Swedish government is collapsing



After a shitstorm of incompetency:



Reminder that the anti-EU, anti-immigrant “you can only be Swedish if you’re family are native for at least 3 generations” SD are currently polling as the largest party.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump for Swedish resistance. Make Sweden white again

Their old world will collapse down so that a new one may grow. Winter is coming.

Who would have thought a gender balanced group of smug liberals would turn out to be totally incompetent. I remember when these retards were mocking Trump's executive order signings, who's laughing now?

And this why women shouldnt vote.

Resignation? lol they need ropes for necks

Holy shit, can Sweden actually be saved?

I call bullshit, got any proper sources (Swedish is fine)

Watch as even bigger kikes swoop in.

I was going to write a guide to the Swedish parties but then I got depressed so here's a summary:

SD: Kosher-nationalists.
Others: Left of the US Democrats. Pro-White-Genocide.




We've seen crazier things happen, like Trump becoming president.

No wonder.
The current party turned Sweden into rape capital of the world.
No propaganda can change the the fact that every swede is pissed off.
If Hillary got elected, she would probably send in the troops to stop the elections.
Burgers did a lot by standing up.


Well Eurolads I put on some early gray hairs voting in Florida and watching how close it was before we began to turn it around. If you reciprocate by giving us a Spanish Civil War 2.0 to go fight against commies and kikes, I'll bring the funs.

Depends if BASED kikes are allowed to weasel in and you know the answer to that.

Into what though? There's really not much to pick it up politically. SPD seems like a bunch of fags.

European countries don't allow anyone to be voted on who isn't a cuck. This has been proved time and again over the last 5 years.

Not the swedish population that for sure. But maybe they learn from this, one can hope.

Create problem, see reaction, present solution!

The Hegelian way.


Good luck to whomever they leave to pick up the pieces of that wreck they're going to leave to the next crew.

I hope for you swedes that they're legit and not controlled opposition

Center-Left? They declared themselves the first 'feminist government' of the world. They're not center-left. They're feminist.

What the fuck is feminist snow ploughing??

I dont know enough about Swedish politics to comment.
But im going to assume even if the left fags go down they will be replaced with moderate left fags.

Still funny i guess

That's great but the EU doesn't allow right-wing parties to be elected. They have gone on record saying as much.


Got to clear sidewalks for vaginas instead of the heavy cars on the road because vaginas don't drive as much.

You might be right, but I still don't understand why something is instantly controlled opposition if Jews/Israel is involved. I know, that (((they))) were kind of """forced""" into banking and the likes by Christian law forbidding them other Jobs back in the day, in fact, I think that the Jews having all this power is more of a simple conclusion rather than a collusion of Jews in general.
To be complettely honest, I am not sure how to think about it, they may have formed some sort of global tribalism, but really, what is the proof for this, I rella do not want to shill, or divide, but I am really indecisive about the jerwish question.
Up until now I am thinking, that Jews definetely are helping each other and that they may have the Global elite has a more Israel/Jew-centric aproach due to their jewishness, but then it wouldn't really make sense, to point ot the jew, but much ratheer, point out the global elite, especiially since the "jews" are not actually the probelm's cause, but much rather predisposed through history to their outcome on top.
I think focusing on jews is a detriment to our anti-globalist agenda, we need to have some appeal to normalfags, and eve if the jews somehw have their superZOG organization, once we are able to inform the masses about the nature of global politics, then the detriment or the irrelevance of their jewishness would just be openly discussed…
I am in dire need of more actual literature, infotext and documentaries just bring you so far, red pill plox.




We saw it in Austria last year when an absurdly high number of postal votes suddenly appeared and changed the result of the election, with some areas recorded as having a >100% turnout.

vote pewdiepie to save sweden

The very fact that Holohoax exists proves global collusion amongst Jews, where most (not all) serve to perpetuate the lie under the agenda of Zionism.

Maybe 'laughing' in the sense of "We're all gonna die a horrible nigger driven death and our country won't bat an eye because we're white." Like the laugh coming from someone who's so broken in mind and soul that they just pray for it all to end.

That's crazy, but I'd bet they'd be reluctant to use that, because if they stripped countries of voting rights and funding, they'd likely *exit and form their own union.


Go read the following books:
1) The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
2) The International Jew by Henry Ford
3) The Jewish Century by Murray Slezkin
4) You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel

The Protocols are decried as a hoax, (((of course))), but the fact that what is talked about to control nations in the book matches with sickening accuracy what we see today proves otherwise. The International Jew was written by Henry Ford in response to his reading of the Protocols. The last two books are written by two jews, and are bragging about how they are parasites Par Excellence and how they're destroying our people from the inside.

They're doing it to Poland right now. They know it works with Poland because they receive a shitload of EU gibs. For a country like Sweden though they don't have the same leverage, which is why they know their only option is to change the election result. Look for huge voting irregularities at the next Swedish election.



I often wonder about ways to dance around the jewish question, what type of rhetoric gets in the way of the progressivism without raising alarm bells.
It's like going around an engine shutting off intakes while it's still on, not easily done.


This is fucking staged giving them an excuse to resign
*Security police report on the breach made public - same regime that lies nonstop, now happily want share this scandal to the people ….
* Even the most loyal propaganda instrument government TV calls for their resignation

Dubs confirm it.

Poland should start talking about a referendum, even if they don't mean to go through with it.

They will just keep vetoing decrees against the other.

So all the Turks and Niggers that were just born to second generation immigrants are native Swedes? That's good to know.

Presser with Stefan at July 27, 10:00 am.

I see where you're coming from user, but try this little exercise. Next time you see something 'off', like a totally fucked up leftwing movie/tv show/news story/organization take a look at the names involved. See if you find a common thread.

The majority of their leadership is Jewish. You can guess at their intention. Spoilers: Their modern policy is essentially to commit the genocide in a responsible way, meaning slowly through miscegenation and not mass invasion. Some of them have talked about banning racial nationalist organizations.

Still, this is fucking great because of three reasons.

The first is self explanatory.

The second is due to the party a decade or so ago openly talking about race in their party program. A lot of members expect will expect the current toned down rhetoric to be just PR and will get pretty mad when the kikes cuck out and don't do what they hoped. For example the entire party youth organization elected to rejected SD's leaders for being cucks watering down the party policy , with the result of them being kicked out oy vey the nerve of these goyim! and the talk is that they will form a new party for the coming election. It shows the base is not necessarily as cucked as the leadership and may end up supporting a more radical faction may develop within the party, and also that as elsewhere the youth is more radicalized than the older generations, both very positive things.

The third is again pretty self explanatory but has two facets. The debate has already opened up immensely compared to a decade ago and people today dare to say things they would have been mortally terrified of saying back then. That unfortunately says more about the totality of the terror of the socialist media back then than anything else, but looking forward the trend says things are going to get exiting. SD being the largest party would greatly boost the moral of those who have been afraid to speak out or have instinctively hidden their powerlevel.

It also means the very nature of what immigration means in the long term will finally be unavoidable. People know the "immigrant question" exists, as in they are aware SD wants to talk about it, but they don't know what it is because everyone else always refuse to touch the topic. For example the vast majority of Swedes do not know they will become a minority by 2050 given the current trends, becasue unlike in eg. the US racial statistics are not produced and the controlling parties have always kept the issue under rugs. They see immigration simply as an issue of economics and comfort, meaning worse healthcare and more crime. They do not look at what it will mean long term. The statistics that the base of SD will demand their leaders push into the public consciousness will open up the space for the question "Do you want a Swedish people to exist at all? Look at your daughter. Do you want children like her to exist in a hundred years or are you fine with your ancestors blood disappearing and everyone looking like arabs?". If people can be made to ask themselves that question then the acceptance in their minds of the need for a program of racial preservation is only a matter of time, and the 10% of the population with agency will increasingly find themselves among our ranks.

TL;DR: SD is kiked but their advances shows the awakening among the people. The boomer generation that caused all this and for the last decades have been lying as a wet blanket over every effort towards change by voting out of habit will also reach its median life expectancy in the coming decade as the youth is growing ever more polarized between xi xer xey madness and the nationalist counter-reaction. The coming years will be interesting indeed.

Daily reminder that, for all Swedes browsing, only one option exists.

I haven't been following whats going on in sweden that much (aside from the enrichment), so what was the straw that broke the camel's back? I know of the smaller fuck ups over the years but was there a big one recently?

Jesus Christ! It's in OP's links:

PewDiePie for PM…


If I could go back 7 years and tell this to my old self I would have fucking died of laughter. Even now I struggle to believe his metamorphosis.

I told you.

No muslims involved at all?

They were biggest in latest Yougov poll
By 1-2% more than number 2 Social Democrats
Now in Sentio poll Sweden Democrats are 4% over Social Democrats


Fuck it, the pewdiepie would be better than the current cucks. If quads, hes next hitler. If dubs, I am!

I could honestly see him running at some point when he's in his ~40s-50s.


More like secondary effects.

If the right wins, Sweden will still have hundreds of thousands of shitskins and libcucks to deal with.

I know where you're coming from and I think it is more to do wit the term controlled opposition. It implies there is a secret agenda that all jews are in on. Instead what happens is that jews are raised in such a way that they become dependent on implicit jewishtribalism. This allows elite jews at the top to have these cascading effects that ripple down the pyramid layers of jewish society. All that tribal favoritism is also a means of controlwhen those favors are called in lest they be taken away. This way of organizing jewisch society has been going for so long it practically in their DNA. That is why the extreme position of eradication is ultimately the one and final solution.

Oh well, just wanted the lulz of it. I still will strive to be better than Hitler.

Hitler was a idiotic pawn, just got lucky for poland and france, i just hate the swedish for their submission to misery and their sophistication, it is like the hammer got thought by the nails, like the image shapes the canvas. If i could i would abduct all their pretty females to bavaria and leave them with nothing, so they can go fuck themselves around a camp fire made of their achievements, and it will burn with a green flame.(KIKE WAS GASSED FOR THIS POST)

Doesn't look like it. I suppose they don't want to react when muslims go apeshit because "they are the oppressed" and "white guilt"; However, there's no moral fence to prevent them from being at least a little bit upset when the government is screwing up.

Only three generations? It needs to be at least 6.

You think he got and kept all those tens of millions of subscribers on pure chance? He's acting this way because he sees how Gen Z is turning out and how positively they react to 'edgy shit'. You can see the left playing pickup by trying to play Stalin as an alternative to esoteric Hitler worship, but it pales in comparison.

If you really compare some edgy "i like video games" teens to the SS or stalin secret police you should think really hard about your zoe quinns next time. Next time you get headshots shill.

Know what something between quotation marks means before you ever reply to anyone ever gain.

Which mirrors how in Stalin's lifetime he tried to mimic Lenin's probably also entirely AstroTurfed cult of personality by trying to meme himself into being considered an intellectual and a great leader when he was neither.

Margin is still thin enough for them to fuck with. Swedebros need to organize serious monitoring of any election counting.

KYS newfag

Stalin is a damned robot.

They need to rise up with force.

just go read the talmud dude, that's a huge redpill

>The Protocols are decried as a hoax, (((of course)))
We're at the point, now, that whether or not is actually is a hoax is null. What was written in that document has and continues to occur.

Picture related. I went to their site yesterday, and they had a little article about how they got all these new hires because of increased donations from the election cycle. All jews, with a few sprinkles of non-whites. Then when I unblocked a few scripts, this popped up.Merkaba is jewish mystic bullshit. Then I went to their site, and they're selling all sorts of crystals and one of the listings actually says whatever crap crystal they're selling is going to help you attract money lol.

I used to fall down the rabbit hole like this all the time with wikipedia, and the most fucked up edits and stuff going on there is usually crafted up by faggots that usually own half their edits in jewish articles.

Fresse du fbi larping nigger.

i smell a lefty swede cuck

Typical of the Left to fuck everything up, then disband when it goes South. Leftists never can take the blame they so rightfully deserve.

pls nuke us


They think the roads is being used by the men so they stop ploughing the road and more ploughing for the paths because they think it is using the women only but in reality it hurt everyone. Their logic is pretty warped.

Man, but it's just so hard to take that pill, I still believe that any group of humans would be able to commit such atrocities against others, isn't this something you would agree with me on, after all, we need literally be threatened with violence to be stopped from commiting violence ourselves, so maybe it is a human tendency to behave parasitic (see: the christian kings of the past, also pushing usury with land taxes and not even allowing true ownership of land).
Also, on the holohoax thing - do you believe it's literally fake, because, at the very least there was systematic neglect to kill them in the camps…

Please tell me that's a shop.

I think, that, at most, there are exaggerated figures, like the 6m always being metioned instead of the 5m. What would be probably more productive in any case, would be to focus on the fact, that war crimes were commited against Germans after the war as well, and let's not forget the Holodomor or the 180,000 people on average killed every year by islam over the last 1500 years, if you accept a 270m deth toll figure.
Anyways, thanks for the replies, I will read the books, but I honestly just think that a Jewish conspiracy is not an appropriateley fitting theory/model to explain the processes going on in world governance and banking… at least after the scientific model of theories, that I had learend of while writing my seminar papers…
Hava a nice day!

Reminded me of Sweden Hills in Hokkaido

Watch: archive.org/details/OneThirdOfTheHolocaustHDVideoHQSound


Then search the board and polarchive about it. If you believe kike claims in death toll and muh gaaas when you believe they lie about everything else, you have a problem. Many "survivors" lie constantly and are caught, but they are still used as testimony. He'll elie wiesel doesn't even have a fucking tattoo on his arm and claims he otherwise.

While your at it if you intent to learn the full true, do yourself a favor and head on over to /pdfs/. It has a huge selection of books covering the subject and I no doubt believe you will find it enlightening:


I'll check it out.

of course sweden will collapse:
there are still too many white people
still not enough feminists
still not enough refugees
still not enough money fo dem programz

more i say, mooooooooore

Funny how when you abuse, deride and demonize your own people for long enough, they start to resent you for it? Foreign concept much?

They could have created their own country instead of mooching off of others.

You are never forced to do anything.
A bear doesn't force you to kill it when it attacks you.
The rain doesn't force you to put on a hat.
The sun doesn't force you to look at it.

Your string of thought originates from the age old: Poor Little Jew.
The poor little jew was ignorant of Babylonian ways when they failed to pay taxes. It wasn't their fault they ended up in labor camps!
The poor little jew thought muslims were a great addition to Spain, so they helped them enter the kingdom. It wasn't their fault they were expelled by inquisitors!
The poor little jew didn't know certain crops grow poorly in Ukraine. It wasn't their fault millions of people died in a famine!
The poor little jew is surrounded by anti-semites. It isn't the jews fault that they have to bomb their neighbors!
"Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us."

The government just chickened out from calling a new election despite threatening to do so. Instead they are firing some of the ministers and trying to appease the opposition. It is however not exactly what the opposition demanded. Now it will all be about if the cuckservatives are willing to take down the government over this. Perhaps they are too scared of SD eating them up if they do, but the alternative might be even worse for them. Either way there will be an election in a year and unless M does something to capture moment, gain credibility with anti immigration voters I don't see an election going well for them.

It's more than that, tho. They literally formed a scientific ideology based on total pseudoscience, forced it on the entire country via political influence, ideological clout and brute force, and installed it as the foundation of all agricultural science.

Which was summarily followed by mass crop failures and widespread famines. This is lysenkoism, which is the ideological foundation of shit like "there are millions of genders". Refuting the pseudoscience makes you a nazi, and nazis are open season for political violence. As if nobody ever learns anything from the deaths of millions of people if it means invalidating communism.

Sorry, had to get that off of my chest.

But it's not the fault of the poor little jew that reality shits all over their ideological aspirations!

This fall will make up for this summer.

i sleep

I wish all countries would adopt the one drop rule. Those who don't pass are subjects, those who do have citizenship.

>I know, that (((they))) were kind of """forced""" into banking and the likes by Christian law forbidding them other Jobs back in the day,
Jews were strongly encouraged to convert to Christianity and any professional field would be open to them. (Unfortunately many did convert and intermarry).

Your timeline is wrong, you're confusing cause and effect. Jews were not arbitrarily discriminated against and that made them nasty. They came to Europe as refugees and immigrants, eventually their nastiness was recognized and Europeans put restrictions on the access they were given to European society.

The letters that were collected into the Talmud were written in the 5-700s AD. Organized jewish nastiness predates much of the claimed "discrimination" against them that you think formed their behavior. The perverse and bizarre Old Testament also predates even their contact with Ancient Rome (and the Romans and Greeks both wrote about the jews. They made the same accusations against them that every people who interacts with them eventually does).

Continuation: First cuckservative party leader to comment on this: "The prime minister did not meet our ultimatum, our decision (to bring it down) stands".

Well, I'll defineteley look into it. However, how do you want to solve the problem, if it were to be actually caused by jews, literally anuddah shoah?
I am very uncomfortable at this thought, and I am still very resistant of the idea, that the problems we face are due to jews, I mean, look at how the spanish treated the … oh wait, the only solution would have been for the mayans to expell the spaniards, crap…

But upon second thought, not all spaniards were of ill intent, just as most "joos" are just as brainwashed as liberals. Sure, they have their jewish tribalism, I win't deny it, but our acting as whites against blacks/jews would, in its final form also match the tribalism that the jews have economically over the rest of society; also: there are disproportionately many jews among the ranks of world-influencers, that doesn't mean, that we have to target them, I think creating a system where these kind of people can not prosper is enough.
I'd basically advise a strong nationalism, a mindset of global cooperation, while still aiming to keep self-reliance at a maximum. Come to think of it, if we managte to "democratize" technologies of civilization (water filtration, most important machinery and production lines) smaller groups of people building largeley independent mini-societies would be the ultimate kryptonite of the "international banker jew"…

And not all niggers are gang bangers. You've fallen into the trap of "not all".
You don't care whether or not you're destroying good bacteria on the skin as you sterilize a wound. If it's worth keeping, it will regrow.

What happens when they can't prosper? Pic 1.

You've learned nothing.
How have jews gained power?
You've still learned nothing.
How have jews gained power?

You seem to believe that miniaturization and decentralization is key. Scope plays no part in the root of the problem. Whether its 50 people or 10 billion, jews will subvert and destroy whatever host they choose to infect.
The only option is the complete destruction of the invading organism.
But you seem to not like this answer so I'll give you one more to your liking.

There's no more unclaimed land on Earth.
Load up a ton of intelligent, strong, white men and women on a generational ship and take some other rock.
Even with this path the jews still do tremendous damage to non-jews and other jews. Pic 2.
In the end, escape and colonization leads to jews killing more people, which leads us back to my original statement:
The only option is the complete destruction of the invading organism.
You do not fuck around with infections, you stamp them out or you die.
Jews are an infection.

Does SD have any chance of forming a government assuming there is a new election and they win?

if they go down, will they be able to keep the bad goyim out again?
what's their margin?


This is pre-crisis btw, where both mainstream sides came out looking like the incompetent retards they are.

Depends. They can't outright win the election. Sweden is about 25 % shitskins. Of the remaining 75 % half are women and as we all know women are retarded and almost exclusive vote for socialist nanny parties. That leaves the 37.5 % white men in Sweden as the theoretical maximum that SD can reach. As the poll in OP shows they currently sit at about 27 % meaning roughly three out of every four Swedish men are already voting for them! Given the amount of effeminate marxist men in Sweden it's doubtful they can realistically get much higher.

Now. The cuckservatives could have toppled the socialists last election (2014) but they decided to cuck themselves and hand power to the commies just in order to keep SD without influence. Yes, they seriously did that and told their electorate they would not seize power in order to "act responsibly". It was called the December Agreement.

The reason the government opened Sweden up to rapefugees on the level they did in the the years since 2014 is because they saw the writing on the wall. They knew SD was going to rise to about a third of the vote, meaning ignoring them would be very difficult. Their response was to let in as many shitskins as the system could handle in the four years until the next election in order to hopefully make the blackening of Sweden irreversible before SD's rise most likely would make any long term mass immigration impossible.

Since SD's policy is to exterminate Swedes through miscegenation (of course called 'integration') instead of physical replacement it's very possible that the cuckservatives will take the opportunity to rule with them as long as SD affirms they have no thoughts about repatriation. That's the first possiblity.

The second, less likely possibility, is that SD will talk about repatriation in which case the cucks and socialist will form a government together. It would mean they will have thrown off every last pretense of being different in any way, but it will uphold the prime directive of white genocide and won the favor of their masters.

You forget about the fact that most immigrants don't vote and most S voters are old fucks who are dying off every year and M basically nuked themselves.

In 2018 SD will get 30% of the votes which will be the equivalent of 35% or more of the seats with 2-3 parties not making the treshhold. All the remaining parties will have to go together to stop them, meaning the illusion of democracy will basically be dead. Redpills will ensue.

There's no evidence for this. Just retarded NMR-faggots who thinks shouting about Hitler will attract anyone other than the dregs of society.

Fug! Devil's dubs checked too user.
Thought it was LARPery until watching. Whew!

Lurk more newfag. If you dont know, look into pizzagate and saudi, israeli connections with mossad.

Håll käften och lurka mer din jävla nybög. Det är fan nästan inte en sak i ditt brev som inte redan är avhandlad i den här tråden.

I'll check that regardless of the fact that I don't know what to call it.


Holla Forums is a misleading name for a board. the userbase of Holla Forums doesn't really understand politics, they're just acting as pawns for shit that xchans has been spewing over the years with an ironic tone. Basically everything related to Holla Forums is guaranteed to be autistic. For better or worse there has to be a counter reaction. So for the time being Holla Forums can run free and achieve things –because it benefits people and creates opportunities.
Right now Holla Forums is a bunch of very useful idiots… I'm trying to be nice here but you've got to understand your position and purpose in the larger picture of things. You can be a hero in your own story but outside your cubicle nobody gives a shit, atleast not beyond what you can do for them.

Now that that's out of the way, lets talk about saving SWEDEN… things will be fine because things tend to get alright over time. It doesn't really matter where you look, if the right factors are involved then things will be alright over time. A constant state of chaos isn't possible and isn't allowed by Sweden's neighbours or peers.
If you want me to really dumb it down for you, then it goes a bit like this: there's nothing to rob from Sweden aside the taxpayer's money. But like with all things in politics the price of things getting well comes from the citizen's backs and if you the citizen's dont allow you to rob them then you're in trouble no matter how many doctor's degrees you've got in nonsense studies. That being said the next 30 years in Sweden will be gloomy and all aspects of living will stall. How much it will stall depends on how much of infrastructure the extreme-leftist government is able to disassemble. Or in otherwords how fast citizen movements like Holla Forums are able to cause public mayhem and general distrust towards the government, which would then lead to key toxic individuals being removed from all aspects of Swedish society.

What movements like Holla Forums is doing is all fine and dandy, except for one small detail… well, it's actually a really big detail. The extreme rightwing politics which counter-movements like Holla Forums support are incompatible with Sweden and such countries. Let's ignore all the other wrong's in extreme rightwing politics, the exponential narcissism, the manipulative actions, all the wrong it does to it's own supporters and just focus on this one because from practical perspective nothing else matters. You can change the public face of the government in a day but you cannot change the hidden people… the key individuals. Rightwing movements offer "prison yard rules" while leftwing movements offer a degenerated version of the basic western society's rules which we all know and like. So while the key individuals might acknowledge the problems and might no longer wish to act as part of this setup they're given no other alternative. So in an ironic way movements like Holla Forums are not trying to save Sweden or such countries, instead they're helping Sweden and such countries to commit suicide a suicide. But this is not their fault, this is simply because they are useful idiots and no input is necessary in the father sunny's divine plan.

If you want to help Sweden then you've got to make a compromise.
Welcome to politics.

Yeah right.

Ah.. yep!

Don't you worry. The common folk get fucked in all parties. You think the right father sunny doesn't lie or fuck you over like the left father sunny? Silly you. Everybody tells you what to do but nobody will tell you the truth.

Except me, I'll tell you the truth. Infact, I just did.
But that's because I'm a sadist and I know the truth hurts.

We won't kill all the jews.
We'll just kill all the jews that can reproduce and lobotomize the rest.
The same goes for fags, liberals, commies, dunecoons, niggers, spics, and chinks.

One compromise leads to another, which leads you down one of the many paths you need to avoid.

0/10 strategy.

This is not Eve dear goon. Some of us will make sure you cannot turn off the taps in time. We will feed your corpses to your cats. Your dream of a future will never come to pass.

Some here are not nat soc but we will make sure to let them have their time to cleanse you and enough of your benefactors that this wont be a problem for generations.

The kompromat will be your cats may survive if we are feeling nice. We may let them breed with the six toes on Hemmingway's Island. As an honor to you fags for pushing your hand so obviously and making my work easier.

You're not very good at this are you?
It's fine. I don't know how to play any instruments and you don't know how to do diplomatics or poltics. We're different but I'll try to bring you into this for the keks. Maybe you can post some classic music. When I got time for myself that's what I like to listen. Right. So this sort of crosses lines between politics and diplomatics, and in a lot of cases they're the one and same art. You've got to combine the two to get what you want. Of course this kind of thing isn't really bound into the ego cape of neither extreme ends of politics, left or right. There are certain ways you have to think so you don't bother yourself with things which you're not suppose to think. That's how it works; don't ask questions because father sunny has all the answers. If by some miracle father sunny does diplomatics officially it didn't happen, because father sunny's perfect and his will is divine.

But let's pretend this is not the case. Lets try and figure out what the word compromise means.

Let's say you wanna buy a new car but can't afford it. You can save for it for god knows how long or you can take a loan. The downside of taking a loan is that it comes with interest. Woowww, let's not take the "dem kikes @ it agen" train here! People got to make a living, you fucking commie. So get the SuperMax Aryan9000™ loan that's been developed since 1944 underneath antarctica to fit your needs and you get the car. So now you've done a compromise: you got your car but you got to pay that loan plus the interest. Yes, you coulda just been nigger and rob the car dealer but 5 years later when your car breaks down you can't spare parts because the car dealer has left the town. And if you do nothing, which is an option, then you got no fuckin' car and you can't pick up your fake-blonde prostitutes.

So you see you've got to make compromises, not necessarily with yourself but when dealing with other people. Mostly because they have no mandatory need to deal with you and by default most people make compromises which automatically makes you the figurative nigger minority.

Besides, most of these people are smarter than you. Which is why you're here building these autistic fantasies and they're not. They can put the national guard to fill your ass with dem sweet FMJs but they choose not to. They probably don't like you and they've got the upper hand, but they're making a compromise: you pay taxes, you don't break the law, and they won't slap you around.

Sure the world gets set in flames every now and then but people who don't know how to do these basic things don't rule long. It isn't the "oh no he was too good for this world" kind of thing but rather a natural selection kind of thing. And more importantly their people end up suffering in the hands of their leaders. Not because their leader wasn't mentally strong enough but because their leaders are incompitent. Every king has his court and if the court doesn't get paid then there is no court. If you're familiar with communism then you'll probably remember the saying "they pretend they're paying us and we pretend we're working". That's how it works with king and his court. And that's how it works with everyone. And that's why your -thing- can't work… because people are people. People will betray and cheat, even among their own. And that's why your attempt is doomed to fail. Let's have fun with that thought. Lets pretend for a moment that an autistic revolution occurs and an autistic revolutionary becomes the movement's leader. Let's pretend that they won't get mowed down by machine gun fire and your mama won't be begging you to not march in the line of fire and you won't die with a rock in your hand. Somehow your autistic revolution succeeds. Now there's a power vaccuum and your autistic leader has competetion, because suddenly there's plenty of good leaders out there. On top of this there is internal competetion over what should be done with all this power and who gets to be in the king's court. There's an internal clensing and the competetion disappears over night. After this the king wants to calm this shit down. No more revolutions, the great leader wants 5 grand meals a day; you are no longer needed. So people like you get canned by your leader. And because running jails is waste of the precious resources and there's no cure for being stupid what's going to happen is that they're going to shoot you. As for the people you so dearly hate and promise to feed to cats; your god king still needs his court, the court needs it's servants and so on.

You think they're going to allow you go on a killing spree? On the people they intend to tax? On the people who can do the new king's bidding? Are you off your meds? Your rant makes you sound like it. This has happened so many times in history that nobody can keep a count, and you know why? Because that's how it works. I got some bad news for the kittens aswell. They're not going to be fed with human flesh. Instead the corpses enmassed in this revolution will go in a mass grave, all of them in the same pit, and a massive monument will be placed on top of it. A monument that honors heroes who fell in the great battle. Rivals will spend their eternity side by side.
By default you cannot win because you're fighting against other people and they are smarter than you. And they are amongst you, that's why you've gotten this far and not because you're shitposting your violent fantasies. There are things which need to be done and goals which need to be reached. Feeding your autistic ego isn't one of them and fueling your violent fantasies only serves those who want to rule: those who see an opportunity.

Sweden’s centre-left government is reshuffling several ministers instead of calling new elections. They are not going to give the government so it's not a good news.

Still with the 'people are fungible' stuff.


Never forget

People who call themselves "centre-left" generally seem to be outright Soviet nostalgics.


miss u hitler


That is without a doubt THE most jewish textwall full of shit i've ever read in my life. The hebrew is obvious with this one…

Inb4 Sweden turns into a Islamic theocracy



I'm not the one spewing yesterday's autofellatio jizz out of my mouth, talking shit about mass murder while being completely impotent. Your take on these issues don't matter because you're deranged. Asking your take on this is like asking a meth head's take on drug laws. You're unable to see things for what they are and unable to recognize the ways out of situations without hurting the people you represent. Even amongst "yourself", whatever that is considering the conditions and your apparent condition, you'd be unfit to rule even in the most dire situation. Politics ain't the school yard. Nobody cares if you cut yourself, carry your dad's .32 snubnose, form a borderline gay relationship with the to-be school massacer and think you're hot shit.
The poster asked how to solve Sweden's issues and the answer was delivered.
Don't like the answer? tough shit.

It's a medical condition.
When you're a paranoid schizophrenic everything's a thing.

or just do as Hitler did, lie until you get in power, and the do whatever the fuck you want( obviously, you would have to have henchmen to do your more "unsavory" bidding). but that wouldn't work in Sweden, they are all a bunch of weak, internalized communists who can't deal with reality. When I read this Introduction - Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed , I immediately recognized elements of it in my own society(ex-yu). Fortunately the programming doesn't work so well today because the state is a disfunctional shithole that lives of tourism

You don't get it. The dotr wont happen like your impotent vision. It's simplistic and discounts that it wont get that far. It's also stupid to assume everyone wants to be the leader of something. Being the unseen pusher behind the power is far safer and easier. Goons thinking they are the first to play this game is simply laughable. But Muh coven of pc bros are the new way! Nope. You will be purged. The ten buxors will be tracked and cease to exist. Not all but enough.

The current state will be pushed further than you want, but not as far as Holla Forums wants. Not quite. Goons are wanna be sadists. Watching vidyas and then trying to plumb the depths of depravity in an attempt to become the sociopaths you worship. Some are but they started that way. Most are not and cry when you pull the first nail out. Posting here is not sadist, it's a sign you are probably not one of the lucky ones to be truly sociopathic. You think you like it. You're not there.

You wont be able to wait out those you hope to replace. We let you do your thing because you are efficient little bastards. Manic about your cause which just happens to align with ours for a slight moment in time. Rejection of leftism is a generational purge. We thank you for pushing the obvious and most will see the light soon. Holla Forums will at least be happy to have an uncucked West for a while.

Goons will fail to ever be anything but pawns. The "jews" will be purged to a degree but no dotr. Some go to jail, some just fuck off to Asia or little African kingdoms. They will be happy with the few shekels they get here and there. You get to clean your desk out and keep some stationary before you end up getting your ultimate reward.

Yes, you could do that.
The things which Hitler did obviously fascinate the mentally weak as they find pleasure in grandeour fantasies and validation in age old propaganda but none of this is not exclusive to Hitler. If you spend even a week studying dictators you're going to find that all dictators do these things and everything's more or less the same. There's a pattern. But I can sum it up for you: all dictators betray their people. It isn't because they're necessarily evil(okay, yes they are because nobody just pulls a sword out of the rock) but rather because that's how the only way they stay in power. So even if your intentions are good from some misguided perspective they're still ending up betraying their people. In that sense dictatorship should never be an option. Democratic or future variations of democratic societys may utilize dictatorship alike peremptory power structures(POTUS, military, etc) but this relies on the actions serving the people and the rulers leaving the seat of power before resorting to what we call corruption.

I don't see a future in any dictatorship style government because a dictatorship is more likely to serve it's own needs than the needs of the people, even if the original intentions are to sort of nanny-state the people to a better future. These are the only conditions where it may exist. With a lot of the issues governments tackle everyday there are no silver bullets and you can only "play" toward general goals. My general advice to everyone is not only continue to question what the regimes do but more importantly not trust the people who claim to have the silver bullet.

I concurr, dictatorship(I just named Hitler because he's the most relatable I guess?) should only be a temporary solution to the chaos. Some people point to the Nerva-Antonine dinasty period as the "best" period in history. Well, we all know how that ended. The problem is that people get drunk on power. In the end the problem is that the system relies on people. The "perfect" system wouldn't rely on people. If only we had actual AI. But we would probably screw that up too.

Still isn't good enough . Fetch your rope and dynamite Sven make Europe proud .

And that didn't save shit because so far he's been kvetching about Israel's enemies like Obongo 2.0.

it's not like you can getto the top today without licking their asses

I think you have me misunderstood. You're seeing me as a figure head, a "crypto kike" or whatever you people call them. So lets bring it down a couple notches from the current full psychotic ad-homen mode, shall we?

Building a society full of small prints and betrayal is not sustainable in the long run and will stall development for narcissistic grandeour goals. I believe in full disclosure and transparent society. That's giving the people the necessary information to make choices and building trust from there on. I don't believe in a homogeneous society but I believe in people striving for happiness and freedom of choice within reasonable limitations that serve the people. Heterogeneous society's politics which endanger these vital aspects of every citizens life are not acceptable. They are self-destructive. My intention isn't to seize the power or exploit the people. My intention is to prevent the seizing of power because it culminates to evil people even in a democracy. This requires understanding of what's happening and more importantly why it's happening. You, we, we can't fight against this without doing so because by default we're the underdogs. Even less so if we don't understand we're the underdogs. And we cannot fight against this if we're only to replace this evil machine, if such would happen then everything's been for nothing. So understanding that there's an underlying level of corruption is necessary and it's necessary to make people understand how politics is done for it to be improved. Holla Forums does not understand politics but it has the potential to do so. We've got the wikileaks and all the resources we could hope for, and yet it amounts to nothing.
The common enemy here is evil and corruption. If you cannot define it, if you cannot learn from past, then what good can you bring to your people? Even if you succeed the society will only succumb to repeat its mistakes. The people suffer and nothing is gained.

Is that the society you want? Is that your legacy?

/intis/ goons trying to shill again, this time trying to portray Holla Forums's movements as the same thing as the marxist left movements. This is simple projection, along with an attempt to "fit in" by calling everything he does not like as "autism". Only marxist ideologies work like what he describes as "The king's court", since it leads into that. Projections is also further reinforced by portraying "moderates" as somehow "smarter" than others, despite the fact that its only simple boot-licking opportunism, something any man without moral fiber could do. The day of the rope would get rid of these cucks along with the other plagues of society, if it happens at all.

I'm not a great fan of the classic books describing thought crime but I do agree that with some limitations an omnipotent AI could benefit the humanity as a whole. Most likely in a form of separate criminal system which doesn't handle everyday crimes but rather great crimes or great cruelity. This would be very practical because an AI could not be corrupted by traditional means and judgement could be passed even to the highest level of society.

But we're far away from such future where things like this could exist. It's hard to even imagine how something like this could be buildt without somebody interfering with it.

shit's all retarded. the problem is that even if someone succeeds in taking over a country and installing fascism, everybody in the world would come down on them and destroy them just like Germany. the only possible way to defeat them without revolting, would be making them obsolete through innovation but who has the time to wait?

what? you mean like minority report? I envision it as the AI playing the part of God, overseeing everything(naturally without the people knowing) and keeping people from destroying each other or the world around themselves. A completely separate system, self-regulating and self-updating. The chinese are experimenting a primitive version of minority report now with crime-prediction combined with racial profiling. People are are actually forced to install spying apps on their phones. Seems their local version of NSA sucks

In my opinion you're looking at the solution. This is an age like no other.
The internet connects people from all over the globe, from all walks of life and from all cultures.
Don't treat it as means to reach masses or democracy on steroids. Treat it as breeding ground for great ideas which work for the people. But like I said, we've got to recognize the issues before we can tackle them. If we don't process the issues then we're bound to use the internet as democracy v2. We've got to recognize old and new ideas what they are and we've got to understand where and why they fail.

This is where Holla Forums is going wrong. The Holla Forums is being used as mass media, as a radio or TV. Not as a place where you can process the problems and try to fix them.

I too cringe when I see the conditions of whites in africa, europe, or what's happening in Sweden, but allowing rage to engulf you does not solve the problem. I seriously suggest studying dictators. There's no way this thing can work and you cannot help the people if you think like that.

I've not seen the movie.
I understand your vision but reaching it is 150 years of work. With the current technology what we can do is create an automated judge/investigator which can declare one guilty and provide the evidence for human inspection. We can do it in this year and to prevent tampering we can follow some achitecture of the bitcoin network. Something like this can tackle high level corruption, say, in the hilary / podesta case(assuming it's based on facts). It's not something which can enforce laws but rather something which can determine if somebody's guilty of great crimes.

The criminal prosecution of somebody taking part in highest levels of crime is so hard because of the human factor.
In the case of hilary / podesta it's practically impossible to get a meaningful sentence.
This human factor could be removed in such extreme cases and the prosecution processes could be carried out by an AI. That's my vision of how this new neural network technology could be applied at this time.

Crypto kike is both true and not true in your case. You are a goon. Singing the song of innovation in society when called out to try to fool the masses. This new society would have your depravity running the show from behind the curtain. Full suppression of whatever you idiots figure to do to people who are a danger to your hierarchy. And the random thousands just to amuse yourselves. The right is useful for now and closer to the natural order of how things need to be.
You goons gamble upon what the chaos will bring to the top for the great utopia of which you hope to be the wheel. It's ignorant. The tool is in front of you, but since it's not the perfection your oldest members dream of they will try the way that will fail. Most of your old timers are compromised or owned anyway.
They would never post here except maybe a single word. Not in any way identifiable as what they are. You little fish though. This is your ego showing off. Know that you serve those you wish to subvert. You are shilled at the highest level.

I have been sharpening my knife, i've been waiting for this for a long time!


I've been a chan user for some time but I don't usually go to Holla Forums because I feel let down by politics in general. Everything's just fucked and everyone seems to be shitting things up. My literacy background to take part in any of this discussion was the Dictator's Handbook by Bruce Bueno, which I for one think has valid points on how society works and why everything's seemingly shit. That's the lense which I look things through and to best of my knowledge it's not "shilled".
But that's not why I came here. I came here because of the pizzagate stuff that's been going around and everyone keeps on pointing towards Holla Forums Holla Forums. Like I said, I don't usually take part in political discussions because it doesn't really do anything. It's serious and depressing. I don't want to ruin my every single day by thinking about how immigrant masses are ruining things in europe. All one can do is vote, but the people in charge are letting us down time after time.

I'm familiar with the parodic, offensive and in-your-face style of communication of chans but not the local slangs of Holla Forums.
So I guess I stand out and should have lurked moar.
Crypto kike for me would either mean somebody who's secretly a jew or somebody who's secretly in control of things in an evil way, depending on how much you want to take that literially. I guess it could be somebody who wants to financially exploit others aswell, paroding the jewish stereotype. I'm fairly sure I'm none of those things but I understand the necessarity of provocation to get people think and talk. By making a parody of something serious we can gain an insight of it's absurdity.
When you do something daily or take something for granted it becomes standardized, and it becomes easy to forget how fucked it is.

I'm not sure if that makes me a crypto kike, goon or a shiller. Maybe explain that to me?

They shouldn't have been in Europe in the first place, retard.

lol the japs are better swedes than the swedes

Maybe Swedes can move there.

This user missed the most important book of all, The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald (author might be misspelled but iirc that's his name)

It's insanely well-researched, reads like an academic paper, walks through all real-life examples.

There are many global elites who are non-Jewish (although they are spiritually Jewish), sure, but the influence of the Jewish individuals and their absolute racial rigidity to the cause (a higher percentage of Jews voted Hillary than HISPANICS did) is more than a coincidence.

Read up user, look at the leaders of subversive liberal movements in the 20th century, you'll find enough examples soon enough

Three generations? That's the best they can do in the old world?
Southern Nationalists have a longer requirement than that.

There's gonna be the biggest whiplash considering how cucked it is.

Remember that most of the records were stored in churches. Churches that got bombed in WWII. My own family history is a bunch of question marks before my ancestors turned up at Ellis Island because of that fucking kike war.

It depends on whether the new government is gonna do some serious deportation. Otherwise they'll keep repeating the same mistakes until Swedenistan collapses.



The rule of thumb for us is minimum 10 generations in the ground. What happened to their records wouldn't matter in our context, but fair enough.

Too bad 3 generations is only 18 years to muslims

I'm quite sure that the one branch I know anything about was kiked out of their farms, moved across Europe, got kiked again, and came to America. My family name is plainly German, but the Ellis Island records say my ancestors carrying that name arrived from Russia. Go figure.

Wouldn't that limit you to the original colonists from England?

Meanwhile, Sweden contemplates declaring that true Swedes have no ancestors in the ground.

Wolgadeutsche, probably had their farm stolen by envious russians/jews (same thing really).

inb4 Sweden breaks down on thoughtcrime

Jesus Christ I hate boomer cuckservatives.

This tbh. In all honesty Nordic Resistance Movement are a personal fav. They seem like the best group in Europe at this moment in time. (Generation Identity are ok but they're fucking moderates honestly)

Still, not sure what it is that they can even accomplish right now in Scandinavia, except maybe some form of segregation if any of their whole governments collapses.