Pan-European Religion. (Make your own king of LARPing, sing your own special song)

All try and keep this light and hypothetical.

In my opinion the greatest crisis for the West is our lack of a uniting faith.

There was a time when Europe and Christendom were one in the same, however that time has gone and what was was will never be again. On one hand this is excellent news, for Christianity is a religion which encourages cuckish and meek behavior and granted the Jews a monopoly on usury in Europe which lasted for over a thousand years. On the other hand, it means that less and less unites Europeans.

Neo-Paganism, all kinds, Wicca, re-constructionist, modernist, they're all cringe -inducingly awful and largely the domain of smelly degenerate boomer hippies.

Can we do better?
Which elements would you take from which religions?
Would you start from scratch and how?
Should we all worship Hitler as our lord and saviour or perhaps a cartoon frog?

My thoughts - We should use Hinduism as a model, there being a common unifying scripture and some central/uniting gods at the heart but then there are also a plethora of smaller sects within the big-tent.
For instance, there'd be perhaps 'Europa' as the great mother goddess and she could have children who correspond to each of the individual nations.
Thoughts much appreciated though.

I'm afraid that is not true.

What can we learn from the other religions? Obviously esteem for our Hebrew friends doesn't run particularly high on this board. However there's a respect for learning (most evident in the bar-mitzvah ceremony, where 12 year olds are forced to learn an extended passage in an ancient language they probably won't ever speak - if in the diaspora - and in then in the yeshivas. Also they obviously have an in-group camaraderie which Europoids are going to need to adopt if we wish to survive.

Because of Baltic paganism existing into the 15th century?

We need a god like Wotan who is both priest and deity.

Vidrel explains om how a metaphysical level that is the most efficient god in times of disbelief and forgot truths.

/That overlapping with missionaries arriving in the Americas. Obviously there were also scattered christian communities in the Islamic world/India and then there was Ethiopia and the great hope of Prester John at about that time.

>guize we need to (((organize))) religion

What would (((you))) suggest?

How about fuck you, for a start?

Nice attempt at derailing, but I think the bagels are burning, why don't you go and check on that chaim.

The problem with any one of the strands of paganism is that it would excuse the other strands. I think preferably we'd be able to unite aspects of the traditional Greek/Roman/Slavic/Germanic and Celtic faiths without focusing so much on any one in particular that only a fraction of Europeans or people of Europeans can feel attached to it.

I meant exclude where I wrote 'excuse' in the first line.

So.. mix it up?

The thing with ancestral worship is that it ever so delicately leads to soil worship.

We can't just create a new religion from scratch, it needs to be something that has historical importance. I think we might be able to modify Christianity by combining it with some of the Pagan values. That way it will both resonate with modern Europe while also adding traditional European values.

We could pass this as the 4th major stand of Christianity (the others being Catholicism, Protestantism and Orthodox) and shape it around traditional European values.

No, don't even need to mention non-Christians really, the whole Christ thing has been a tried experiment to unite the European mind under one religion, but what always happens? Europeans kill each other, and not for land or resources but just to control thoughts causing more dissension and where are the Jews? Always around having the non-heretic Christians looking anti-Semitic in the pope's eyes, or having one Christian group kill the other Christian group who just threw the Jews out their land. One can practically even say the last century of warfare was fought on the same terms, Jews.

The deaths back in their meant a whole lot more then the populations that are now as well that all these wars were caused by usually Catholics not liking there is another kind of Christianity which isn't sending funds back to Rome. Now with the third worldization of Catholicism, makes you think why did all these men die so that their country would be given to based black guys with crucifixes.

Then you have the anti-popes, for instance my favorite, truly based, Antipope Benedict XIII who not only came up with putting stars on kikes but also: "Benedict issued the Papal bull Etsi doctoribus gentium (in 1415) which was one of the most complete collections of anti-Jewish laws. Synagoges were closed, Jewish goldsmiths were forbidden to produce objects as chalices and crucifixes and Jewish book binders were forbidden to bind books which included the names of Jesus or Mary. Those laws were repealed by Pope Martin V, after he received a mission of Jews, sent by the famous synod convoked by the Jews in Forlì, in 1418." Also the Jews got revenge on him, as they always do, during the War of the Spanish Succession his burial was desecrated by marauders.

Protestantism can work, and I have to thank many protestant authors since the 1600's and earlier for writing about the Germanic Gods, in the beginning they only scoffed at them but ever since then there has been a slow changing to use symbols and ways of living, I intend to grow this way but know the old gods care more about your lineage then your belief in them. The old heart must beat with ancient blood.


I'd go with a roman style pantheon thing, where the norse, celtic, slavic, etc. gods are all considered different interpretation of the same concept, I'd stay far away from the whole assimilation thing though, I think we can work something out where every european culture can maintain it's uniqueness. There could be shrines to the local gods and even local heroes and legends, that could vary in style depending on where you are. Realistically though, I don't think anyone could come to power whilst thrashing christianity, so it'd have to be a slow return to the roots, I think most people would get used to it, when they found out that a lot of the good stuff about christianity was basically taken from the pagan traditions when it was "europeanized". I think a good example of this is japan, they've had som setbacks because of western influence, but they seem to have a good connnection to they're ancestors still, lots of shrines and temples and stuff, it looks very japanese. I say we should have the same, but european.

Speaking of Japan, we might see a 'Haibutsukishaku' situation when the peoples of Europe finally overthrow the EU and expel semitic thought (Judaism/Christianity/Islam/Atheism/Marxism) totally.

Miguel Sorrano.

What'cha doing Wesley Clark?
Only for brainlets who either refuse to see the full meaning of anything, or too limited themselves to see them. Have you whipped a kike yet? Have you driven kikes out of the temple of God yet (your body)? Have you stopped being a degenerate yet?
Yugoslavia, Eastern Europe, Balkans, Iberia…
You give up, because you have no faith.