Where were you when Trump saved anime?

Where were you when Trump saved anime?

what ayneim is this

Eating a Klondike at home.

I still don't understand that part of Inuyashiki.

Someone who once ruled over everything under heaven will make speeches on similarly big scale. The Human Village is boiling with excitement for this figure who declares loud and proud what ordinary youkai cannot say—.

This character, who youkai and humans alike have their eyes fixed on, is Toyosatomimi no Miko (currently a hermit). Maybe it is a habit from her time as a politician, but she has started to make aggressive statements about the critical situation that humans in the village are currently facing. "The reason I was not elected as an official in Gensokyo is that the system is corrupt! From now on, as President, I will lead the humans to a better future!"

As you know, although the Human Village is self-governing, it does not have a government. And that, she says, is the cause of its devastating misfortunes. The relationship between humans and youkai is approaching a new stage unlike anything seen before.

Toyosatamimi no Miko's inauguration speech prompted a whirlpool of debate, dragging everyone in Gensokyo into the roiling waves. Her statements are all extreme, but one cannot deny that some of them hit their mark, which makes them so provocative. Here we present a few of them.

"Humans have their jobs stolen by illegal youkai immigrants".
"I will build a great wall on the border of the Human Village. And I'll make the people with youkai connections pay for it."
"The youkai coming from outside the village, they're no good. They are bringing a mountain of problems with them. Drugs, and diseases, and even XXX. And sometimes there are good ones, I assume, but that's rare."

Certainly, the Human Village Problem that Gensokyo now faces is serious. If the youkai meddling continues much longer, long-lived humans might disappear altogether from the village. There may be many who feel that this hermit is the one who can fix the situation.



Trump can't even save Murrica, much less his own presidency. One-term Zionist twitterwhore.

gee, who would've thought? /s

the Japanese think Trump is an obnoxious idiot.

t. lives in Osaka



drumf is a nazi president


I know there were a ton of Trump appearances in anime and manga this year. There was President Trap-kun which I think only 2 were fansubbed. Not as good since it relied on Trump wig jokes and Japanese rap.

There really isn't much to understand. The mangaka wanted to put his Trump hate in his manga even if it doesn't make sense for a president to say this, no matter what you think of Trump. The manga and its anime adaptation was doomed from the start with it's shift in focus from old man that becomes robot and does good things to it's fight with edgy teen that does horrible things for no reason. Ended up like Gantz with its loss in direction.

Ha ha great posts! Well meme'd my friend!

Trump was in the jumpstart of Dr. Stone as the PotUSS back in august of last year.


At least Gantz finished okay. This new one was better following that evil guy but he couldn't get redemption. He was pretty evil but a neat character.

Didn't one anime get Trump in the OP only days after he won?