Do you call your beliefs "White Nationalism"?

White people and their nations are one and the same. Our lands have been invaded of course, so we have many nonwhites among us, but we shall take our countries back from the control of our enemies and destroy them, this is what any true nationalist believe.

However, it seems to me that people who call themselves white nationalists aspire for a broader meaning to the word nationalism, that crosses the borders of their own nations and literally try to establish being white as their nationality. Those groups never seem to fight back directly and efficiently against the agents destroying what's left of their countries, their ideas and criticisms are always a mix of vague generalizations made even more shallow by their meek tone, and while some of them may even recognize white genocide, they fail to become an actual political movement able to push back against it because their connection between the blood and their soil is too weak. This weakness not only makes patriotic people that could become fully nationalists not care about their movement, but it also makes them unable to think clearly about how to take their countries back. The enemies of the whites are far too many and they don't even know how to deal with their own countries, those white nationalists are always confused and can't focus.

I consider ideas like pan-nationalism, checking out of society and plans to create new countries and states to be complete nonsense, or even deliberate attempts to derail nationalists from the fight to take back their nations. I'ts not about the word "white", I want it to become redundant by making every talking point of nationalism into the clear and relentless defense of white people and their own countries.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're trying this again, eh?
Funny how it happens right as a low-energy antifag raid, eh? ;^)

Rebranding White Genocide/Attacking White Nationalism


Oh, also, you don't understand the very concept of nationalism, what a nation is.

Lurk 3 more years before further shilling.

Fuck off already with your rebranding shit, kike.

Can you read? I'm not a CivNat, I'm not denying white genocide and I'm don't want to rebrand anything. I'm against pan-nationalist notions and the attack against the link between the people and their nation.

Yes it is. You had your chance with nationalism and it didn't work because it included niggers, kikes and spics. The jig is up, Chaim.
White Nationalism or nothing at all.

Globalism aka Internationalism as we know it is anti nationalism.

So no. White people have many ethnicities, have historically formed many separate nations with unique cultures, speaking different languages.
At best the different nations are allies supporting each other, at worst they should be no more than rivals in competition for the limited space and resources of Earth. If ever in conflict then honorably not through malicious corruption as the Jews do it.

One world government does not work and may never work in the future either. Massive migrations and race mixing called (((multiculturalism))) only serves to dilute strong units like nations down to the individuals that make up a massive horde that's easy to manipulate and enslave for (((Communists))).

Path of Light
Trying to define it is trying to deny it. It is quality in and of itself, and the exclusion of things that are detrimental. That is the sum of our beliefs here, that can be said in the broadest terms applicable.
Logos goes beyond race, though it contains it.


Precisely, and how people could be oblivious to an attempt to lure whites into the feeling of a "global brotherhood" instead of focusing in their communities, their families and the country built by their ancestors is beyond me.

There's no such thing as "h'white unity" outside of yank fantasies.


I was revealing the lack of understanding of the concept of nationalism/nations under your broken, you dim wit. Can't you read?

And, nigger you've made this same thread with a different paintjob like 70 fucking times in the last 2 weeks.

You're obvious, you're exposed, just give up your attempts to get us to abandon our people and cast aside the best rhetorical methods in our arsenal, and go die alone.

You haven't read. The threads you linked have absolutely nothing to do with this one, I'm not talking about PR. In fact, I believe it would be more productive if we had people calling themselves National Socialists more often instead of believing in some kind of borderless white civilization or wanting to make new countries somewhere and giving up their own.

The first pic brings up an interesting issue with the "white diaspora" countries.

There are many people in America, Australia, etc., who can trace their roots multiple generations back and don't have any known relations in their ancestral homelands, be it England, Germany, Holland, etc. These people's families all likely migrated to the diaspora countries well before the 20th century, and I don't think anyone here would disagree with my about calling them American or Australian as opposed to English or German.

However, what about people whose families immigrated more recently, some of whom may even still be in contact with their extended relations in their home country?

These people are more likely to be Irish, Italian, etc.

To use Italians as an example, they probably grew up in America speaking only english, but if they've only been there for a few generations, they can likely know who their family is in the Fatherland.

This brings up a confusion because they are clearly American (the state), but it's quite obvious that they are Italian (the nation). But they might not have grown up with the language and culture, so which place would they supposedly "belong" to?

Since a Kike is asking on a Kike board my core beliefs are comprised of two main fundamentals. The first would be the killing of every last Kike in the world. The second would be the killing of every nigger in the world. Have a nice day Mr. FBI man.


A lot of the replies seem to have misunderstood what the OP was actually getting at. Essentially; the idea that one can be a 'White Nationalist' implies a unity between all whites that transcends the actual nation state. England is not France, and Spain is not Italy - yet all of these places are inhabited by a native white populace. The nations are different, yet the 'whites' are the 'same' – as in they're white. So how can one be a 'white nationalist' when there are whites belonging to different nations, and these nations hold different ideas about a vast variety of things, and all of which most certainly do not want to become one big super-state. Upon looking at it from this perspective the designation 'white nationalist' seems to be a contradiction.

So, does Holla Forums really identify with 'White Nationalism'? Surely the very term 'White Nationalism' is implying that there is a single white culture that must be united against the rest of the world – though wouldn't that imply a desire for all white nations to be incorporated into a single white super-state? And if that is so, wouldn't the desire for all separate white nations to succeed actually be 'white globalism', seeing as it is denying the differences in currently established 'nations' like Poland and Hungary, and reducing them to simply being 'white'. So is 'White Nationalism' actually denying the differences in the current nations, and saying that all whites are already 'one people' – 'one nation' – and thus necessitating the destruction of the current 'divisive' nations (England, France, Germany, etc) and the creation of a single white super-nation?

If you were a nationalist and still wanted Romania or Sweden to exist, then wouldn't that make you a Romanian or Swedish Nationalist, not a White Nationalist? The Nations here being Sweden and Romania, not White people as a whole.

So my answer is three-fold.

1) When most Holla Forumsacks talk about 'White Nationalism' they are approaching the world from the perspective of a citizen of the USA. The USA has no single dominant white culture anymore, and thus it would be wrong to call it fully Anglo or anything else. To Americans there is unity in simply being white. It transcends the nation-state that is so important to Europeans because it is so difficult for Americans to see any difference between an Anglo-American, a German-American or a French-American. However, this unity of whites is not something that Americans have made up simply due to their culture having been so degraded, and their populace so muddied - there is something real to it, which leads on to my next point.

2) White Nationalism is understood by many, especially Europeans, to be a continuation of the old institutions once known as Rome, and later Christendom. Just as Christendom's reach stretched out farther than Rome's, the White Nationalist's encompasses ever more. The exact definition has changed, but it holds on to this idea of a shared culture and heritage. Just as Rome was at war with barbarous outsider factions - Germania and Persia, and just as Christendom was at war with even more barbarous outsider factions - the Turks, Arabs and Mongols - so too are all 'white' nations under attack from yet more barbarous outsider factions - the jews, the muslims, blacks, browns and more or less everything that is not 'white'. Much of Rome would later become Christendom, and much of Christendom has now become 'White Nationalist'. But surely 'White Nationalist' is still a contradiction?

3)No. The fact is that we want 'Nationalism' for all 'Whites'. Pretty simple when you see it like that. We do not want the Germans to live under the rules of the Greeks, nor the Spanish to live under the British. We do not want them to all be equal in some perverse super-state. Instead we want them all to be separate and sovereign, and uniquely their own. That said we only want these things for the 'white' nations which we share a brotherhood with. We have no interest in black nationalism or arab nationlism, we care for our brothers and sisters who we may not share our homes or our laws with - but who we share our blood with, and who we have a common heritage and culture, despite our differences. The English White Nationalist desires the liberation and success of France, Germany and the USA - yet does not wish to see any of them 'unite' into a super-state. We may well fight for one-another, but after the battle is won we will all go to our own homes and make sure that an English man will rule England, and a Portuguese man will rule Portugal. We are in this together, we will fight for each other, but we retain our distinct national identities and would not want to see them lost. We want Nationalism for all Whites, that is what makes us White Nationalists. We do not see all whites as the same, but we do desire to preserve all whites in their own unique nations – and will fight and die to secure this for one-another.

I couldn't even make it halfway through this post it was so boring.
Characteristic of how communists think and write.

I call my beliefs progressively diverse trans-bi-liberal demi-nationalism
respect it

Yes, I do. Specifically, I'm a Christian White American Nationalist.

My ancestors who settled the land were white Christians. I am a white Christian. If pagans want to LARP about, they can go back to Europe. This is the holy land of my people, and of no one else.

It's more the fact that in the colonies the white races have mixed their blood together so the different white races are not as easily distinguished as they are in Europe. A third or fourth generation white American, Canadian or Australian has a broader European heritage because they have genetic roots in multiple European countries. As a result they identify as being "White" or "White European" instead of identifying with any one European country.

underrated post. It seems like "Nationalism for All Whites" is a much more accurate description of what self-stylized "White Nationalists", such as
, actually want.


OP makes this thread almost every day, with slightly different wording.
He denies this every time.
The mods never ban him, nor bumplock these threads.
Thus, evidence suggests this is a mod-supported, or mod-created, thread line.


Christianity is treason, and that it has ruled the minds of European folk for so long does not justify its espousal.
You are a traitor, by definition - far, FAR more of your ancestors were non-Christian than were Christian. This is a fact you should be able to accept, but you were raised amongst Jewish propaganda, so you cannot.

You're basically saying that, if your ancestors who traveled from Europe had been victim of a literal Jewish-borne brain parasite, you would argue that those with Jewish-borne brain parasites should have claim to all land settled by those who espoused such when they claimed it, instead of suggesting they should be freed of that parasite.
IOW: You are a fool.

No, my beliefs are based on my return to the natural order of things. That's it, and nothing more.

For how many decades the foundations of the US as a nation have been under attack, though? I remember reading a guide made by many academics and journalists from the US about the American history 15 years ago that already tried to depict the country as a multicultural society from the start, built by people from all over the world. I think Americans struggle with their identity because of the never ending campaign to destroy it.

However, America is not black or spic, and certainly not kike. Instead of what those alt right groups do, trying to segregate themselves and behaving like the minorities, but meek and ashamed in tone which make things even worse, American nationlists should promote in every statement that the white American identity is THE American identity. The history of the US is white, and the demographics were too just a couple decades ago. I hope Americans wake up soon or it will be too late.

This is post-modern education and it is a deliberate systematic deconstruction of the way things used to be. Just look for it in your local municipality and start digging there. For me I found that there is a Universalist church in my area I had no idea about. I read some of their publications and it is just blatant anti-white garbage. Then I found out about the prominent public officials in my area that are connected to it. These people pushing this trash are hiding in plain sight around you. It's not just the big media corporations that have such far reaching effects on the mind it's the local and state mandates that you live in and pay taxes for. Yes, the infiltration is nationwide it affects what we see in media and the public perception, but these rats are right down the street from you as well. I feel like is really hitting a home run here, the identity crisis that we are facing is not going to be solved by some broad term that we blanket on every white country. If we can refine new strong and local white identities than there won't ever be enough character assassinations they can do in the media in a day before it becomes glaringly obvious they are anti-white as fuck. The problem is no one around you will ever see it if people don't stand and fight it in their towns.

The Jews have introduced newspeak to control the minds of the Americans:
"American Indian" is now "Native American"
"American" or "Native American" is now "White American"
"American Negro" is now "African-American"
"Homosexual" is now "gay"

I always correct people who refer to Indians as Native Americans.

I call them Indioes and explicitly state they're not the natives. The following links always shut everyone the fuck up.