Why do the majority of people straight up suck at videogames, Holla Forums?

Why do the majority of people straight up suck at videogames, Holla Forums?

Hop into a lobby in any team-based multiplayer game and you'll see what I mean.

Be it Smite, League, CS:GO, Insurgency, BF4, Overwatch, or even fucking Black Ops 3.

Entering solo queue is like sticking a tag on yourself that says "match me with genuine retards".

The only way to gain any ground and not rip your hair out in frustration is to painstakingly collect other people who kinda don't suck and play together at all times.

No team of people you personally know = no winning. Period.

Meanwhile if I don't feel like getting a whole group together just to play one fucking game I get my ass handed to me because my "team" doesn't know what the fuck they're doing.

Pic related when guaranteed loss because I forgot to phone up 12 of my cousins to come play with me.

But if what you say is true and you are good, then you should be topping the scoreboard in most of those games regardless of team.

Contrary to popular Blizzard and Activision methodology, 1 good player doesn't balance out a team of assholes.

If you constantly lose in team games, you're the team's retard.

Most people suck at everything.
Why are you playing all those shitty games anyway, OP? I think that's the real question here.

Gee man

You get two different kinds of shit at games.
There are those who merely lack technical skill or reaction speeds. This might be age related, lack of experience with the game etc but as long as they're willing to work on getting better shit is fine.
Then there are those who lack any ability to communicate, use teamwork or even think through basic tactics or strategy. Often, but not always, Slavs, BRs or Frenchmen.
It sounds like you got the latter but that's what you get for playing shit games with MM instead of a good, old fashioned set of community servers.

Suck a dick those are all fun as fuck.


hehe, suck a dick.

Attitudes like that are why you're stuck playing with useless shits. All the good players get driven away by the cunts or stick with their small friend groups because they'd rather have fun than being hyper-competitive at all times.

And if you're going to play CS:GO and bitch about your team sucking stop using Valve's MM. ESEA or FACEIT are both superior. Sure you won't get a little digital badge to brag about but a few pixels don't mean shit all.

Because you're playing casual games made for casual gaymers? Those are the kinds of games people play for a couple of matches before leaving for work / university.

classic Holla Forums

Where the fuck have you been?
Are you trying to crash your own thread?

R.I.P. thread.

right here, my dude.

hence why i say what i did. this is classic Holla Forums material right here.

I don't see what your talking about.

My biggest gripe with the not really team based games like black ops 3 is the skill level of it all. After you learn the basics of what to do, what characters do, and what gun is the best. Then that's it. There's really no depth, no mastery.
You, and a friend or two can dominate the matches by simply sticking together because the skill ceiling is so low.
Likewise, if the other team doesn't play anything else, or has a couple friends, your pretty much fucked.

The last good multiplayer game was bad company 2. Before they patched the guns to oblivion, each one was different, but effective, you could use your skills in combination with your team, and communication was the key to winning.

Go to hell you hipster fuck.

You listed two of the most casual games on the planet.

Don't cut yourself on that edge, kid.

Smite, LoL, BF4 and Black Ops 3 are unarguably aimed primarily at the more casual market. Sure some are playing them excessively but mostly you've got kids with far too much spare time playing only 1-2 games. This is still a form of casual just an obsessive one. Outside of the highest ranks CS:GO's 'community' is similar (kids who watch streamers/e-sports mostly) and, again, those who actually take shit seriously aren't in the default MM because they are after balanced games not seeing their little digital badge go up.

Insurgency isn't exactly a fully mainstream title but those playing the MM mode are inherently going to be annoying little shits. Why else would they be playing it in such a game?

Look at the shit you listed.
Take CoD, for instance. It has aim assist turned on by default, even for Zombies. Again, most people suck because they don't devote 10 hours a day of their lives to video games. They just play a couple of matches and move on.

Jesus what kind of an anemic memelord do you have to be? You don't know what edgy means.

Calm down, kid, your mom will come bring you a fresh plate of pizza rolls as soon as you finish your temper tantrum.

Nigga do you not come into contact with other human beings outside of 'teh chans'?


Clearly you don't come into contact with other human beings outside of shitty multiplayer games.

classic Holla Forums

Who the fucking hell let this normalfag in?

Those people are the worst fucking human beings ever and almost always play a sniper of some kind so they can sit in a corner and feel like they are actually doing something.

Who the fucking hell made being bitter, cynical, and toxic about something that's supposed to be lighthearted and fun "cool"?

get out

Kill yourself.

It's the tone of the board. It has always been the tone of the board: tough love for video games. So much so its representation is a raging stick figure.

i'm one of those
i don't know what to say about it, really. i practice and practice, but i never get any better.
i'm probably just being immature about it; i know there's more to practice than just playing and playing, but i'm too stupid and lazy to bother practicing for real. plus, i go suicidal whenever i fail at anything, so that kind of prevents me from learning much because i'm too focused on how i'm worthless garbage and should kill myself.

hours and hours and hours of smash bros, shooters, dota. no significant improvement at all. even singleplayer games; after a combined 300+ hours over both games, i'm still shit at dodging in isaac and i take bad damage constantly.

i guess i'm just born to be a shitter for life.

That's literally what it is tho.

-Every mainstream game is shit
-Everyone who enjoys these games is shit
-Every game that doesn't fit my specific niche tastes is shit
-Every game that doesn't pass the "Cool Kids" test here on good ol' Holla Forums is shit and I will parrot popular opinion rather than form my own

Face it, you're a hipster with a case of hype-aversion.

get out

get out

get out

that aside, while it's true that Holla Forums's cynical nature may draw hipsters, the fact is that most modern games have a lot of problems. It's not that that mainstream games are bad because they're mainstream; it's that they're mainstream because they're bad. In order to appeal to the masses and become "mainstream," they're casualized to the point that it's not fun or satisfying for proper forgive me for this word "gamers." People who actually think of video games as a real hobby, who play often, who want to get better, who think more deeply about their vidya than the average fucktard playing Bioshock Infinite because some youtuber told them to.

There's ample discussion about almost every relevant new release here, and even the most foreboding games see some amount of optimism until release day. Most of Holla Forums is jaded and cynical, but if a popular new game turns out to actually be good, the hipsters hating it for being mainstream will be the minority.

The real question is: why are you wasting your life only to be so good at video games? normalfags have lives. That's why they don't good at vidya. If you have no life then you can devote the time to git gud. If you have other obligations it's not going to be a full time job like how you treat it.

If the majority of people playing video games suck at video games, why wouldn't all mainstream games be casual?

Because I should I waste time at getting good at something useless?
Video games are for fun, I'd rather put effort in learning and polishing practical skills.

i dont mind casuals, but i wish games werent designed around them, and they were given the option to play on an easier difficulty instead of the other way around, ending up with a game that doesnt punish you for being stupid even on the higher difficulties because everything has to be spaced out safely. the play testers daid we cant make people reload from a checkpoint or they wont buy our shit.

You know you could probably have fun while still putting effort in to improve, the two aren't mutually exclusive.


sadly, this is an okay answer. to be honest, in simpler games at least, i tend to have more fun when im not so great at them.


That you OP?

Well fuck you, Holla Forums.



i didn't say "masquerade"




Don't rise up the skill ceiling because they keep swapping what game they play instead of sticking to a game to genuinely improve.
Don't rise up their base skill because they're not picking up any skills or anything that improves their input.
Stagnate at their current skill level because they never push up.

You can't really get good at game if you play it 20-30 minutes a day.
I realized it when I was really into fightans. I reached the point where improving further would mean treating, not even genre, this particular game as a second job, spending sever hours daily just to put up competition against what you would call amateur players.
This wasn't fucking fun, it was a second goddamn job. If I wanted second job then I'd get one where I get paid you know.
Since then I play games for fun exclusively.

Process of jumping around and shooting people is fun. Whether you win or lose in the end is not really important. It's better to have a fun match and lose, then to have a boring one and win.

maybe take another look at the image you posted there friendo

Why did I do this?

in the words of a wise degenerate furry "bad players in multiplayer are the devs way of putting a loaded gun to your forehead and telling you "dodge this" ".

Because the grand majority do not play for challenge. Even here, it's the same.

Say what you want about LoL but that game is very close to perfectly foolproof. Nothing else comes close, because no other game mitigates punishment as much. The comeback mechanics and general design make it extremely forgiving, too. Just compensate for a bad team somehow and it should be playable for those who want to win.

In a world where perfectly challenging single player games like Ninja Gaiden 2 and Vanquish are pretty much extinct, the only other challenge left is multiplayer. Everyone here can pretend you've got shit taste and are a casual if you play any of the mentioned games, but where else can you go for some kind of challenge? I wouldn't bother with insurgency- everyone treats it like advanced CoD and just heads for kills.

At this point I'd honestly rather just build a harem of twitch sluts and teach them to not die, then carry them. At least I'd get some enjoyment out of that. Getting your team to not die is pretty much the first step to fixing a game.

I suck at all hitscan based shooters. True fact my man.

Twitch shooters are cancer, there's nothing to be really ashamed of.

every shooter is a twitch shooter

Chilly tale, my friend.

Name 5 that aren't