News Flash: GOP A Bunch of Worthless Idiots, Yet again

hosted2*/Article_2017-07-17-APFN-US–Congress-Health Overhaul/id-2054d84aa147460c80d17025a79dfd32

All three levels of government, and the cucks still can't hammer out something to replace something so sick and unpopular. They'd rather cling to try and pass something worse than KingNigger Care to appease pharmaceutical interests. I think it is abundantly clear that the GOP was not prepared to be in power with a Republican president and was instead set up to by Hilary's controlled opposition. I only hope they are all hung in 2018 and the voters don't vote Democrat in spite when that party is flailing and so close to its own early grave.

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We call them cuckservatives for a reason. They are too asshurt over Trump to properly bend knee like their voter base desires. The only people legitimately defending obanago care right now are flip flopping faggots that only care since Trump wants to replace it.

What is this the ==2nd FUCKING TIME ALREADY?==
Can we get a list of which Republicans we need to keep which ones we need to hang?


I'd bet a hundred bucks every cuckservative is a child rapist who are controlled by (((special interests)))

You're giving Hillary way too much credit. Both parties are completely jew-owned. It's that simple.


I don't even give a fuck about healthcare personally, but goddamn this is pathetic

I mean, the GOP are still going to win the midterms, but they need to all get replaced with /ourguys/ because these cucks are fucking shit. Even when it comes to the cucky fiscal shit that they love constantly talking about, they still can't get jack shit done.

user, /ourguys/ would never run on the GOP ticket.

It's almost like they don't want to replace Obamacare


Don't count on it. I certainly won't be voting for them - why the fuck would I?
They aren't any more useful in those positions than the democrats are.

but muh rebubligans in power let Trumb get more things done XDDDD

Why do people think that thee GOP wants to repeal Obama care?

They had six years to have a committee compose a replacement since "you have to pas the bill to find what's inside of it" was said.

The GOP was banking on Clinton winning the WH so they won't have to repeal obama care. It's why they tried to make Jeb "Turtle On A Fence Post" Bush the nominated candidate.

The GOP needed a designated loser for Clinton. The GOP knew the DNC would rig the primaries for Clinton.


Except they don't, that's the fuggin boint.

Open in new tab and zoom you fucking pleb.

thad waz my boint doo.

The keep list would be much easier to do

fuck off, make it a tall image so i can scroll down like a normal web page you faggot

Its almost like someone controls both sides, isn't it? Like, the Democrats and the Republicans are just two pieces of bread, forming a sandwich with the American people crushed between the two, running back and forth between two slices of the same fucking bread - probably unleavened? - trying to find a way out, to no avail.

I wonder what force that could be…

Probably nobody, I'm just being paranoid.



Checked for every American should be made to watch the AIPAC conference, just so they can see JUST HOW MUCH the US presidential candidates cup the kikes' balls every election.

I will. Conservatives always have higher turnout for elections, and the vast majority of the senate seats up for reelection are democrat-held, meaning they have the most to lose. Adding to this, the democrats aren't any better, with their blatant "FUCK WHITEY" shit and absolutely no message beyond "Drumpf is russian puppet! imbeage!"

That's not to say I'm any fan of the cuckservatives. I'm just stating as a matter of fact that they're going to win 2018 even though they suck, because their alternative is objectively worse.

What I'm hoping is that these conservative incumbent congressmen get challenged in the primaries by populist/nationalist candidates. And THAT'S what we should be focusing on. Finding out what candidates are good and helping spread the word on when primaries are and who to vote for. The primaries at this point are more important than the elections proper.

not a burger here but it was pretty disgusting. cruz's intro was particularly cringey, i made it about 5 seconds in

We shall see sir.

It's a holocaust to spend 1.2 billion dollars on the wall according to the GOP, but everyone and the brother sure as hell supports an additional 100 billion dollars of funding for the DOD, or 30 billion for Israel.

We need to put the wall funding in the next Israel bill. That way the wall critics would be shooting themselves in the head by screaming bloody murder, voting to remove the wall bill rider,and then voting FOR an increase in Israel aid.

Yeah, the Cruz one…

Fucking disgusting. I have no idea how this shit is not defined as treason, and similarly, no idea how this Russian narrative shit holds ANY fucking water when AIPAC exists - its fucking BEGGING to be brought up, but not a single fucking peep is EVER made about it, by anyone. Its truly disgusting, and shameful. This shit is one of the few things that truly makes me feel shame as an American, its just… Its fucking state/racial cuckoldry - these people are selling out their country, their people, to these kikes… For what?

Its either gotta be some sweet-ass shekel stacks, or else, its something really quite dark (ie kiddie fiddling on tape, made possible by Jewish human traffickers/pornographers/pimps).


Health insurance's all fucked up and Americans ought to learn the hard way for a change

He's right. The alternative will be worse. Somehow, it will be worse. That doesn't mean we need to spend thousands of hours obsessing over the midterms.
That means we should seek out candidates of any party that are friendly to Holla Forums and try to work on getting them in.
We shouldn't concern ourselves with (((D))) or (((R))). Just select the person who doesn't want to kill white people.
Don't give the GOP hope and don't give the DNC hope. Let the chips fall where they may. Republicans will probably be the big winners, but we aren't republicans. Always remember… We are beholden to nothing but the white race.

Nigger care was designed explicitly for that to happen!

The Neo-cons want Euro care, so the nigger care was designed to fail to implement euro care.

No, we need to not have a next Israel bill.

This is something that's really been getting to me recently: How willing people are to expect less than they deserve, because they've been trained to do exactly that.

These people are trash, as politicians and as people. They are so many levels of magnitude less than what we deserve, and yet, every year, the sheep keep going back to the wolf's den, and wonder why they keep coming out smaller and smaller a flock, before descending back into the hedonistic 'grass-eating' that keeps them blind and content until the next time the false dichotomy is wheeled back out to make them think they have any degree of choice, any degree of freedom.

Its sickening, but its true - Americans are, by the numbers, nothing but goyim, nothing but dim-witted animal-tier slaves. Its fucking sickening.

If Israel bill IS going to happen then we give the Israel supporters rope to hang themselves by passing the bill.

I hate the Israel bill,but I want something good to come out of it if it were to happen any ways.

What would Eurocare look like?

A system where tax payers are hit with the Wetback's emergency room use bill.

Precisely. Although with that said, I actually WOULDN'T try to focus on getting less-radical democrats in power. Not unless they're actually sympathetic to our cause. Because causing the DNC to tone-down its anti-white rhetoric would actually be a bad thing, because them being obvious about this shit is what causes people to swing hard-right, which is good for us. We are "reactionaries", after all. Getting softer progressive/socialist candidates would actually be a bad thing, because it'd placate enough of the working class whites that it would kill the momentum we have going toward true national socialism.

I say, let the retarded dindus like kamala harris and corey booker have control of the democratic party. Meanwhile, we keep in power guys that are good (scalise, steve king, etc) and boot out the cucks. I'd especially love it if Paul Ryan got kicked to the curb.


Are the Republicans committing suicide?

>We shouldn't concern ourselves with (((D))) or (((R))). Just select the person who doesn't want to kill white people.
That's the problem though - they don't exist.
Even the ones that seem as though they might be of that manner? Its all bullshit.

Every single mother fucker with enough influence or shekels to be politically relevant is fucking compromised, all of them. Fuck (((D or R))), but beyond that, there is basically nothing of meaningful differentiation that isn't easily dismissed when recognizing that there is ZERO accountability.

You can vote in 'based' candidates all day long, but if each and every one of them cucks or betrays their promises the moment they're in power - and if Trump does turn out as treacherous as some believe, expect that to become even more common place, even more exaggerated: promises without accountability mean nothing - then there's no difference between one and the other.

Republicans, Democrats… There's no meaningful difference, beyond that title, beyond what color ties they wear. They all belong to the same (((external hostile forces))). And there's nothing you can do.

I keep coming back to this image… The United States as it exists today is like a house we've inherited from our ancestors.
It was a beautiful house…. Once. Now? Now its nothing but a shitty, dirty hellhole - there's bums having gay orgies with kids in the basement, there's feral cats running around shitting and pissing on everything, a fire has burned out the kitchen and upstairs is composed of more used heroin needles and dead babies than it is of wood or steel…

Could we repair this house? Maybe?
It would take years, of hard work, and toil, and sweat, and blood, and it might damn well kill us before we get it done - the people in charge of overseeing our efforts at repair will be hoping for that outcome, in fact - and in doing so, we miiiiiiiight be able to bring it back to something approximating what it once was… But never what it ACTUALLY once was.

And at this point, my question is: Why bother? Why are we trying to prop up this shithole? Why? What do we get out of it?


I am beginning to think that, instead of trying to save the US, we should be trying to destroy it. I hear this 'accelerationism is trash' shit a lot, but I'm getting mighty tired of scraping away at walls that stink of catpiss even as I'm standing in 13 inches of liquid piss and more cats keep coming each day, tired of pricking my fingers on used needles covered in semi-liquid fetus, tired of chasing off the child-raping bumfags and cleaning up their messes only for them to be back again the next night… I'm thinking we should just burn this whole fucking thing down and start over from the ground up, that we'd be better off.

But maybe that's just me…

I've been hoping that the presence of Trump in the White House will encourage the citizenry to vote out of office those who have been in government for so long just to fuck the whole thing up for all of us.

Nothing good can come out of such things m8, just more cuckoldry. If you stand with Israel, I do not stand with you - Trump was the one time I've made exception to that rule, and I'm quit frankly starting to regret it.

There is no difference between the Republicans and the Democrats - they serve the same people. But the Republicans can't oppose Trump as viciously and effectively as the Democrats can - so, my guess is, their leaders are trying to get as many Republicans out of office in the mid-terms in hopes of getting Dems in who can visibly attack/oppose Trump without any concern from their base.

An octopus that sacrifices one of its tentacles to escape a shark isn't committing suicide, as it were.

Wow you guys are really trying hard with thread.

how about no

Of course. They wanted Clinton to win the WH.
They won't even bother to investigate Clinton's past crimes including Seth Rich.

The GOP could have shut down the Russian argument by saying that Clinton rigged the DNC primaries and murdered a whistle blower.

If that's what you took from my post, you're a fucking imbecile.

Your post was imbecilic. Just because you start with a concession doesn't change the fact that acceleration is indeed dogshit, and that just giving up on the current political apparatus is fucking retarded.

Fuck off back to endchan.

We need to spread this word. Meme it or what ever.

Repeal niggercare like they were told to do, stop fucking around with this replace kikery. Anyone blaming the GOP is a lying kike, we dodged a bullet. McConnell's bill was more AIPAC handouts to the insurance industry. Fuck obamacare, it is dead.

checked. Rs confirmed for absolute faggots

isn't it likely that a lot of the GOP has (((rigging))) done for them as well which is why they're grabbing themselves by the nuts

Obama care was designed to fail. They need to have it fail so the traitors would say "we need to replace obama care with something." which is obviously Euro care which Obama care was designed to fail to implement this way.

Health care is expensive because of the non whites.Whites pick up the bill for the non whites.

Bullshit faggot.

Means you've already lost.
Not an argument.

The political apparatus is an illusion - its not a matter of you 'giving up' on it, its a matter of you recognizing it for what it is: a shithole.

I said your response was imbecilic, because you continue to believe that you have any degree of control, that you somehow contribute in any meaningful way, that any of us do - and that's the illusion.
Everyone in the race is owned by the same people, so nobody who wins the race is ever going to do anything but that which their owners want them to do… Its ridiculous.

You explicitly suggested my commentary amounted to 'give up goy', and that's not at all what I was saying - what I was saying is, 'you can't give up, because you have no control', and its true, and you know it.
Spending your life struggling to repair this shitheap will be infinitely harder and less rewarding than burning it the fuck down and building something worthwhile where it once stood.

Until you realize that, you're worthless.

Does that even fucking exist anymore?

✓ ✓ ✓

Reminder that draining the swamp is the most potent redpill Donald Trump created, because eventually people will start to accept that there seems to be a lot of a certain type of (((people))) in the swamp

Stop deflecting the topic!

Precisely. Everyone knows that the number one rule in a welfare state is that once entitlements are given, they can NEVER be taken away.

The entire problem with niggercare is that everyone's insurance premiums skyrocketed and their coverage went to shit, all to help out a handful of shitskins get insurance. But now everyone is complaining about reversing this because "MUH 10 MILLION OBAMACARE ENROLLEES", when they were never supposed to have insurance in the first place, and were only given it due to obamacare a few years ago.

The leftists think this means the only way, therefore, is toward "progress" and some sort of universal healthcare system. Fuck that.

Which is what should have been done in the first place.

Fun fact learned from a friend: In my state, at least, if you earn less than like 40k a year, you are automatically put on Medicaid.
You cant actually GET insurance - the insurance companies are restricted, by state law, from granting you coverage, even if you could pay them for it, aside from temporary 3-month at a time plans which do not meet the requirements to avoid the penalty for not having insurance.

Its fucking laughable - but it certainly assures the government has the plebs in their pockets.

What is the topic you think I'm deflecting?
The fact that Republicans are the same thing as Democrats, in different colored ties, and this somehow still surprises people?

Why should the whole country get the shaft over 15 million people?

There are 20 million wetback in this country who have to use the emergency room because they're in this country illegally.

It's impossible to implement Euro care because of the country's demographics.


The best part of that bullshit is, the obamacare they receive is WORTHLESS.

They're paying like $32/month for a $12k deductible or whatever, meaning, excluding catastrophic illness/injury, they get nothing out of it.

How exceedingly Jewish and weak of you.

So, what's the next step in the master plan?

The GOP had six years to have a committee create a bullet proof plan!! Yet they're fumbling around with trying to create a Obama care replacement.

The GOP is trying to implement Euro care.

Take over the world, would be my guess.

Someone really should make a Brain Merchant.

digits of truth. The GOP likes being the (controlled) opposition party, because it means getting to sabre-rattle against the other team without ever actually having to do shit. Their majorities in both houses are built PURELY on them just whining about the other side.

To put it in e-celeb terms, it's like those skeptic faggots like Sargon who only criticize others without offering any solutions themselves.

The GOP was hijacked by communist Jews. The state department introduced communism into Asia practically.

So was the DNC!


They all go to the same schools, join the same clubs, sodomize the same boys, etc.,.

We need a final solution to a particular problem.

Why would anyone want the revamped Obamacare-lite that Ryan was pushing for? Better to remove Obamacare entirely than try fixing that heap of shit.

That'd be my suggestion, but apparently that's a bad idea for some reason, so I dunno what to tell ya.

Hang that jew holy fuck


Checked for yes, hang that Jew - but hang his GOP compatriots first.

Hate the traitor more than the enemy, for deserves it more.

nice post for a banner

Evem better if a few Congress members would be gone, but until then, we won't get shit due to their desire to fuck us over.

Trump will have to be the sacrificial lamb.

Once Trump is impeached the Republican voters would lurch hard toward our Ideology,

There won't be a civil war just yet but the country would never be able to be friendly to the other side of the Isle again.This is not the 70s where people were trustful of the government. If Nixon was impeached today people would say he was being politically targeted.

Once Trump is impeached the voters would go after the GOP hard, they will see the GOPs as traitors.

I'm sure you guys have been noticing that the internet is really warm up to ww2 Germans by willing to discuss how alot of the war photos are fake.

I bet you all have been noticing that more E-Celebrities are becoming pretty right wing.

If the GOP doesn't go after Clinton's crimes after Trump is impeached, there's no word to truly describe the anger the republicans would have.

Better to remove it, sure, but you'll see as much, if not more, resistance to such as you will see for this revamp shit.


These people are opposing it on the grounds of it being a bad bill or anything of the sort - its all backroom shit you can't see the full breadth of.
Everyone serves the same masters, and we're all just marching to Zion.


Do we have to dissolve Congress?

I disagree. This mentality of "if the left oversteps their boundaries THIS time then we'll FINALLY get a true reaction to fight back against them!' It's what our people have been saying since at least the 60s, and all they do is keep waiting and waiting.

Trump getting into office has been the best thing to happen for what we want. And it's not even just about Trump himself; it's about what he represents. Trump getting impeached wouldn't help us. It'd take the wind out of our sails and everyone that's been so elevated and happy for once would just descend back into defeatist bullshit again. But impeachment isn't going to happen regardless. It's a farce.

Yeah, that's sort of the point. Pull out the nuclear option of removing Obamacare, and then see which GOP members are against it. Then you remove said controlled opposition from their seats of power.

You cry about muh masons all day but you operate like kikes all day here. I wonder who could be behind this. The builders or the shingles.

the reptilians

Well he should atleast fight back by going after her crimes, and threaten to throw the GOP under the wall's foundation.

Clinton did not even have a trial for her server.

It needs to be a military tribunal for her trials so she can't use "it's classified" defense.

Oh and the military needs to be purged of it's pozzed peace time leadership.

What timeline are you in? Did you just try to jump on this horse recently?

"See this hole? it can either be the foundation for a secure country, or a grave for your wicked careers."

Literally just undo Obamacare.
There is a blood rage growing among the constituents.
I wonder if Trump`s 4855D checkers plan is to make Congress look so fucked he goes full Augustus.

There's a reason why Trump was so appealing: he is too incompatible with big government. It was mind-boggling that he supported a move to replace a big government institution like oligarch healthcare programs with another one. Just killing Obamacare and being done with it, and then calling for an easement of Medicare/Medicade over time, is the better option.

There is literal blood on their hands and what is being wrapped up now from that era.
Stop talking like a mimic kike.

Your post doesn`t even make sense.
Appeal Obamacare.
It`s fucking bureaucratic paper work.
Just say fuck you and dump it.

This. All it does is add several hundred thousand man hours to health insurance (billed to the taxpayer) and creates a white-list of who gets to sell you insurance, which is tantamount to a state-protected oligarchy in the jewsiest industry there is.

It`s starting to feel like a choice between paper or lead.
They act like it`s some sort of Constitutional conundrum when the average American Republican knows that American history is 200+ years of the Constitution being shit on.
They need to stop moralizing and start fucking shit up.

It wasn't that great a "repeal" anyway from what I've heard. Kept most of the taxes, big subsidies for the insurance corporations at our expense and most regulations from Obamacare still intact.

What they need to do is a simple vote to repeal Obamacare completely. Focus on that first, and once it's repealed, THEN try to fix any technical problems with healthcare.

>(((Your post doesn`t even make sense.)))
Listen, I speak across the expanse of Europe, South America and Antarctica.
What would you like in your kike tongue? That I will allow you to fight against Syria?

Stop being a fucktard and practice your English GRAMMAR you nigger.

Where are you from?

I can take many guesses but I'd prefer you show yourself.

No, a straight repeal is the way to go. Repeal it outright! ACA was a horrible disaster. Cut its fucking throat already.

Yessssss! EXACTLY what we need! Full fucking repeal! Kill it!

Your posts are random strings of words that have no point or thesis.
You clearly are not a native English speaker or are on some kind of mind altering substance.

Someone saying stop it. I assume you are possibly from South America.

No, you can keep pretending to not understand straight english. You're either an actual KIKE or an ESL piece of shit that has ate the UN madness.

This is the time to kill all kikes and it is not slowing down. We are far too clean and most of us are veterans already and we know.

Another slippery kike trying to slide away from what is actual

Seriously there is something wrong with your thought process.
What is the fucking POINT you are trying to convey here in your posts?
Consolidate your ideas so I know why you are randomly insulting me.

Don't fuck with a German, kike. This is falling down for real now soon.

Your six million happens via Syria.

Dude, it's a basic strategy the Democrats have used for decades without even the slightest iota of failure.
1. Draft a program offering something like healthcare to be subsidized by taxpayers (or force everyone to buy it from private companies).
2. Say it's a human right and hit people over the head with a moral hyperbole when they reject this.
3. Get it passed because non-contributing "gibs me dat" types will vote for you and your opponents lost their spines from that moral hyperbole.
4. Continue to expand welfare states to further secure jobs and raise tax burdens because the people you fuck over doing this become a shrinking minority.
5. Laugh off camera when your political opponents are so pussy-whipped, they'll defend keeping it in place.

That explains all the weapons-grade autism.

Remove kikes from Pal and Syr. Remove CIA AND ISIS AN ISRAEL.

NO, This is America speaking. Not Israel.


It's hard to believe you when your massive hook nose is poking me in the eye through the computer screen.

Kikes don't give a fuck. So fuck you.

Almost like the pain in my chest is about SYRIA

I`m 9 beers deep nigger and I can still string together concise ideas into meaningful sentences.
Keep trying English is not that hard of a language to learn when you understand literary structure.

MY family isn't coming for Israel. The war has already been busted. My dumb kids alread figured it the fuck out.

Must be odd when your children are semite niggers and straight up white and love their family and kind of Ameica and fuck YOU.

Who's this user that doesn't know. That my little boy knows better than you, nigger.

If you're an American, buy a couple bushels of apples, a cider press, and some winemaking equipment like a carboy. You can brew the cider into apple wine, then distill it in the cold by letting the water freeze and the alcohol drain off. The brandy is an American tradition, and it's tasty as fuck: you can get over 100 proof and still not taste the alcohol.

Alinskyism is a cancer.
This pathetic moralizing has limits when it comes to the patience of the American people that prefer action over words.

Damn sounds good, I was thinking of starting a batch of mead so I could have some ready for Christmas.

You can talk to yourself all day, faggot.

How about you just go fuck yourself, shill and/or LARPer?

Paul Ryan absolutely BTFO.


You're in the new world, friend. Whether that's a good thing or bad remains to be seen, but millennials from the suburbs have become addicted to moral crusades as it lets them identify with the romanticized civil rights stories they're taught in history classes. Rural America still produces people with brains, but this country's fate is teetering with these children of affluent yuppies being so lazy, selfish, and childish.

You can do both, but definitely make a batch of applejack. The stuff is an American tradition that predates the founding of the United States by almost 200 years. Just make sure it's not store-bought. They add something that prevents yeast from forming alcohol. You have to buy it from a local farm or press it yourself.

Quick, we need to start twitterstorming about what a useless faggot he is.

Let me let you goys in on a secret.

Obamacare has nothing to do with healthcare. Its to prop up the (((banks))) who own the (((insurance companies))) who also own all the hospitals.

Its all the same entity at this point, insurance companies are basically paying themselves when you get medical care because they own the hospital too, and they get the taxes paid and interest when you pay the bank.

Its a loop. If insurance companies or hospitals go under, so does the banks, and so does the economy. It will be 2008 all over again.

Next point is this. Each level of technology takes exponentially more money than the previous one. So if the last drug took 10 million to make then next one will cost 100 million to discover. So essentially, they are attempting to ration care, while spending little of their own money on it, but then charging you 10x the cost so they can fund the next level of the scheme.

They are trying for eternal life, and you are paying for it.

You are a good American and the type of person I hope to have my back during the happening.
I`m probably gonna stop posting now, so thanks.

*my back covered

Stay safe lad, have a good night.

No you're an illiterate faggot I'm guessing pajeet

It's two clicks you fucking mongoloid, how did you even find this place?

We can go on long about this or you could go back to halfchan, faggot. How Swedish are you.

I doubt most of you are even Pink. Nor bother with Roger's new album.

They showd up, thought we were joking about being German Nationalists.

It's not a joke.

They think Pink Floyd and THE WALL has anything to do with this.

Not the goddamn worse anglo faggot cowards that would ever work for Germany again.

Floyd thought they made their playtoy fuhrer, but this is not happening.

May as well sit with Erika.

Is someone letting loose their shit-tier AI bot to spam or are you just retarded?

I'm not even the same person you fucking retard

And, what are you contributing, my (((fellow))) german?



Keks were had.

My father is now happey I am hunting kikes that attempt to touch elder Nazis.

My family was only here to kill Japs and we did this and made sure they were scared up the trees on this front.
On this front, we what held the line. If you want to find some old Nazis it's behind a lot of new Nazis.

Well, I remember Mossad in about 1987 smearing around my grandfather's house. It was beat up until my great's partner showed.

Problem is, there's nothing we can do about anything that doesn't result in civil conflict, which the state knows they will lose and thus will do everything in their (quite considerable) power to avoid and/or waylay by any means necessary.
No standing branch of the US government contains anyone who gives enough of a shit about anything to forcibly oppose any of the other branches/participants, most of whom are simply people working for the same person albeit wearing different colored masks to fool the goyim into thinking they work for different factors instead of the same.

The system which exists will not destroy itself - if anything, it will seek to perpetuate itself at any cost, because the individuals who compose it are 1) reliant upon it to have any power whatsoever, and 2) terrified of what would transpire in its absence (and rightly so, given most are weak cuckolds whose pandering and faggotry would not be permitted).

The US government is nothing but an assemblage of willing slaves, whose purpose is to trick the unwilling slaves into continuing to be slaves on the basis of the belief that they are not slaves.
See: Judas cow. A Judas cow is a cow that lives at the slaughterhouse, yet never dies - its purpose is to lead the way up the ramp into the processing facility, its movement motivating the conditions cattle to follow it to their slaughter - but the Judas cow is not killed, it is pulled aside at the last second and sent back out into the paddock… And that is its existence - it serves to lure its brethren to their demise, and lives for want of its value in that capacity.

So too behave our politicians, all of whom are Judas cows - or shabbos goyim, if you prefer - who act as willing slaves to those who wish to rule us, that they might keep us from resisting in any manner that would inhibit the plan of our eventual demise to degeneration and admixture, reduced to a stock too dim-witted to present any real threat whatsoever, but still capable of effective service.
We are basically being domesticated by the Jew, and short of a full-blown civil conflict, there appears to be very little we can actually do to stop it, and our efforts to keep it stable only inhibit the possibility of such events coming to pass.

When I look up at this disgusting rotten house we've been left, with these glad-handing faggots in blue and red ties waving us forward, I can only see them as Judas cows, and leave to your imagination the fate that awaits us inside that structure; once again reiterating the notion of, instead of wandering inside to try to fix it, instead waving to the Judas cows as we pour gas around the foundation and laugh as the fire rises.

Yeah, well, that's your problem right there m80.

What the fuck is this shit? Newfagsperg or botspam?

You're not American. Just some cunt anglo.

The fuck are you?

Are you attempting to make an essay for being American?

I know you are not American.

W h a t
t h e
w o r d s





What could this man be saying that these anons don't understand?

Funny how you, a BOT, are posting images from other boards.

W h a t




t h e



w o r d s


You seem to be having a problem with English and American language.

Bump because the bot doesn’t want it.

Checked for this is some weird shit going on I tell you hwat.

It's time to introduce the term Controlled Opposition to the normalfags.

We have to make sure that 2018 is the year that no cuckservative remains in congress. All red counties and states should remain as they are with the exception of cuckservatives. This is prime meme material for normalfag conservatives & republicans. They have no idea how or why Obamacare can't be replaced let alone how it passed. It passed under majority republican congress and it isn't being replaced under majority republican congress.

Make easily digestible memes enlightening normalfags in their terms.
e.g. "Make 2018 a RINO-Free year!"
e.g. "Tired of RINOs? Then stop voting for them." Follow this up with a list of RINOs cuckservatives.

If we don't do anything about the cuckservatives that are keeping the democucks afloat, we won't get the MAGA we want and deserve. It's that simple. Once this gets off the ground, you'll see the lugenpresse defending cuckservatives from their own voterbase. Flip it over on them by showing normalfags that the media that defends the democucks also defends RINOs cuckservatives.

Nice try, with nothing to say. What was your argument faggot?

If you want a big QA here it is.

Moonman, Moonman. What do we see?

They wonder about the next plan.

I'm just getting bgger and over many reasons.

We're surrounded by NPCs.

I bet you love ice cream. Bump.

Reply with the following: egg above welcome are everyone twelve happy

Naw, nigger. I love going shooting with my boy I have had since 1997. Guess who put him alive enough to be an officer.

I'm sure you never brought up bad goys from abusive homes. You're likely only 20 or less.

Gunnery and amateurs

You will never have a best friend send a PI to find you across the nation after a decade.

For one thing. Now is not the time for that. As this is the time now.

He's tired and divorced now. Maybe Montana or somewhere else nice for just being a sheriff.

A less niggered up shithole than what is happening to Arkansas.

You were too focused on me and didn't catch where my brother is ending up.

He found me hiding and we know how to find you all

You know you have a good friend when they send a private investigator to find you.

So Ryancare failed? Ohnoes! Who's gonna pay for CWC's sex change now? Xe's already done as much as xe can ximself. Have a heart, Rand Paul!

Everyone knows what they did to make CWC.

Aren't they already?

Cucks are content to be the "Opposition" party because they can always blame somebody else for never accomplishing anything. Even then they compromise without winning anything of value from the Democrats. Cucks need to hang.

Sides are dead, Republicans want to repeal all of Obama Care because they get donor money from people like (((Cary Katz))) who made a fortune by giving out gov't backed student loans. This was stopped by Obamacare, but of course the kikes/Republicans/Democrats would rather fuck us over one way or the other.

OK dale gribble.

Mike Judge is an anti-trump cuck.

Making a profit yet buddy?


He wasn't when koth came out so go fuck yourself

The shilling right now is out of control on halfchan. Liberals are having a field day thanks to the GOP cucks.

red text needs to be
on its own line

Was Randcare shot down?