Chinese tries to ILLEGAL Stemcel research. Gets deported lol

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Religion cucks thwart scientific advancement. Why am I not surprised.

lol i thought this was going to be about CRISPR or something that western science is scared to touch

Wow, was reading the article and damn his research has CRAZY amounts of potential to cure diseases and patients that need transplants.

Yeah, and I have the hunch that this is a medical area in which we are hold back a few decades only because >muh fetuses.

Congrats you've been propagandized by huffpo, you retard

In what way?

He got human organs to grow and function inside a rat.

It could lead to techniques that allow us to use embryonic tissue to regrow organs in ourselves.

Logically flawed argument, guilt by association.

“This is the 21st century! Instead of studying cells in a dish, like Louis Pasteur used, why don’t we have a whole human heart?” Gu said in a phone interview, his voice crackling with excitement. “Having a whole organ working for you ― beating, surviving, growing ― that’s really powerful in science. It has a potential to cure a lot of diseases.”

Well, you soulless gook, you'd have to carve it out of a living human's chest. Sick fucking lefties supporting this shit, not surprised. Enjoy the spirit cooking.

Where does it say that in the article? Anyways, good on him. My gut tells me that China and other countries that do not operate on a profit motive will be the one spearheading the scientific developments of this century.

Sadly, well never be free of those parasites.

This is a really interesting article that brings up some controversial topics. Too bad OP's pitch was shit.

A fetus is not human. A born baby is not human.

Namely: science and ethics, politics and science, religion and ideology, science under capitalism (profit), beliefs and democracy, the state's strategies for holding onto power, etc.

Is there anything religion hasn't held back, and shit up? We could've probably been space kangz if these book burning's had never occurred.

Uh, buddy. Stem Cells don't come from living human people. They come from fetuses.


Religion isn't that bad. The Catholic Church was a pretty decent educational and research institution, and I don't think that the contributions of clergymen to the various sciences should be discounted. Obviously, stuff like cloning and stem cell research have been hindered by religion, but let's not pretend that secular ethical codes haven't hindered to similar degrees. A while back I heard an user bitching about how he wanted to graft photoreceptor cells from birds to human retinas in order to allow people to see in infrared, God bless him, but his university ethics board wouldn't let him, shortsighted cowards that they were.

Belongs in a gulag for betraying the proletariat.

Abortion isn't a religious issue though.

Why am I not surprised

Abortion is a safe procedure that gives women control over the course of their lives and has social benefits.

Forbidding it only pushes women to dangerous back alley alternatives and produces nothing but misery and unwanted orphans. Unborn fetuses have none of the qualities that justify the protection of human life.


what religion is good for mankind

Just because people do it doesn't mean it's right.

honest question, why do you think (mostly fake) dead baby pictures are a good argument against abortion? Most people think open heart surgery is pretty nasty to look at too, that doesn't make it wrong.

Fetuses are human individuals with unique DNAs, I think killing humans is wrong.


not what i asked

Because they show that babies and fetuses are very similar, it's not about grossing people out (at least when I did it)


I don't see an argument there.

So are kulaks now a separate species?

I will when you start making one

ok. I think that's BS personally since many of these pictures are gory as fuck. but fine.



I can justify the converse for lolbert's too using your broken logic.

Unborn babies are fucking kulaks.

I'm sorry, where's the argument?

You provide no citation, and pure speculation for your twisted justification for murder. You're concerned with fucking children having a right to life because they'll be orphans, or suffer from misery? Bullshit, pure rationalization for crime. You don't want to go through the pain of child birth because you're incompetent and irresponsible with handling children, then don't have sex, it's that simple.

It really isn't that simple. This horrid age of liberalism makes it all worse. The community should absorb the unwanted.

They're not children, though, they're fetuses. And even if they weren't, why exactly should they even have the right to life in the first place? These "rights" of yours sound pretty spooky to me. Can you show me one?

That's actually a meme. Fetuses are simply a stage of life. Personhood is a philosophical concept, but scientifically (I'm not bullshitting) fetuses are classified as Homo Sapiens. They are human, and the word "human" is being used as a noun and not an adjective.

If you still think that they do not fall under your understanding of "personhood" (ie, they're not persons) and personhood is needed to respect the life of something, that's something else.

No, they're people. You unironically think fetuses aren't people because at that moment in time they haven't developed the ability to do what, reason, have emotion? You justify the murders of others because of the convenience of time. Fetuses have just as much of a right to live as you. Can you show me where your rights exist, where your right to live exists, where any of your arguments exist?

If christfags actually wanted to prevent abortion they would focus their efforts on safe sex education and cheap/free access to contraceptives. In reality they just want to hold power over people like the authoritarian shitheads they are.

No, they would be anti-capitalist and get rid of the economic tensions that presses poor women to abort.

keep projecting your insecurities onto the religious. You want the ability to exercise your dominion over one of the only things modern society holds no moral qualms discriminating against. I'm not even religious either.

Rights are a spook, but if anyone tries to kill me, I'll kill them.

Fetuses are weak, weaker than babies. I bet I could kill a hundred babies without them even scratching me.

Never said they weren't human, buddy.

I'm not the one arguing that rights exist. Rights are spooks. You're just making appeals to feelings and using emotional language because you can't think of one single rational reason for why the life of a fetus should be held above the interest of the mother.

Furthermore, how is a fetus in any way a person? It doesn't have any of the qualities we usually ascribe to people. And even if it did, why shouldn't people be killed?

You probably live in the west

I'm going to have twenty abortions if I can just to amuse myself

I gave plenty of reasons. It's you who can't give one single reason why mothers are entitled to kill their children.
I literally explained it in my post, read again.

Fuck off

My maid is 40 years old and has 3 grandkids while my classmate (I go to an expensive school) traveled to the US and got her baby killed lmao. (abortion is illegal here)

A fetus is as much a person as a circumcised foreskin. It isn't until a certain stage of development you can really argue personhood.

Yes, assuming they understand there is alternative to capitalism.

I don't take issue with religion or people being religious in general. I take issue with authoritarian faggots forcing their religious laws on me as is the case with the anti-abortion christfag crowd. kys nigger.

I have yet to see a single argument from you as to why anything has a right to live, much less a fetus.

In fact, I have yet to see a single argument from you at all.

One fetus is worth saving an actual life via stem cells

If you think otherwise don't bitch when your kidney fails you cowardly fag

You should be killed too then since you haven't developed the capacity to reason my man. Oh wait, that isn't fair because you are now identified as a person. I guess it's okay to kill people though if they haven't developed human capabilities yet

Get a load of this kulak.

Bless, did you forget to take off your shitposting flag before shitposting a reply to yourself?

Then you're either stupid, or trolling; your entire ideology and position crumbled beneath your feet and all you can shout are spooks, spooks! You have zero rights to make the judgement on whether or not another human deserves to live or die because of the inconvenience of time.

Are you baiting I legitimatey can't tell because you're so stupid that you have to be playing stupid

You won't ever be a mother you don't give a fuck about maternity or fetuses you care about online outrage.

No I was adding onto my point

Clearly you've never heard of a Sikh.

Same applies to you, only difference is I care about defending the right to live for humans who can't yet speak.

Oh, the guys who idolise religious warfare and carry daggers everywhere?

The solution is simple, create a machine that could extract the fetus and place it in a machine that can simulate the body of a mother.

Personhood is a spook.

Well now I feel silly.

Come kill me then faggot, oh wait, there's no point. Because I'm not fucking squatting inside your body.

The daggers are so that they can protect the weak. Sikhs are pretty cool. They give loads of free food to anyone that wants it and they have sword fights all the time. Plus they've got awesome beards and turbans.

Why is there any point in killing someone because of this then? Pure inconvenience, muh feels>reals?

I'd call that a pretty big inconvenience. If I came to your house and started drinking your blood and sapping your energy you'd probably try and put a stake through my heart, but when a fetus does it it's suddenly OK? Sounds hypocritical af tbh.

Yes, purely because of muh feelings and minor inconvenience you obtuse bastard.

But I actually want to be a mother but if I somehow ended up in the unfortunate position to have a baby I couldn't pay for I would have no option but to abort

I'm not raising a human fucking child in conditions I'm not comfortable with when I'm not emotionally ready to make that fucking commitment

That would just be as devestating to me as a parent as it would be her as a child. Being in poverty trying to make my way through college

And don't say, "oh welll heerty deerty durr u just shulfa been re-spon-sible! Hyuck hyuck hyuck"

I am. I'm just not on the pill at the fucking moment and what if I went to a party and someone slipped pills in my drink and raped me and inseminated me. What if I fucking was raped regularly and I couldn't do anything.

Combined with that would I want to raise someone's child in shit conditions that aren't my own terms for how I want to be a mother

You don't care about life

All you care about is yourself

Not even remotely comparable. Sex is a consensual agreement between two individuals that results in the fertilization of an egg. You being some fuck-face wannabe vampire isn't.

amazing appeals to emotion, you keep trying to justify murder under economic pretenses. If you aren't ready to have a baby, then there's a really easy thing to do, it's called contraceptives or abstinence. Of course, caring about wanting people to not be butchered is me caring about myself, sure does benefit me a whole lot.

Statists out.

But having your blood stolen by a tiny parasite isn't. What if you only wanted to have sex, but not have a fetus inside of you? Would you support abortion in the case of rape?

Plus, why is killing people wrong in the first place? You have yet to explain this.

You gave me a better non answer than I asked an emotional appeal so why don't you do something for my fertility and munch my carpet you fucking bastard. You can't control what events go wrong in my life nor do you have a clue what the fuck that sort of life means to me.

I'm ready to be a mother, when I'm ready to be one. That's all there is.

I think you've spent just enough time on imageboards to churn out liberal debunking arguments slightly above reddit's ability to name every fallacy, but not quite enough to produce an actual argument.

You can't stop anyone from killing their fetus, it can't defend itself, you don't care enough to defend it. All you have is an attempt to haunt us, but that won't work.

Why don't you sack your fucking maid and put your own socks away you lazy little shit?

dumb idiot just wanted to use embryonic stem cells instead of iPS cells like a normal person so he could get his PhD faster. Tsk tsk corner cutters will get no where

Holla Forums jesus freak detected.

and make the world a better place.

Get your facts straight. This shit doesn't happen. There is a semi-permeable membrane where diffusion of nutrients is biased towards the unborn child. Sort of like the blood-brain barrier.

Replace poverty with abortion and impossible with unnecessary and you basically remove any material justification for abortion. The rest are only muh feelz of selfish assholes. As for rape, here:
That's exactly the kind of thing that will bring us closer to the corporate cyberpunk dystopia Deus Ex has been warning us about. Everything's a spook until it isn't, right? :^)

This is all some carlos mencia-tier shit here honest

Tell me, why do you have the right to live?
It's weird why you are arguing why humans have the right to live.
Right's are the best means for society to organize itself, so human beings don't oppress one another.

Edgy contrarian Sam Harris cock sucking moron that defends the murder of unborn children.
You are saying that because an unborn child can't defend itself, it should be murdered?
You are fucking stupid.

Killing is wrong as human beings tend to be sad and traumatized when others kill a friend or family member. Killing others ends their life, preventing them from experiencing life and being a productive member of society.
I hate dealing with edgelords that try to act like edgy Sam Harris fans that argue that rape isn't wrong or how murder isn't wrong.

What's with this edgy "babies are parasites" argument from stupid tankies?
So you are saying that you were a parasite when you were a baby. Why didn't someone kill you then? Why not kill yourself to make up for the fact that you were a "parasite" as a baby?

Babies and fetuses require nourishment which can only be given by the mother.
A fetus requires nourishment from the mother in order to grow, as a fetus wouldn't be able to grow and develop otherwise in the mothers womb.
I don't know if you expect a fucking fetus to "work" for it's nourishment or not.
Holla Forums has the right to throw scum like you into a gas chamber.

Saying "muh spooks" is nothing more than the Reddit fedora atheist edgy position.
If rights don't exist, there's nothing stopping me from killing you.

I have both the mental capacity to form the idea of a right and the physical ability to defend those rights.

I would say that murdering someone like Hotwheels is "wrong" because although he might not be physically be able to fend off an attacker, he certainly has the mental capacity to think about his life and want and express the continuation of it.

A bear might not have the mental ability to form an abstract idea of a right, but it has the physical capability to fend off an attacker and the extinct to do so. Regardless if I think it should die or not, it has the power to keep itself alive.

A fetus, especially early stage, does not think, have a survival instinct, or have the ability to defend itself. It's brain is physically incapable of forming complex thought, and if you abort a fetus early enough it's not even capable of experiencing pain. At that stage it's no different than saying a tooth has a right to life because removing it would kill the LIVING HUMAN cells within it. Just because a tooth has human DNA doesn't make it a person, we are the sum of our parts. A 6 week year old fetus is not a person.

Then if someone killed you as a fetus, it wouldn't be murder?

Holy fuck do I hate leftypol.
First Leftypol defend pedophilia, now it's abortion and killing fetuses.

Not unexpected.

Not him just another socialist poster but your entire argument is nothing but emotional drivel. First you start off by calling him a "tankie" - have no idea where extrapolated that from. The point of pro choices isn't that "babies are parasites", it's that they don't consider a fetus a baby.

You're thinking of lolberts my friend.

I was using hyperbole for effect.

You're the only one arguing that people have rights. I do not believe this.

This is valid. However, it does not necessarily apply to a fetus. If a woman considers the possibility of ending a pregnancy (especially in early stages) less distressing than the prospect of having to carry that pregnancy to term and birth a child, then this argument does not apply.

You are still coming from the idea that I am arguing from a moral position. I am not saying that being a parasite is wrong, or that those who cost others resources should die. What I am doing in fact is demonstrating why it may be in a mother's interest to terminate a pregnancy over keeping it. In this case, by forbidding abortion we would prevent the mother from acting in her own interest. Why is that?

Rights don't exist, and yet there are still various things stopping you from killing me. For one, the fact that the state would exact retribution on you for undermining its authority by attacking someone under its protection, or, if the state was absent, my armed relatives. There is also the personal interest of most people, including yourself, to live in a place where people are not killed for no reason, and the distress that it may cause you to know the loss you've put my loved ones through. More fundamentally, we prohibit killing because we fear being killed ourselves and we fear for our loved ones being killed - no sane person has any basis to fear being killed as a fetus, and most people do not yet have emotional attachments to fetuses, so this is no argument against not killing them.

Spook is just shorthand for a position held because of a fictional ideal and not some rational argument with a nexus to one's personal interest. Spooks should be distrusted and gotten rid of because they can be used to justify any sort of argument, even ones that work against our interests.

Correct, both by my own reckoning and by the laws of my jurisdiction. If I was killed as a fetus it would either be not a crime at all (if done with the consent of the mother) or aggravated assault (if without.) Over here we abide by the born alive doctrine.

So the only thing that matters to you is consent of the matter.
Isn't consent a spook?
If rights are fictional, then isn't consent?
And why would a state care about "avenging" you if rights don't exist, and the fact you likely don't earn enough for taxes for them to care about the loss in revenue?
And I could kill your relatives, and their friends.
The only reason for others to retaliate is for emotional reasons.

The mother could always either give the baby to an adoption agency or some religious organization that has an interest in keeping babies alive and finding them a good home.

Do people have rights as only because the institution of the state declares it to be true, or because we as human beings have created ideas such as liberalism, that we wish to be free from oppression?

Rights are metaphysical.
Isn't the idea of "spooks' a crude form of subjectivism?

So laws don't exist, and only are there because humans are emotional and have an interest in not being harmed by others?


Not him, but no one ever said that the state avenging you isn't emotionally driven - it's completely fine for it to be emotionally driven. A fetus lacks autonomy - like states above, it isn't a person anymore than the cells on a tooth. Even if you adhere to some sort of deontology like the categorical imperative, abortion completely fails to quality as being "wrong" on any rational or scientific grounds.

The only thing that matters to me is my interest. Consent is not a spook, it's a behaviour that can be observed and verified.

Because the state is composed of individuals with an interest in the state appearing strong. If citizens under the state's protection just get killed, people lose faith in the state, and may turn to other protection rackets, stop paying taxes, or whatever. Generally, in situations like this where the state is especially weak, militias and mafias take over the services they normally provide and end up further weakening the state through corruption and whatnot. Politicians, policemen, judges, bureaucrats and all other sorts of people see it in their interest for this not to happen, and so they protect the lives of their citizen wards in order to prevent this outcome. Rights are a fiction meant to disguise the mercenary nature of this arrangement, but of course many drink the kool-aid, including actors of the state, but they are entirely fictional.

So? It's in everyone's interest to avoid emotional distress, but anyway, you are wrong. Retaliation demonstrates strength and discourages further attacks, or subjugation. Look at the way mafias and militias operate. Because of this, most acts of violence that aren't viewed as justified by all those affected will normally provoke retaliation, assuming that all actors are in a position of relative equality. If we were in this kin-based protection system and you went around murdering people on a flimsy basis, it's very likely that your own people might have you killed simply because they don't want some hothead dragging them into vendettas over nothing.

After going to the awful trouble of carrying a pregnancy to term just in order to abide by your precious spooks. And let's face it, odds are that kid is going to grow up real fucking rough.


Yes, precisely.