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Ya'll goyim just jealous the blacks love us jews

Why do American liberals refer to Trump as some sort of omnipresent cultural overseer?

They are only white when they are genociding Arabs

How are we going to deal with internet niggers

Because they are american
And such omnipresent thing does exist in all their history, either as the Queen, Manifest Destiny, God, the President, the Soviet, the Patriachy, the Masons, the CIA or the Jews
The former 3 having certain proof around

Amerilogic Inc.

I wish their grammar had got woke

No, you faggots killed off satire when every single one of you brought Poe's Law into real life.

Its true tho. You can get liberals to ask the Jewish Question if its to liberate Palestine and conclude that the Holocaust should have run its course to see it liberated.

Fuck off drumpanzee.


Seriously, why haven't we started putting these queers and kikes in mass graves yet?

Isn't conveying that message in proper English an act of racist hegemonic oppression?

this is nu/pol/ everyone
Islam isn't our enemy, the kikes putting Muslims in Europe are. Muslims hate Jews in the same vein nationalist Europeans hate Jews.

Muslims hate everyone, dickhead.

I ask myself that everyday.

I guess I'd take kikes over muzzies.

Where's proof the queen is omnipresent?

Trump didn't kill off satire, "important" preachy "comedy" has.

t. brainlet aut-rightist

they make their own reality

Smokin' that loud, woke af fams. Kang WeWuz was right all along.

Squeal for me.

I like how you have the catch22 with the authoritarian bootlicker media outlet asking you for money so you end up wondering if the public paid them more it would make them actually report things honestly or not, for a millisecond


I wish the Jews didn't act so consistently despicable so I wouldn't have to hate them tbh.

t. sandnigger

The indoaryans are Persians and they are not Arabs. Modern Jews are relatives of Arabs who have diluted their own bloodline by race mixing with Europeans.

You don't have to be a right wing SJW to recognize that the arguments put forth by actual SJWs and Muslims like you are 100% bullshit.