Hey Holla Forums

Hey Holla Forums
What are your arguments against this?
I think he debunked this whole "race realism"

Other urls found in this thread:

humanbiologicaldiversity.com/articles/Rushton, J. Philippe & Arthur R. Jensen. "The rise and fall of the Flynn Effect as a reason to expect a narrowing of the Black-White IQ gap." Intelligence 38 (2010).pdf

Isn't that the same old pic we have seen for years now?

Maybe, but did you people debunk this?
Like, i'm not those "MUH HUMAN RIGHTS"
I was just curious

nope, he didn't he is assuming the difference will be 100% environmental based on the existence of flynn effect. this is stupid. if there are differences in allele frequencies that control for intelligence and there are with things such a brain volume (see: bruce lahn) the effect will vary.

the fact that blacks in the uk score better is not indicative of environment but could be selection. while slavery in the states picked up any black that was captured as a slave, the black that entered the uk tended to be more intelligent. so this is the result of selective vs random population samples.

Personally I call bs on aryan master race myself. But your photo has several flaws. The first post in the picture is not a arguement it is just attribution of intelligence faltering in shit societies. That is to say if your too busy fighting idiots to survive you can not make stuff.
The second post is forgetting the fact that africans have race mixed with whites in america for a few generations now attributing to their more apt to learn carnal knowledge.
The third and fourth post is literally 'muh english speaking makes me unequal'. I personally don't know if there is a accurate test of africans knowledge but the american blacks are well beyond excused for this. Which is to say they have no excuse.

The fifth post is a well documented affect of nigger societies in which anyone who is smart and starts to exceed other blacks causes jealousy. This leads to their death also see Chicago ghettos and the congo for further proof. The few smart blacks who escape get caught up by the kikes to use as an example to direct other blacks and piss off aryans.

And the sixth is again comparing multi-generational black mixers with native africans.

T. christanon. Sage for whole arguement being irrelavent to being a christian.


Considering how infected the whole academia is, it's not surprising that they mange to get some "results" that shows that race is irrelevant. And if you know how academia, especially in subjects like this, you know that it's most likely bullshit. You can brute force basically any result you want, and they keep getting funded.

The difference between blacks and whites in the USA is about 10 points of IQ. Nobody is quite sure why. You might say that's not significant but show me one person who wouldn't take a magic pill that gave them 10 more IQ points. It's worth looking into for sure.

That being said I'm pretty sure malnourishment and access to civilized amenities does wonders for IQ and the difference we see in African countries is mostly because they're just war-torn shitholes.

The blacks in america and the UK are only a few generations apart. It's not been long enough to select for higher intelligence.

It's also worth noting that the Flynn Effect is actually decreasing or even reversing in the first world, but researchers are unsure if it's just because of recent immigration policy or because of other dumb bullshit. Flynn himself theorizes that it's because youth culture has begun to stagnate and that people spend too much time on computer games instead of reading books. Typical old man bullshit.

that's not my point. the blacks that are in the states came there as random slaves, mostly. the blacks that entered england had to be smarter than the blacks in africa to get the funds to be there, thus not random.

holy shit poltards on suicide watch

and to further prove this, the recent immigrants from nigeria, etc tend to do as well as the uk blacks.

not really, the whole pic assumes 100% environment because the flynn effect exists. 1 problem, if alleles for intelligence vary in frequency between populations then so will the effect. and there is good reason to believe that they do as research into the distribution of these alleles has shown that, only to be shut down for racism with no real rebuttal.


and they shut down research that bursts their naive narratives: wsj.com/articles/SB115040765329081636

Lol. Pepe is a hate symbol. That makes you the Nazi now.

Explain to me why a cuckboi like you hates Jews now.

The Flynn effect, for James Flynn.
I've only read the first section so far, but James Flynn is a leftist who goes around spouting lies about IQ research to try to contradict the people doing the real research, the people who wrote The Bell Curve.
I remember him giving a TED talk about how IQ changes over generations.
There was no data, it was just him talking. That's what he does, he just goes around reassuring leftists that IQ is meaningless and we can't make heads or tails of it.
What he was saying in that talk was a lie because as it's understood in the field, it's not a Jensen effect. It doesn't happen on real intelligence, what IQ set out to measure to begin with.
His colleagues have noted how he ignores his critics and disregards findings that don't jive with his nonsense.

He's not respected in his field. Leftists love him, though.

Do people really believe that IQ comes into play when dehumanizing other races ? Poeple here give 0.5/10 of a fuck for that. Behavior and political inclination counts much more.

And at that blacks in their majority behave like animals, and want a nanny state ( master slave morality ingrained on their DNA maybe ? ).

On the IQ subject, some research points out that a specific enzyme from animal meat are lacking on african diet. A introduction of the same would bump the IQ in a few decades.

Has not closed the racial gaps.

The British GCSE is simply not an IQ test. It correlates with IQ less than SAT does.

The 1961 Eyferth study looked at soldiers, who had already had to pass an IQ test to get into the military. In WW2 days, intelligence testing was used in the military.

IQ tests on children don't matter. IQ scores are more environmental in childhood and become more and more heritable until age 24.

Race is real that's why it exists in the first place. Look at Haiti, allow niggers to rule you and they will make sure only the nigger survives.

It's true some whites will only recognize this as they are being dragged through the streets but we are not those weak ones here. We are the survivors and the purveyors, you the disburser.

Why don't you go to those bad parts of town and do some community outreach. I'm sure the types of people there will be very interested to hear how non-racist and non-sexist you are.

FOOL, you can't be helped.

Nisbett and Eyferth have been discussed Ad nauseam by the way.


Why should expend the effort to read your shit and form a proper argument against it if you can't even take the effort to format your OP properly?

If this is true (which it most likely is) i pretty much predicted it


"It is worth mentioning the extremely dishonest case against the brain size and IQ connection given by the psychologist Richard Nisbett in his popular 2009 book “Intelligence and How to Get It“. On page 219, Nisbett writes “The correlation found within the white population probably does not indicate that greater brain size causes higher IQ. Within a given family, the sibling with the larger brain has no higher IQ on average than the sibling with the smaller brain”. To justify this claim Nisbett cites the single study that found this null result and does not tell his reader that 4 other studies have found that brain size does predict IQ within families.

Moreover, 4 of these 5 studies have small to moderate samples with questionable quality. Berhvall et al (2006) is the major exception. This study found the within family IQ relationship in a representative sample of over 90,000 Swedish males. Thus, it is a well established fact that siblings with larger brains also tend to be smarter. Nisbett just cherry picked the single study to argue that this was not true in a shockingly obvious way, and basically got away with it."


Also, niggers in UK started mixing with bongs much earlier and much more frequent than in America.
More white blood = More brain power.

Both of these women are niggers, yet they have a huge amount of white genes.
In another 5-10 generations of mixing, they'll almost be white.
It's still not a good idea to waste good genes on them though.

Whether or not any of these studies are well conducted doesn't matter, because they don't compare pure stock in the same income/quality of life bracket.
Races exist, racism is natural, racism is good.
It is unhealthy for your soul to not embrace your ability to discriminate.

Look, you can shake the statistics around all you like and make the findings come out however you want. We know that.
But we also know that there is an underlying truth that the statistics, properly applied, will tell.
When there are this many people running interference on a topic, you'll go mad before you find the answer if you try to enter via studies and shit.

IQ is an imperfect way of testing intelligence.
Our understanding of human intelligence is not great.
The guy who came up with IQ saw that some school kids did well at every subject, others only at a few subjects, and others poorly across the board.
He reasoned there must be some underlying quality, some underlying ability, g, that allowed the top kids to do well in all subjects.
So he designed a test for it.
IQ is just the best way we have of measuring certain abilities of the brain. It's not the end-all tool of understanding the world and how the species of our world differ.

We begin by understanding that evolution drives divergence.
The different races are different subspecies. We evolved apart.
Evolution acts on all aspects of the creature.
There is no reason it would just leave the brain alone.
Our brains evolved differently.
Evolved to suit different environments better.
Our brains evolved what we today call intelligence.
Not only do different races have different IQs, that's one slice of a multidimensional picture
We also have different characters. Behavior largely comes from the brain, especially the important parts that differentiate us as peoples.
There is a character to each race. One of the ways it's revealed is by stereotypes.
We have stereotypes for a reason. The stereotype of the lazy, smelly, stupid nigger exists because it's true.
The character of the negro race is that of criminality, laziness, violence, and high time preference.
The character of the white race is that of perseverance, helpfulness, forethought, and creativity.

That IQ on the whole reflects these facts is what we find.
Our understanding of these basic facts is what informs us on what we find in IQ, not the other way around.

It's good for redpilling people but other than that I dont really think a serious Holla Forums user care to much about IQ. As I see it the main difference between the races is spiritual and soulish and I have a hard time seeing how you are going to measure that in a scientific way.

Oh and let's not forget, blacks in america have centuries of admixture with whites helping them

This, the author of the graph even admits that those are the children of recent immigrants most likely outliers picked from the shit tier countries.


humanbiologicaldiversity.com/articles/Rushton, J. Philippe & Arthur R. Jensen. "The rise and fall of the Flynn Effect as a reason to expect a narrowing of the Black-White IQ gap." Intelligence 38 (2010).pdf






wtf i love niggers now

Yes, the best and brightest are usually the ones who migrate to the West.

Consider the example of Indians living in the west. They tend to earn significantly higher incomes than the general population, and attain higher levels of education. As do their children, which makes sense as intelligence is highly heritable.

But look at India. 600 million Indians defecate out in the open. It's a backwards, corrupt third world shit hole. Clearly Indian migrants to the West aren't reflective of the average Indian.

Same can be said for Nigerians (likely Igbo, who are known to have higher average IQs than the rest of Sub Saharan Africa), etc.

Don't be so sure.



Regarding the Moore adoption study

I.e., irrelevant. The heritability of IQ increases with age.



Pick 1

Flynn (2007) makes his case mostly by appeal to analogy (usually sports), that which is “undoubtedly” true (an historical shift from pre- to post-scientific thinking caused an advance from concrete to formal thinking; p. 32), selected bits of evidence of uncertain relevance or accuracy (the brain “autopsies” for elite London cabbies, which were actually MRIs while they were alive), and a confusion of assumptions and metaphors. The g factor is “shattered” like an “atom” to let different cognitive skills “swim free.” An “imperialistic” g (pp. 55ff ) must be restricted to its “proper kingdom” by maintaining a “separation of powers” between the physiological, individual differences, and social levels of intelligence, thereby “giving each dominant construct the potency needed to rebuff the other two”—yet allowing “cross-fertilization” among them. A personified brain is similarly said to “unravel g into its component parts” in order to “pick and choose from the bundle of cognitive abilities wrapped up together by g” (p. 66). Without any empirical referents from him, I don’t know what such claims really mean.

Faulk responded to this saying that it's shitskin top-of-bellcurve black immigrants from Africa.

Sort of like the poorest white people having statistically insignificant differences from the richest (top .1%) blacks in performance in academia.

>((("Pure Aryan Woman")))
let's get a pick of that schnoz before we jump to conclusions huh

OP can you honestly take a good look at gypsies and tell me you think their "people" have just as much potential as human beings as yours do? Unless you're a Street shitter, in which case you may as well be a gypsy.