Facebook employee is homeless, lives out of car

Facebook employee is homeless, lives out of car
The high cost of living in the Silicon Valley is taking its toll- even on tech workers.
Just ask Parsha.
She has a job at Facebook and is also homeless, living out of her car.
Parsha's nickname is "Pinky"- she has pink hair, a pink car, and even a pink dog. But she says, things aren't always as rosy as they appear.
Parsha says, "I tell people all the time, stop looking at what somebody got and what you see on the outside".
On the outside, Parsha is a model Facebook worker, who runs a non-profit in her spare time. But she's been living out of her car since April.
"Everything I do here, this is my life. This car means everything to me because it's all I have basically".
Except she also has student loans and medical bills. Even with her salary, an apartment can run more than $2.000 per month in Silicon Valley- and that's out of reach.
"I'm very embarrassed because I don't want to be looked down upon or talked about".
Parsha says until now, she hasn't told her co-workers that she's homeless. It's a matter of pride.
"They would be shocked that I'm going through that because they would be like 'I see you smiling at work, you appear to be happy. You look normal, you look clean".
Parsha decided that now is the time to start talking about her situation, in the hopes of opening a real dialogue about the high cost of living in the Silicon Valley.
"I think that companies need to look at the salaries. Are we paying employees enough to survive?"
Tonight, Parsha broke down, renting a hotel room so she can get a real night's sleep.
She says she's trying to stay positive and that a home is just around the corner- and the security that comes with it.
Parshay has only worked at Facebook for two months, but says she is already looking into getting a second job to help make ends meet.




Loving every laugh

Please use this picture. That is her, not the white girl in your picture.

Ouch you beat me to it.

No, it's because the niggeress spent a lot of money on stuff she don't need.

nice digits tho

Thank dude.

so basically
thanks OP. riveting.


You've been gobbling far too many cocks today, OP.

>"opening a (((dialogue)))

Literally zero surprise

A nigger is allowed to keep a dog?!

Poor thing…

There is no racist laws to prohibit the niggers from owning a animal.


I thought it was the hot white girl in the car in OP pic


was like 'sheeeeit you can come live with me honey' looooooooooooooooooooooooooool

Race Is a Social Construct, Scientists Argue
More than 100 years ago, American sociologist W.E.B. Du Bois was concerned that race was being used as a biological explanation for what he understood to be social and cultural differences between different populations of people. He spoke out against the idea of "white" and "black" as discrete groups, claiming that these distinctions ignored the scope of human diversity.

There are laws against leaving dogs in hot cars. Wonder if they let her bring it in to work?

I dont know what subreddit you crawled out of, or how you found this place, but you have to go back.




There should be, though.
Niggers should not be keeping pets. They have no empathy for it.


If that happen then she will face six-month county jail sentence and get gine $500.

The dog owned by the niggeress is likely to be untrained and the company won't allow the dogs in unless it's a guide dog.

Yea I agree and niggers often neglected the animals because they are efffin' too stupid to take care of them, which is why the zoo is always controlled by the white people. White people in ZOO knows not to hire effin' hire the niggers.

How do we know she's not a janitor or something?

The genetic variation between an anglo and a sub saharan is greater than the variation between an anglo and a neanderthal.

probably works one of the customer service phones tbh

And what's her degree? Obviously not business.

No one will understand her because she speak like a nigger. Have you ever meet a nigger who talk properly? Not for me because their lips are too hard to read.

Hopefully Facebook fires her, dumb niggers are always pulling shit like this. White people get roommates, save their money, live on a budget, get promoted. Niggers like this always blame their employer for low wages and then piss their money away on spas, weaves, and nails.

Fuck this BLACK whore


Holy fuck why would anyone live there? That is goddamn insanity.

it pisses me off that this beast is even consuming resources, gas, food, air, a job, fuck these fucking hose beasts need to be put out of their misery.


Maybe she is working in the HR.

Nigger, there are apartments in san francisco that cost $8,000 a month.

This is what wage-slavery looks like if globalism is fully implemented…

Plenty of money to spend on custom leather seats for her car though

REPORTED for not posting REAL pic.
I would never rent my house to a diversity hire like "Unique" and her degenerate hair.
"muh student loans and muh healthcare"
Maybe don't eat popeyes and get diabeeetus

And this picture renders the entire story suspect.
Not only is this woman clearly paid enough to afford twelve meals a day, not only is it unlikely she could even FIT into a car, I refuse to believe anyone ever told her "you look normal"

Also forgot to mention. She has the money to fucking CUSTOM EMBROIDER HER GOD DAMN FUCKING NICKNAME INTO HER HEAD REST!

Oh try the picture!

Essentially its a product of a number of factors.
High demand from tech workers since all the big companies are located there.
But before that the region had high demand due to it being an affluent area popular with artsy types and financiers.

Why do you think silicon valley emerged as a phenomena?
The region hosts a large number of investors who are living exactly where they want to live and have no intention of ever moving because they have everything they want in the area. All their fancy artsy restaurants, boutique shops, coastal homes, etc.
So these investors throw their money at tech startups knowing they'll make the money they invested in 100 off the 1 that actually succeeds. Then they take their profits and invest into even more tech startups.
So the amount of invested money constantly rises until the bubble pops which is the only way money ever really leaves the cycle.

It's why despite considerable effort nobody has been able to replicate the bizarre phenomena elsewhere.
In most regions when someone makes a fortune off investing they move that money into something else. They do something with it unrelated to investing.
In the UK what usually happens when someone makes a killing off investing is they vanish into the countryside and are never seen again, by which I mean they move into owning real estate and primarily live in the countryside.

But anyways. As a result the price of everything in the region is horribly inflated due to all this money being thrown around. With housing you also have huge demand driving up the price.
It never trickles down to people like her though.

If she's working at Facebook she probably eats there.
They provide free food and other facilities to their staff to get them to work longer hours voluntarily.

2000 isn't a lot of money. the worst studio apartment in orange country is probably 1800/m base and you'll be surrounded by a bunch of spics who pay 300 on low income housing. California sucks.

Because she wanted to be like them. It's ego thing that I will never understand the nigger mentality.

But it doesn't really change anything though.
Facebook still hires a bunch of staff in the area so those staff presumably need places to live.
It's not the workers fault, they're moving where the jobs are.

It is a lot of money to me because I am not rich. Anyone below the middle class would love to have that lot. The niggers are effin' spoilt babies who can't live with the govt money.

If they pay you well enough it's worth it, really depends on you job. People with shitty jobs really get fucked on those situations, the sheboon in the OP, whose pic he didn't use, probably works for a company working for Faceberg. Its pay is probably shit and it should move. It won't because cheaper cities have the same job with lower wages and it doesn't want to "lose" money. Plus look at that car, that wasn't cheap. Niggers have no idea how to manage money, they'd be happier with their employer providing them with food and housing and a small amount of cash for crack.

She probably doesn't work directly for Faceberg. Usually big companies contract catering, cleaning, etc from other companies. This has plenty advantages, it raises the average salary of Faceberg employees, which is good for PR, and eases the job of management.

No sympathy for an unmarried woman who refuses to get a roommate.

Do not effin' her a woman because it's a niggeress, you stupid useless idiot.


What does she even do at facebook? Says she runs a non-profit in her spare time?
Whats that one do?

She may well work directly for them.

A slave for the facebook. lel. I think it's bullshit and is doing this to gain sympathies.

I know. My half of the mortgage is under 150. I don't make 200k a year, but I also don't pay to raise other peoples children. 200k in silicon valley = 75k tax burden + property tax which increases 2% every year. Shitty expensive gas + taxes for roads that dont get fixed and a train that will never be built.

There are thousands outside of the expensive so no excuses for them.

It's just a pet peeve of mine but I think you should've italicised the "a month" part rather than the price, in response to that post.

>Nigger, there are apartments in san francisco that cost $8000 a month.

Shit please forgive my grammar.

Holy craps rent your house to the rich people because it's hard to pay your mortgage. If you fail to pay then they will steal your house and sell them for the dirty shekels. Be careful dude.

A non-profit could easily be a Facebook group with a Patreon or whatever for donations.

The other one was price per month as well. So it makes since the highlight the primary difference between the two, the price.



Any gullible white people will eat that up.

Well it depends what kind of tech work you want.
Yes you could go elsewhere but having worked for one of the big firms looks great on your work history and if you can get promotions then potential rewards are massive.

She's probably a secretary or phone rep. They are commonly land whales.

The work don't have to be tech and we don't need to live in the house because we can build the tents in the innwoods because it's free which means we would earn extra money. What is my point? Just live the cheap live and you will get more money.

Yes, yes you're right. I didn't see.


Going the GoFundMe route

Wage is completely irrelevant in this situation.

If they let free capitalism run its course, and stopped raising the minimum wage:
-Things would be less expensive (prices rise when wages do, it's a pointless cycle of needless inflation)
-Less regulations mean more real estate
-Less regulations means more and better roads
-Less regulations mean less crazy taxes, so businesses have more income to work with

The Bay Area is a case study of how NOT to run a community. No wonder so many businesses are leaving.

Noticing a lot of Jewish stuff.

Seattle would probably disagree with you there

So by your argument any african nation should be a utopia.
China should also be a utopia. Since regulations are never enforced there.

Fucking anarchists.

These poor souls, someone better start a soup soy-moccha-latte kitchen including free wifi and a charity-run apple store.


Faggot, even if lack or regulations let companies make more money, they would STILL pay their employees the minimum they think they could get away with. Do you even into profits?

Yea idiots with the disabilties.