Remeinder: The Only Good Feminist Is a Dead One Who Was Raped Repeatedly Before Dying

On an semi-unrelated note, Jewgle is getting reamed for their kikery again and what kind of friend to Holla Forums would I be if I didn't let you guys know, so you can get a few punches in before comments and ratings are disabled?

Other urls found in this thread:

They've even set up a website for this bullshit. It's a literal who's who of terrorists.


Get the fuck in here you worthless faggots



Can I use my voice to get fucking shitskins out of my ancestor's country?

Unfortunately, no. You'll need rifles and explosives. Lots of them.

Who better to tell you about tolerance and understanding like sand niggers?

What a (((surprise)))…

Where did this sudden spike in normies naming the jew come from? I feel like it's going on a lot more regularly out of the blue.

Getting real sick of non-white savages promoting the genocide of my children to my face with a smile.

you know what's going to happen here? jewtube is letting the outrage happen, they can't contain it fast enough.

what' they're going to do is let it happen until outrage dies down, then delete all non-conforming comments when people have lost interest and nobody has records of what it was before.

i think this will happen with all future jewtube videos that get released. why contain it now when you can re-write history later?

Google deleted thousands of negative reviews from the CNN app back when it was being rightfully rained with 1-Star reviews due to the Veritas leak. The application ended up having a higher score than it did before the mass downvoting, I remember that my review still showed even if the screenshots I saw and took of my own as well showed that several reviews were deleted.

Really makes you think.

btw, there's some twitter account that broadcasts our threads titles out for all the cucks and commies to see, so good choice with the title OP.

why is the thread anchored?

Which is why archives are useful. Speaking of which, this is a three day old video now and no one else bothered apparently until now. Have to step it up, anons:

Jews, niggers, and arabs. Imagine that.

because you touch yourself at night

I came to pol because of more and more blatant anti-white racism going on in the media.

I want change too! Where's my interview?

Hmmm, could it be?

What do you want to bet the white men in the picture barf are faggots, pedos, or both, to the last one?

Can we report it and get it banned for muh hate speech or is it better to let it continue?

This. We have the violent leftist domestic terrorist pedophiles on the run, now's not the time to get lazy.

Fagmasons at it again.