I want to be a communist leftypol

I want to be a communist leftypol
But on argument always stumps me
human nature
I know what your going to say but just hear me out
Dialectal materialism is a proven pseudoscience and pretty trash tbh, so how do you get around this? Humans continue to compete, and like it or not we are slaves to our genes. How in Socialist society do we compensate for the fact that some people are just naturally individualistic and will rise to the top of any group.
So how do we get around this?

forgot shit post flag

How do you think?


do explain

Define Human Nature or maybe link some studies verifying what it is.

You are the ones making the claims. Dialectical materialism never claimed to be science in the modern sense and I have yet to see any proof for genetic determinism.


True, because there is limited resources. But under capitalism this competition is artificially exacerbated.

So if its human nature to compete, and this competition usually causes suffering, why capitalism?

Like how we do with people now: institutions for the purposes of reduction (schools and asylums) and/or rehabilitation programs (prisons) along with a healthy dose of quality reassurance that you are doing the right thing (mass media propaganda).

Again, why choose capitalism?

I thought a meritocracy was supposed to be a good thing

I don't disagree i just want to see proof

Proof of what?


You don't have to buy into dialectical materialism to be a communist.

Should have those tittles switched to "straw socialism, and real socialism"


I dun fixed it.

Piratefag are you straight up retarded?


I missed the joke. I am ashamed oh myself.

I didn't notice the post above mine, sorry pls no bully. :^(

There is no human nature. There is only nothingness.

I'm finally starting to comprehend this.

wew life seems so meaningless and void.

Also I'm not the Piratefag from up there.

Human nature is, if anything, to be cooperative. Class as a system is a phase we're moving through that was useful temporarily to build a lot of infrastructure, but is well past its point of usefulness. We can return to the situation we were in for the vast majority of our history - communities where resources are shared and work is done according to need and desire rather than an arbitrary metric like profit.

It is if you believe in human nature governing our actions to the point where we can't make any reasonable changes in our socially constructed societies.

whatever human nature fags claim human nature is, just show them how its compatible with communism.
For instance, if they say "muh human nature is greedy", then tell them that workers controlling the means of production allows workers to collect more value than otherwise.
If they say "muh human nature is to bow down to authority", tell them that management is not incompatible with communism, but also tell them they are a spineless bootlicker and are the major reason why humanity is in a shitty state of being right now.

Fucking bootlickers, cant we just order them to kill themselves or something?


really, i can tell you, guys, ive seen this over 1hundred and 21 times
if there's a really hungry person
and another person has some money to spare
the hungry person says to them

the person who can spare a little will usually help
whenever the "person" who is being asked is a bourgie
the answer is always

ive come to conclusion bourgie is always socio path . however prole loves to bekindling of other humans, assist the needy, etc . even if they can only spare a little . they know what it of to suffer

Bourgies are typically psychopaths or sociopaths because those people are attracted to those positions and are better at working that way than normal people.

I was being sarcastic. Kek if you really think "it's all meaningless man!". So kike.



Is this really that important with the absence of economic classes?