I love how you guys are smart enough to know something's wrong...

I love how you guys are smart enough to know something's wrong, but either you don't have the balls or the brains to admit who's behind it.
Thus is the purpose of the "porky" meme.
As my friend Adolf once said: "When one talks about global banks, they are almost always talking about the Jews" (paraphrased)

Less than 50% of the super rich are Jewish, so why are they the right target as opposed to the people who oppress the workers regardless of sex color or religion?

Well, actually, capital does become a religion at some point, but that's besides the point…

We've got both. You seem to lacking the latter though.


"What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.

Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Judaism, would be the self-emancipation of our time.

An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions for huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible" - Karl Marx (On The Jewish Question)

Doesn't that seem a bit… Disproportionate to you?

I'm not even gonna click on that and I know there's one of those jew pictures there.

Revolution isn't about maths.

Funny, we think the same about you

Your "friend Adolf" was not an anti-capitalist. So please tell us what is so much better about the same banks being run in the same way except by Europeans rather then Jews?


The problem isn't the banks, it's societal and political control.
I was just using the banks to refer to the porky meme.

Okay so what makes you think European elites are going to be better then Jews? In fact what makes you think that your ideology isn't a load of bullshit? You seem to ignore that economics comes first and it trumps everything including race. European elites will sacrifice their own country to make a profit or sacrifice their own people to kill other Europeans and they were doing this back in the days in which anti-semitism was just normal day to day behaviour.

Because Europeans would probably put into place something along the lines of multicultural civic nationalism to promote cohesive communities instead of "muh melting pot" which increases racial tensions and causes societies and communities to fall apart.

I guess you can't into historical materialism. It doesn't matter who the ruling class is they will do the same thing because they are motivated by economics. They need cheap labour.

But that's not profitable you dummy.

Antisemites try to justify this by believing capitalists are on their side. Then they wonder why their lives haven't improved once the jews have been subjugated or murdered or expatriated.Oh, damn! It wasn't the Jews! It was Mexicans/Gypsies/blacks!

And so the wheel turns. Fascists struggle against their own net of prejudice eternally.

t.black pigeon speaks

The idea behind this post is pretty okay but you sound like a faggot.

Playing the "oh but what if it's all just fake" card is retarded, because in a communist utopia (I'm going to assume you are a communist right now, because you assumed I was a capitalist), it's not profitable for an individual to live without a state. Therefore some individual could just team up with others to overthrow your "society" you've constructed, and everything would return to the normal state of nature; capitalism.

stormfaggots everyone

This attempt at making an argument is incoherent and stupid. There is no state in full communism also capitalism is not "the normal state of nature" it is an artificial construct of the state and modernity.

Don't conflate our theory with your meme ideology. The capitalist system itself is corrupt, the bourgeoisie are merely it's foremost lieutenants.

Communist society is stateless, primitive societies(the closest we could call natural societies) didn't have capitalism, your point?

can someone show me where I said I was a capitalist?

I never said there was a state in communism
Actually you're right, but I mean in human interaction [large scale, not like small communes] tiered (classist) power hierachies are natural; otherwise the first recorded civilizations wouldn't have had them.

"The problem isn't the system, the problem is the people in charge of the system" stinks of capitalist ideology

And before
I mean with lots of people; more than hundreds if not thousands of people
Even in nature we see tiered power structures, like with the alpha and omega wolves, or the queen ant in a colony.

Hey, I don't personally think capitalism is a good system, but it is a natural system.
really I'm not even supporting it I'm just defending myself in other posts


Because these societies had complicated modes of production that produced class society. That doesn't make it more "natural" than anything else. Historical materialism totally accounts for this.

And with capitalism I'm referring to any tiered power structure, it's just easier to do. really I made a mistake but whatever

You talked about your "friend Adolf" even though he was pro-capitalist and a fervent anti-communist

Okay but that doesn't mean that a few guys can go and overthrow full communism and reinstall capitalism anymore then a few guys can go and abolish capitalism today and reinstall feudalism

Right, which is why full communism is highly unnatural. There is nothing good about being natural, in fact if there is any motto we should have it is: abolish nature!

As the means of production in a given society develop so does the division of labour emerge and class relations develop.
These cause conflicts of interest which are only resolved through struggle and conflict between these classes.
Thus the development of the means of production leads to class hierarchies being developed and replaced by new ones until they are so refined that they eliminate themselves.

We didn't always have hierarchic class structures, we developed them due to the changes in material conditions society underwent and these continuing changes will case these same class structures be destroyed.

We're not talking about ants or wolves, but about humans. And the original, primitive human societies, be it Amazonian Indians, Abbos or Siberian taiga hunter-gatherers, don't have anything like the economic classes of civilized societies. There are no property rights, land is not rented for a fellow tribesman and so on

"Nature" doesn't exist, by the way. Or, more properly, everything is nature. The Big Other "Nature" that watches over the world of humanity as God's secular surrogate and mandates ideologies doesn't exist.

No wonder you're such a retard

if you had actually read my posts, you would have known the only reason I said that capitalism is natural is because a communist """society""" would eventually "turn" back to nature, because a "porky" could just assemble a team of other individuals to overthrow it. And the only reason I said that in the first place is because you or someone else said "well what if you ideology is all fake" and I said that was stupid because that argument applies to all ideologies and presented a scenario like above to prove my point.


I'd actually wager that manipulating the society is much easier in the capitalist economic system thanks to the ability to accumulate money created by other people that can be spent on overthrowing.

The more unnatural a society is the better. Best case scenario : a fully artificial planet built by artificial intelligence without natural beings like humans and wolves. Nature is a bunch of animals exploiting, killing, and eating each other and even human beings enslaving, killing, and exploiting one another. I don't deny that. The best thing to do is abolish nature. The more unnatural full communism is the better, and the less likely it is that it will be reversed and "turned to nature."

The majority of the capitalist class is made up of white guys, who are a minority in global demographics.

You're just a SJW who hates Jew instead of white males.

the normal state of nature; capitalism

Again, I never said it being natural was good, I even said that in this post

MY POINT WAS, it's just as likely as a communist society or go awry than a capitalist society

*to go awry as a capitalist society

Could you elaborate on that? Refer to , because it seems to be related.

"It's because we are superior!"
"They're manipulating everything!"

Why should we ignore non jewish porkies and go after non porky jews? Why not worry about the people who have all the wealth and power regardless of their religion or ethnicity? People have been fucking over their own "kind" for wealth since time began and in capitalism this process is only been accelerated.

100% of the ruling class is ruling class.
Kill them all, not just the jews, you rich apologist.