USS Liberty: Evidence Israeli Pilots knew it was an American ship when ordered to fire on it

NEW Evidence confirms that Israeli Pilots were fully aware that USS Liberty was an American ship

This is nothing new but just confirms what we knew all along. This still seems pretty important, you guys might want to sticky this one.

Other urls found in this thread:

At least it's more proof. Although there still exist those who would try to explain it away.

Someone tweet this at Trump.


What a surprise.

I agree, it should be tweeted at Trump, en masse. And it should be coupled with other exemplifications of Israel's malice.

There needs to be a twitter campaign to redpill Trump on Jews and Israel.
If he backpedals away from it, especially on something like this, then its clear the way the wind blows. If he shows some semblance of backbone, then we know there's potential there.

Non-Hispanic White Americans elected Donald Trump - not Israelis, not Jews or any character.
Its time he was reminded of this.

Might just start a thread to spitball about the way to go about this…

Bet you fags think you're clever too.

What an ugly anime girl. Do better shill.

In any case
Understanding Jews has nothing to do with intellect, it has to do with exposure. There are plenty of incredibly intelligent people who know next to nothing about Jews, and only begin to dislike them when exposed to their nature.

Even if he already knows (which he damn well should but it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side), Twitterstorming this would still be good because it tells him that we want him to say/do something about it.

So I check out the amazon page on this book. 7 five star reviews, one 1 star review. I click on the one star review prepared to become mad and see this instead.

10/10 made me 100% glad

This! We must shape public discourse and force topics like this to the light for all to see.

You mean aside from it flying the american flag and the constant hails from it?
Of course they knew it was American, that was the point.

Of course they knew. Why is this even up for debate? Are you telling me the Jews went "we dinno nuffin bout no boat"?

The fucking Jew pilots waved at the Liberty's crew. There was a huge American flag draped over the ship.

To be fair a bunch of boomers either completely ignore the USS Liberty or completely deny Israel did anything wrong, because "how could they possibly know this boat that was in contact with them all day, wasn't on a jew killing mission".
I fucking hate boomers.

Don't trust MOSSAD on this one. They're up to something leaking this shit at this time knowing more people than ever are focusing on Israel and the Jewish Question.

Are they laying the ground work preparing jews for their exodus from anudda shoah?

Be on the lookout for the number 60 million.

They are only whitewashing the past and laying it with more zionist propaganda. I doubt it is any different than usual.

Tho you have to understand. Shoah from usa and europe means israel stays a country. And a lot of jews are moving to china.

Israel should be dissolved eg. Not have its own army or be allowed to do so.

That goes without saying. The question is, have they finally chosen their messiah so they can zionise the non-zionist jews and claim greater israel uncontested from within.

Why are you two reddit spacing?

They're trying to pass the blame onto the dead bogeyman LBJ, just like Roger Stone did for the jewish assassination of JFK.

This. Yeah looks like it

How does that make any kind of sense to anyone?

LBJ was a huge faggot, but no need to pile JFK and the USS Liberty on him. Kikes were responsible for both.

Trump must launch a nuclear attack against Israel now.

Not until Jared and Yael Kushner are there.

Considering LBJ (Lindon Bane) allowed LBJ (Lady Bird, his wife) to get us into 'nam because she didn't want to see the 'jewel of southeast Asia' taken over by commies…

The Johnsons are responsible for a lot of deaths, but Israel is to blame for the Liberty. Not that the Johnsons probably weren't complicit–odds are very good they were ("Our greatest ally Israel would never do that")–but this was less about getting an in for the Six Day War and more about Israel proving who held America's leash. They attacked us, killed our men, and got away with nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

It is my understanding that Israel bombed the Liberty because they were holding a secret meeting and the Liberty was too close to that meeting. As I understand, the kikes thought the Liberty was there to intercept intelligence of this meeting when the Liberty was actually doing a routine patrol.
Kikes saw it and in their stereotypical paranoia, thought they were going to exposed so they (((shut it down))).

I heard that the USS Liberty hid its flag when the Israelis were doing their initial flyby, leading to the confusion.
I guess the Americans were trying to keep the presence of their spy ship a secret. Can't really blame the Israelis for what happened…


disregard the ifunny watermark. I suck thousands of cocks daily.

some one post the zionist puppet kissing the wall

inb4 chess


You are real stupid.


(((Crying while striking?))) Who would do such a thing?

Kek, I just threw the Liberty in a Jewesses face in the YouTube comments. She left a comment about remembering our greatest ally or whatever, so I told her I remembered the USS Liberty.

She replied: "Enough with the Jews, it's getting old."

It certainly is, kikess. It certainly is. 3,000 fucking years and counting.

Full blown act of war.

I just sent it to him fam. We'll see if anything happens, but I doubt it.

Glad you were banned, but for any other dipshits who may have found our little safe space here, I'll be glad to clarify:

The Liberty was a civilian ship under contract to the NSA, doing sigint and comint during the Six-Day War. Hours prior to the attack, an Israeli jet overflew the ship, and according to crew members who survived, it got low enough to see the expression on the pilot's face. The Liberty had a big US flag displayed, the Israeli government had been told about the ship's presence (whoops!), and crew members actually waved at the Israeli pilot as he flew by, waving back at them.

Hours later, the Israelis came back. You see, the Liberty was monitoring comm traffic, and at that moment the Israeli Army was executing hundreds of Egyptian prisoners in a mass shooting in the Sinai. It was to be expected that the Liberty would be within range to hear the Israeli units' chatter in about an hour or so, since it was sailing south.

Ariel Sharon was commanding the death squad, by the way.

The Israelis sank the Liberty with an aerial attack, followed up by a sweep through the debris by gunboats with orders to shoot up survivors in the water. They were a little slow getting there, so the pretense of "accidentally" sinking an "Egyptian ship" (which looked nothing like the Liberty and was known to be docked in Greece at the time) fell apart and the murdering kikes gave up the attack.

Later they said "oops, goyim," and the Jew lobby in the US smoothed things over with some hefty bribes.

Fifty years later, an obscure Malaysian nipple clamp manufacturer started an anonymous online forum, where such matters can be discussed and revenge plotted.

Malaysian nipple clamp manufacturer?

Holy shit. This is the funniest example I have seen of this post. I spit out my food laughing. Also, checked.

Lurk moar

Wait … what?

I'm just surprised Haaretz would publish it.

bringers of chaos bring chaos

The INFORMATION is not new, but concrete evidence of the crime is. Learn to read you fucking subhuman nigger.

Thanks. It just came to me.

See Pic related.

I know it's been said before but it bears repeating
Fucking Jews.

Dayan's head should be demanded by the US government, on a silver platter and I mean this in the most literal sense. We're too fucking cucked for that, and the commander of the liberty was a hypercucked or just playing political rhetoric when made that statement at the embassy party. The fact is the sophisticated radio intelligence ship recorded all the necessary tapes of Israeli radio to fuck over everyone responsible. Yet by the end of the article, it's still regulated to a conspiracy theory by the split tounge kike.

Thanks fags, I don't think I can lurk any longer since I've been here since the beginning


Fucking finally. Now we can also draw some more attention towards the Lavon Affair as well.

It's a jewish publication, its demographic is jews, so it'll say things jews would normally say to each other but not to us.

Yup. Call me when this is frontpage news on the NYT like it should be(without blaming LBJ).

thread theme

Samson Option. You don't understand how much screwed we are, do you? Short of somebody infiltrating the Israeli military to the point of taking control of the nukes and launching them at tel-aviv or the middle of the of the Ocean, or developing a way to stop them all in mid-air, or developing a plague that kills all Jews where they stand at the same time…

that is also a jewish publication whose main readership demographic is jews

>This is the funniest example I have seen of this

yes it is a jewish publication but i don't think the chief demographic are jews.

This, its chief demographic is goys, not jews.

Definitely not written for Jews


Ah yes it's chief targeted demographic is not jews but everyone else. Therefore it would not write about facts and truths that are shameful to the jews. Though nowadays about the only people reading that swill ARE jews, or the jewish mined.

/egy/ here,

Even if this turns out to be nothing, Lavon Affair has concrete proof, even kikepedia can't get around it:

for newfags,
>As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers.

Kikes can never be loyal to goyim, Americans must get that.

They could also just find a way to wake Yellowstone and have it erupt.



Kill yourself, faggot.




This woulda been nice a few months ago when the 50th anniversary took place.

Trump had a perfect excuse to mention this a couple months ago, if he didn't touch it then hes not going to now. It was nice of all the alt-kikers to ignore this, at least Trump has more of an excuse.

I dont think either of you are right. Whoever released this must know that the proof is out there already and in the hands of someone who might eventually expose them in the future.

This kosher narrative isn't anything new. Shabbos Jones was claiming LBJ did the the USS Liberty a decade ago.

When has that ever stopped the kikes? We've had the Protocols for over a century, yet they continue to follow them.


also, no mods I am not that person, just laughing about the circumstances of what just happened and who I think you just banned.

ahfuck I can't stop laughing, someone send help. I'm imagining the reaction on the other end.

David Duke just did a podcast on it for anyone interested.

This. One eyed bastard. And I love how after after they admit he personally ordered the attack they turn right around and say "but clearly not every sentence written in an intelligence document is the unvarnished truth." Fucking kikes

This fraud Jew "historian" needs to be gassed also

Jesus Christ, my fucking sides hurt now.

This is really positive. Wouldn't be a shocker if Israel(American Jews) had the same attitude about the twin towers…They clearly have no problem with slaughtering 100's-1000's of defenseless Americans in order to carry out Israel/world Jewry's agenda.
I think we really need to concentrate on making this a big deal among normie patriots.

they have nukes too

We know already that Jews were behind it. US congress is Israel's bitch, but saying it here is like saying it in an echo chamber.

Trump is not going to do anything about Israel. His stance on Israel is clear that he wants things to remain the same regarding the two nations. He wouldn't risk a crisis with Israel in the middle east. Though US must show that Israel is more dependant on US than US on Israel. The amount of aid given to Israel is absurd for the benefit that it gives the US.

this ride never stops.

Will anything come out of this thread? Is trump going to even fucking acknowledge the article? I fucking hope this thread reaches Golden Don.

sure thing moishe

lol guiz wats israel

Could you please provide a source. Not doubting you, just want to research more on the subject matter.

figures the kikes would delete it, haha.

Jews overwhelmingly voted against him. That's provable. Are you suggesting that a secret cabal of hidden Jews were able to predict the wildest election season in reason memory? Why would they want Trump instead of Jeb?

But oy vey, don't you dare prove Trump isn't a gud goy! They always forget Hillary would have had WW3 happening already and even Hitler had a kike in his upper echelons. Therefore, Hitler was clearly a kike lover (that stronk mentality lol).
Let alone anyone making billions has to deal with a jew somewhere.
Trump has done wonders for the ISIS push in Syria (tasty sarcasm), Syria opened Iraq-Syria border for first time in 3-4 years, allowing Iran land re-supply of its forces in Syria and ISIS are getting reamed on a scale never before seen. Not that USA has done shitloads of bombing beyond token bombing and a few times even supporting ISIS to appease the jew, but overall they have done shit and sat back and let SAA/NDF/SAF/Hezbollah etc clean the fucking ISISrael faggots out.

First we get Trump to tweet about USS Liberty or at least push major overview of it on twatberg, then This should be our next target.
Cut the kike funding off. Not like they're a fucking 3rd world nation that needs it ffs.

This proof needs to be pushed out there hard.


Yes that's exactly what we are saying you stupid kike. The President is literally hand picked by powerful Jews. The elections are just theater for the GOyim.


Who's "we"? Are you part of a team? I hope your throat gets punctured/ripped out right now. Let me know how it went, faggot.

Did this get any mention in even small US news outlets? Even online would be something



Everywhere you can. Anywhere you can.
You don't just sit on shit like this - you use it.
Kikebook, Twatter, JewTube, wherever you can. Make flyers if you have to.

When life hands you a knife with which you can strike back, you make sure to stab and really twist it in there.

What are the lot of you? Faggots? Get moving!

Furthermore they only read it so that they know the narratives being forced on to the goyim so that they may promote some horse shite belief system being pushed at the time.

Fuck off Satan, no ones going a fuck, why advocate exposing yourself as an enemy of the chosen?

Daily reminder that mods on this board are goons, they want you to obsess about events from decades ago because they don't want you to influence what's happening today.

I take it you didn't have a look at the rest of the stickies then?

Alex Jones also dropped the Pizzagate investigation because it was bringing back awareness of Jewish ritual murder.

Come on now, tormoshe. Liberty is an excellent red pill for the fence sitting normalfags.

You don't just throw away your filleting knife because it's off season.

I should make a Holla Forums bingo game for infokike videos.

Every time the jews are mentioned as 'globalizzsts', 'baenkerrs', 'shadow governmunt', 'nuu wurl ordah' etc.

(checked for truth)



Good, Americans are fat retards

I tweeted about the USS Liberty recently and got bombarded by 20-30 Jews posing as " Pro-2A-USA-Republicans" within minutes. I fucked up their narrative quickly so they started to threaten me with violence and DMing me pic of Jews with rifles, pics of Jews shooting people, etc.

You can always tell if some "Neocon" type person is a Jew on Twitter because they always end their Tweets with "lol", "Hahaha" or emojis.

derailing fags reported for being fags


Checked. Wise words Satan. Daily reminder; if you aren't doing outreach in some form every day then you're a lazy shit and have no utility in the struggle.

Why the fuck would the Kabbal pick Trump over Hillary and why wage full media war against him?

Typical Tricks, Shlomo!

For anyone who isn't retarded its clear to see. Try using your brain. I know you are a shill but I will say it anyone. TRUMP CREATES THE ILLUSION OF EUROPEAN WHITE POWER IN AMERICA! Having Trump elected both A) Appeased Whites by giving them a false hope and sense of security B) Incited Minorities and Leftists against White people. Now Jews are going to collapse the economy and the "Dumb red neck Whites" who voted for Trump are the ones who are going to be blamed for the Jews crimes. If you can't see the long term Jews game plan you are an idiot.

Capped for one of the best summaries of U SS Liberty ever.

Video and picture related.

And because he has at least two close associates who've been linked to sex rings.

Where the hell did you get this shit?


Interesting, the same day this and the Syria CIA shit ending gets announced, Jews are deflecting with Assad assassination attempts

nice thought, but trump has already expressed his support of israel/jews/etc.., maybe he'll decide to give them a bit less US handouts, but nothing will really change

Fuck off Kampfy. Go back to Turkey.

USS Liberty Red Pill:



This is your brain on TOR.

You give a bad name to torfags.

Glad that's getting spread. Again, that picture was taken in freakin' Massachusetts of all places.


Also, for added fun factor:

I think I randomly figured out what Covfefe means.

Standard Deviation, i.e. Bell Curve.
Immigration Act
Voting Rights Act


The local government recently started an effort to encourage minorities to move to its city, shortly after everything was covfefe.

dubs of jew deception elucidation.

its some metaphysical technicality shit to address a state of affairs where jews are coming away as dirty villains in their own eyes, which they can't abide. Being a Jew must be utterly exhausting because for your way of life to work you have to practice murdering the truth and debasing humanity (yours and everyone elses). However, you must do this without incurring a moral stain on yourself or the Jewish people. Being an honest, good person seems like a cakewalk in comparison. To be a Jew, you have to routinely be evil - in very public and permanent ways - and then figure out how to spin that evil into something good for humanity so as to keep the overall lie that is "Jewishness" going.


how about some seemingly innocent "off-topic" memes that use "NLP" sub text like

You know, The threat we face is real

when its said in the mind, it sounds like & "you know" is a command to remember


Don't get tricked by the juice

broken down to

this can be a sub way of planting the thought in "Non-GMO" or other shit normies spread, so it wont be rejected in future instances. pic related

Anyone else get the feeling this is a purposeful distraction? Jews making old stuff we know into news?

and our president loves them

Gee i wonder why you would say this

JIDF has gotten a new iteration of young staff i see

It's as if they just can't stop being fucking kikes, even if it's just for long enough to threaten their own users.

>"Oy vey! You bedduh not share (((our))) screenshots! It will cost you money – what could be wurse?!?!?!?"

I'm neither defending jews nor their actions, only questioning why this article is relevant. It seems like bringing up JFK at this point, though the Liberty is a much more clearcut case.

And Haaretz for fucks sake.

This seems like a source for improving any redpills on the subject but hardly worth a sticky.

Why do you think its not and where do you think ones attention should be?

Because outside of Holla Forums, no one cares. It has to be something active, recent, a bigger part of people's lives, or in some way going to improve or educate. This is further confirmation on a very confirmed but minor redpill.

You gotta choose that for yourself. I did just remember this article was right after 50 anniversary, so it's less likely to be a purposeful distraction. I forgot to be honest.

My mistake.

I've been red pilling touristfags with my USS Liberty sign in the historic area of philly

yeah fair enouh. flyoverland here, no tourists, no boats

I wear a pussy hat and my sign has a feminist slogan on the other side, so i false flag my way into their normie hearts.

If there are any french fags here, on the 4th of july some reporter interviewed me for small french newspaper and i am wondering what they wrote about me.

This is and will always be huge. It stablishes that the "friendly" relationship between America and Israel has been a lie from the start. The American government has a long history of letting their people die for the jewish schemes.

did anyone read the goddam article at all?wtf is wrong with you Holla Forums

Regardless of our president being a traitor or not the kikes knew they where attacking an ally, attempted to sink our ship, killed and injured many of our servicemen. The kikes actions would not be excused even if our president ok'ed it and that is something that is far harder to prove than the kikes brutal and selfish betrayal.

LBJ was responsible(not solely) for the JFK hit. Johnson had at least 10 hits under his belt.

JFK vowed to end US support for Israel in the form of supplying them with nuclear supplies and secrets; that failed and now we have Negev Dimona which created the micronukes that brought the towers of 911 down. the JFK hit was a mossad op, and GHWB ran the team of six shooters that day, bloodying his hands to earn the presidency.

JFKjr was about to address some of this info including parts of the "gemstone" file in his rag George when his plane went down with his family in it.

Were there actually traces of radioactive material at the crash sites?

Nah Mossad and Jewish mafia was. Jews just try to throw LBJ under the bus like they trying to do in the article.

when will the world realize?

What's this "gemstone" file. Never heard of it. Then again I never went too deep into the JFK dealio.

I did just watch a video on 9/11 made in 2012 about "the ball" and how all the video we saw that day was doctored to superimpose airliners over 'the ball' which occurs in some videos available from that day.

the ship was acting as advanced radar and spitting for the Jordanians and Egyptians that is why Israel fired on it

That would be "spotting," not "spitting," leftycunt, and your Jewish paymasters will be very cross with you for such low-energy shilling. The approved method on this board is to announce that Trump loves kikes, and then maybe tell off the Christcucks for worshipping a Jew. This invariably starts an argument that chokes the life out of a thread. Your efforts in this area are absorutery shamefurr.

Bonus Fact: The Liberty crew, inside the ops center, was about evenly split between Israeli and Egyptian sympathies, and they were taking friendly bets on who would win. On one bulkhead, somebody had printed out and hung up an egyptian flag, while an equally big Israeli flag was hanging on the opposite bulkhead.

The first strafing run cut the Israeli flag in half as it chopped up the men in ops.

not even the jews will pretend to believe this

I'll be damned it's not one of us but coming straight from the kikes mouth
What is Moche playing here?



What was the name of the other false flag Israel did (besides 9/11)?

all of them



Nice shitpost, the other false flag was the Lavon Affair

Surely. What's this?

If kikeapedia has to admit to this, then it must be extra true.

Don't forget about the King David Hotel bombing.

Posts like that are the reason I keep visiting Holla Forums even with the hundreds of useless threads started by underage kids telling how 'based' their newest female 'altright' eceleb is.
Thank you for posting user.


Do we kill God after we're done with Israel?

Thread is still stickied and and the (((1s))) are still monitoring

I think he's right, LBJ was a fucking piece of shit for covering it up because muh ally, but he was not the one coordinating the attack.

Its like as if Jews are all retarded but their natural gift is to keep a straight face when lying.

Have you ever read the hidden books on the Kabbalah? Their entire religion centers around concealment and deception, and they study these teachings intensively for a period of years before they fully mature. This conditioning makes them all extremely agile liars, and extremely perceptive ones at that.

Their training is a step above anything any other race undergoes, even through schooling. Its no wonder they manage to meme so effectively, and professionally.

that bastard lbj is as much to blame as israel. he gave the green light, and some other mil guys must have been in on it as well. focusing only on israel is naive.


imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


You're such a spaz, it's just too obvious.

There are two options if Trump is pressured on this. Trump cucks out and people start to justifiably turn against him. Trump spreads this further and helps to redpill more normalfags on jews. Either outcome is positive here.

April 27, 2017
Israel – The Greatest Spy Machine Of All Time [“OPERATION TALPIOT” and “THE TECHNION”]


1) How Israel planned over 40 years ago to dominate the high technology communications sector.

2) How Israel trained officers from Israeli Military Intelligence to become private entrepreneurs. Now they dominate both the public and private high technology sector.

3) How this plan was titled “Operation Talpiot”.

4) How Israel dominates databases of all kinds from banking to medical, to policing, to NSA sub contractors, to government encrypted communications, to video surveillance systems for Class A critical infrastructure.

5) How Israel and Jewish Power have a tradition of the Sayanim or Helper who assist Israeli Intelligence where ever these Jews live and work, anywhere in the world, giving access to all sorts of public and private sensitive locations.

6) How Israel is setting up high technology co-operation schools under The Technion – their premiere research facility. This co-operation is used to infiltrate into the country of interest.

Fuck off newfag