatives. It's not like the old days where you only had a couple channels and all of them were controlled by kikes.

I can't believe this kind of entertainment is going to go on for 7 and a half more years. It's absolutely wonderful.

Gee, it's almost like the (((night show comedies))) strayed away from making fun of Obama because he was the savior of all mankind and recipient of totally earned nobel peace prizes because he was a kenyan nigger and won a (((historic))) election.

Just saw the episode. Fuck me, shit was mediocre.

They thought the could use television as a 3rd party to host a struggle session nation wide.

Q: Name the winner in the 2016 presidential race
Q: How long does a United States Congressman serve?

It's right there in your own rulebook leftycuck, rule #4


They wholly believe they are on the right side of history. They feel like, if they can just make people see their side of the story, then people will agree with them and denounce the hatred.

They cannot comprehend that what they are actually doing is smugly telling people what to believe; they legitimately believe that their word is law and anybody that does not agree is an angry, hateful bigot.

They are bigots with delusions of grandeur and a serious inferiority complex. Children tasked with writing scripts and gags for TV today. Why do you think TV subscription is falling by the day? They are so disconnected from the average citizen.

Award winning horror film? Get Out
A movie about casual racism and a warning about dating white women.

Another horror film recently produced? ''The Bye-Bye Man'

Are you fucking kidding me?

Have any of you guys been to a comedy club recently? So many cucks and faggots. Nobody ever says anything of real importance. It's always about being a virgin (if you're a dude) or a skank if you're a girl seriously one girl I saw literally just read her tinder chat logs, being unemployed, DBUMBF, and other assorted good goy topics. Everyone's afraid of not being PC. That being said, they're extremely easy to destroy and made to look like the lame fags they really are, and I advise all anons that are so inclined - to start infiltrating the comedy scene. Comedy clubs are ripe for redpilling.

Damn, that's a good idea. How to write jokes? I have done stage acting before and I'm comfortable with public speaking in front of a crowd, but I really don't have a big funny bone.

Fucking this. Comedy is the start of cultural change. A good comedian is not afraid of society's self-imposed rules on politeness and correctness. All of the funniest comedians in history are hilarious BECAUSE they push the envelope. Challenging peoples' beliefs is always a good way to get a funny, shocking laugh out of a crowd.

Trump has 3.5 years of easy trend-setting against the people who hate him.

Check out the full episode - it's a good critique of modern comedy. It's called DethKomedy

Betcha if they were writing for The Holla Forums Show they would have fun.

webm related

And here we see the real purpose of these shows: Brainwashing gullible college kids and other libtards.

I'm sure you enjoy taking the strap-on like a good little cuck though.

Maybe if these guys had actual fucking JOKES instead of the constant stream of snark and holier-than-thou bullshit, people would pay more attention to them. I'd guess that the number of people who voted for Trump just to spite these faggots were enough to put him over in a couple states. It's nice to see they're wearing themselves out

Well if any of you faggots are in BC just remember what happened to Guy Earle and we have a socialist green government now.

People who identify with leftist politics are literally NEVER funny. Ever.

probably has to do with the fact that funny things usually have a kernel of truth to them and leftism is pure lies and bullshit




I pray to get into a self defense situation with Amy Schumer.




I know a half dozen female comics that would make her look like a tard.

Yeah, 50 years of White genocide tends to make a certain portion of the populace cranky. They still have no fucking clue how much the establishment is hated. Even after two years decades of Trump laying the entire plan right in front of them.

They thought it was all a big orange-hued joke that would blow over with enough kikery and kvetching.

wasted quads

what do you mean there are people outside of LA and NYC?

Name them.

I can only think of one
Maria Bamford

People were already tired of this shit when it happened to Dubya. Think about it, back when Bush was president it was the same song and dance as now 24/7 smear campaigns and stupid comedy retardation that gave hacks like Colbert their break. But it didn't work then either. Bush still got his second term and Trump's second term is pretty much guaranteed because he's still way better than Bush. It'll work even less now because we've been through it all already. It's all so tiresome.

Speaking of faggot ass liberal celebrities,

I'm seeing Clownvis Presley (Really funny, I suggest checking him out) October 13th and Tim Heidecker is doing a preformence too.

How should I fuck with him? Keep in mind my old girlfriend will be there and she loves Fagdecker. How do I heckle him in a funny way that will both make him angry and make her want to fuck me for being a badass?


What the actual fuck did I just listen to?

And that is why they are failing. Their mockery is getting overused, and their insults are losing meaning.
Funnily enough, mockery works wonders against these cucks and their female overlords.

Look at some of the comments. The article is just making people even angrier. They've made things even worse.

It's not that they're sheltered, they purposely know niggers and such are subhuman. A great example of this is how (((Samantha Bee))) and her heebish husband who was a member of the daily show actively tried to keep niggers out of their own neighbourhood. Can you imagine the extreme irony of this after all the do and still do? The upper classes have always been about signaling in some sort due to their obsession with status but virtue signaling is by far the most "vogue" thing now. This is why they'll say they care about the poor and higher taxes while making millions as virtue signaling opportunists not once giving all that excess money beyond the average income of the poor back to the people they claim to support. They'll even constantly insult they poor while claiming to support them, this is how modern leftists work. They are bourgeois and figured out a more insidious way to look down on others while forming a moral highground for themselves to fulfill for their fart inhaling sense of self-satisfaction. See how obsessed they are with their idiotic smug "arguments" that amount to nothing like you see every time you turn on the idiotbox. Yet they will never truly practice what they preach, just like Samantha Bee or all these other "comedians". They don't want to be around the filthy commons or their pet niggers, only the lowly commons should have to deal with the shitskin hoard personally. "Keep them out of our Michael Moore white as hell neighbourhood mansions", they'll say. "But screw you racist whites who are forced to live around the diversity!". Of course the masses will grow to hate them.

Looks like they don't like believing they're not on the right side of history any more, and the glamour of Hollywood is quickly fading because of these exhausted women.

For anybody that's curious about what happened:
Slurs force comic to pay $15,000 for ‘tirade of ugly words' against lesbian patron after appeal falls flat

Aaand I fucked up some of the formatting. Opie and Anthony had a show on this a while back.


Well.. … … … I guess this is payback for 'ai robot waifu'

Hopefully NK nukes LA and SF so we can kill 2 birds with 1 stone

You have more patience than I do. I couldn't listen to more than 30 seconds of her.
Jesus fucking Christ that shit was bad.

Holy fuck the cuck in the comments
How can you be this retarded? It's not freedom if there's limits

I wonder what is acceptable to make fun of according to the laws - let me guess, straight white males only.

I'm legit PO-ed

I think what you're trying to say is, wubbalubbadubdub.

Interrupting your enemy when he's making a mistake is usually a bad move, but I don't trust (((them))) to take my advice anyway. A big part of the problem is that we all know where their biases lie. We're used to getting assaulted by them every time we turn on the Talmudvision. Even people who aren't Jew-wise are sick and tired of hearing whiny liberals whining on tv. No matter what joke they make of current events and politics, it's going to be smug, derisive, and self-satisfied. We will always take that as a personal insult when you attack our personal political proxies. Especially because we know where they are coming from.

Now that works when we don't feel any connection to those in power. When it's lefties making fun of neocons, who gives a shit? Both sides are trash, might as well laugh at the cuckolds. But when you actually believe in the figure they're targeting with mockery and derision (as enough of the country does to vote him into office as the POTUS), the only way to make comedy not alienating (and therefore a direct attack) is to do so in the form of good-natured ribbing. Of course, at this point there is no way they could pull the wool over the audience's eyes. Everyone knows what John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, Jon Leibowitz, Samantha Bee, Trevor Noah, etc. think of President Trump. If they could put a new face forward and keep it clean and free of preaching, maybe they could win over some casual Trump supporters.

I think it will be better to think that R&M ended in season 2.
After all, he was captured in a high security prison.
Just imagine he died and go on with your life. It was a somewhat pozzed cartoon anyway.

season 2 was pretty shitty too

Man, if George Carlin was still alive they'd probably execute him after a single mic night.

Trips don't lie. He couldn't tone it down if he wanted to, his (((masters))) won't let him.

The plan on how to respond hadn't settled immediately after the election. You had the split between Obama and Clinton where Obama was trying to act conciliatory as front while using his illegal slushfund to fund resistance to Trump and his deep state plants to fuck up the administration from within. Clinton went full tardrage and used funding from Soros to flood the streets with angry "activists" and ultimately galvanized even more people toward supporting Trump. So Colbert's inconsistency makes sense here. He toes the party line faithfully but in this instance the official party line hadn't come down yet.

They even said they were going to do it:
because SJWs complained and nobody had the balls to say NO:
and here comes shit female SJW article writers to seal the farce:
and no, I don't care if you aren't a fan of the show. This shit is happening fucking EVERYWHERE! The "women are funny, get over it" joke was taken un-ironically and we're in HELL NOW

that pic is actually funny…

call him a cuck throughout the whole set.

Study the current living master's work, Norm MacDonald.

Only seven and a half years left to go.

I don't know who that is, but I also could only think of one: Joan Rivers



It's a shame that nobody has the guts to heckle female comedians. I know no one wants to look like a dick, but they really need to find out that they can't do comedy for a living before they get too serious about it.

I remember Whitney Cummings was the new hotness at one point, probably because she's sexy as fuck. She dropped off the scene pretty quickly when Comedy Central stopped inviting her to celebrity roasts. She writes for some shit sitcom now.

I mean Joan Rivers is (((Joan Rivers))) but she was at least leagues better than (((Amy Schumer))).
In hindsight saying one parenthetical name is better than another is a little ridiculous.

That is some terrible news. So Rick and Morty will go to shit, full throttle. Im gonna go watch it right now to see the pozzing for myself.


"People stopped watching Adult Swim again after World Peace"

"Decker isn't funny"

"The hell show isn't funny"

"Saul was adult swims only good live shit"
Colbert’s full-season victory over Jimmy Fallon is official

Leftists are status quo loser masochists who want to be oppressed, beaten up, and shut down. They want nothing more than to be viewed as the edgy underdog up against the system. They hate acknowledging Trump so much but they can't get enough of seeing some cuck on the talmudvision make fun of him. Like said they're going to be talking about him every episode for the next 8 years. Their hair will fall out, their eye bags will get more noticeable, and they'll never get tired of losing.

Women realized there was approval and praise in comedy, plus a chance to preach their hairbrained notions as if they were truth.

Problem is, women, apart from a few notable exceptions like there will always be, aren't really very funny. They aren't creative enough for the job - though they can do a decent job in parroting something that they've seen somebody else do which gained praise.

her skits in tim and eric are actually pretty funny

Hey Anons I'm a native Chicagoan & to the right of Hitler. I've been writing a sketch show on a off for 2 years & I'm filming this spring. I'm just getting my graphics & fund raising tees ready now. We are infiltrating comedy.

Well, season 3 is sure gonna suck. It wasnt horrible, but it wasnt awesome either. Fuckin hell.

Golly, who knew being perpetually outraged about your opposition not only doesn't work in swaying anyone, but applying the same failing tactic ad nauseum is boring?
Anyone with two brain cells understands why this is the case and it's not due to this inauthentic outrage which magically isn't present of drone-bama.
For people who are so eager to refuse giving empathy they appear baffled that there would ever be legitimate motivations for doing so.
And who divided it? Not the target of exhausting fake outrage but the one striking him while crying out in pain.

This is the time for comedy of the Right. The left controls the social agenda. Comedy is the snarky kid at the back of the room making fun of the teacher's clothes and accent. You can't do comedy for real if you're the authority figure. It's why TV comedy is vile unfunny filth now. If they tried to be funny for real they'd have to be us. Sad part is there are probably more than a few of them who could be awesome if they'd drop the bullshit and be honest for once.

I saw this again recently. Sam has some great stand up, but the audience is never ready. Comedy right now is in a sad state of affairs. How can you be so much of a sensitive pussy that someone telling jokes pisses you off. I realize a lot of the humor in standup like Sam's is making fun of the faggots the audience though.

Remember when comedy wasn't politically charged? Stand up comedians could actually get away with saying "racy" shit because it was funny and the audience didn't get bent out of shape. Bill Burr's early days come to mind. Even sitcoms and shows written by leftists were funny back in the day. Arrested Development has a very kosher cast and the writers are obviously all jews, but the show is fucking funny because it just deals with life and the dumb things people do. Things have gotten too sterile

I just heard this joke on the opening of Jimmy Kimmel before I changed the channel.

And then it moved to the opening "JIIIIIIMMY KIMMMMMMELLLL LIIIIVE!" What the fuck was the joke?

Remember these hacks like Leibowitz only got their start because of the shitflinging they did at neocon Bush to begin with. It's the same old song and dance but liberals are idiots. Colbert meanwhile is just painfully unfunny without his retarded neocon persona.

This is cathartic to read. The enemy is tired and slacken. Here is a full screencap with archive included and ADs removed.

Oh, I didn't know he was booted today. Now that I know that it's still not a joke.

I just downloaded and watched it. What a piece of shit.

Yeah man the first episode of S3 was mediocre, but the second was garbage. I dont want summer as a lead.

That being said, the show was good, if not fedora tier, but man….the fans….that fandom has MLP tier potential. It's bad

Chick writer wrote for the simpsons….the new simpsons

It may have MLP potential but will never get there because MLP was created to be an MKUltra program and even before it was aired, (((people))) were pushing it on 4chan. Then, as soon as Ep 1 aired, it became the mentally stinting brainwashed community you see today. Note how many people who are seemingly sane and older community memebers say they were into it later than when it became popular. No one who you can actually talk to say they were there at the pure begining. They didn't do this wit hthis show, so I don't think it's a PsyOp that will lead to Bronies. This one is just a shitty show made by Reddit users.

I'd be frustrated too if I was writing such comedy gold as vid related and still nobody thought how I told them to.

The show is basically Maldraw's autistic doodles turned into animation

Bad encoding, nanon. Webm is 2 seconds long

Classics too tho. Bill Hicks a must. He was Holla Forums before the internet became popular

I can tell you're either a grumpy middle aged faggot, or some young edgy faggot who wasn't even a sperm in your daddy's balls sack when the Simpsons first aired.

Either way, you're a faggot and should probably KYS.

When the Simpsons first aired, there was nothing on TV like it. It really set the bar for TV comedy to a new level. It made it ok for animated sitcoms to be a thing again, since the Flintstones and Jetsons were from pretty much 20 years earlier. In the 70's and 80's there really wasnt anything like that, plus the Flintstones and Jetsons were pretty shallow as far as the comedy elements were concerned.


i can't believe none of you idiots thought to dox the writers and fuck with them even on social media to demoralise them further


hello tv writer who has masochistic tendencies

Sorry boyo, despite starting at very end of 80's doesn't excuse it's sound quality, soapish writing and awkward character traits. Hell even loyalists saw how the show was going down hill after tenth season.
Fox pretty much keeps it around as a cash cow and a venue to influence the normies.
The Franchise was at it peak when the acrade machines littered now dead and abandoned acrcade game halls and licensed games were the ideal cash cows in mid and early 90's.

Don't let me get started how Nancy Fucking Cartwight cucked the staff so hard that she refused to make jokes about her own cult. That's just one example of the faggotry the production staff allowed.


Fuck the leftists lack of self awareness really gets me some times

real holocaust soon


I remember as a young kid i wasnt allowed to watch the Simpsons. Now kids these days can cut their cock off and call themselves women.

Times change to fast.

I know that this problem existed before the election, but any user enthusiastic for this reddit-tier show deserves the disappointment they now feel.

Can we burn them out MORE, or is this just a problem that's going to solve itself? If they continue this way, years on end, the pendulum is going to snap off in one direction & never go back. I can't imagine anyone ever voting democratic for the next 24 years if they keep this up.

I wont argue the reality the show has been pure shit since, and I'm being nice here, the early 00's. I haven't watched an episode of the show since the episode in 2008 where Homer was trying to vote for Obama. They lost me permanently there.

And the same set of rules still apple, see rules 2, 7 and 10

Checked for vegans being insufferable faggots.
He lost the war… due to veganfagging.
Eat meat, White Man.

We are definitely in hell user. The things kids see and intake daily is just maddening. I mean kids have a phone, with internet, at startling young ages. I didnt have my own phone until my fuckin 20's, kids got one at like 5 now. Its because parents are too fuckin shit to invest time and energy into their children, so they hand em off to the various kike entertainment schemes.

You guys are in for a rough ride if you're being surprised by this now
Everything you know/knew and love in any form of tv entertainment is getting a turbo cocaine dose of the over politicization. So much so that they are willing to outright kill the show just to hamfist the bluepill narrative into just about anything.
But don't fret too much, anons. Because that does indicate one great thing; it shows just how desperate and panicky (((they))) are becoming and have become to be this reckless and obvious.

Yeah, the left's reaction to Trump is like a time capsule from the Bush years. The main difference this time is they've convinced themselves that Trump's victory can only be explained by Russian interference. I guess they got so comfortable during eight years of Obama that they forgot flyover redneck country even exists as a political force.

Thing is, the hatred of Bush was at least halfway understandable since he was sending Americans off to die by the thousands in the middle east. If Trump manages to avoid that and keep the wheels running in America, I don't see any way forward for SJWs besides mass suicide.

There was also an episode of Simpsons which is almost exactly the same plot wise as an earlier Family Guy episode where homer meets Muslim, becomes friends with him, "Ignorant" friends tell him the mud will blow shit up, Homer believes them and then it goes back to homer believing the Jewish lies of Muds dindu nuffin, the only difference was it got rid of the last part of the family guy episode where the Mudslime turned out to be terrorists and blew up a bridge
fucking gay tbh

I see no evidence of MLP being MK Ultra affiliated, that's just retarded m8.

Well it's been 7 months

Get ready for the defense that they pirate it so they aren't giving money to them so it's perfectly fine to watch the shit. Same thing with GoT faggots here.

Hicks was a liberal but he got redpilled hard by the LA riots. I think if he had lived long enough to see the Zimmerman trial and tranny bathroom laws, he would have turned into George Rockwell.

Well it at least has a following in the CIA


Funnily enough Samantha's husband Jason Jones wrote a movie back in 2004 (Ham and Cheese) where he ends up losing her to a nigger towards the end of the movie.
Literally blacking her and cucking himself on screen.

My Little Pony was an MKUltra tactic. Furthermore it has traits characteristic of MKUltra programs, such as hidden occultic symbols.

So? The remaining male writer was an obese far - left kike who even tried to shoehorn bash le fash into one of his episodes. All they're doing is destroying one of their own tools.

We should celebrate this. In addition to telling us that they didn't learn from Clinton's defeat, and are still weakening themselves by forcing their essential organization and propaganda apparatuses to adhere to the same diversity rules they've set for everyone else, they're breaking something that redditors love in exceedingly degrading fashion. The emerging horde of disillusioned leddit users can easily be set along the usual path of antifeminist → reactionary → Holla Forumsack.

Pic semi - related: Holla Forums unironically hailing rioting negroes as the future of their "movement"

Kikes are negros so it's not too far off.

Kikes just had a ton of time and dedicated it all to being as subversive and sneaky as fucking possible.

Kikes obsess over money, so do niggs

Remember that if the characters were allowed to age Bart would be like 40 or something and Lisa would supposedly be President by now but even the Simpsons writers despite mostly being libtards themselves couldn't predict how retarded the left has gotten. None of their future episodes that would be contemporary today came even remotely close to the reality they imagined.



Sad but true.

Why the fuck was Matt Ward posted, he's doesn't even Touch 40k anymore

Im not entirely surprised. It just sucks. I enjoyed the show, but definitely saw the quality of the show declining with each episode. I dont own a TV, so I watch it on whatever streaming site I find, so if it goes full poz, no skin off my back tbh

Get the fuck out

I read through that page, and I can sorta see where you're coming from but as evidence it's very weak. I'm not seeing much in the way of proof that it was any more than Anno's 'because we thought it looked cool' on the animator's parts.

Didn't Simpsons claim that Trump would ruin the country during his presidency?
Some shit about quadrupled debt

Of course they do, that's how our economy works. The kike pays with money he stole from the goyim.

Yes. The famous episode where Bart sneaks into the Indian Casino and the owner shows him a vision of his future. He's a dead beat and his sister is President. One of the lines in the episode is

Sadly can't find whole clip. This is just one that's a bunch of edits from the episode.

Wait, here we go.

Newcrons are still a thing are they not? They might have retconned them when I wasn't looking but don't forget he will always be our spiritual liege.

/tg/ please go

Kind of annoys me when people talk shit about Hicks.
He was a libertarian in the early 90s. Most of us went through an awkward libertarian phase. Hell, I'd venture to say that most of the people here were liberal until 4 years ago or less.
In his final days, he was at Waco, protesting the government's actions of killing 76 men women and children needlessly. He was talking about Ruby Ridge.
If he had lived, he would most certainly have been full white nationalist. That's the logical conclusion most people came to if they were redpilled on Waco and RR in the 90s.

This creates a major opening, whoever can create good content will be able to create context.

this is good though, they are poisoning their own well and diminishing their own influence

I think it was some sort of live action Miss Piggy tribute act.

Such a well though out comedic joke, you really just convinced the nation to hate Trump. Truly a comedy genius, you should join colberts Team. Absolutely wonderful.

Your autism is off the charts. That user was being sarcastic. You talk like you're from Reddit and your shit's all retarded.

Fucking beautiful post.
This is why I

A shitpost is still a shitpost and a bannable offense. B-b-b-ut it was just sarcsm. First post is always kikes, just like you.

Yell out how he's insecure because he gets other comedians/shows off the air (million dollar extreme).


What do you think TWO SCOOOOOPS is meant to be?

Wait, weren't they still supposed to be pretending that they are just rational unbiased people who are trustworthy?
Isn't this whole thing a blatant admission that the show executives all have a political agenda that they are aggressively pursuing?


Women aren't funny.

He got his start because his brother is a billionaire currency exchange investor.

Yet not a peep about the debt incurred under Obama.

Yeah, but it turns out you fight rich kids who want self indulgence. If the guy goes onstage and spoon feeds the crowd of hipsters the idea that their politics are strong, right, witty, and hilarious, then at best he's a whore and worst a political operator getting people to pay for brainwashing like Oliver does. But you're correct that they're never comedians.

Too bad the i scream man couldn't crawl out of the hole instead of falling into it. This was the only time I ever saw him mock a cultural establishment and remotely push the envelope.

Are we posting New Vegas memes now? here's my OC while rping as Jew

What a legend.
It's also absolutely true, fuck carpet munchers

10th season wasn't in the 80s. It should be assumed everything turns to shit the longer it runs. Simpsons were the first cartoon that was actually critical of authority as opposed to the mind numbing coldwar shit that aired before it.

Let them stagnate and rot come DOTR shows that had women writers and forced PC nonsense will be the new gold stars. Continue shoving your shit jews we'll only use it to track and hang your scrawny chicken necks.


What really pisses them off is when you tell them that a household in rural PA taking in 60,000 dollars has more disposable income than they do with two wage earners pulling in six digit salaries. They really don't understand cost of living calculations.


Ruby Ridge was a big huge red pill for me. The entrapped him and then proceeded to kill his wife and kid. Thy just wanted o be left alone, but that wasn't going to be allowed under that original (((clinton))) administration.




Ruby Ridge was under HW Bush

I also thought the pic was pretty funny

We are living meme hazards I'm shocked an org like SCP hasn't tried to contain us yet.

Its our duty to continue to break their will.

It would be a warm project to create a Holla Forums approved media list of books, movies, shows, games etc to raise children of various ages on.

If by some miracle it'd be better if we could just make our own media.

Back when comedians were actually funny…

I was the intellectual-fronting centrist faggot arguing against my WN family to nearly dangerous extremes until 3 years ago. They could never present their arguments in a satisfying way, now I love them so much.

Funny how in the silent era the comedians had so much more poignant things to say than the hacks we have now.

It would but there's plenty of older stuff that isn't pozzed.

rick and morty itself is a psy op to make you forget the real rick sanchez, who called out jon stewart leibowitz and was sentenced to damnatio memoriae by the kikes. never forget.

These women look like they've never even smiled in their lives, let alone writing jokes professionally.

They could make the stupidest things hilarious.

They don't write jokes, they write Jezebel articles imagined as sketches.

It aired in 2000 long before anyone had even heard of Obama.


Buster Keaton was incredible.

I re-played recently myself. I NEVER understood Caesar's legion and just always assumed they were the quintessential bad guy of the story before the personality change. Now its just so obvious they were the best thing for mankind.

To them jokes are things they yammer about in the women's restroom while on the prowl for Chad cock or things they wish they could do to people they don't like. Women's "jokes" are either dumb things only their friends find sort of funny or thinly veiled revenge or hate skits.

Bomb the Syrian Air Force, nobody bats an eye.
Have two scoops of ice cream, everyone goes insane.

Why did you have to remind me?

It's really a shame what happened with late night talkshows. It used to be that they were almost totally apolitical. Johnny Carson, David Letterman, and Jay Leno always made a point to not turn their shows into political bullshit. Sure, they'd make jokes about various politicians, but it was always lighthearted stuff (ie, laughing about Clinton getting a BJ, GWB mispronouncing words, etc).

Now late night has been totally taken over by the (((Daily Show))) crowd, where they pawn off bullshit news to viewers while hiding behind the pretense of "it's just comedy, bro" if anyone calls them on their shit.

And even if they're not having any effect on Trump supporters, they're still getting good ratings because of all the libcucks who tune in en masse for their daily ZOG church service.

Jews don't understand the difference between getting someone's attention and someone listening. Clowns get people's attention real easy but does anyone obey what the clown says?

Caesar's Legion was great, but neutered. I kept hoping to cross over the colorado and see what life was like on Legion soil. But no. No legion towns, no legion civilians, no companions, nothing. All we get is a fairly bland encampment and some outposts. Very few named NPCs, very few Legion quests, and if you join Legion, you basically turn the entire game into "run around killing all the hostile NPCs" because the majority of the game world automatically becomes hostile to you unless you permanently wear a buggy disguise.

I think the director said they had more planned for the Legion, but had to cut it. Which is a damn shame, because they were certainly the freshest and most interesting faction, and I wanted to see more. And of course, that's not an excuse for not having any DLC set in Legion territory either. Oh well; guess I'll just hope Obsidian gets to make another Fallout game…

The only part I didnt like was them teaming up with the white glove society, they would have never tolerated cannibals.

I'm talking about the episodes after, when it became even more politicized.


One of the best.

Well, it's like all the clown trainees coming in to see Head Clown tell them advice. All the other clowns listen and think what they're saying is important, but all the people who aren't already in 100% agreement aren't listening. Classic echochamber.

And they're actually doing our work for us, because the more they "self-radicalize" each other in their echo chambers and go further and further down the social justice rabbithole, the more untennable their positions become to normal people. The last thing we want is the liberals/democrats/etc taking a deep breath and a step back and saying "okay, let's tone our shit down and go back to focusing on working class economic relief" and the sort of stuff that might actually appeal to blue collar whites.

They can't listen to us we can run up and nail good advice to their doors they can't afford to listen or their pet niggers and fags will eat them alive.

That's true as well. They're in a system where supporting shitskins and supporting whites are mutually-exclusive options. The more they try to appeal to one group, the more they piss off the other. This was best exemplified by the "Bernie vs Hillary" primaries, where all the whites voted for the guy promising gibs for the middle class, whereas the shitskins voted for the lady promising more gibs for the dindus. And gibs are a zero sum game

John Oliver can't handle Australian shitposting or something?

I was younger during the bush years, but I was a republican. The thing now, when they attack trump, they don't even have the veneer of politeness, it's now 100% sheer vitriol and that is the quickest way to red-pill a ton of normies. Look at how badly CNN is failing, and others, based on just that reason. They aren't even attempting to be witty, it's just 20 minutes of a sheer hate struggle session.


yep, im going to go kill myself now. Its all begun to blur together.

People still buttflustered about the Ultra writer, the spiritual liege of all other authors.

I've been working on bits devoted to pornhub statistics that boil down to me talking shit about cucks, more laughs than I expected in a literal sjw stronghold city. Even better when I start talking about the numale phenomenon and the women laugh next to their squirming, uncomfortable boyfriends getting roasted.

took me a while to get that last joke of him covering up the hole and his nickname

They blew their wad all over Bush and now have nothing to spare for a pussygrabber. Dumb republican jokes are the equivalent of smashing a watermelon with a sledgehammer.

The problem is they have literally nothing, they're blinded by sheer hate. If they could reverse that trend, trump has tons of fucking shit to tease him about.

1. He's got pretty bad germophobia

2. Trump has gold sinks like everywhere. The fuck is up with that?

3. He told the media that he was getting divorced, before telling his wife. Hilarious!


True. Even if by some chance they got him into an ultra-brutal Friars' Club, there's not much they could go after. Maybe his dead brother or how Barron's autistic, but it doesn't seem like they want to go there. Instead they flip like a manic depressive between "haha! he's got orange skin! teehee, peepee!" and holding up his severed head with a glassy-eyed stare.

Eventually they will all just burn out. When Bush was president, they actually had concrete things to bitch about. But constantly having to make mountains out of molehills with Trump will burn them out in a year or two. "Har har Drumpf is bad, amirite?" doesn't have much staying power, and nobody but SJW retards still think "racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic yadda yadda" still means anything. The public is sick of hearing this rehashed, vapid nonsense. How many times can you listen to the same old Trump bashing monologue on Colbert?

My favorite was when he stood on stage and read off statistics about homosexual life expectancy until everybody left

See, this is what makes me believe the holocaust happened. If anyone could do that with any level of efficiency, it would be the Germans.



Because Groening is a stale hippie that thinks Obama was saving America with the miracle of half-assed socialism. Managing to grow the national debt from $5.67tn to $10.02tn was an embarrassment under W, and while Obama grew it from $10.02tn to $19.34tn in his terms, he did it while saying things like "spread the wealth", "you didn't build that business you own", and "we need affordable healthcare", so it's cool to Gorening.


From everything I've read, dude has some impressive OCD, that could even be spun into a great TV series. There's so much material, but they're too blinded by their skitzophrenic hate.

Example, Trump tries to pay in exact change only, so he doesn't get cash back (dirty). You could have an entire skit of him trying to make exact change without having enough, or him trying to accept a dollar from a bar, or trying to take back 14 cents without saying "keep the change" and looking like an asshole.

GW hired him back on. Supposedly only to write elves for smegmar, but given the sheer amount of ultramarine wankery in the new space marine codex, his influence may be more far reaching.

That sounds hilarious, but I'm sure they'd find it too humanizing. I remember that's what they were so pissed at Kimmel about when he tousled Don's hair.

Their reign has come to an end and they know it, they don't decide what the public hears and believes anymore which means they lost all reason to exist. Quite fitting really.

I wonder how many times it'll take where I can see this type of unawareness from them and not feel instant murderous hate, I've seen this all day everyday for the past 3 years now and I still get that primal reaction. I love the internet I truly do, before these fucks could memory hole or remove whatever the fuck they wanted literally and now they can't. All their lies, their tricks, their malice, their stomach churning actions, their fucking degeneracy. It's out there forever now and the best part is these assholes are doing our work for us. Regardless of whether we don't gas the kikes, remove niggers, whatever it is we don't do now we still have a chance. All we have to do is keep our race alive for another 50 years and keep our enemies etching their crimes into cyberspace for eternity. They can't ignore, erase, or lie about their bullshit. When our children's children go on the internet and see all the shit we we as in our generation browse here and now, all the articles we read here and now, all the videos we watch here and now, they can't lie about that. They can't pretend it doesn't exist. They can't get rid of it. Let them crow like a rooster as much as they want, the cockier/more violent they get the better it'll be for us especially in the long run.

I know it's one away, but I'm going to check those trips of truth just because of how savagely accurate that post was.

At this point they are fucking afraid and desperate, look at how badly they want Trump to be impeached.
This time, no mercy will be dealt to them. They might as well kill themselves and save us the effort.


Perhaps under Carson, but I just finished watching old coverage of the 1992 Republican National Convention, and the uploader was astute enough to include some of Leno's monologues in his uploads. It's every bit as bad as today, where they relentlessly beat their unsuspecting audience over the head with inane political "comedy". Leno would bring Tom Brokaw on for a ten minute "recaps" of whatever happened at the convention that particular day with barely even the pretense of comedy. It's naked political activism and always has been.

4:07:04 onwards of vid related will give you a taste of this so-called "comedy"

Fucking finally. This constant stream of inane DUDE DRUMPF LMAO was getting on my nerves. I don't even want them to suck the man's dick, I'd prefer them just to not even talk about this guy at all, especially about him being the worst 5ever because they disagree with him. I can't even look up songs without some mong in the comments going DUDE DRUMPF LMAO on shit that isn't even remotely political. This won't stop anyways. These people just can't help themselves

Fair enough, but it was still nowhere near as bad as the modern late night guys where it was 100x worse than this on a daily basis.

Much respect for Carson though. He always made sure to go out of his way to be totally apolitical, no matter what.

That's exactly the point I"m trying to make.

Someone is making an anti-trump cartoon, and they could literally devote 5 minutes of every episode to this exact problem.

Like, there's a story where trump asked a random guy for a soda (he evidently loves diet coke) and the dude was like sure. Ends up paying the guy a $20. Things like that. Have trump borrow from some moral fag that INSISTS on giving trump back dirty money.

They simply can't into humor.

Shit, how about trump's penchant for golden things? Like, I know they tried the midas angle, but that's weak. How about a skit on trump trying to order a golden car? That wouldn't exactly work, because the type of car he buys WOULD make him a golden car, but you get the idea.

Why not a skit about him trying to make a golden line of sinks and it failing focus groups?

I am always amazed at how blinded by sheer rage these "comedians" are.

You had retards saying a whole bunch of shit like famous economist (((Paul Krugman))) and a bunch of other famous economists literally, unironically, and seriously saying that the moment Trump gets elected the US economy would crash. It didn't and it just goes to prove that economics is pseudoscience. It can't even qualify as a soft science it's so bullshit and you're better off studying sociology.

On a related note, Trump sure destroyed a lot of people's careers and credibility. Not just the media but the likes of (((Nate Silver))) and all the others who fell to the Trump curse.

muh faux news.
Honestly, I feel like these people are stuck in the Bush era. They fundamentally don't understand Trump or his base. They think the same stale tactics that worked against Bush will work against Trump. Wrong.

I don't think Krugman's bullshit is an indictment of economics as a field anymore than Stephen Hawking's shit about aliens disproves physics.

It was Fallon. I'm only bothering to correct you because (((Kimmel))) of former Man Show fame was actually shilling hard as fuck for Hillary.

It's not that just there are a lot more women now than there were when they wrote the previous 2 seasons, during the previous 2 seasons there were NO female writers on their team. That's why the show was a succes and that's why I was never planning on watching the third season after reading that.
I was trying to find the article where the director of the show confirmed this fact but when I googled "rick morty female writers" I only got SJW articles claiming that the show actually improved because of the new writers.

IF they impeach trump, they don't understand the shit storm they would get.

It'll make oklahoma city look like child's play.

Talk shows were always about selling you shit. They always had one purpose, target slightly buzzed parents with the newest media. Late night talk shows were never really funny. The humor was mediocre at best. Its fifteen minutes of mild chuckle followed by fifteen minutes of two talking heads who inevitably are only there to plug whatever TV show, book, or movie they are associated with. It's always been about advertising, now the ZOG machine has gone so haywire that its also about politics now since anyone watching TV is supposed to be a good little goy.

Ultimately this is is why the left is losing, they dogmatized their own opinions so much that they have become belief, but gospel does not sell shit to the general population. The more religious their opinions get the more they sour their own brand. The Democrats will lose big next year in the midterms and sander's justice democrats will preform a full revolt away from the Pelosi - Clinton junta. It's basically written in the stars at this point. There's no climbing out of the anti-trump hole they have dug.

Prepare for a fake controversy to spout up to make excuses to the decrease in quality and viewers.

This is what I"m talking about and what I love, there's more than enough material out there to make a proper right wing series about mocking trump.

I fucking lost at "The fact she trusted me with her dog was amazing, she probably shouldn't have, but it worked out"
But they're too blinded by partisan hate.

This guy knows how they fuck.

Yea, I've thought this for awhile and I think this really shows it. They would love Pence in office because he would be more Bush like with his traditional republican values, appearance and personality. All the "the republican president is so lame" shit would go much further with someone "boring and old fashioned". They can't say any of that shit about Trump. He is far to interesting in his own right for any of that shit to carry any weight. Hell, he is more interesting than the top leftist celebrities. They're left with this completely retarded "Trump is a crazy man with nuclear codes". It is so removed from reality. Everyone knows that Trump is known for having funny hair, but as soon as he runs for president he some unhinged psychopath. They have nothing and no idea what to do.

They are worried that soon the left will be the new boring and old person party. You already see it happening most people when they think of the democrats images of an old school teacher who can't control their nog students already comes to mind.

Can we meme it?

Over the years Holla Forums has proven itself to be and have the funniest people around. The only thing it's missing is a platform on TalmudVision, then again it's TalmudVision so no big loss and Holla Forums still redpills by the millions in its own way.

Does anybody actually look at the vids on the "Trending" page? It's basically just a sewer full of shit.

I'm certain there's some sort of bot farm in place to inflate their views. No fucking way do 3mil+ people actually watch this shit within minutes of it getting uploaded.

Late night shows are all clones of each other now. It's all lefty circle jerks and "Drumpf bad, right goys?". I used to watch Letterman before he just gave up, and I stopped watching Conan after he had The Force Awakens cast on and the nigger basically said he was fucking Daisy Ridley. It's all garbage and the internet provides much better things to watch.

Anyone have that CIA document showing they were consciously engaged in meme combat for over a decade?

It's probably not even as complicated as that. Youtube just changes the view count as soon as the check clears and the vid is uploaded.

This is exactly what happens. It's jewtube. Look how much they fucked with results during the election on jewgle to try and get HRC to win and how much pozzed rubbish they promote on the regular. Of course it would extend to this too but thankfully it doesn't reflect where it matters, the votes.

imagine getting cucks like colbert to rant about that evil racist frog and the wicked cabal of neets

Yeah, the whole Hillary Clinton campaign going after cartoon frogs in its official capacity was weird. The average person thought she completely lost it when it happened and half the people at work I knew dropped their vote for her because they thought she went moonbatty coo-coo senile.

I'm surprised Madcow hasn't kill herself yet after the whole tax return debacle. You'd think after forbes released the ones before her would have shut them up but no.

They keep making mistakes. They keep making mistakes and I LOVE IT. Don't even correct them or give them tips. Just don't. Don't interrupt them and let the mistakes roll.

Holy shit, this is like proto-Tim and Eric comedy.

I think you mean to say that tim and eric is a less funny derivation.

If he had continued quality trump parodies like these he would've been a legend. But no, he had to fuck it up.

great meme

I take improv comedy classes, I highly recommend them for any user if they start from basics. They're great for breaking out of your shell and being able to fill conversations without thinking.

That said, the instructors and students are all pozzed as fuck, just as you say. Second City in Chicago has genderless bathrooms.

Fallon is a hack. I don't think I've ever seen any skit of his that I found funny, or gave more than a brief chuckle. He was lousy on SNL, and the number of jew dicks he must have sucked to get his own show are still being calculated by supercomputers.

How did you even find this place?

All the improv groups around here are 90% kikes with a token goy thrown in.

Do you know any voters who have changed their mind because of the left's pissing?

Best Joker or worst Joker?

I know a couple who were completely turned off by them and either didn't vote or voted Harambe.

The issue is you need to give voters a reason to go to the polls. Saying the other guy is bad has never been sufficient. Right now this completely over the top trump hate plays to the most hardcore faction of the dem base, and it also fires up people who like trump or who hate pedowood. Moderates in the middle who frankly don't give a fuck about all this partisan bickering don't see anything to gain by voting democrat, its just hate dialed up to 11, which is offputting. Shrieking lunatics don't tend to attract a large group of followers.

The guy is just an awkward faggot really. Look at how often he just stares directly at the camera like he's begging the audience to laugh.

Jesus fucking christ, if there's one thing I arguably hate more than a jew, it's a coalburner. I don't even hate the cuck, I just want to put him out of his misery. But a woman that has the power to host and create life, and chooses a nigger to live in her womb - deserves hell.

Late Nighters are shit, Jay Leno is and never will be funny. Conan was ok when I was a kid but only because it was hardcore silly.

Television is dead and we killed it. The boomers are getting old and will die with the TV on, however once they go so does their shitty waste of energy.

Until hilariously retarded and amazing shit like Bongo Bongo Bookclub becomes the norm and the sheer beautiful autism blooms into all forms of our culture, we should not stop.

The election cycle proved that we are still the funniest. Back when we didn't really know what the alt-right was at it's core, and we were big tent MONOLITHIC INTERNET POLITICAL AND CULTURAL RAPE FORCE, we had people from all random parts of the internet coming together being hilarious for Trump and our beliefs.

Now, things on that front are more tribal and we aren't ONE BIG HAPPY FAMARY, we're all still hilarious. Just not as unified. Which makes sense.

I laugh every time I think of it. To the average normalfag it must have sounded batshit insane, they're worried about the economy under strain and jobs going overseas, and here Hillary is ranting about racist people online and connecting it with what they vaguely recalled as the innocuous frog they remember people posting on facebook.

We really did flip the election, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Our finest hour by far.

Not only that, but Trump showed it's possible to win by running a positive campaign. I know he sometimes said things like Lock Her Up, but he really hardly attacked her at all.

I don't actually think Trump ever said those words. People in the crowd sure did but he didn't as far as I recall.

But he did say "Hillary would be in prison" if he was the President.

I think he would've become another Rockwell way sooner than that.

There's a list of unpozzed films with positive conditoning messages for whites here: Good titles I never heard of til now, Time to torrent some.

It's stunning. This article is a perfect dive into the heads of these morons. Pure, distilled delusion.

Looking at this picture I just realized something. We're winning. Looking at their faces it just truly dawned on me for the first time. Look how scared and defeated they are. As long as we continue to harvest their misery and transmute it into humor this was over before it started. Your average Holla Forums shitposter looks like an aryan superhuman next to these things. These fat subhuman hand wringing sows have no clue what it's going to be like when this fire starts truly burning. It would have sat and festered and probably burned out if they had just let the status quo continue. But they pushed and pushed and pushed and now they're going to taste the pure condensed fury of the white male. Today is beautiful.

They actually did, without question, but as a holdover from some of the tribes they conquered being cannibals. One of the weaker points of Legion lore.

Rick and Morty diversity in the writer's room


It's even worse than I thought.

Where they used to turn out misery and suffering into shekels, we now turn their misery and butthert into glorious keks. God is truly with us.

Why call the show Rick and Morty if it doesn't focus on them?

The left played itself. I know 1488D chess gets thrown around a lot, but how else do you explain the left looking like powerless retards who are also the establishment, while the far right is the underdog that somehow holds the secret to swaying elections?
You reap what you meme.

fucking hell canada…

I think this is the "dems are the real racists argument" explained perfectly. But it's not that they are the real racists but instead they are dishonest about how they view race. And it's also one of the thousands of things that really irks my tater about kikes. They are never honest. Mudslimes are at least honest about their hatred and intentions so there is no doubt of the real danger in the mind of the normalfag.

btw no one should ever use dems are the real racists as an argument. Using those kind of arguments only cements their rhetoric and marxist beliefs.

Only when they outnumber you.


DR3 doesn't work because it gives Anakin the high ground by assuming racism is bad. The fun way to deal with rich leftist democrats is to agree and amplify.


Yeah, don't stay and fix it, don't turn Jerry into a respectable character - just divorce and have a bunch of wild sex inb4 coalburning now that you're "free"! You go girl!

Fucking rope them all.

But wasn't a big part of their character arcs in the last seasons about learning how to deal with their dysfunctional marriage, and ultimately learning that they were really better off with each other after all for their own sake and the sake of their kids? That's what I got from it but I guess I'm not an empowered womyn so what the fuck do I know
Sage for guilty pleasure good goy cartoon discussion

It is said before. It is still true. They are using propaganda techniques. That is all. And by doing so they are influencing people to have strong convictions and feelings about topics they are not properly informed about.

You laugh, you lose. Especially if you just wanted to laugh and not be agitated against somebody they portrayed as dumb and evil you will end up manipulated and the direction they wanted.

I'm still convinced "bronies" are nothing but an elaborate trolljob, the likes of which have never been seen before. IMO, the vast majority of anonymously created content in support of MLP was made to ensnare and expose the most pathetic of people purely for the amusement of the content creators.

It's the same concept as trap-posting on boards like /r9k/, almost no one is attracted to traps. However, if you meme that fetish as an actual thing with a large following, you can convince many weak-minded and desperate people to fetishize something degrading, thus providing endless entertainment to those who enjoy watching people become hopelessly broken.

Worst fucking joker, hands down.

And best joker….

and we took pepe back, tho the normies are trying to steal him from us again with that gayass kekistan bullshit

No, no. I was there when it all began and made a bunch of the threads because I thought it was funny as shit and a lot of people were bitching about it. I even posted there but I thought it was all a joke. Then I found it they were completely serious and trying to get over the shock and faggotry I tried to meme Strawberry Shortcake instead. Didn't work out too well.

Just look at the clip where Cosby calls him out for fake laughing and slapping the table being a fake faggot.

This image pretty much sums up why the legion feels so bare bones lore wise.

It originally was a troll, yes, but then it caught the attention of masochistic attention whores with no sense of shame and then snowballed into the cancer you see today.

It wasn't "mispelled", idiot.

It's misspelled.

agreedo. mark hamil for 2nd place joker

you forgot the worst of them all

It's a testament that ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Republicans control both the house and the senate. Despite the traitors in the ranks, the fact that any of them think impeachment is a realistic scenario shows clearly just how divorced from reality these people are.

If Trump is the God Emperor, then Pence as Grand Inquisitor is a perfect fit. Meme it.

Where the fuck is the joke?

kill it with fire

Leftists love to (deliberately?) broadcast how dysgenic they are.

Jesus Christ.

I've had an ironic female avatar username for years now
The more I put cutesy emoticons with my messages, the more guys give me free shit
Being a gaymer gurl is hard guys

A Dutch guy I know pretends he's a woman on Steam and he gets gullible idiots to buy him games on it, he's been doing this for years now, he's got a shitton of games on Steam and he hasn't spent a cent on it.

How to be a Gamer Girl in 4 Easy Steps that aren't Passive-Aggressive:
1. Shut the fuck up because nobody cares.
We all know you're trying to hook up with some random twitch streamer for dem bitshekels. There's a reason you're on voice.
2. Be at least competent in the game you're playing.
We're sick of carrying you. I don't care if you want to be part of the "community". Git gud or take off a piece of clothing for each 10 dollar donation.
3. *see 1
Nobody cares about representation except for hideous fleshgaits with hipster haircuts.
4. lol get raped you fat whore #itsaboutmydics
5. go back to gemland, Steven.


I can't believe the 2 years its been since Trump announced. What a ride.

Women can't into comedy all they can do is try to gross people out, complain, or talk about people they don't like.

That's the funny thing about online communities. Its easier to be a girl online because you're showered with gifts and elevated status. If it were easier to be a guy, every woman would quietly pretend to be a man. But being a guy comes with accountability, you're expected to preform better and you're expected to take harsh criticism.

Surely it has nothing to do that all left wing comedy nowadays consists of nothing but force memeing their """jokes""" and going into super serious mode when someone dares to make an actual funny joke because it's too racist or highly sensitive.
They try to make a solid foundation out of trying to force things that are not funny to be seen as funny and wonder why it never works out.

Anyone whose ever been to church is familiar with the left's style of humor it's the same when your pastor or priest says a "funny" story or says something off the cuff and you laugh to make the person standing in front of the crowd feel good because your stuck there for a couple of hours.


He deserves to be in prison.

well in his case, he added ditch your dying wife to hang out with SJWs

Of course.

Seriously? All I'd heard was that she'd taken the bullet meant for him with the Trump Curse. Did she die alone?

Does he look like he had the slightest shred of honor to be by his wife's side why she lays dying?

Really hit the nail on the head there, user. That's pretty much a perfect example of modern humor - except the church is the church of liberalism satan

Give it a year and Colbert will tell a story about how something reminded him of Trump at Wal-Mart.


Of course he doesn't, but I wanted details.

Carlin would be barred from Canada these days

Ann Coulter
Lauren Southern
Sinead McCarthy
Veronica Evalion
Brianna Wu


I'm still waiting for him to announce that it's all been the longest ruse in human history.

I used to do this in MMOs to extremely great effect. I got so much free shit.

This should also explain to everyone why there's so many numales in the video game and other nerdy industries. The moment they think or are near pussy their knees bend and they kneel like the thirsty cucks they are. Pathetic beta numales need to be cleansed from mankind so there's a future. Putting pussy on a pedestal is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. Guys who treat women like shit and fucktoys are the ones swimming in pussy like that dude from Fifty Shades. Treat women well and they'll lose all respect for you and their pussy dries up faster than the Gobi desert.

It's a shame, I felt bad and related to his insecure bullshit and was hoping he'd improve.


Amy Schumer.

Scream out "SING THE CUCK SONG!!!!!"

I'm going to lash you to a cross, you degenerate.

I can see where this is coming from even if I didn't get the impression: it felt like you had two factions on a campaign of imperialism where at least the Legion was honest about their imperialism. They were brutal, but kept order, and were efficient; I attributed the serious lack of any real worldbuilding for the Legion to them being on the fringes of their territory and they seemed like a society that would destroy old tribes then start new settlements instead of just take over old ones like the NCR. The NCR was a bunch of corrupt slime-balls at the top built on a foundation of decent people getting fucked over by said slime-balls. House was honest about being an elitist bag of dust trying to cheat death and had an ego to match his intellect. Then there's you, the guy that can say "fuck it" and lead New Vegas to staggered prosperity or ruin. I never played with the Legion since I always liked independent Vegas, so I'm under-informed with them.

The only part that was funny was when she said "lesbian is synonymous with man" while looking like a plumber.

This, user.

Norm "AIDS is Cured" MacDonald is funny

He did something far, far worse….

he wrote parts of End Times and a lot of the Age of Sigmar shite

I'm reminded that the angry birds movie has quickly been buried under since it circumvented hollywood there.
As far as Holla Forums approved media, good luck with that. I've been hoping for some indie game developed with the willingness to go as deep as deus ex did, in dropping redpills under the seeming guise of "it's fiction, don' worry 'bout it"; (((philosophers of communism))), (((hook nosed league of steins))), etc. But you'd pretty much have to get off your ass, throw up a program screen, and make it yourself to see the game you want to play.

you're right, they can't really deviate from their current course.
king nigger's team is shilling for what is essentially nu-bama for 2020. I love that they're wedded to shit brown identity politics

We'll never get tired of them losing either.

True, but we still have yet to receive public word for just how many of those shitskins and spics that got ICEd and are still getting removed. Hard to give a majority free gibs when you only have 3 spic-roaches running around in panic and the rest deporting themselves or staying away in fear.

They retconned it with Paradise Lost, it's alright.
Too bad I never got to produce content for it.

They've always been fairly bad, but the way comedy is done now by liberals/SJWs is abysmal.

Now the popular thing to do is just go "this person is doing such and such" then cue laughter. There's just no attempt at crafting a joke, it's all just acting offended.

With a lot of liberal standup comics they got similarly bad where they'd just say they did something like have sex a lot, then act like that's the joke. There was one of those guys working on the new MST3K abortion who had a joke that was basically "can we just admit beer tastes bad? I mean really", he was basically just imagining everyone felt the same way and would think people would just nod and agree.

Nodding and agreeing with you or having the audience agree with your outrage is not how you do humor.

Liberals started treating humor as just an opportunity to vent anger rather than just enjoy a laugh. Fucking weird people.

The "Hillary would be in prison" comment is often taken out of context.

Hillary was saying it's a good thing Trump wasn't in charge of the law, to which Trump replied "because you'd be in jail. I think Trump may have started the exchange by talking about Hillary's mishandling of her emails.

Thing is, Trump holds grudges and he likely has no intention of letting up on Hillary. I think that's part of why he's been disappointed in Sessions since he didn't appoint a special investigator or counsel to look into Hillary.



top kek


Action Comedy

Visual Comedy

The vivid dream lets glimmers of the future slip through in certain places.

He looks like he has Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome

checking these digits
I don't know him well enough to suggest something that would really hurt, but these are some of my best guesses. Tim cares a lot about this one web series he has on the adultswim jewtube channel (On Cinema At the Cinema) so I'd bring that up. Something like,

Maybe throw in some random insults too

These are in no particular order and I leave it up to you to decide how you want to fuck with Tim. I would think up more stuff to say but it's late and I'm tired. That should be enough to get you started with heckling him. If you want to impress your old girlfriend, just be loud and obnoxious. I always end up disappointed, but I'm hopeful that you'll deliver godspeed anyway

The thought of her getting punched is kind of funny.

How says they aren't?

I don't know, man. It sure is confusing. Who knew that people would begin hating you after you've done nothing but be assholes to them because they were white and/or male and/or straight, and gloat about anyone who isn't that is better than them? Who knew that biting the hand that feeds may have its drawbacks? It's almost as if the people that you think are stupid aren't actually stupid; perhaps you live in an ideological bubble devoid of diversity other than your token brown friend who happens to think the same as you do (except when the gun gets pointed at you for being white he won't care all that much because after all, you are white and part of the problem).

Fuck you it's the

They just don't want to outright recruit people.


No, please don't meme SCP
I am legitimately terrified of the reality ending SCPs amongst other, horrifying ones like SCP-610, 750, 1000, or just all keter and most euclids.

I remember at ComicCon Justin Roiland saying this with some sort of pride, how the writers room was equally female without the need of an HR department, and no one in the panel audience cheered or even reacted.


Why? Is the entire thing jokes about periods and how hard it is to find a good-looking guy who's not gay or married?

You cartoon babbies are just now starting to feel the heat of a fire the devoured the tabletop market decades ago and redpilled Holla Forums with Gamergate.

Welcome to the Communist future. There are no good games anymore. Even the bread and circuses are boring now, because the writing staff has to be diverse.

Cartoons are next on the chopping block, but that's small time. The real fun is going to start whey they try to poz up some of the things they've been hyping and pushing onto normies, like the Marvel movies. The rumblings of the switch-over are already starting, and the blowback is going to be of a magnitude greater than anything we've seen so far.

But, isn't skin color and gender enough to make something 'relatable' for you?! You're in cahoots with every other white male, right?! Don't be sexist or racist and deny it.

Being relatable requires empathy, requiring some semblance of objectivity; not being 'good' at virtue signaling

To be honest, I thought that the Federal Reserve would pull the plug somewhere and shit would crash in some way too. It seriously felt like they were protecting Obama's "legacy", but the markets have exploded without him. Unless this is just the final pump before the final dump.

Why are they such shitty, broken people? I can relate to as much feelsy, depressy bullshit as their hearts desire all the way down to being a natural born loser, and yet i'm not some bitter, sanctimonious anti-government twat.

The corruption of the DNC and left wing media, and the silencing of dissenting voices in Europe only prove that the American constitution was written correctly and continues to protect true freedom. If there is only thing I've learned since the 2016 election, thank god we have a strong, powerful right wing movement in this county. I truly believe not electing Hillary Clinton president, was a pivotal moment in American history, a true showing of patriotism, a push back against the powers of evil and corruption.

Also this Seth Rich stuff is only getting crazier, the question now is how to we force the democrats into admitting they and the media lied. I really wish Bernie wasn't such a cuck and would speak out against DSW and the DNC cheating him in the primaries, defend that people that where robbed of Millions donating to him thinking it was a fair primary and that there votes counted for something.

Eat shit, Democrats.

Eat shit and die.

Fuck Corrupt DNC and your corrupt media and websites who try to brainwash and shill low information people.

>their oh-so-clever writing is failing to win over Trump voters.

I'd argue that cartoons went to shit well before video games ever did and that (((they))) just managed to obscure it by throwing tons of money into animation production.

Sponge Bob square pants was the beginning of the end for quality cartoons. I hated it even when it came out when I was in the 4th or 5th grade. It looked fucking retarded and I thought it was the poor man's Ren and stimpy. Thank God king of the hill was around.

Can women even "get" jokes? You will see them laugh at jokes made by comedians, but then how can they be so clueless when it comes to expressing comedy.

The joke is on you faggot, I have not watched Tv for the last 3 years. Late night TV is not a thing for me

Reddit and Nihilism is supposed to be memes and blackpilling right? Isn't it amusing that people get upset over it being bad? :^)

twatter needs to throttle these fucks that think it's OK to post 20 tweets in a row. Nobody wants to read your twitter novel 120 characters at a time.

Feminist women writers, everyone.

This pisses me off so much. Twitter is 140 characters for a reason. If I see (1/?) in a tweet I immediately stop reading.
Look at this lesbian-faced Canadian poo-in-loo thinking he knows better than Americans what's good for America.

He looks like he's been deepfried.

You cannot subvert someone who doesn't want to be subverted. How Commies have forgotten this when they wrote the books on subversion, I don't know. Maybe doubling down on things that make no sense is just a price to pay for worshiping Satan. Nothing that bad guy does ever makes sense.

Not surprised. Den of Geek or some other faggot hipster site was promoting the new diversity hires months ago before the first episode aired. That was a warning sign.

Sam Hyde is not an objectively great stand-up comedian, but he's fucking amazing when the audience actually gets what he's doing and doesn't have a stick shoved up their ass. Guys, find clubs with cool people, and do this.

Bet your ass he didn't cunts. Holla Forums shitposted and memed a man into the White House.

Never forget.

Very true user. I personally believe it is the hand of God granting the US and indeed the entire West one more reprieve of say, 20 years or so before we Plummer over the precipice and into the abyss.

Just imagine where we'd be today if that evil cunt had won?

autocorrect pls

They laugh because people around them are laughing. Ever seen a woman watch a comedy or comedian by themselves?

There'd be bombings every week and the draft would've been reinstated by February.

My dude. She's great and is always the only female I name when someone asks me which women that I find funny.

The female characters in Rick and Morty were already fucking expanded. Beth gave up her dreams of being a surgeon to be a mother and ended up being a veterinary surgeon instead, which she was unhappy about. Summer found out she was born by mistake and that she was the source of both her parent's woes and she was essentially the ball and chain that forced them to stay together despite resenting one another. She almost ran away from home with no clear plan or intentions because of this.

The whole thing was a familial tragic comedy from the get-go just placed in a universe of dimension-hopping and other crazy sci-fi nonsense. If they're trying to expand the female characters, then they are either continuing what they started and they don't deserve additional praise or they're needlessly forcing more screen time for female characters because they have a vagina. Further, since this "diversity" is newfound, the new female writers have nothing to do with the complexity of the characters because those characters were established and built upon before these women came onto the project. This is isn't opening new avenues, this is picking up some chicks on the side of the same one you were on and then continuing on your way.

Fuck this shit.

Millennial faggots everywhere.


How much of a fucking pathetic faggot do you have to be to allow a complete stranger to accuse you of the worst crime in existence to an audience and just get away with it?

These faggot kikes are so disconnected from reality, they think it's still the 90s and everyone watches their shit.

I think the kid must be adopted, not mixed. There's no way that it would be that dark if that's the mom; unless the father was like the blackest of black Somalis or something.

No. You have no idea about the people here.

Amy schumer is the worst. not even good actors can save her trashy movies.

every time i see these lib guys do a show all i see is this smug stupid smirk just shoot across their faces. it pisses me off when the wrong side thinks their opinions are right and that they are better than others.

I think it is a marketing ploy, the whole thing is. They noticed the spicy screenshots on tumblr and thus they smelled money.

Move your shows to the Black Entertainment Network where they will be appreciated.


great news
hope you can dodge enough bullets to survive until 2018
godspeed chicongo user!


we're writing down who voted whom, goyim…

the real question is, why wouldn't you want prisoners roughed up?

Charlie Chaplin and his Zionist Collaborators made a slanderous film about Hitler though, "The Fearless Dictator", and The Marx Brothers were Jews.

Just defend yourself from outside her window at 2 a.m.

"We think too much and feel too little". The gall of a zionist saying that to the goyim.

These are the same people who want to punch anyone who disagrees with them. They want to rough up white guys who make memes, but not mexicans who rape kids.

except that if there is something trump showed the world, is that if you don't apologize to these people, thus opening yourself to further abuse, they are powerless.

probably his greatest contribution.

Have you even seen "The Fearless Dictator"? it's a communist porpoganda film that makes Hitler look like an incompetant bafoon who's powerhungry and warmongering


because they are in power, despite all their efforts to depict themselves as the underdog fighting white heteronormative patriarchy.

i blame this not being able to manage victory on the jewish origins of the left. the biblical solution at the end of a successful war is…killing everyone. they just don't know how to rule.

again. surprising the fact that the vast majority of leftist ideologues and by far the most influential were jews.

where would this idea of a "chosen" people, talented tenth, call it as you like guiding the unwashed masses to redemption might come from?

just like the jews thinking they will be "the light of the nations" while all they want is slaves.

She pretty much sums of how we thinks of women in most cases where men just wants to have fun, yes. I'll give her that, good research.

But there's no joke. I completely agree with all she said if she had said it unironically. I fucking hate having to deal with women and how beta-man and chads fall all over them instead of continue to have fun.

On the contrary, Leno is fucking funny. One of the country's biggest comedians before he became a show-host actually.

He was always the more natural talent of a comedian than Letterman ever was, however all the ((media)) was always shilling against him.

You are an embodiment of all that is wrong with Holla Forums. It is not beneficial to be vermin. A worker (spics) is just a living tool, not something to be glorified. Trump voters were a lot richer than Clinton voters. NaziBol is a vermin ideology.

No, YOU are what's wrong with Holla Forums.
You equate blue collar with spics? How fucking dare you.
Disdain for hard working, honest folk is the sign of workshy, lazy Marxists everywhere.
Blue collar jobs are the lifeblood of any country. Any NatSoc knows this, has always known this.
Since you don't seem to know or care, I guess it's safe to say your nose is showing.

I make the statistically correct assertion that the lower classes consist mostly of non-whites and sub-humans? How dare I. But let's not talk about facts, you do not want to hear them.

Yeah, basically. Jews see all work as something slaves do and snob their noses at it. It's only 'slave-ish' when there are literal slaves available to do such work and you have the power to enforce that. However, the kikes think sinking even lower than slaves by doing a bunch of kike shit, to acquire money and dole out cash to the workers is somehow 'aristocratic'.

Kikes cannot honestly snob anyone when they're not even part of the same nation as the nation they're being hosted upon. They require approval from the powerful in the nation - and it's the powerful of the nation which is responsible for the indignity suffered by their people.

what blue collar job does heimbach do?

Jews are richer than the goyim therefore Jews are superior!

Nice shifting the goalposts, kike.

This is a NATSOC BOARD you fucking spoiled brat.

A straw man, impressive. All I've said are irrefutable facts.

Perhaps one should not speak like an mentally ill bolshevik then.

Still hanging on to that, huh?

Notice how the shill only responds to a post well over a day after it was made, as if he had to wait on an order from HQ on how to use it to make a consensus crack. Also notice how he had to use a sockpuppet (1) and done to back him up.

Indeed. What a transparent and low-energy shill it was. Pretty sad to think these people are supposed to be our adversaries.
Fits nicely into the theme of this thread, though.

I do not think that all workers are spics, a ridiculous idea, That just shows that you do not want to argue or are just stupid. Mexicans (and other non-white vermin) make up the majority of workers. FACT

They do work that is machine-like, glorifying them is sub-human behavior.

If you are not ethnically Jewish, you are spiritually so. De-kike yourself or we'll do it with out delousing agent.

Is it though ?

“Those who commend work. - In the glorification of 'work', in the unwearied talk of the 'blessing of work', I see the same covert idea as in the praise of useful impersonal actions: that of fear of everything individual. Fundamentally, one now feels at the sight of work - one always means by work that hard industriousness from early till late - that such work is the best policeman, that it keeps everyone in bounds and can mightily hinder the development of reason, covetousness, desire for independence. For it uses up an extraordinary amount of nervous energy, which is thus denied to reflection, brooding, dreaming, worrying, loving, hating; it sets a small goal always in sight and guarantees easy and regular satisfactions. Thus a society in which there is continual hard work will have more security: and security is now worshipped as the supreme divinity. - And now! Horror! Precisely the 'worker' has become dangerous! The place is swarming with 'dangerous individuals'! And behind them the danger of dangers - the individual!”

-Friedrich Nietzsche

Great argument.

Spending some time on Holla Forums and going through the Nipton encounter again really made me see what the Legion was about. Once you get over the shock value of the massacre and the lottery and poke around the area then you begin to see the bigger picture. Nipton was a town full of rapists, criminals and bandits. The mayor was a polygamist planning on selling people to the Legion, Paranoids, prostitutes, Gang members. Basically a hive of scum and villainy. A good way of highlighting this would be if people commented that the raids on nearby towns had decreased after nipton burned, or that new settlers to the place made it into an actually respectable town. The town was full of criminals, the Legion likely made the lives of the surrounding towns better by burning it to the ground, much like how the player would shoot up the raiders bases later in the game.

Most players will just breeze past Nipton though, the game is structured that there's little reason to stick around and investigate the Legion's motivations for what they did. It's not like they did what they could have with the faction anyway.

Trips for truth, I'm definitely trying this before I kick the bucket

I don't know how that Nietzsche quote is supposed to strengthen your position, but it sure as hell does not.
We are not talking about a glorification of work as it is done in strict protestantism, which is what Nietzsche is criticizing.
We are talking about you asserting that workers are predominantly spics and other subhumans and that they deserve no respect.
Again, you are trying to shift the goalposts.

Because we're the one who had to deal with those prisoners in our fucking community you oblivious cunt.

Well, that's what I'm talking about (see my first post).
He spoke very clearly. he talks generally about the glorification of labor.
This is from 2011 now count up to 2017. Already in 2011 most of the workers were non-white. And the bell-curve teaches you that most workers are low IQ.
They do not deserve respect simply because they are workers. If a worker for example would kill 100 liberals, he would earn my respect. So you have to evaluate on an individual basis.

It's almost as if he's trying to say nihilism is individualism, despite Nietzsche being constantly against nihilism.

One cannot be an individual without recognizing what made them possible, so they may know what to work on (for themselves 'individually'), to become more independent or to become capable or cope-able of everything which made them who they are.

Narcissists think they're capable of anything, while expressing no gratitude for the things which would cause their current self's death upon their disappearance. If they wish to just deconstruct things like an anarchist, and they identify with being an animal by trying to tear down the things which emerged to support them (family, culture, society, etc.), then that's what they are. Animals.

Yes, glorifying labor is different from glorifying the laborer, who shows persistence in doing what's needed to be done. Who dirties himself and then sheds that dirt like an old skin, for the sake of keeping everything else clean.

So you're not only misquoting Nietzsche, you're misquoting me as well.
I take it back. You're probably not Jewish, you're just a lolberg who cannot into both statistics and Nietzsche.
Case closed.

The data you linked to show that 52.3% of white males are blue collar workers, i.e. not in management, office or service. If we include the service sector, we get 66.1% of all white males.
You don't seem to realize that the relationships are only intra-racial and not inter-racial.
All you can say from this is that fewer spics and nigs are white-collar. Not that there are more blue-collar non-whites than whites.
Especially not in absolute terms, since there are no absolute numbers reported.

It is clear that you have never read Nietzsche. He was an individualist and an advocate for slavery. I would recommend "Beyond Good and Evil" as an first book to read. Good night.

The true heir of late night comedy is on youtube, and has been getting famous people to reveal their inner most thoughts.

Neitzsche was pretty dumb tbh

I did not, you do not want any productive argumentation.

Either you are stupid or a lying rat. Only ~ 34% of all whites are blue collar workers.
And that was in 2011, now whites are overrun by spics. I do not want to argue further with you, a plant is a better talking partner.

Rule #10 is off the charts right now, and can only be replaced with something that is now a perceived negative.

literally named pajeet

Rick and Morty was never the greatest thing, but it had a few genuine laughs buried under it's thick, syrupy skin of solipsistic hipster snark.
But now it is a fucking terrible thing, just like everything else (((they))) get their lube stained hands on. Feels lame, man.

Where is that webm of some bad guy responding to killing of celebrities along the lines of "yes, what would we do without their razor sharp political insight?"

You're not counting professionals as blue-collar? So a plumber is not blue-collar to you?
Also, as I said, this study does not compare races, it shows the distribution of jobs within race. As such, you cannot make direct comparisons between races and occupation.
You are just a dense old libertarian, aren't you?

And please let old man Nietzsche have a rest; you obviously have not understood the man in the slightest.

I understand that the edit makes the joke more accessible to plebs, but you have no fucking idea how badly it revs up my fa/tg/uy autismo engines.

Slavery is fine - so is a non-nihilistic idea of individualism.

Your idea of individualism dismiss the industrious spirit which is necessary to keep the mind from becoming flightly in relation to the body. The striving for a greater connection of personal idea(l) with the real.

If you cannot respect that spirit in others, then you do not have it, yourself. Which means you're probably a spiritual Jew.

I thought that was the second layer of the joke.
This, and that it also makes zero sense that way.

So every professional is a blue-collar worker?
Yes, but you can see the numbers of the white population (and spics and niggers et cetera) from 2011 and apply the percentages to it. Today whites are just over 50% of the total population. They are significantly underrepresented in blue collar jobs compared to niggers and spics. So they can not have more than 40% of all the blue collar jobs. Can you object to this? KYS

I've seen this autism before.
Keep it up

really, nigger? learn to webm, especially if you don't have a shitty computer setup and can process the conversion in half the time I can

Man, its easy to forget how mongrelized the USA is. Nowhere else in the white world would blue collar equate to nonwhite.

Skilled labor not present in office environments have always been considered blue collar by American standards. If you're saying menial work like picking grapes is blue collar but a plumber isn't, then there's a complete miscommunication.

However, it stinks of a kike using typical evasive pedantry.

All you can prove with your data is how flawed your reasoning is. Your "irrefutable facts" are based on guesswork alone, on one dataset that is grouped and labeled in an insufficient way to back anything you say up with any kind of confidence.
You instead rely on intuition and anecdotal evidence to stand in as "FACTS".
Thus, your claim that blue-collar equals subhuman remains unsubstantiated.

And your conviction that any sort of respect or appreciation for any kind of worker or work is wrong, just tells me you have never worked a day in your life and are probably still in college.

It came off as very Jewish

You're exactly the type of sub-human I'm thinking of. Stupid without border. Genitic waste.

I'm going to sleep now, what I have written about the other sub-human also applies to you.



We've known that ever since GamerGate stumbled across the cultural marxist incursion of vidya, looked them square in the eyes and told them to fuck off. Hell, if GG hadn't been such an utterly underground movement albeit the first one to really stand their ground against the kikes we would already have entire books written about the link between Trump and GG's unprecedented momentum shift that it brought about.

fuck, it's true
im certain the majority of us here all started at laughing at holo jokes and uncle addie
this is why kikes must have a monopoly on comedy to maintain their strangehold on what people believe is true
this is why we must outmeme them
this is why they come here to disrupt the meming

I always had an irrational hatred towards nazis when I was a child, then I got on Holla Forums in 2005, and here I am now.

Very nice.

comedy is truth. This is exactly why the left cannot into humor.

Super irresponsible memeing.


Former comedian here. It's a complete waste of time. It's the most bluepilled den of faggotry beyond anything I could have imagined. There's no money in it. And it only exists for kike money laundering here. Just accept comedy is dead.

I respect you guys a lot, but shouldn't this be your prime era? The days when you were telling these rooms full of faggots what you thought of them?
At the very least you'll get to guest on some Holla Forumsack's sitcom a decade from now.

The entire industry from the shittiest open mics to the biggest clubs are just bluepilled faggotry populated by alcoholics and mentally fucked up people. Also Marxists have completely destroyed the comedy industry to the point it is completely irrelevant. All comedy is now is oppression pyramid competitions among stereotypes. I could write a book on all this but it is the shittiest realm I've ever seen and I spent a decade in it.

But it's also why I'm so hardcore red-pilled now is seeing how it all works from the inside.

don't give up sam!

Comedy can't exist without truly free speech, and that's the direct opposite of what the left believes in now. Left-wing comedy that's actually funny is literally impossible because of this, and right-wing comedy is illegitimate a priori.

Sad times.

That's the thing about liberal elitism:
They see the ideas they attack and the people who hold them as completely separate entities. Their "humor" revolves around a perceived dualistic nature between wrongthink and wrongthinkers. They appear well aware that the views they hold and the people who share them are effectively one in the same, but fail to extend this reasoning to the other side of the aisle.

They presume the world's people largely thinks the same way as them. So when they act all smug and mock opposing views, they presume this would resonate with the opposition who they think simply hasn't been exposed to the issue before because "only an idiot would actually believe this, amirite?" What's even more infuriating is when they strawman the argument or leave out important details under this very same assumption; that the opposition is less aware of any given issue than they are.

To put it simply: yes, they really did think they were going to sway people by mocking their beliefs. They really do see their opposition as a bunch of idiots who don't even listen to the politicians they support. They really do think that they are a relevant source of information to anyone who isn't already 100% on board with everything they have to say.

The only comment shown in the OP archive is a beautiful piece of work:


Yeah they just don't know when to drop it. Over here in Australia the news was banging on about Trump all the time and the US is on the other side of the world. I couldn't understand why it was such a big deal. People just kept REEEing about Trump day and night. I was wishing for the election to be over so I'd stop hearing about it 24/7.

Come election time, Trump wins and I thought that would be the end of it. They would just give up and I'd have peace. But they didn't stop. They just upped the screaming by 1000% as if they could turn back time or something.

It was so odd I started looking into why and ended up here. Now I'm so redpilled its not funny and I highly doubt I'm the only one. All because the left couldn't shut the fuck up. They've completely screwed themselves by calling everyone that doesn't agree with their sanctimonious dogma, a sexist, misogynist nazi.

You're telling me screaming "DRUMPF AHAHHAHAHHHA DRUMKINS DRUUUUUMPF" over and over again isn't winning people over?

These comments are brutal, it's almost as if.
"When the Normie learns to Hate"

I don't know if I have seen anything like this before.

(LOL at the GREENHILL kike talking shit, of course)

Daaaaawwwwwwwnaaaaaaaaaallllllf DRUUUUOOOOOOOMPFFFFF

Holy fuck, that last sentence:

2 genders
2 justice appointments
2 terms

Did Holla Forums make that term up? I've seen it everywhere lately.

These are seriously gold. I have real hope to start my Monday!

MAGA everyone!

OK, which one you was "Schlomo" on this one?

goys can't laugh at anything a Jew wouldn't laugh at, that would mean the goy is human.

God damn summerfags.

Early on in the Trump presidency CNN ran a story about how Trump wanted two scoops of ice creme instead of one at a press dinner. CNN said that this is literally hitler and a sign of greed, all the Jewish people thought that this is comedy gold, and all the normies made me lose faith in humanity again thinking that a man wanting slightly more ice cream to eat is an evil.

Holy shit, snarky AND autistic. I know about the ice cream faggot, I was referring the to the little mantra at the end. It's fucking hilarious.

Learn to read nigger.

he's just a newfag grasping for opportunities to call others newfags.
ignore him. He has 11 posts in this thread and nothing of merit within a single one of them.
He even called another user a "summerfag" for being skeptical about MLP being a fucking MK Ultra PsyOp

this is so beta it hurts

It's glorious to watch their crying. We are Righteous Brothers! We Will Continue Winning!!

This made me laugh because they probably were that retarded.

Well they could have had her become goatfuckers get out tier buddhist instead of just being a boring liberal LARPer.


Comedy comes from a deep understanding of society, of reality which go unacknowledged or are taboo, a fresh perspective on the essential truths which just ring true, and thats why people laugh even when its uncomfortable.
The left are pure suppression and lies at this point, they have no way to be funny, they are wooden state propaganda of the prk or ussr, no wrong think, just approved think, and all politically convenient lies.

I used to watch all these clowns, and while part of me is sad to watch them fall, its for the best, they waste your life, they didn't call it the boob tube for nothing.

on a side note its interesting that this opiate is now majority female viewership, perhaps this makes them easier to control.

Remember this post from mpcdot, all they have now are lies, manipulative propaganda, and censorship, because it comes down to this, they lost the argument.

Because the entire argument for them being right is moral superiority. If you want to kill people you might add well be a fascist

The ancient Greeks already perfected the formula for comedy. Censoring yourself makes it impossible to be truly funny.

That's a WWII rail gun not from "1918".

There is nothing efficient about the methods described in the holocaust. Look at how many people survived being gassed 5 times. A single bullet would have been much more effective.

But would it have been as much fun to watch?

How can she be so mad at such fucking non issues? Imagine being in a country where this shit is actually politically relevant.


he cut his dick off so i dont think its a ruse


At best they have less than half the ratings of Leno all combined. Nobody watches that shit now they get cable ratings on network tv.

Aristotle said it all on comedy. Read what the man gives you for free. The root of humor is reconciling incongruities. It is a reaction to the annihilation of perceived structure and a form of ego death. Just like "the red pill" is """"coincidentally""""

2 gorillion skooops

nigger do you even know what nobless oblige means? You don't see me talking trash to the commoners and rabble lmao