Hate crime legislation is being pushed through Congress:

Hate crime legislation is being pushed through Congress:
Gotta love this shit:
Not that this shit happened, but aren't bomb threats illegal rabbi?
Senate version is S. Res. 118

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, I realize these are just resolutions, but we all know what's next.
Senate version:
Hate is not a fucking crime!


These are resolutions. Trump has no say except if he wants to make a public statement (which probably wouldn't pan out politically)


SCOTUS just confirmed that hate speech doesn’t exist, so hate crimes, by definition, can’t exist. Execute the authors of this bill for treason.

Which have no force of law.
Then they’re not law and can’t be enforced.

I mean look at this Jew Jitsu. They're implying hate crimes are a thing enshrined in US law

You're missing the point. Look at what this resolution implies about current law

Maybe someone in the Trump admin. can echo that sentiment to counter this fucking bullshit

lolokay. I still see this dying in congress instead of getting through.


This would be nice if it forced a publicly televised investigation of twitter and the entire nation gets to see just how many death threats their little tumblrina angels send out on a daily basis. It won't though.


Reminder that this is a hate crime

Oh you shill, don't you have a suicide to get to?


Wasn't it one (((kid and his dad))) who called in all those threats? They do it to themselves so they can pass laws like this.

Who else would do it. Whites are not keen to blowing shit up

Saged because replying to shills shilling.

Kikes are terminally colon torsioned right now. Trump gave a "Defend the West" speech, slighted some monument to a kike uprising, and

I was in serious doubt when Trump bombed Assad's airstrip, but no more. He's a true CivNat at least and potentially /ourguy/ as well, and if he's not it won't even matter, I'm so pumped for the future that I hardly even register your retarded kike doublespeak any more. Sieg Heil.

How do you pass a law "condemning" something? What does that actually mean? Is there a way to enforce your condemnation? Is there a way off of this gay earth?

they always make the problems, then offer the "solutions"

They're terrified of the record high levels of goyim-knowing.

By making a bunch of "private" interest groups, that get "private" donations from government officials, to take wrongthinkers to court.

Yes it was. It was the jewiest god damned thing I've ever seen. They got NYC and others to give them millions in oy vey money for it. Trump actually sent the FBI to Israel to catch them, then nothing happened to them and the story vanished (except for the part where there were antisemitic bomb threats).

By one guy! From Israel!

They don't call it the jewdicial system for nothing

Notice the statement "targeting a minority"? In other words, "hate" crimes committed against whites by nigger, spics and kikes aren't covered.

Apparently it's not "hate" when some filthy nigger targets a white person.

That the whole point of kikes doing it, you dingus. They paint mutilated swastikas everywhere, do bomb threats, then take away YOUR rights, because muh antisemetism.

Hate crimes and hate speech always means against whites. Its a way to punish straight white males. If a white man beats up a fag, a kike, a spic or whatever, hate crime can be added to the rap sheet. If a white man speaks out in public against the fags and minorities, its hate speech. Dont defend yourself white man with your words or your fists because its hate, hate, hate and they'll charge you with a crime. This is why they fake hate crimes because there is no backlash against the kike or nigger that commits it but in the rare instance it is a white they nail him to the cross and get the media to point at it over and over again. Its never about 'hate' is about punishing whites.

Maybe Trump should make a bigger deal arresting muslims for anti-gay hate crimes

It's a form of (((progressive))) reparations. They feel it's unfair how often dindus get caught doinuffin, so they want to try to "even" the scale, so to speak, with the few whites they catch doinuffin.


This isn't a law. It's a "condemnation."

So that's why they called in all of those bullshit bomb threats. If those weren't there this bill would be doa.

Anyone have a link to the israeli calling on bomb threats handy?

Crapflood social media with evidence of who really called the threats in, and watch the damage control and salt flow.

Its still good propaganda for us when we push this out into the normalfag sphere. It will require the system to point out its a 'condemnation' to counter the groundswell that will come from a huge portion of the nation.

They lost the ability to separate normalfaggot bluepilled sheep whom lean right from us. So vast numbers by the tens of millions consider themselves the targets of such attacks. They cannot name us due to our ridiculous ways and they lost the ability to dictate the flow of awareness in media of half the damned nation.

So by kneejerk reaction the flood of sheep will assume this is directly targetting them (which in a round about way is) and will unite against it. It can be another deplorables incident if we push it right. Making this blow up in the faces of these signalling faggots in power.

If they cannot 'prove' their loyalty together in fielty to their lords, the senators risk being expunged from support. Meaning our enemies are forced to split and infight and they deal with each other allowing us to fight other battles while they flounder.

Mobilize this as a law in the normalfags minds. The damage to our enemies can be much more than you might think at first glance.

We can talk about what _should_ be, but for the moment, it is:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Shepard_and_James_Byrd_Jr._Hate_Crimes_Prevention_Act


This is whypizzagate is taking so long BTW. Gotta target pedo judges first, then pedo DAs and THEN go after cops, defence lawyers, Hollywood.

Wtf why is just minority, why is it ok to target the majority? Jewish scum

Pizzagate is redherring that is never going anywhere that is being shilled by the Zio Jew media like the seth rich narrative as a distraction.

No shit, but usually they aren't publicly caught doing it

I guarantee you Trump would sign it if it showed up on his desk.

Hey, whether it dies or it passes and we wait, we win either way

LOL no.

user, don’t fool yourself. When whites are a statistical minority America will have simply become “majority minority”. These laws will never work in the favour of white people.

Take it from someone who lives in a police/ surveillance state with plenty of Hate Crime laws. They are never enforced against non-whites, even if the non-white offender is so blatant in the racial motivation behind their crime that the state has to send him/ her to trial they are always found innocent of a “hate crime” and never receive a custodial sentence.

These laws are designed to destroy you not help you.


And yet they keep doing the thing that caused so many to wake up I the first place.

These are self-hating-whites who stop breeding and push homosexuality to actually try to kill white people off genetically.

I fucking hate her so much now, I voted for that cunt too.

Hate crimes are already crimes. Hate is not a crime!

off-topic but cool case. just wish they came up with a better name than CaseAids.

When whites become a real minority the niggers will just use duh-mocracy to eradicate the constitution and steal all our shit like they did in Africa.

Maybe you should print out a few copies and hand them out to friends

I'd say there's a risk of it getting through within a decade. Quick thought experiment to show you congress is fucked. In a hypothetical world where the second ammendment was never made, could you see congress ratifying it now?