Damn…………………………… makes me think

Damn…………………………… makes me think.

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I guess, if you think everything that made a good guy from forever til the current year actually makes a villain now. Pretty stupid.

It makes me think that when nobody cared when they said it the first time in The Force Awakens that they decided to double down on the point now their shitty movie is failing.

Than why are there female officers and black storm troopers? And Asian commanders?

storm troopers were never white anyway

Quit shilling your shit here, inflatted maggot

do you like hurting other people?
Which one was the giraffe mask again? fucking useless.

Fuck off prequelfag

Do or think the exact opposite of whatever Andrew Dobson says. Its that easy.

Actually TLJ fans are the real white nationalists.

For fuck's sake nigger, its the carnival masks that trigger him.

I think you could see more of the screen

You have to realize something. We're always talking about the threshold of microaggressions being lowered to the point that basically anything can be called one, but it's wrong to get surprised at every new low. The endgame is the complete shut down of communication that goes against the chosen.

You are not allowed to talk back to them, only obey. This is something resembling a master-slave relationship, but I believe it's easier to think of it as religious dogma: you can't talk back to God, or his representatives.


Holla Forums's delusions of grandeur are almost on par with Holla Forums's.

You have to admit he has a point.

Or ?

Yeah you could, but I never really need to, even in HM2

also I meant the name of the mask
I forgot which one the giraffe was.
Paul or some shit, I think.

Because it's the alt-right you retard, what else did you think she was talking about!?

He was thinking of the alt-white


Oh dobson, always getting pumped up about his inflated opinions. He always has to blow things out of proportion.

daily reminder the only campaign promises trump kept were the ones the made to the jews

.t /leftycuck/

where's the wall r/the_donald?

The name was George.
It really was a useless shitty mask.

nigger you're way behind if you're still using that as a comeback


execute order 66

Someone with a fake Jew account should ask these people why they keep erasing Jewish identity and just call them white.

Soon. Also he got most of his Muslim ban through, despite kike judge interference. Nice try though.

holy SHIT drumf is retarded

Are we the only people who know Dobson exists?

zognald prolumpf btfo, how will his campaign ever recover?

top right or bust

the jews wanted to deport a lot of Mexicans and destroy ISIS then?


ah, george, of course it was george.

Fucking Knobson.

It's becoming self aware.

Carlos, is that you?

Holla Forums btfo!

I can't support that in good conscience

That Dobson is one sharp cookie.

This is Eleanor Rigby levels

Yes, without Holla Forums and Holla Forums no one would know he even exists. When he dies in some weird inflation accident, we will be the only ones who will notice; and our laughter will be the closest thing he will have to mourners.


Fuck he went too deep with that one, what's curse of the abyss do to a faggot eyebrow bear?
probably inflation

Plenty of alt-right asians and blacks.