Nu-males sky's DEVs are so desperate to damage control

Nu-males sky's DEVs are so desperate to damage control

They are risking DMCA positive videos along with the negatives

[Edit: Removed direct link, mirror here]:

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I like that.



remember to turn off that adblock before you click on the link!

Soo.. Sony thinks that No Man's Sky is shit?

Fuck off, OP.

Did poor CIA have a stroke?


There is no such thing as bad publicity
This game is going to make 5 gorrilian dollars and 5 gorrilian people are going to suffer buyers remorse

Of course

Normally I'd agree with you, but the lack of any real game footage leading up to release has managed to scare a lot of the normalfags off. And now the leaks are revealing that the game is just as bad as everyone expected.

Seems like there is a pretty decent chance this thing will bomb.


Just upload it to streamable, stop burning up Jim's bandwidth. Codemonkey added that fricking pop feature so it could be used.

at least spore had more content

Does anyone have the leaked footage?

Either that or the lead dev is especially serious about showing anyone his game (at least in an uncontrolled environment) before people have already bought it.

Keiji Inafune and Capcom would beg to differ.
Damn, that bad huh.

I'll never forget.

Have normalfags ever given a shit about actual gameplay footage? Shit like dead island made a shit tonne off a trailer alone.

What's wrong with this game?

I guess you missed the tread
no gravity (floating rocks)

theres nothing to do

It's essentially space Minecraft… But without the building. Just mining.

The developers of the game have purposely made everything about the game as vague as possible so nobody fucking knows what's in it or what it's about.


I think they do now. Even retards begin to learn after being burned enough.

they made it third party at nearly the last minute so something's up.

Found the marketing major.

That's it? All the hate is for missing gravity?

I saw the leaked footage and it's simple gameplay but i wouldn't go as far as calling it nothing.

More like they're trying to hide the fact that there IS nothing in it

oh no, no, no, darling.
there's moooooore~

You just don't understand. This isn't a video game. It's an experience, and they don't want any of it spoiled. When you get the game in your hands and play it; you'll know they were right.


Give me a list then, i enjoy hatred but not senseless hatred. So far it looks very piratable to kill a few hours. I don't really care if the devs are retarded, they all are.

please quit attributing anything less than senseless adoration as hate, please. you sound like an emotionally charged faggot.


This is gonna be one hell of a trainwreck to watch

If the "game" was $5 I wouldn't mind. $60 is fraud though.

What we saw was for sure not worth 60$

does anybody have a link to the leaked gameplay? all i'm finding when i search for it are a bunch of faggots crying that someone had the audacity to post actual gameplay the devs didn't want people to see


and $60 was the shit on the crapcake too

So much damage control being done over the retard who paid $1300 for an early copy

I'm convinced they were shills, same thing happened to me


One thing is hating something legitimately, like if the game had shit gameplay, and from what i've seen it's literally colloct X to upgrade Y so you can keep on doing stuff. It's a flash-tier game concept but it doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. So far i've only seen people jump on the shit flinging bandwagon because it's popular right now. I'm not condoning the devs selling it at such a high price, in fact if you buy it you're literally retarded, but without some kind of real reason of why the game is shit all the hate it is receiving is nothing more than a meme.

I'm not pretending you guys start praising it or even start adoring the game, it's just not making any sense right now, and all i've asked is 'why' it's shit, and you had no answer. Check your brain.

well, as far as I remember
>Spore world discoveries
But with the spaceship included, I think they want it to be some a mix of Elite

was the video really that damaging?

I really want to turn this into boston salt party 3.0

the soundless version was just really boring and bland.


Most of it got taken down but imagine - it's Minecraft with HD graphics but there's no building, no meaningful crafting upgrades for sake of upgrades and all you do is mine rocks and look at randomly generated critters. You can't leave planet until you mine enough shit to fuel your ship. Sometimes you talk with aliens who are basically shop for more meaningless upgrades.
That's it.

This needs to happen

If the devs went for something along the lines of: "the game is so huge and leaves so much freedom that we don't want people to believe that what ONE player is doing is how the game works, or that THIS style of gameplay is forced on anyone", I could see a point. But talking about "spoilers"in a non-narrative, allegedly infinite and "generated from scratch" environment, I call bullshit.

It's like an FPS where you can collect ammo but cannot use your gun or have no target to shoot.

It's like a Mario where you collect coins, but you never get that extra life.

It's like Transport Tycoon with all the vehicles, but without train/bus station, airports, or docks.

It's like playing Monopoly on your own.

See also: infinite Mario?

So why do we hate this game when games like euro truck simulator are praised to high heaven?

To me this just seems like comfy space truckin

So what is the secret?

Where's the gameplay footage so we can laugh at this piece of shit?

It promises things it cannot deliver and it costs a lot more than the truck simulators while being shit compared to them.


If you haven't seen the leak yet, here's a link


So pretty much the original, most basic meaning of "game", to collect points? I have to admit it will be boring after a short time, but from my point of view it's a simple space simulator with some shooting, resource collecting to hoard and some upgrades just for the sake of it, nothing special, not worth 60$, but maybe fun.

fucken this


Another salt party then?

That's what i'm trying to understand. Maybe the mistake was all the hype, the more of it a game receives the more people will be let down, hence the hate. Worth a pirate imo.

You don't get it: it would be like the scoreboard in Wally Bear and the No Gang or Megaman 1: neither of those games have a hi-score feature to compare to your previous game, nor do they have a board, nor does point serves any kind of purpose whatsoever.

Go collect ammo, then your inventory is full. If you can spend your ammo to get a new weapon if you want. But you have no reason to have a new weapon: you weren't using the previous anyway.


What a fucking pussy. It's a shitty tech demo for the purpose of selling a console. The "game" just so happened to get really popular with retards when it was announced and was pushed so far back it stopped being one of Sony's flagships for the ps4.

This needs to happen. It will be the only thing worth anything surrounding this game in a few years time.

You're all wrong, this is what's going to be at the center of the universe.

Any game that starts being boring as shit after two hours, and which dares to pretend to be something more and ask for $60, deserves my hate

Correct. The thing is that this shit costs 60 green and is touted like second coming of Christ. Minecraft was 10 bucks, Eurotruck is 20 bucks and both are moddable and offer more features out of the box. This shit is just pathetic.

No Man. Boring Sky.

I agree, then hate it for that, or just pirate it.

Wait, literally have a gun you can't shoot or are you speaking figuratively?

No game, lie

This was seriously the most pretentious thing I've ever seen in a video game. It was baffling why they even bothered and it was long as fuck.

What the fuck is this?

You can shoot but if you shoot space critters then space police will come and slap your shit. The gun serves no fucking purpose, game actively limits the sandbox.

You can shoot the gun, but if you kill stuff, the interstellar no fun police will come and fuck your shit up as a punishment.

Minecraft's ending


I thought minecraft was just autistic digital lego.

It used to be, then the autistic fanbase of 10 year olds started demanding a goal and ending. So now you have to kill a shit boss and then you get an ending

Enjoy wasting Holla Forums server space with sub-Sega CD video quality.

The point I'm making is that the only reason you need resources in NMS is to obtain more resources.

Take a game like Diablo. You kill monsters, you get gold. With that gold, you can buy stuff that helps you progress through the game. Sure, this brand new sword you bought also help you get more gold, but it's not the only purpose it serves: you can't reach the end of the game with a poor wooden stick, this brand new weapon will make it possible for you to kill bosses etc. In Diablo, gold is a mean, it's not an end.

In real life, if you need to buy eggs, you go out and make some groceries. Let's say you have a list. That list says "pick up eggs", so you go to the aisle, get the eggs and strike the line on your list. Then you move on, that's it, you know what you had to do, you did it, now move on. In NMS, there's just no goal: you pick up eggs so it's easier to pick more eggs in the future, and you wander in the shop without any purpose whatsoever, never striking that "pick up eggs" line from your list.

Devs are currently busy reminding people that "you can get to the check out [center of the universe] if you want, but it's not the goal, you're free to do whatever you want". So you just keep wandering in your supermarket till the end of times, collecting eggs to get more eggs.

I want to know more


How the fuck has it taken this long to release?

Basically, NMS is cookieclicker.
Cookieclicker looks more fun than NMS though

The Nu males can find the sky after they hang themselves out of sheer disappointment. Stupid cucks.

I think the ending of the gameplay leak says a lot

Can we even spoil this game to people, like we did fo4?

They were warned at least.

I really don't know what these people were expecting to be honest. Even Elite which is an awesome games is not everyone's cup of tea.

Marketing to these many people was a mistake, it can only breed disappointment and a lot of problems for both Sony and Hello Games.

Never played Cookie Clicker, but from what I get, there's a "score" aspect to it: the goal of that game is to "bake as many cookies as possible". But there's not even that in NMS: you're not told that you're meant to mine as much as you can. Plus, if you try to do that, you run out of room to store your stuff. And I heard the game would send the space police against you if you start going apeshit with rocks (don't quote me on that though).

IMO it's an over-hyped product, sold to special snowflake who were told that they would be the literal center of an universe made only for them.

Can someone give me the direct link back?
Your fucking mirror sucks and i can't open it with my os you motherfuck.

Probably not, but we can sure as shit showcase the poor gameplay and broken promises, similar to what happened with watchdogs. ?

Normalfags are raging that they are being spoiled on the gameplay being shit already and the fact it's only one player after being teased it was multiplayer for a long time. The core being revealed will make them flip. Especially since the guy who paid for it said you can hit the middle of the galaxy in only a few hours.

Elite is hardcore as fuck and has no mercy for casuals and normalfags because you barely get any tutorials, you can only do courrier missions when starting out and you will be ganked by other players (Since it's an async multiplayer game if you are online).

NMS is tutorialised to hell and is just an endless farm and grind with no multiplayer.

It worked, thank you.


It looks like 3D Starbound.


I'm pretty sure NMS is multiplayer, it's just empty now because nobody has the game.

But even then, giving a game tutorials doesn't make it bad, there's certainly a market for a more casual version of Elite. And let's be fair, Elite is a grindfest too. My point is that this is what space sims are, some people like them, other people don't. This was marketed as being something absolutely amazing, roping casual players in by trying to make them forget that maybe they wouldn't like a space sim.

Of course people are going to be disappointed when they realize this is a pretty by the book space sim with more colors.

Check the back of the box here

It's a Single Player game, not even Async or Shared World. Hello Games and Sony have been trying to hide it up to launch.


didnt this game come out 15 years ago?



It says one player, which just means there's no co-op. The savefile seems tied to your PSN, which wouldn't make much sense if it weren't online.

I really hope for them they didn't go full on singleplayer because that would mean certain failure. I would totally be in the market for an Elite Dangerous with better online.

the center of the galaxy is day 1 dlc or patch, they delayed this game a lot and didn't even finish it so they'll be adding the content later, remember how they said the game was already going into production and they were already working on an update?

They did. It's not shared world or async. The only online connectivity is naming planets and discovering wildlife. That was part of the reddit leak.

"online play (optional)"

Is the galaxy shared with other players but they can never interact with each other?

So they straight up lied, mislead, and have omitted that stuff since the beginning? color me unsurprised

Is this the normalfags' spore? I sure hope it is, I imagine they'll be lynching Sean Murray come August 5th

Spore is the normalfag's Spore.

i had one of my friends going "THIS IS GOING TO BE WHAT ELITE SHOULD HAVE BEEN"

so ill say yea


Spore looked promising at some point and there is proof of all the stuff that was removed.
I'm pretty sure this was always supposed to be like this, it was just fucked by marketing and hype.

Then what's even the fucking point of the game

The experience :^)

More like "pretentious indie neon-textured Spore"

Earning the developers $60

To reach the center of the universe with nothing in it :^)

Off topic but what's the real distinction between Webms and MP4s? any tangible advantages/disadvantages between either of the formats or is it just elitist autism as per usual?

Holy shit. The Redditor made it to the center already, and guess what


Hyper Light Spore? Furi Spore?

Nah, it's nowhere near Spore. This is more along the lines of Watchdogs, where people bought into the hype of a game, rather than a game being gutted and released with bits for dlc.

Furi is an alright game despite its flaws.

Yup, thats a reddit cuck alright

Seriously, if you were going to spoil this much might as well blow the load on the shit that's in the center, though I suspect its some stupid fucking cutscene and that's it

I want my fucking salt party already

There's no trophy for it either

People are fucking pissed because Hello Games kept implying it would take weeks if not months for someone to reach the center. And the guy who paid $2000 for it did it in two days of normal gameplay


Hot off the presses, the true ending

they use different algorithms for compression, you could say that webm is more of a codec in itself since it only uses VP8 and almost never VP9, while mp4 is more of a container. I think webm is better for low quality video and mp4 for squishing decent quality footage in less as possible filesize, i think i ve had a couple scenarios where my webm files ended up being bigger in size than the mp4s i converted from.

No Man's Sky.

He's hiding something.


It seemed fitting to keep it on clipboard, as it pretty much sums up the game perfectly. I couldn't really add to it.

Nice going user.

so it's 3D starbound?

It's not even a salt party.
It's just people being cheated by sony once more. Even if they are redditor and believing in such clearly false marketing is absolutely retarded, I can't help but at least feel a little bad for them.

Shit just to think that there's kids that thought this was going to be the best game ever and waited for it for months and months, and maybe spent their allowance on it and they're all going to be disappointed makes me feel terrible.

user I'm eating here what the fuck is wrong with you

My favourite:

Starbound at least lets you build housing and furniture.

NMS doesn't let you do anything except fix your ship.

That's kinda sad.
You can tell they are inexperienced little shits and they just wanna make big numbers for their first project.
Sadly this needs to be a sacrificial goat in order for the industry to get just a tiny bit better

You can't be fucking serious

This isn't their first product though

This song is becoming the soundtrack corrupt, unjust and crooked recently, the world is starting to look up anons

Because I love to watch the world burn.

Reminder that Hardwar, a game from 1998 is more advanced in its economy, and gameplay, than what this boring mess is.

Seriously, just go play that or Freelancer.

Is it not?
I didn't do my research tbh

Happy memories with the fuckton of mods they used to have for it.

"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
- Adolf Hitler

Spore had more depth than all of these points. Just let that sink in.

Webms play in my browser, mp4s usually don't.

They made two Joe Danger games before this. Pretty by the book, nothing special, still pretty fun and with nice visuals.

lol wut

Funny how he still manages to sound pretty disappointed without really saying much though

It seems like he wants to defend the game but it's so bad that he just can't do it.

I was in the extended one, and nobody posts it because it's zoomed out ;_;


why does Holla Forums hate this game? is it because this game is gonna end up being broken promises the game?

Worked out great for Lindsey Lohan, didn't it?

picture related devs putting delay times to a good use

We did a spoiler spree for Fallout 4.
Sony did CisBusters
And Sony abused DMCA to hide info that the game was shit.

Why not?

This one?

is there any way to contact and tell him to give us the ending?

I'm MukBro

You could probably ask baphomet

Well glad I could help. You might want to save it for your own folder then.

I had nothing but the highest expectations of how shitty this game was going to be, but somehow it turned out even worse then I was expecting.

No point in doing that.
I'm just glad i jumped on the ship on the best moment to do so.
If nobody would post shit like this it wouldn't really matter, if not for memories.

you know, i didnt even think about the bugs with all the talk about how boring it was going to be kek

holy shit, this guy is trying to make the game sound fun, and this is the best he can come up with.

It's Fallout 4 all over again, isn't it?

Another overhyped piece of corporately-driven trash that is obviously underwhelming, boring, and lacking in substantial content, but normalfags are eating it up anyways.

Salt Party Round 2: Intergalactic Boogaloo

Someone needs to get their hands on a copy and get to the center of the universe ASAP.


What happened to baphomet? Did everyone leave for somewhere else?

holy fucking shit im reading the reddit thread and the guy that played the game is a fucking retard,

he keeps saying this to avoid answering the center of the universe question

Normalfag reaction a week after the fact of FO4 shifted from "WOW GOAT" to a lukewarm "Eh its okay, not what I expected" The corporate hype sold the game well enough commercially but critically I don't think it would do so well if there were honest review sites that did some sort of review revisit on the game

If you haven't noticed by now that's really the only way any of these publishers stay afloat, They make their money back before the game even comes out in Pre-orders alone because idiots are sold on some bullshit E3 demo that isn't representative of the actual game at all, If pre-orders didn't give the publisher the money or sales metric before release we would be in a much better state than we are right now


It's probably a honeypot. You can't run something like Baphomet on the clearnet for long.

I've seen dumber arguments on Holla Forums tbh

I assume it's some bullshit "It was all in your head!" type bullshit ending, or worse yet what suggests

Is that the world trade center?

but he knows what everyone means when they say center of the universe, he could just say "i dont want to spoil it" or some shit, fuck reddit, it's making me mad

what the fuck was that video? is that really how evangelion ends? holy fuck

That's Konami's HQ, from when it caught on fire

**when Kojima toked up


>don't let anyone tell you what it is about
this is 3meta5me

Some people believe the version this guy got was not the definitive version (because it said June 21st), so they might try to spin those revelations as unfounded.
(bless their heart)

Also, it seems like the guy hasn't been to the center of the universe, only the center of the galaxy. More grinding to come?

Some more nugget of pain…

On death:

On space stations:

On replayability:
>I will gladly start a fresh character on a different PSN to re-experience it again under different circumstances if they impose major fixes.

The entire anime is infamous for that ending. how didn't you know?

A lot of people haven't watched Evangelion.
I know I didn't.
Fuck animes

Nu Males Sky has a story?

nope, i dont watch much anime, im more of a manga guy

Make sure to watch End Of Evangelion for the true ending :^)

So whats this game about?
New scam like Evolve or Destiny?

First Person Starbound with somehow less content.

You don't need to watch it as long as you are not a gigantic newfag. The way both of you write says a lot about that, though.


oh shit it looks like it will be super casual shit too

What actually happens when you save? You stated that you should save a lot but i heard if you die you just respawn to the cloesest place you can respawn like space stations or save pods. So if you crash you dont die so does it just save incase you quit the game and not if you die the inventory. So if you dont save you lost your progresss when you quit?

I've never died so I wouldn't know just yet. But when you load your save you spawn at the last moment you saved. When my game crashes and I reboot, I've actually lapsed backwards entire systems to my last save. It sucks.

breddy gud

On one hand, they didn't know so they became obvious.

On the other hand, they didn't sit through the most pretentious bullshit I've ever seen in my god damn life.

1st person space era from Spore with less things to do. It's quite astonishing that Spore is 8 years old now and yet nobody can make a proper space sim for normalfags.

fuck off nigger :^)

You haven't seen it? You play a betacuck that travels the galaxy and explores previously undiscovered despite there being an omnipotent robot police force on every planet that punishes you for killing animals planets in search of a bull. Your quest to watch your life partner take dick that's not yours leads you to the center of the universe where something the developers think is deep awaits.

11/10 meh it's okay.



So we need someone to write a review, host it on a website that won't get slammed by Sony (maybe pastebin so it can be downloaded), and spread the "NO MAN'S SKY EXCLUSIVE REVIEW" link like wild fire.

And judging by even a normalfag won't be able to claim it's just personal taste.

The second prong would be gameplay video on jewtube (and other video streaming websites), with download links so it can be shared as much as possible.

Bank on the Streisand Effect.

Disregard these lying faggots , they're trying to ruse you

it's Trump tower actually


Seeing the greatest mindfuck of the 90's decade which is talked about to this day should be an honor and also mandatory.

So a few years ago, some self-important pricks floated the idea that the experience of playing a game was an experience on its own. I think they called it "emergent narratives" or some such shit.

The basic idea was that encountering stuff you didn't expect, because the game is randomly generated, is supposed to be a story all on its own, instead of.. having an actual story.

So, playing Minecraft and finding a diamond vein under your starting point is supposed to be a mind-blowing experience to these dumb cunts.

No Man's Sky is entirely that. It's an entire game hyped on the premise that you have no idea what there actually is in the game or what there is to do, but because you get the experience of discovering it, that's supposed to be a mind-blowing feature.

I hope the PC version is compatible with Steam Workshop. It would be nice to mod this shitty game and gave it a real purpose.


I'd rather have many people buy the game because websites told 'em it's good, be disappointed like hell, go to social medias, get banned for disagreeing and starting a new gamergate.

Just for the lulz.

Or if you write the text, I don't mind making the page layout using leaked screenshots and get it uploaded to imgur. That could be also fun.



fucking amazing. i can't wait to see how the pc version fares when they're building for the ps4 and this is happening


Pretty sure the devs would pop a vein if they see someone wanting to mod their game
Anyone else have trouble posting right now?

I'd buy your thesis. Bag of hot air successfully selling a low quality game to a studio.

> Dorf Fort Lite - In Space!


If you want an idea of what kind of hype is surrounding this game, just watch this video.

One guy asks "what do you do in the game?" and the other guys absolutely flip their shit on him because they think knowing nothing about the game is the point of the game.

The clock doesn't have a beard, wtf. but it is left-leaning

You're method might work better.

Might work better to make an infograph of all the websites that praised it, then compare it with user review scores.

when does this happen?
I ain't watching 15 minues

I'd rather someone remade it better.
Be what Terraria was to Minecraft.

Not even 2 minutes in

Lmao, that puts the 'game' in the running of being a modern art piece instead of a game.

You can watch around 2.30
And he says that with a straight face after saying that you need to trade to get fuel….

i never got the appeal of this game from the get go, and now it only sounds worse. Every piece of promo material we saw amounted to just looking at shit, getting on your spaceship and going to another planet to look at more shit. The one time the player tried to do something fun the space police were summoned and he had to run away

It's mean spirited to hope a game bombs, but i just want simpler games back, give me a goal, a direction to the goal, and a bunch of obstacles in the way and make a bunch of levels like that and you'll probably end up making a better game than this over-ambitious nonsense that doesn't follow any rules that made other games good

Underrated post.

And yet it's been at the top of the Steam sales charts for about a week now. I wonder if there will be a huge blowback and the devs will have social media meltdowns complaining about all the refunds + refund system.

Imagine if someone were able to build a multiplayer mode like people did with Just Cause 2.

I'm not a dev but the game is supposed to have some kind of online thing (maybe for naming the planets), perhaps there's a way to create a multiplayer mode.


I hate blind hype rage so much. It's like nobody remember Resident Evil 6, or MGSV, or Skyrim.

Hell, I've gotten dog piled for saying Final Fantasy XV might not be good. What is wrong with these people?

I'm actually surprised they haven't bundled some stupid extra into the pre-order so you can't do this

it won't be good, except for cindy porn, that will be good

nice dubs

Hey I remember drawing that. Good times.

Speaking of space games, anything that came out in the last 2-3 years worth playing?


Faster Than Light

Good timewaster.

I hate the way nu-males think growing unkempt beards will make up for their lack of masculinity.

They haven't earned those beards


See, anyone who has watched the gameplay footage knows it has some issues. The combat and camera looks to be a big one, but you bring that up anywhere but here and you will have everyone and the mods after you. Sure it looks to have some nice aspects, but if the combat sucks then you have a huge part of the game that brings the whole thing down… but these people just won't have it. It's like they make the particular game they are excited for into a god.

and thanks.

this can't be real

To some extent, I can understand the desire to want to experience something fresh. Ever wish you could go back and re-experience your favorite show, book, or game for the first time? It's kind of like that.

The Dark Souls sequels got a lot of hype because people wanted to be there, day 1, when all the crazy shit was happening, so they could be in on all the jokes, and all the lore speculation, and not simply experience it vicariously through some autistic streamer.

Where Nu Male's Sky utterly fails is in lacking an engrossing experience in the first place. Sure, every playthrough will be unique, but the depth of that uniqueness is quantified by different shades of color and arrangements of copy-and paste content.

You are not submerging yourself in a wild universe of unknown possibilities. You are simply playing a very bland game that gives you the same boring shit over and over in a new package.

That's what they are actually selling. A repeated shallow experience with slight variations. Things are different each time, but it's not really a huge difference that changes the way the game plays in any kind of memorable way.


i'm surprised they even grow beards, because thats pretty patriarchal of them. but in some of my experience with betas and nus in real life, i think they're too damn lazy to shave their faces or trim properly. a guy i know during a round of drinks and banter had his beard made fun of a few times, and mind you 3/5 dudes in the room had beards, but his was getting roasted. later he asks me if his beard is "really that bad" and i'm like 'dude just trim it its scraggly as shit" in which he tells me "no, i hate trimming, it hurts" so he can keep getting ripped on then, fuck it

Elite: Dangerous, Starbound, FTL and Strike Suit Zero should do you.

I don't understand everybody's boner for this game
It appeared one day in my library and it's just a boring ass space shooter

i doubt it. most people who are getting it have probably bought into the whole "it's about exploring and discovering new things, not everything needs to be about an end goal" bullshit the devs have been pushing. if they do complain, they'll just get bullied into saying that it's still a great game

Daily reminder that steam sales chart mean nothing. A game could get top of the sales chart by selling 2000 copies since most games sell a dozen a day apart from big releases.

If you don't mind skipping a few years back




Are… are these the devs? Who are these people? This is incredibly disturbing. My brain is scrambled just trying to wrap my mind around their shitty logic.

That explains it. Poor souls. It's a miracle they don't jump and scream when they put their shoes on ("the sock was too tight, it made my pinky press against the other toe and now I can't walk, the doctor said I'm fine, but I know I may never walk again")

Top goyim

Steam Forums is pretty much the kid of Reddit and Neogaf


I rather browse the FNAF steam forum than browse that level of damage control

Where are the ovens?

How can you both be so wrong?
It's like you've forgotten the limitless supply that is 12 year old dumbass kids.

I almost feel sorry for them. Their desperation has turned to denial.

I didn't ask you for a chance to play Where's Waldo. I asked you if the people zealously defending this shit in that video are developers, or if they're someone else, making them extra-retarded.

I have never once felt pain while shaving, what the fuck is wrong with him?

fucking jews

They are (((journalists)))

I noticed something weird. Why do people feel the need to call him by his first name? I saw this in a lot of threads (leddit and steam for example), "Sean this, Sean that". He's not their friend and he shouldn't be.


Why not? He doesn't have a username to reference.

Because they are thoroughly invested in the lie that high profile game devs with hundreds of millions of dollars on the line are actually their best friends who just want them to have fun.

I think it's funny that some still think it's a multiplayer game

On the steam page itself, it says singleplayer

The only people who have anything to worry about with leaked footage or Lets Plays of their new game are publishers who know in their heart that the game they're looking to sell isn't worth the disc to which it was written.

i wouldn't doubt they see the devs as his friends, like those autistic youtube followers.

I watched something yesterday where some fanboy tried to justify the non-multiplayer aspects of the game

Well the one on the left is trying to be at least. As for the other three, I can't even watch them for the whole 15 minutes.
Even more disturbing is that the youtube comments are mostly criticizing the one person in the room who is actually trying to do his job and who isn't blindly hyping a non-game.

Post Your Prediction of What the Center of the Galaxy Actually Is

My bet is that the center is finding some new-age mumbo jumbo about how the character (i.e. you) create the universe by perception.

It never ceases to amaze me how infantile these people are to complain about a guy trying to enjoy a shitty game before anyone else.

So MundaneFaggot is another fat proto-Hipster/NuMale. What a surprise that all of the faggots are fat hipster/NuMales archetypes.

They're nu-male cucks for a reason.

he didn't even say shaving, it was "trimming' which is just taking some damn scissors and keeping the stray hairs down, there shouldn't be any pain involved in that whatsoever



I swear I saw a video of them talking about co-op once. They probably managed to fuck it up and scrapped it all together.


I'm pretty sure it will be that weird Death Stranding looking thing that was posted a few days ago



Thanks to social media, people no longer see the companies as just companies, but instead friends because they replied once to them.

Same thing happens with E-celebs.


You can play with your friends!
As in, they can be in the general vicinity while you play the game!

How horrid.

What does that even mean? The accept button works but the return button doesnt? Or that it doesnt support every controller ever made

If that pic was in the centre of the university it would be worth a pirate.

It's still pretty embarrassing, it probably just won't happen. Even then the idea of players not being marked as players sounds shitty.

You're right. My bad.

Didn't they restrict the only online component (Naming stuff) with a word filter because people were naming things after dicks?

Its just going to be a wormhole into another galaxy so you can do the exact same thing over and over again, mark my words.

So good at selling, that you can sell the hope of a game instead of the game itself.
I fucking hate how a full third of fellow americans fall for that shit.
"Oh, I'll buy this yoga mat for yoga!"
"But you never do yoga…"
"Well because I never had a yoga mat!"
Three months later, haven't been used once.

Maybe the 2nd time around will actually be fun?

a bad joke or it sets you back to the beginning

This. It'll be a wormhole, and when you go through it it'll look like the opening sequence again because it's so deep :^)

So anyway, there has been a plebbitor that has reached the center but wont reveal with it is because he is good goy. But this must mean some other people might have reached the center and did reveal what it is. Maybe we can find it if we look hard enough

What hipster shit song will play as it shows you a pre rendered cgi cinematic of your character being warped back to the start with some numale narrating pretentious dribble?



To know the face of God is to know madness.

We're kinda trying to guess what the center is, since the plebbitor was being a vague faggot.

yeah i think you hit the nail on the head here


The icing on the cake would be if the wormhole damages your ship and makes you crash land on a planet on the outer edge so you literally have to do the starting segment over again.

It will be some kind of lame, poorly designed alien space station or something, where the players will enter in, hit some button, and then it will start playing sappy music while it zooms out and runs a credits reel alongside the game showing each planet the player visited to get there.

Then the game will go back to the start screen and you will be dropped back in at some new place and encouraged to do it all again, because it's about the journey, not the destination

this cunt makes bleep bloops that'd fit hipster space adventures

i could see it happening

Looks like your pic is related :^)

I swear if they pull a 2001 ending with the center of the galaxy my sides will be eternally gone


The story is at the center of the universe is the pillar of creation but really that pillar is just a dick from another universe ass fucking nu male universe's wife.


Holy shit the way he has a fucking panic attack and freaks out is surreal.

It is time for the game Dick or Dyke?

that's funny, i thought the objective was to get to the center of the universe

welcome to hell


Mario was helping Bowser getting laid.


No, thats a FtM abomination

Are you new here?

The gold → equipment → more gold model works in Diablo because the combat is rewarding and being able to clear a screen is fun. No Man's Sky just offers more exploring, which does not seem nearly as rewarding as good combat mechanics.

Besides, 99% of the time, you get better loot than what's available in shops.


Ok so for Dick or Dyke the votes are:
Dick - 0
Dyke - 0
FtM - 1
Anyone else want to guess?


Why would anyone voluntarily choose to become such a horrific abomination of cuckoldry and childishness?

Woops wrong post meant
Dick or Dkye

The signs are already there. Their design philosophy already shows that these people have no understanding of what makes a game enjoyable. It's not too hard to put 2 and 2 together in this matter. It is very unlikely this game will have anything to offer to even the basest of normalfags. It is safe to assume that this will be a massive dissapointment to the cucks that bought into the hype.

If anything, we can hope the normalfags will get burned by this game so savagely they will HAVE to face the fact that they made a huge mistake.

Post your face to not pre-ordering Nu-males sky.


Smug, and loving it.







It's better than nothing.

Common sense is such a magical thing, isn't it?


A friend of mine is really, REALLY looking forward to it. I don't know if he pre-ordered. He's not stupid. He's pretty well versed in technology and software engineering. He's married now.
Why is he excited about this, he should see right through it…

That subreddit has strict anti-spoiler. Even some of his "spoiler-free" things get removed or quarantined. He may be a reddit cuck, but he doesn't have much choice if he wants to keep content up.

And that content is making the Steam discussion more of a wasp nest than it's ever been. People who were hard-core NMS are now talking about how this is "just another reason to leave it".

Pic related is how Steam was a few months ago.


not on best OS anyways

Is a cute dancing robot good enough?



Is he a dev?

Don't get me wrong, if I was working for something on years (not to mention learning how to make a game) and someone torpedo'd the concept in one sentence I'd freak out as well, but then learn the questions you're gonna be asked or don't do a fucking interview.

If he's a jounro it's just embarrassing. Then again, these are the same monkeys who got hyped over the FF7 remake and Shenmue 3- but never did analysis after they calmed down to realize the risks of it being shit.

Sure be hype at the time, but when you're co-hort tries to keep you doing your fucking job, bounce off his analysis. Don't just shut him down to carry on your brown nosing.

I never noticed how much mark looks like pat

Think about what it has been said.

1. Player instead of gamer.
2. "That kind." It related a lot to the video here

They are achieving it. People are starting to divide on a wide scale as "deep" "players" and "no-life hardcore gamers."

I am not sure if I should be sad and desperate or actually just happy.

I have been waiting for Daymeeuhn to show the PS4 options or credits or something actually useful. Pic unrelated, but more stupid Steam comments from months ago.

Do consoles even have options menus?

>you are obviously
What makes it obvious? How did you figure it out? Is it your intellectual superiority again? Ha thanks for telling random people you've never met what they are.

In that sentence, it wasn't necessary to go through the "kind of person" meta, just rephrase as "you would've been disappointed". That is, unless you're trying to distance yourself from those "dirty, dirty peasant" by digging a trench the size of your ego, which I suspect you are.

And… what is this game about exactly? Do you have any idea? Wait. Is this even a game?

When asked what the goal of the game was, devs replied "reaching the center of the universe". When asked "why would I want to do that? What is my motivation?" they backpedalled and said "you didn't have to", that you could do whatever you want instead. It's neither a misconception, nor an assumption.

Implying there's an end. Most recent statements suggest (yes, suggest, because they aren't clear on that either) that there's no end whatsoever.

>You might be interested to actually gather some information on games you plan to pre order in the future.
That passive aggressive tone… implying the guy will pre-order anything after this fiasco. Implying developers were genuine, sincere, clear, and weren't trying to mislead people during their interviews. When quoting older videos from the Hello Games to prove they miserably failed to meet the hype they created themselves, fanboys replied "yeah, well, that was a year ago, they changed their mind".
Fucking self-absorbed hipsters.

i always love when some sperg goes full armchair psychologist to try and justify something fucking awful.

console option menus tend to just be audio and camera controls

What a shite fucking excuse.
What an amazing and interesting game this will be. Holy shit.



Yeah, and that's what I don't really get. Did the devs know what they wanted to achieve?
I hope it wasn't just a technical achievement like: "look, we created an empty galaxy with a quasi-infinite number of systems and planets to explore".

Minecraft - for example - doesn't have an end but the "story" is created by the players who are in the same server. It could've been great if Nu-Male's Sky was a "Minecraft in Space" with a co-op/multiplayer at its core.

An open world/galaxy like that without a story, a goal, is not worth it, especially if you're alone in this "adventure".


One more gem

More from Steam months before the leak. :)

yeah, just as interesting as the terrain gen in minecraft

yeah, scanning animals and plants sure is fun, gee, that actually sounds a lot like the fucking scanning mechanic of thaumcraft, which fucking sucked
and mining resources on one planet to put into making your ship go faster to reach the next planet to do it all over again ad infinitum, yeah it's almost like i'm really playing minecraft since there's no point to mining resources in that either, except you can't actually BUILD SHIT IN NUMALE'S SKY

there's more fucking content AND variation to minecraft with the MYSTCRAFT mod

why is it always MINECRAFT of all things, that continues to outdo all these fucking exploration/sandbox/survival games with mods?

6GB game, mostly music. :)

The only good thing about this game will be the new 65 days of static album and I can get that without buying this garbage minecraft in space.



That didn't take long.

It only accepts half presses.


he sure showed our sorry asses what's what by spending 2.5x the asking price for a video game


Twitch Stream right now.


Watch it be some retarded shit like it's just a spherical mirror that reflects only you with the retarded implication that YOU are the center of the universe.

Because Euro Truck Simulator is exactly what it is called. It's about driving trucks in Yurop, nothing less or more. Meanwhile No man's sky is a game that is hyped to change everything.

I really hope this man is a shill. I really do.
People eventually have to wake up to the endless shit show the gaming industry has become and let the fucking thing crash and burn. It has to happen.

I don't think they are shills, they just act like kids: "oh yeah, you don't want to buy that game, how much would that piss you off if I bought it TWICE?!"

I can barely remember that hipster who made a call center simulator, and one guy he didn't like said he would buy the game, try it out and make a genuine test of it; needles to say the hipster lost his shit over that (having someone he didn't like play the "game" he designed)

Wasn't that Doug Tennapel?
I recall him causing the developer to have a complete panic attack over buying his game.

Maximum kek.

Yeah, that's it: Doug Tennapel and David Gallant; found the thread on reddit

Basically, Tennapel gave David money and that pissed the poor "game" developer to no end. I remember Gallant saying something along the lines of "you wouldn't dare [buy and play MY game]".

Good times.

Or is he?