National Socialist Principles

I've noticed for a while that subversion of this board, and what it is trying to accomplish, comes in the form of distraction from the basic doctrine of National Socialism. The principles that are meant to guide us are obfuscated by (((those))) who seek to do us harm. I intend this thread to be a refresher for any among us who may have lost sight of our goals (easy to do when there's so much to be angry about, and react to), and to set straight any newcomers.

An outline of the core principles of National Socialism taken from the first pic, which quotes "Mein Kampf":

As the the next paragraph in the quoted picture explains, "Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose". The second picture is a screencap from a user on this site who I believe has wholeheartedly embodied the wisdom of National Socialism, and applies it at every opportunity.

These principle must never be forgotten. Never displaced. Hold them high and no one can lead you astray. Hail victory.

Other urls found in this thread: Kaempfe - I Fight.pdf

And we all know precisely when that kicked into high gear.



If anybody can do like I did in the OP, and compile examples of argument from these principles, I would appreciate it.


Trump is a stepping stone or the real deal, stop being a pessimist shill


Yes, getting people to think about nationalism and heritage as something important, and exposing those who adamantly oppose it is valuable to us. He's not half of what we want him to be, but that's fine, we should take joy in the ownership of the responibility to bring the principles of people and fatherland to the world.

Checked, and thank you.

Zionists are a stepping stone to nowhere.

What I really wanted to know is what laws were passed during the natsoc regime

What you stupid goy? You don't like your favela?

In what regard? Economic, political, racial laws?

literally everything.
i'd find interesting to read one or two a day to know exactly what was happening in Germany at that time.
I don't speak German btw, so I assume it will never happen

Joseph Goebbels, Nazi-Sozi

you mean mods?

I'd like to see more of this as well. I'd give you something, but I'm still educating myself.

To be honest, that first image is obnoxious, the second image taps into the books belong on /pdfs/ rule, and the third pic is of a pretty aimless, and low effort thread.


Well the first beginners book I would recommend is Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor. It can be downloaded via PDF or Google drive. It explains the tenants of NS and addresses many of the concerns that people might have with the ideology. Stupid questions you'd find on 4cuck such as: It has socialism in it, so it's basically communism isn't it? OR: What would happen after Hitler died, wouldn't there just be a power struggle and the regime would collapse? OR: Wasn't Hitler's entire economic recovery based on preparing for war and thus if Hitler didn't steal other countries wealth the regime would have fallen?

I just hope that you who reads this researches these things before you come to a conclusion because on every thread on 4cuck about: 'How could Hitler have won' I swear to God you get the most normie of responses.

- Not invaded France (Some on that cancerous site aren't even aware that France declared war on Germany)
Invade Britain (Because that's so easy right)
Don't go after the Soviets (Nah, just let them invade you and spread Bolshevism to the entire continent)
Let Stalin invade Poland and come to its defence (Such a reddit tier understanding of the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact it makes me weep for the future of education in the west if these are the historically illiterate twats it produces)
And a while host of other stupid things they say. Read that book and if you want more information or have a question, do ask, I love talking about this.

Fuck off kike.

Thank you very much. I'll get that book.

This article might help a bit

Bumping with (what I hope is good) content

Never read Tedor but I'll not recomend him on the basis that Tedor wasn't a Hitlerite whereas nay Hitlerites and contemporaries produced books of good quality on this subject:

100 Questions and Answered, Oswald Mosley
The German State on a National and Social Basis, Gottfried Feder
Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest Slavery, Gottfried Feder
The Programme of the NSDAP and its general conceptions, Gottfried Feder

Pretty sure Tedor is a NatSoc.

Two distinct things which are always confused on this board

1, National Socialism as the ultimate goal of racial survival (i.e. everything else is just a means to that end)
2, National Socialism as the first claim plus the further claim that a particular set of policies is the best way of achieving it also usually further claims about the rightness of Hitler's actions, etc.

These two are not the same. The first is a priori but the second is up for discussion based on empirical evidence. It's possible to accept the first but not the second.
Personally I think that 'National Socialism' should only be used to refer to the second and not just the first claim. Otherwise National Socialism is identical to Nationalism

Anyone who follows any of the major prophets of National Socialism is a NatSoc (like Degrelle in the post-war world for instance) whereas a Hitlerite is someone who was alive and within the German NSDAP during the third Reich. Technically you could count Degrelle as a Hitlerite because of his SS membership but after reading Hitler: Born at Versailles I rather think he was another strain of National Socialism entirely.

talking about bullshit Hitler did

This blog post have a pretty retarded 20 point list of things that hitler supposedly proposed in 1920. I assume that these points were way more relevant back then, considering that we can't assume that the government will work in our favor, the package seem like a really fucking retarded idea. No wonder he couldn't win the elections in 192x


This maybe
it has a good list of references.

for the super lazy, in bold what I've found retarded

* All citizens will have equal rights and obligations
* The activity of individuals must not work against the community, but should result in “the benefit of all”
'' * Unearned incomes will be abolished, such as income from investments rather than from work. Most agree
that commission-based incomes (such as real estate agents) fit the bill for “unearned incomes.”''
* Elimination of debt (interest)-slavery, as usury will be outlawed
* Personal enrichment through war will be designated a crime against the people. This will eliminate politicians advocating for wars for their own financial interests or those of their friends.
* A division of profits of all heavy industries
* Large-scale expansion of old-age welfare
* The creation and conservation of a healthy middle class
* Consideration will be given to small businesses in contracts with state or local governments
* Elimination of all speculation on land (i.e., investing in land to make a profit later on)
'' * Government will have the power to seize land for the public use
Abolishment of taxes on land. (This allows low-income people and elderly with limited budgets to continue to own their property.)''
* Reconstruction of the national education system, “to enable every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education and subsequently introduction into leading positions”
* Education, at government expense, of gifted children of poor parents
* Child labor will be outlawed
* Physical fitness will be encouraged, in part by establishing gyms and sporting facilities
* Abolition of mercenary troops
* Freedom of religion for all religious denominations (as long as they don’t endanger the nation or oppose the moral senses of the German people)
* Publications that are counter to the public good will be forbidden
* “The common good before the individual good” (Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz)

well, double ' was actually italics, not bold

either way, it's marked

Newfag even by Holla Forums standards.

Are you new here, faggot?


I'd argue he is. He's deporting spics, he wants to ban Muslims, and he's exposed the lying media.
He does all this under a different guise. He doesn't distinguish American as strictly white and probably never will but he's still doing a lot of needed action and laying the framework as well as causing a rift between whites and every other cry baby minority that the left can throw a victim complex at. That friction which will already is escalating is what gets us the next Hitler or possibly someone even greater.

25 points and stfu, read and lurk MOAR

National Socialism is a German tailored flavor of fascism. If you're not German then make your country's own version if someone hasn't already.

Go to for original National Socialist documents

National Socialism/Fascism is the worldview of truth. Plain and simple. Truth about the natural order, truth about humanity, truth about race, truth about ethnicities, truth about gender, truth about family, and truth about individuals. Compromising nothing.

I know most of you are savvy to the necessity, and unavoidability of force, but since this thread is also for the curious, I want to explain how I came to National Socialist principals in the first place.

I came to National Socialism's principles from wrestling with a period of anarcho-capitalism, and I'd been thinking about the application of force. I realized at some point that every action we take in life is the initiation of force, and that, even if we stood still our whole lives, we could never avoid interfering in the path of SOMETHING else's planned course of action, and vice versa. So, there is no such thing in this material existence as real freedom. To have freedom, as defined by this reality, is to experience an acceptable amount of force, and what is acceptable is defined by what goals we intend to achieve in life (if you intend to play vidja and fap all day, you won't accept much force, but too bad, 'cause you'll be too weak to resist).

With this definition, struggle becomes not an inconvenience, but a value. Every obstacle makes us stronger, and capable of accepting a greater amount of force in our lives, which allows us to aim for even higher goals, leading us into perpetual self improvement. National Socialism aims high, promoting a coherent, unified culture, wherein forceful guidance away from weakness is encouraged so as to perpetuate the existence, and triumph of a people. Anarcho-capitalism doesn't aim at all, permitting any weakness; and it does nothing to inspire greater achievement.

Life is nothing but competition, so compete.

Hitler said, imo, a very good definition of "What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland" but I'd like to add one bit to make the statment, imo, more complete. Add like to change it to "What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom, independence and thriving of the fatherland."
Why did I change this you may ask. One must realise, to quote Hitler, that "politics is history in the making" and, like von Clausewitz said, "war is not merely an act of policy but a true political instrument, a continuation of political intercourse carried on with other means." Yockey said it well in his Enemies of Europe, "A nation that no longer strives for power and possessions is dying, and the actual renunciation of power means the nation is dead, for a living nation simply does not surrender its power."
Don't get m wrong. Everything, of course, can and will not be solved by war, but a NatSoc doesnt shy away from it as a valid alternative.
This is the forward mentality (or the 'life is a struggle' as some might call it) of NatSoc that is really crucial. It is always seeking to get better, stronger, to get "slim and trim, swift as a greyhound, tough as leather and hard as Krupp steel." And that is why it always seeks the best in everything, and to be able to achieve this perfection one has to play strictly by the rule book so to say. That is one has to ruthlessly follow the laws of nature.
This is why it is so hard to say to both newfags and normalfags what NatSoc wants in terms of policies and regular party politics. 'It depends' is usually the answer i give, which usually pisses people. And rightfully so. If one asks a direct question and gets, what they interpreters as, a non-answer, of course they will be irritated. But it is the right answer. Just as "History must be interpreted in terms of the necessities of the time", so must the present times be interpreted in terms of its necessities. NatSoc is truly axiomatic and everything stems from its axioms. How one fulfills these axioms is up to the leaders of that time.

I don't want to d&c but this is, imo, what seperates NatSoc from fascism.
Fascism to me is: If we work together, we will have the power to achieve any goal we want.
While NatSoc is: This is our goal. The only way to achieve it is to work together.
It took me a very long time to understand the meaningful difference and indeed the whole meaning of these two line, but when you do thing become very clear.

I agree, though I don't think "thriving" entirely gets the point across. I'm too tired at the moment to off an alternative, but to quote Hitler again: "In eternal battle mankind can find greatness. In eternal peace it will find destruction."

Human ambition is infinite, as is existence, so in order to follow nature we must always strive.

I had a better word for it in my native tongue but I couldn't really come up with anything better in english.

Alfred Rosenberg have a smaller article regarding freedom in the book "Ich Kämpfe" that I really recommend.

how dare you speak against BASED israel

Here's a pdf Kaempfe - I Fight.pdf

Triple checked, and thanks for the pdf.

I think virile or generative might be what you're looking for. They each denote the capacity to create a rich and prosperous society yet do not grant the reader the false impression that such things are guaranteed.


The NSDAP had an actual 25 point program. These were situational to the time and location, and largely in response to important events at the time they were trying to deal with, but its a not an awful starting point.

On the economic side of things, the national socialist party fought against interest and (((international financial organizations))). They did this by nationalizing the central bank, offering interest free loans, and conducting all foreign trade by barter.

National Socialism also attempted to restructure German society according to the doctrine of blood and soil. Physical fitness and a healthy diet were civic duties of all Germans. Sustainable agriculture was promoted and virgin forests set aside as nature preserves. Birthrates doubled in the Reich. De-urbanization was encouraged to create a series of garden cities, which would be more sustainable and offer Germans a life closer to the natural world.



OP, here; thanks for that.

I haven't been on Holla Forums much lately, but I've been hard at work trying to find a woman to recruit to our cause. This should be a priority for all of you who aren't old as shit. We have no future without women on our side. We all need to be capable of leading women, because they won't find their way to righteousness without us. For that skill I direct you to a hive of degeneracy that will likely piss you off, but do not discount the wealth of knowledge because of what its teachers do with it: Real Social Dynamics. Look em up on youtube if you find the task of meeting women daunting; you'll have your pick of women if you can apply what you learn, and overcome your own social conditioning.

I'm seeing a girl now that hates cities, loves children, owns guns, grew up with two parents, doesn't do drugs, etc…
She just needs some direction, because she's spent too much time spinning her wheels in a (recently ended) long term relationship, and a retail job, and thinks at 27 "someday" is an acceptable time to have kids. We can't wait for women, or anything else in society to get better. We are the only ones who can set things right. As men, it is our burden to accept responsibility for the state of our nations. Want women, and therefore society, to improve? Get out there and fix 'em.


For fucks sake stop the muh trump bullshit for once.


Agreed. I've been lucky enough to socially/emotionally lock down a fine white grill and she's practically begging for children and a ring on her finger.
I've found that the longer you wait to find your sweetheart, the harder it will be to find a quality woman. This is something we need to teach children.

From the Hitler Youth Morals book


The entire thing is a very interesting read, if you haven't seen these already I would recommend you do so now. Good principles to stand by imo

Oi vey!

After Hitlers death inevitably corruption and Jewishness would seep into the system. Establishments only last as long as their founders, the separate minds of new generations will forever shape new order in societies.


Somebody is always going to have control. There is no system that will cease the requirement for vigilance from people at large to maintain the upward trajectory of ourselves and kin, nor should we want one, as it would paradoxically end our development into superior forms. With the defeat of one enemy arises the need for another lest we fall back into complacency, and breed weakness.

What National Socialism shows us is an enemy that never goes away (mediocrity), and a goal that is never completely achieved (excellence). Vigilance is easily born in such a system, thus the speed of progression (as evidenced by Hitler's Germany) and the longevity (unfortunately not witnessed) needed to give National Socialism high marks amongst alternatives is present. The theory is that NS strengthens itself with the love of its people, love it attains through preference to those people and none other, who get stronger with it.

Certainly no other system, or non-system, presents as well rounded a defense against subversion. As much as we rightfully do, and should, distrust government, it will never be done away with, as there will always be superiors and inferiors, and therefore an overwhelming demand for leadership.

Never? Big claim.


the socialism part of national socialism is directly necessary to ensure racial survival. If a nation does not look after each other, one greater family made of millions of small families, then it will divide and splinter.

There are certain immutable facts of human existence which deriving from our immutable (for practical intents and purposes) biological nature.

Communists believe human behavior is like clay, something they can manipulate and change as they see fit. National Socialists reject this, instead recognizing the biological reality of innate human nature.

The day humans no longer seek authority is the day there are no more humans.