Donald Trump offers 'help' to terminally-ill baby Charlie Gard

Donald Trump offers 'help' to terminally-ill baby Charlie Gard
By Victoria Ward and Rob Crilly
3 July 2017 • 3:12pm

1488d Chess

Other urls found in this thread:

See for more info. No archive, not because I'm a faggot, but because I block that shit. Fuck archive.

Oops. Wrong thread.

Now I guess I'm a faggot. Oh well.



This certainly lifts my spirit!


you kikes are really grasping for straws huh?
Don't be a nigger. In any case, this btfo those that ruled against the kid and forced them to outright try and push for the kid's death even more than before. I look forward to MSM claiming this is worse than the holocaust.



It's Europe, what do you expect?

We Love you Trump

The woman changing her last name hasn't been a requirement for a while now. see


Pretty cool thread Barron. Happy 4th. I love celebrating the EUkikes getting BTFO.

Did someone call for a medic? I hate my job helping niggers with HUD homes and need some white babies to save.

I'm from Europe, but I have no regrets for shilling for this man.

(AP Washington D.C.)
In a shocking turn of events American President Donald Trump took a step away from the hateful rhetoric of his campaign message and supporters. Amid widespread outrage the U.S. President made an abrupt turn around, on an until today hotly debated policy issue, when he not only accepted the application for but personally sought to grant expedited approval to grant refugee status to the family of Chris Gard, a white mal…. Oh my fucking god this fucking fascist piece of shit fuck him and fuck everyone that voted for him you fucking nazis!

The baby's completely fucked. But why turn the chance to show you have a heart and utterly BTFO the EU at the same time?

The main point is that the parents manage to get the private funds in order for the baby to undergo surgery in the U.S. while a shitty supra-national body (the Yurokikes) decided your child should die.

Damn, he's quick on his feet. Let's see where it goes from here. I wouldn't doubt the EU locking up the parents and confiscating their child.


And he did this just as the fake news started making nightly headlines about how crazy his twitter feed is.

And also when everyone is crying for him to be impeached over tweets and saying he is mentally ill.

This is the point. The parents have to, get this, apply to a foreign governmental entity in order to spend THEIR OWN MONEY on a hopeless pursuit. I, really? You can't just snatch your kid & run? Nuts.

Caveat: It's pointless & the kid is done. Sad, sad story all around.

In the EU, a child is considered property of the state. According to leftists defending the EU court decision, the child doesn't have any rights and the parents should be put behind bars.

The kid, however tragic, doesn't actually live anymore. He's blind and deaf, brain dead in a coma. The brains shut up. His organs don't wany anymore but are forced to by machines.

The only reason Trump's tweet is delicious is to see the EU btfo - but the kid cannot be saved.

The child is under Kek's personal protection now. He will make a full recovery.

>"I am growing stronger."

Damn it. These are the only dubs in this thread. Someone tell them to get hitched or may not work. Ideally, a Priest of Kek will do the honors, but an SJW Egyptian neopagan will probably also work if no NEETs present themselves.

If the kid pulls through, he'll become the next Hitler.

If the parents say yes, its a fast hop on a Military AFMS flight to the US from RAF Mildenhall. airbase. It's 1.5 hrs away to the airport from the hospital, USAFE white kid!

Crazy indeed.

There are two outcomes to this, either the EU rejects his offer and Trump gets to attack them for killing babies when he goes to Poland. Or, the EU capitulates and Trump gets to brag about saving the lives of babies (and making the EU his bitch with a single tweet). Trump has everything to gain and nothing to lose no matter what the outcome, even if the baby comes over and dies anyway he can still say he did a much better job than the entire EU.

kinda like how Barak Hussein Obama wasn't required, by law, to change his name when he "converted" to Christianity? how about fuck off we don't need your kike laws to replace our proud traditions.

He could also use the baby's death to bring up the matter of the incompetent medical industry.

wtf I hate trump nao

The JIDF has really lowered it's standards in the past couple of years, you're not even trying anymore.

Take note, kikes, fags, niggers nad feministas, THIS is how you properly perform an empty virtue signal

This is actually more multidimensional chess. Trump is trying to get the UK to think of him as someone who can save them. American media/memes have already permeated the nation. There's just one more step. As you know, the globalists murder babies and imprison people who talk about the ongoing Islamization of Europe. Our Leader's patience is growing thin. The time will come Trump decides that the UK must be liberated.

I thought Trump is playing 1488d backgammon?

Why do you think he's JIDF?

Because it's summer.

You have a nice 2345 sequence there, but Trump does not play dice.

The rabbi is trying to use reverse psychology because I called him on his "Trump is a Jew puppet" pic. Bog standard kikel tactic.


Ever since the Trump election this board has been taken over by hasbarats, a few years ago you would never find threads praising Fox News or neocohen shills like you find here today.

Fukken saved.

wtf I really hate Trump nao

There's also the timing aspect of it, just as the judenpresse is going berzerk over his meme tweet, he tweets something that they cannot possibly attack him on. I checked cnn before and they have absolutely no angle of attack on this, and it undermines their autistic screeching about how evil trump's tweets are.

Here's hoping for a lot of good things to come from the poland speech and g20 meeting with putin. The EU is such a fragile thing to destroy and they're really not even trying to hold it together. Your police state is useless when it's full of pakis, and you cannot operate infrastructure intensive ZOG plans when your only options are to hire street shitters.

That's right, Trump is going to exterminate all the jews.

But no one mentioned Fox until now, and I don't know whether Trump is a neocon or not, really.

Also can someone explain to me what the Hasbara thing is? I actually lurk here every day and I've seen this term but I always just gloss over it as I assume it's the new Share Blue or whatever the last one was (which I think cam after COINTEL Pro).

wtf I love Trump nao


Where are the threads praising Fox News neocohen shills? Here's one that's doxxing a civnat cuck: I've yet to see one praise a true a neoconservative like Bill Kristol.

(sage for OT)

You've been trying this for over 2 years now, just give up and gas yourself hasbeenie.

You shouldn't, he's a fellow tribe member of yours.

wtf I hate Trump nao

Jewgle it, hasbara is another way of calling someone JIDF without a lot of the connotations of that acronym.

You shouldn't hate him, he is your greatest ally. Going to keep Israel safe from those ebil Iranians.

wtf I love Trump nao

wtf I hate Trump nao

How many shekels have you earned shilling for Greater Israel ITT, Mr. JIDF?


(samefagging) Don't seem to be any Tucker Carlson threads at the moment, but in fairness to JIDF, I have seen them in the past.

Just let the fucking baby die.

FFS, most of the waste and suffering in our nations is because we don't go full Sparta on defective babies.

They can easily make a new one.

Missing the point brainlet. This isn't about the baby.

wtf I hate (((Trump))) nao
wtf I love (((you))) nao

This. It's amazing how many low IQ niggers are on this board with sense of strategy.

I have no idea what this thread is about. Tell me what is the supposed point in here. BTW, I am against medicare beyond the basic shit like bandages and benadryl, and think hospitals should be shut down. Degenerates shouldn't have their suffering prolonged. We need NK style healthcare where we just administer euthanasia pills to the terminally sick.

Why do these images trigger you so much?

A bit disappointing actually. I was hoping it would get worse before it gets better. At this rate we'll never get to hang you idiots from lamp posts because we won't even have to.

I love how youre taking the third picture completely out of context, such an obvious shill, I bet you were kvetching like mad when he had that jacket put onto him.

Damn why didn't I vote for Hillary.

Nope, you'll be coming home in a body bag after Trump sends you to the middle east to go die for Israel!

Trump is using the situation to create pro-Trump anti-EU headlines. People don't like dead babies. Trump is positioning himself as a savoir of babies, and the EU as a baby murderer. The fact that the baby is brain dead is completely irrelevant. This isn't about the fucking baby, this is high-level politics.

Because surprisingly she's even less of a whore for AIPAC than Trump is?

Wew. I never thought I would see people still shilling for Hillary.

Pointing out that Trump is a bigger whore for AIPAC is shilling for Hillary now?

Top kek.

Wanna know how I know you fags are from Reddit?





I'm honestly insulted at this point. They actually used to be a bit of a challenge. These past few weeks though they've been a mess. I genuinely wonder what's going on.

I guess you're right. I made a mistake, I should of voted for Hillary. Thanks for correcting the record.

Just kidding with ya, been here on Holla Forums about two years before you T_D faggots took over.

Cute. I've been here since the ferguson riots, and even I still consider myself a newfag. Lurk more, you don't belong.


If the Klan endorsed her and she's good enough for a bunch of white supremacists then she's good enough for me you Yankee faggot.

Could you please correct the record for me and explain which 2016 candidate was the real racist? Thanks.

Why don't we ever DDOS Freech and Something Awful whenever they pull this shit?

Why don't we ever DDOS Freech and Something Awful whenever they pull this shit?

Fucking Goons need to be taught a lesson.

Now now now your Holla Forums boogeyman mantra is pretty ineffective at this point, or are you even trying anymore?

Holla Forums are Goons, the problem is Goons.

Fuck off 10bux


A white child's life is on the line!

Boy it sure sucks I wasted my vote on Trump instead of Hillary or Bernie. Now I have to spend all day working, starting a family, and making contacts with like minded people. Creating social groups and working together for the sake of European ancestry. If only I could kvetch all day about everything the President does to the point that I don't accomplish anything else.

Oh, so you've only been on Holla Forums since #fiveguys?
Tell me, are these posts supposed to be ironic?

You can blame muh Holla Forums boogeyman all you want, nobody is buying it, you should change tactics.


Can anyone tell me where the connections between SA and Freech/intl lie? I feel like i'm missing out on something here.

Using your hand doesn't count.

Hey you're right about that.

Why does the idea of white people having families trigger Jews like you so much?

I'll let you figure that one out.

I truly believe that Trump is a good man, with a good heart; and while he obviously benefits from such an act, this is not the first time he has reached out to someone in need.


Have any of you even read about the kid's condition? At this stage he is just a vegetable. They should put him out of his misery and let him go to a better place.

get hitched

Consider if you will the other factor at play here

This is a good example of being popular enough to live (albeit a futile example owing to the nature of this poor child’s condition). The only reason treatment in America is an option for this baby is because it’s parents managed to launch a successful social media/ crowd funding campaign and in turn that was only successful because the media sphere decided to meme this case into prominence. There are other similar examples, which at times have seen the sick individual attain treatment and recover thanks to viral popularity but for every such case there are many more individuals who were not memed into the collective sympathies of the masses and thusly died. It is really quite dystopian.

That aside, we have a good example of Europeans being nothing more than prisoners, us Brits being indeed having the tightest shackles. I agree that treating this child is futile and the wrong thing to do (I don’t however blame the parents for doing everything they can and as a European man have great empathy for them) but in an system that is so completely mercenary in all other regards to restrict someone from purchasing cross border medical treatment with their own money is absurd. I also expect if this child was non native then the Government themselves would have moved heaven and earth to treat them in England.

It's a battle of statements.

ITT: Mongoloids for $hillary

It honestly makes no sense and is a massive blunder on the part of their government to not treat the child. If the child is going to die anyway then what harm would it be to their agenda to siphon a couple of grand from one more dead end white family? They fucked up bad and now the whole world will know about it.

Britain sounds like fucking prison tbqh

the whole point of national healthcare is revealed, take away personal decisions from private individuals. if they let you raise money for your own healthcare might as well privatize the whole thing again. the government decides when and how you die, that's the point.

Kek this is some serious shitposting.

British Media is pissed and trying to make this a religious stance like abortion. It is a religious stance though - the cult of marx.

It is, but quite why Britain/ EU has decided to make such a statement I don’t know.

Technically speaking it is sound; this child has no viable chance at a normal life and so should be allowed to pass from the mortal realm. This is the opinion of medial experts and whilst our politicians are foaming mouthed maniacs Europe still has some decent medical minds.

However from a PR point of view, which is what this has become about (a circus with a deathly ill infant at it’s center) there is little value in denying the parents to rights to purchase (whey they perceive to be) false hope abroad. Unless the statement that they want to reiterate here is that were are prisoners. What other value does such a judgment serve (or is Europe about to become full Spartan, oddly I would prefer that over the former).

It feels like one to. One you have to pay a small fortune to inhabit.

Pretty much this. I agree with the medical assessment but it's not the governments job to tell people how they're allowed to spend their money.

Because their agenda is absolute cradle to grave control of every single human being.

Good assessment but even then there isn't much of an argument against it since they already raised the money themselves, so there's no reason for any government to step in and say "No you can't give your child medical treatment". Unless we're going to set a precedent where you are only legally allowed to do something if the government deems it good for your health, which is certainly not what they're trying to do here.

signature hasbara shit

Can everyone just stop being colossal faggots and show some damn concern for the kid, the fuck is wrong with everyone.

Nothing triggers a kike like whites reproducing.



link to the kid's tweet because her tweets are hidden and I didn't think to archive. I know, I had one job.


checkin these irl big anime tiddies

It's an ugly kike with problem glasses. Who do you think runs Twitter, Kidd?

Also, the experimental surgery is risky, but has helped a kid with a similar condition survive previously. It is a long shot, but totally worth it, and the kid is not fucked by any means.

lel, he very nearly has as many followers as her now.

Anybody can get verified by twitter now, provided you don't into wrongthink and are willing to give twitter a picture of your passport or something.

Not anyone. Sargon was whining that Twitter still hasn't verified him the other day. Maybe some small fry will slip through, but Jack and co will be looking for an excuse to take them down like the did Milo.

Take a look at her bio and tell me she isn't 100% verifiable though:

Why is this so common for trump supporters on twitter

I think Sargon's main obstacle in getting verified is that "Sargon of Akkad" isn't actually his name. That was a real historical person who actually lived.

Cuckservatives that don't know better.
The average American knows nothing about Israel.

Is this a fever dream

Their church is bribed by AIPAC to give positive messages about Israel and the Jews. These kinds of people actually believe, thanks to their pastors like Hagee, that Jews are 'God's chosen' while conveniently forgetting their rejection and murder of Christ. lel

Time for more waterboarding, Ahmed.

Pretty sure "Wikileaks" isn't actually Wikileaks' account holder's name.
So you're saying Twitter is worried that people might get confused and think he's the ruler of Akkad from 4000 years ago?

Huh…the more you know.

It's international Jewry covering all thier bases. Making sure right-wing Americans associate jews/Israel as being brothers in arms.

I have pretty low expectations of people who follow Sargon.

You didn't know that?

Thanks for the link and no, I haven't been big about American related stuff much of my life.

>provided you don't into wrongthink
Scrotum of Mossad, as kosher as he is, won't get verified because he's insufficiently progressive.

Yes, liberated…

Update on the villain in our young padawan's story:

I don't get it. Are the jews that petty and shortsighted? Does EVERY white baby have to die RIGHT NOW? Surely they see how it looks when they refuse this kid help while flooding the West with 6'4 250 pound starving children?

Good idea even if it isn't them tbh.

Get used to seeing this.

There's a good slice of the 18-24 female demographic right now who are kicking back against feminism and liberalism. It's predicted that children currently in the 12-15 bracket are going to be the most fiscally and socially-conservative since the 1950's. So given the choice between some 30-something feminist harpie and a sane 20-year-old willing to date an older man, what do you think most men in their right minds will pick?

This never ceases to amaze me.

Kek, you just know this was the final push towards madness

Wew. Talk about not respecting culture.

If that wasn't, you'd have to figure that Trump's victory and the fact that this kid now has about 200 more twitter followers than she does would send her over the edge.

Imagine what it's like to be her.
She's verified by the PTB and clearly values followers as some kind of class signifier, and she's spent her seven years on twitter faithfully pushing the party narrative and blowing who she needs to blow. Some kid comes along, looks at her almost-decade's work climbing the social ladder, and snorts derisively like it's worth nothing. She claims, "I clearly have more social value, as I have the higher number of goodgoy points" and in a day this kid has more. He didn't even have to throw snark at presidents or blog about his failing relationships.
All he did was laugh at her.

It's not multidimensional anything. EU handed him a free win when they made this decision.


Wikileaks is an organization, and the account holder can be verified as part of the organization.

"Sargon" isn't actually Sargon.

That's just a picture with bad lighting. Britbongland was inhabited by a Mediterranean peoples before the Nordics came and fugged their shit up, but some of their swarthy phenotypes still emerge sometimes in certain parts of the population, especially on the fringes of those islands. So, while he is "white", his phenotype a shit, and I really do wish that after we are out of this niggerized mess thrown upon us by the Jews, that we can finally implement eugenic policies to at least eliminate brown eyes from our populations. Brown eyes are the fucking worst. Even though someone may be a pure European, I feel like I'm looking into a Pajeet's eyes when they're that dark of a brown.

Romans were white.

Yeah, I just have a preference over light, bright eyes.

He's too quick on his feet.

You know I was wondering why some off the wall case like that was posted on Holla Forums, it really did seem like a everyday thing. But then this happens less than a week after? Maybe Trump is playing social media harder than we thought.

I'm pretty sure both Trump and the user who posted it on Holla Forums picked up the story from the same place: Drudge.

What are you even talking about?
The guy have clearly Aryan features. He Aisto Nordid, Brünn and Hallstat. And his vomer/maxila is Trønder.
Don't care so much about color of hair and eyes. You have better things to care about and you know that.

Oh I recall the absolute kike butthurt over picture 3, now you try and spin in as though we don't know what you are doing?

private funds well they are not getting government gibs i see nothing wrong with this.

Its funny watching you jews try to take the stance of white supremacy.
Kkk has what 500 members, and about 400 are FBI informants?
My money is your a filthy yid

Mere inklings on future eugenic policies, if that is ever possible. But yes, you're right. He's white, and so is his child and that is all that matters to me in this, socialized medicine or not. That's the only reason why they were refused and the decision made by the EU for the child to die. If it were non-White, it would be treated in a heartbeat. If it were a refugee in particular, ALL of it's expenses would have been paid by the government and put under a spotlight as an example of the wonders of "socialized" or "universal" healthcare and a prime example of why we should accept more rapefugees.

I have a jew flag next to my twitter handle. It blocks most ban attempts.

remember the winterhilfswerk

This is why you don't racemix, Rome for the Romans, Angloland for the deserving English.

Romans taught the Anglos how to bathe and build walls.

And all it cost them was their genetic heritage.

Remember you can learn how to make Tacos from Mexicans, doesn't mean you them anything in return. Same with Chinese, Niggers and Jews. It's time the white started to keep their knowledge to their own.

Just think 100 years ago the Jews didn't even know how to fly aircraft, Chinks didn't have machine guns, Arabs couldn't build bombs, now we pay them all to do it to us.

Newer than a babies freshly powdered ass cheeks

Anything after Hamas Rooster is newfaggotry

I'm calling bullshit on that "accepted" historical narrative. Romans did build bathhouses in Britain but that doesn't mean that the British/celts didn't know how to bathe themselves. Romans were also from a warmer climate so more frequent bathing would have been a necessity. They got really good at the bath house thing.
Did the Romans teach the Anglos how to sodimize young boys in steamy unsanitary bathhouses also?…It was part of thier advanced bathing culture after all.

Nice jewish meme you've got there. Roman politicians frequently accused their rivals of fucking young boys. An idiot would take that as evidence that the romans liked to fuck young boys. Somebody with a few braincells to rub together would recognize that it means Romans didn't consider such behavior to be socially acceptable. That's why they used such accusations as insults.

What does he mean?

What's it like to have a double digit IQ?

Why do you need to put two spaces in between some of your words? You type like a fucking faggot .


It's just shitposting you fucking paranoid spastic.

Nah fuck that. A family I'm friends with had to listen to doctors tell them to pull the plug on their only son after he'd been hit by a pickup. "He'll be a vegetable forever, you're being selfish, wasting your money, wasting resources other people could use, etc, etc". From multiple doctors.

I visited him last month. He's able to walk, talk more or less normally, and is mostly mobile other than one screwed up arm. It's taken him years of therapy to get there, but if his parents had listened to the multiple "medical experts" (and I live in a city internationally famous for its medical care, world leaders and rich fucks fly in all the time) their son would be in the ground right now instead of living a slightly impaired life.

Who knows what new procedures may be developed in the near future that could take this baby from surviving to thriving? We are constantly breaking new ground.


*Holla Forums

Worst case scenario. Don't help the weak pass on their genes.

By analogy, they'll cite Holla Forums calling out pizzagate as evidence that in our society child rape was considered normal and wholesome. That's hardly even analogy, that's pretty much an exact equivalence.

I'd rather we have weak whites having babies than dying out. It isn't the 1800s anymore, we don't have breeding population to spare. If we did, white men going and doing genetic colonization on other races would be no concern.

Idiots, the baby is braindead and nothing can save it. This isn't about the baby, this is about Trump humiliating and vilifying the EU.

A common theme in kosher history is that whites never bathed and would have sores and lesions on them from being filthy

More white people exist now than in any other time in recorded history.

It's a woman poster, has all the telltale signs. You start to recognize them after awhile, especially since we're being perpetually raided by them.

Goes for all the races. I don't get your point.

Yeah I've heard that "hopeless case" before. I know three people who are "medical miracles". One I mentioned here: , one survived a bullet in the brain from a terrorist attack and is now totally functional other than the other bullets that injured his body, the last is in a medical journal discussing the experimental (now normal) procedure.

I don't trust doctors saying that there's no hope. People do remarkable feats of healing and adapting.

That's like saying the soviet union did well because it managed to sort of modernize while in comparison with everyone else it was an absolute shit hole.

My point is we are not fucking zerg. The white IQ has already dropped substantially in the last 100 years and we don't need any more fucking wiggers dragging us down.

So what's the fucking point? Trump should stop with this PRfaggotry. He think that if he waste millions of taxcows dollar on some anglo kid in fastlane to grave then CNN will start to praise him? It's pathetic.

I agree that the problem isn't that whites are too few, it's just everyone else who's too many.
Just look at the predicted population in Africa it's seriously scary and will spell the end of the world unless ebola chan saves us.


The parents already have the money donated from private hands dipshit.

This is about highlighting the EU's bureaucrats as the soulless bugmen that they are.

CNN and the other networks are hardly mentioning it because 1) it would make him look good 2) they are still flipping their shit about the wrestling tweet

Simulations show that nuclear war, epidemic and famine combine will only make dent in their numbers. We need depopulation program for Africa and Asia.

Because she was purposefully shit. Duh.
Stupid goyim.

Why do those things keep breeding when they can't even survive on their own ?
Even animals won't breed if it's not viable. How are they even part of the same species as we do ?

Ok, if it's their cash that idiots donated to them, they have right to waste it as right to property is holy, you scum.

Right thing is to put him out of his misery, not waste wealth on futile terapy or wait for him to die with "dignity", as UK academia wants.

Those simulations must be ran by fucking retards. The WHO says that a minimum of two billion niggers would starve to death within very short order if we stopped feeding them tomorrow. This, of course, does not account for the immense amount of cannibalism and violence that would ensue.

This. It's remarkable that there are Holla Forums users who cannot grasp this. I hope most of them are shills.

It's ground level politics. He couldn't lose this even if he were actively trying to.

Even if the kid is already a potato, this sort of shit alone
is enough to justify fucking the EU at every opportunity.

Seriously, fucking shit, just reading that makes me want to burn these wretched fucks that stake.

That's not what the EU says which is what the whole thread is about

You got blocked?
Following 1,188
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Likes 3,588

That is a good thing. -)

Edgy tryhard atheism sounds the same no matter what side of the political spectrum the slinger claims to be from. Holy shit the cringe.

I'd bet my life savings if it was a 'Syrian' nigger refugee that kid would be driven to the hospital in a rolls royce and given a mc mansion, plus a statue in their honor.

I'm not a twatbook fag but does

The only thing you'll ever be able to successfully do is kill yourself. Get to it.

Parents made 2.2 Million USD thus far in donations . They CAN afford the surgery if they really wanted.

The EU courts ruled the child isn't allowed to leave the hospital (even to return home to die in the parents house), they have the money but the state isn't allowing the child to get treatment.

Lmao their 'trump is a goy, goy' narrative has been utterly BTFO on here in the last months, especially this week. To the point they are being banned for spamming (they literally cannot debate on Syrian action) and literally leave the threads when you post Syrian war action fax/battlefield actions. They focus on the lip service, we /sg/syriafags focus on the actions. Wars are judged by actions, end of story.
They can't debate it, all they have is lipservice and 'oy veyy he has a kike there'/married in/touched a roman wall like other leaders/etcetc.
They hate Roy Cohn being bought up and leave him off their infographics lol.

Trump is a goy logic = Hitler was obviously a kike/goy because he too had a protected jew in the upper echelons.
Their logic is stronk.

They had funds and the experimental surgery offer before the court bs. The case was initiated by them to try keep the public purse paying the life support bills. Shit has been going on for ages.

you know how I know you're a jew?

This is not your safe space TRS

You're really not very clever, are you?


I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, but it sounds fucking retarded, and so do you, but I have to ask: What the fuck are you on about?

Where do you think we are?

[autistic banning spree]

What's next, gonna ban us for 'spam' you semite?


I'm wondering if this will change public opinion of Trump here in Britbongistan, since everyone here is cucked beyond belief.


They were celebrating the death of the baby in

you can't debunk this, keep trying faggot

ISISrael has been funded by US for decades because muh holohoax guilt trip. From memory he has reduced some of the assistance because there was plenty of Kosher salt about it late last year, let alone when he didn't use their pre-scripted holohoax message. Baby steps.
Which ones are not? Most are. They have kike connections. If you can use your enemies' own resources against themselves, why not?
Do more research on who built the lower parts of that wall.. it's a fluff point because EVERYONE in politics goes and touches the fucking thing for sheckels.
Hitler was in same position as Trump. He was already demonized in the newspapers for 'shoah' so showing a softer hand was his way around this.
Obviously that didn't work because he 'killed 10 gorillion' according to lugenpresse.
So yes, you're right, he does need to be harder. Perhaps next term we can push for 'no more ISISrael gibs at all' in a more gradual process.
We can't just go full blown 1488 with Trump. He's a stepping stone, not Hitler. So far I have never seen a political change of direction and potential than Trump. I am not even enrolled to vote in my country because I don't consent to being governed (and thus don't pay niggergibs/imf tax kikes), because my choices are forever 'kike, kike lite, or kiked hard'. No representation = no taxation to world bank kikes. Simple.

And please debunk this shit here while you're at it, no one has so far and it's shut down at least 6 'trump is a goy' brigades in their tracks.

When these Syria facts are posted, All we get is crickets every time and the 'trump is a goy' faggots fuck off.

Basically if you think Trump is a goy after the overwhelming evidence in above post that he is not, you're either a double digit, group-think untermensch who can't research and swallows lugenpresse hook line and sinker, or a shill.
Most people are too lazy to study Syria cus 'itz jus anudda war, goy' but fail to realize the true policy and actions hits the road there. No hiding. No Lipservice.

Fascinating. Muh bebes bread and circuses are stronk in britbongland. If only it was a niglet. Please keep us posted, user

same turds different toilet

what are you doing nigger

You shills have NOTHING and are just Streisand'ing the lurkers. please continue this lovely 'work' you're doing for Shariablue/JIDF/goons/leftypol/ aka KIKES
Enjoy your ban, untermensh

You can't vote away the jew.

Do you know what the bank for international settlements is? Was 95% of the worlds GDP owned by jewish aristocrats in 1943? And why are you implying that Holla Forums even equates Trump to Hitler in the first place?

I think you're either just ashamed to admit that the deep state kikes used your idol Trump to hoodwink the majority of westerners red-pilled on the JQ into supporting another Zionist ploy or you are literally an agent of said ploy. Notice how he is just being used now as a pinata for the dissent of the west and the Israel/Rothschild have perfected their D&C paradigm? The jews can accommodate the rebellious actions of x POTUS as long as their industrial complexes and reserve system are sustainable for enough time to secure their literal authorization of history. If you think that your pissing in the wind about muh MSM meltdown or Soros psyops makes any of us feel like any of this cuckery is getting us anywhere, you're wrong. You are fixated on a worthless jewish paradigm like a child who thinks the government works like S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Marvel universe going around covertly foiling villainous operations. Now, I'm not gonna recommend you anything to read, because I know how much you (((hate books))), but I just want to reiterate that you are going to have a harder time justifying your zionist cause than anons are realising how the dynamics of this whole situation work.

Hook nose line and sinker.
Just kidding. Kill yourself schlomo


The only good thing I see in this is attacking the EU.

THISSS sums up my thoughts.

Also it shows the difference between public and private healthcare.
In private healthcare they sometimes try to help when its futile and that might give people false hope and prolong suffering.

In public healthcare they become the arbiters of death. Everyone pays in to the system but the doctors must choose who gets to live and who gets to die based on the most efficient allocation of resources.

Hillary was going to fucking invade Russia and try and take town Assad probably with Nukes
Trump is doing the bare minimun against Assad


Not really, pretty sure that Strike which Russia and probably Assad were warned against were the most Trump did in that conflict
Please feel free to prove me wrong though as honestly I'm not trying to defend everything as 88d chess but just making observations from what I've seen/heard so I could be wrong

Yes, that is the point, fignuts. Try and keep up or the qt in the bottom right will gas you.

the oven dodging…

Mate prove me wrong if you must I don't care, If I'm wrong then other anons see you're right and your point is furthered

Is Charlie White?


Please be this!


The problem is that you are the judge of whether or not I prove you wrong, and as long as you claim that I haven't given a sound refutation you will continue to drag out your shit rants about the based shabbos goy pawns and pretend you are a Holla Forumsack. Just remember, when Syria goes full crusade on the ISIS kike plants, your guy is going to cuck for Bibi and you're going to have to do some serious contortionism to convince newfags that Holla Forums = Alt-right/MAGA, moshe.

Well if he does that then it's going to be fucking shit ain't it
You burgers better fucking that the opputunity you guys have and fucking get in places of power
Sure Trump could be better but he's opened up a Window Holla Forumsacks can get through

Unless there are thousands of Ernst Zundels and David Irvings getting into said positions in the next 8 years, americuck is going to look like france real quick.


And I thought we were pro eugenics? Why are you keeping the weak alive?

You can't vote away the jew but you can fuck their plans over while appearing to appease them publicly.

BIS? Yeap. Do you know DTCC? Same shit.

Trump likes to hope he's Hitler, shills like to use the 'he's not done anythign like Hitler' route to detract from him.
I was merely meaning his situation with kikes is similar. He can't be too heavy handed with them yet or they'll kvetch more than they have.

So ISISrael BTFO to a level not seen in 3-4 years and rapidly losing territory in Syria is supporting a zionist ploy?
Soros psyops? Please show me where I'm a soros psyop.

You are arguing fluff like every other kike shill I have dealt with on this board.
You have not even attempted to argue a single fucking Syrian war action point. You may as well just start using chesscuck because it would be even more obvious you're not from here or are a dumb, double digit nigger with no clue about Syria, vainly posting shit in an attempt to sway far more intelligent Holla Forumsacks to your cause. Just to let you know, it's not working and you're just digging a bigger hole. Take an easier assignment, shill.

Also calling me out on books, holy fuck you are retarded. Pic related is some of the books I own which are in this house, I gave quite a few away to family for their library, go fuckyourselfverymuch.jpg

Because you don't read (like a nigger) I'll post some of the Syrian war fax here for you.
p.s. there are stacks more where that came from.

Argue anything you want because we know you can't.

Round 2
Iran since last month is now able to resupply Syria for the first time in years via land.
Because your 'muh airbase' got encircled and bypassed, joining the Syria - Iraq border.

Nothing has happened to Iran.
Nothing has happened to Qatar.
Nothing will happen to either.

If you think 'Trump pulled a King nigger' you are dumber than a nigger shill too.
Trump: We never tell enemies of our plans

>(((ISISrael))) actually at war with Syria for decades as only a truce was signed

Oh P.s ISIS has just lost eastern Aleppo and is getting majorly BTFO across the land. Whoops.

Again they respond with fluff and conjecture to D&C

You have refuted nothing you faggot but some Alex-Jonestien like rambling, just keep up the D&C and slide. YOu can't debate Syrian war action. War is judged by action.
In your world it's judged by what you see on your talmudvison, isn't it?
We will enjoy hanging you faggots on DOTR


I fucked quoting the wrong post in my post
The shill can't even fucking argue, just says 'oven dodging' when you point out Syrian action facts.

I don't need to say any more here because they are that fucking obvious.

Which one of these spastics, the nigger, the chink or the spic wearing a Star of David cross on its neck or any of the assorted mystery-meat cunts in the video are you?

Unless you're the actual Based Baked Alaska, if so, your song and and attempt at co-opting is shit

The kid has brain damage. He's going to be a burden on taxpayers for as long as he lives. This is a great way for Trump to make the UK look like fools, but hopefully the kid doesn't live long.

We need healthy white kids, not $400,000 a year useless retards.


Whh he don't help homeless veterans? Pick one…

You seem to have no idea what the word "goy" means.

ITT: A minyan of Jews desperately try to find reasons to discourage you from making a white baby being held prisoner by globalism a cause celebre.

Avoid malign encouragement. (((They))) rightly understand that even your blue-pilled aunts will be swayed against (((their))) false song by a child with a tube in his nose. It is effective emotional manipulation just like syria boy, only it is based on reality.

gud goy is more specific but it should be obvious enough as it is, to most Holla Forumsacks

Just proves how grand the power of laughter truly is user.

Anyone who isn't a jew is a goy you room temp iq summerfag.

Goy means somebody isn't a jew. You've repeatedly used it as a synonym for jew, which is completely incorrect. I believe I've seen you doing this in other threads recently too.
"Trump is a goy" isn't a shill narrative. The believe that Trump is literally jewish himself is a fringe shill position. Everybody else, including Trump himself, asserts that Trump isn't jewish.

Welp, they better get fucking married then.

This is a damn fine pepe. The glitched out pepe from the hillary on the plane video, the black sun bleeding light downwards looking like the ending from DS3. Snapping finger wand, I love it.

*Also, at least they give a shit about their child. If they're too poor to abort it, they would have gotten rid of it. So, sort of degenerate for fornication but better than most people nowadays.

And goyim is often related to cattle in their shitty book, which would infer from a jidfnigger shill POV that he is specifically cattle to them. As in the earlier post you missed, stated I assumed most would understand this as it's shorter, easier to type but yes technically incorrect in the most common usage, where as gud goy is more specific.

Well aware of this. Will use 'gud goy' in future so there is no confusion.

Trump is a gud goy, is a shill position. Trump is a jew is fringe yes, but it can be used to discredit shills pre-emptively.

"Good goy" and "goy" have completely different meanings. "goy" simply means non-jewish which is pretty much every single person on this board (I hope). "Good goy" means somebody who is doing what the jews want. You definitely need to lurk longer before posting.

'Trump is a goy, goy.' Why do you think the goy is on the end? Because me, da terrible shegetz knows this already. I have even already posted 'gud goy' a few times too in past. We are arguing semantics here, not if I was aware what the word goyim means or not and that somehow I should lurk more.

I will use gud goy, goy, to spell it out so the other gentiles here do not get confused.

Go the fuck back, scum.

This also.
Thank you, Satan.

This just makes you look like an idiot tbqh.

Hows it going schlomo?

Fair enough and thank you for pointing it out.

Fuck off we're full

Kill yourself.

Fuck off, kike. Italians are Europoid and White.

The Italians are not white meme comes from the Heroes of Kvetch upset about complicity in the Hall of Cost.


This. It's mind-numbing how hard some are trying to distract us from spreading this shit.

You are just outing yourself now as either ignorant nigger who has no clue about Syria or a well spoken shill.

Missed where I wrote

And Trump the gud goy didn't bomb those forces? Why is that? It's practically suicide for ISISrael Syrian strategy. Al-Tanf is useless now, its literally an island of nothing. No strategic value whatsoever. Trump or good mil btfo CIAniggers and mossadniggers there, by not doing anything.

The other part of Al Tanf which you ignorant niggers don't know about is that the US forces even allowed Syrian jets to bomb CIAnigger/ISISrael forces around there.
CNNiggers even reported on it ffs and they are a worthless source, but when even CNNniggers have to report on US and Syrian ties once in a blue moon to look partisan, it sort of defeats your 'trump is a gud goy' narrative.

Oh yeah and it was still held just fine by Syrian forces the next day.

Literally the US let SAA strike CIAnigger/ISISrael forces within the 'deconfliction' zone to protect Iranian milita.
US coordinated with RU + SAA to bomb ISISrael forces in 'deconfliction zone' to help Iranian militia
Is that clear enough?
But no, Trump is a gud goy because he let Syrian forces bomb the fuck out of CIAniggers/ISISraelniggers in a 'restricted' zone to protect ISISraels' mortal enemy - Iranian forces.
Do you realize how stupid it sounds to say that Trump is a gud goy, when this sort of shit goes down on the down low, quite often over the last 6 months?

Basically that strike by US was nothing and to distract from the real movement, which was encirclement and bypass of that base. Toppest kek move. The Syrian equivalent of shitposting WWF videos. You faggots were all ranting and raving about the airstrikes shilling trump is a gud goy, while the whole reason for that fucking zone is made redundant behind your back. You got played like a fucking fiddle, just like the lugenpresse.
This is one of many similar incidents over the last few years and I can keep listing them but you will ignore them as 'pro ZOG' - ISISrael btfo is pro ZOG? Pro Iran is pro ZOG? Do you think we are that fucking stupid?

Now Iran has direct re-supply to Syria-based Iranian militias via Iraq border over land, it doesn't have to be flown in or bought any more. This means gains will keep accelerating.

And thanks, you know what, I have not read Vanished yet (was a gift) so thanks for reminding me. It's good to know what the Jew is up to. Bit like not just looking at media fluff and actually following military action on the battlefield.

Trying the

similar incidents over the last few years
*few months

Fuck off Goldberg

I'd say everyone's BTFO on this one.
What a fucking president.

mhhhh. did it every occur to you that trump controls them?

Ivanka is his weak spot for sure. Never forget that she is close friends with Chelsea Clinton.

waddup Sinead?

Anglos and Germanics invented soap all on their own. The Romans were lathering themselves in olive oil and scraping the dirt off with a squeegee.

And the oldest functional flush toilet was built in the stone age. In England. Pretty sure they didn't need the Romans to show up and tell them how hygiene worked.

nigger the original english were roman settlers

But the English only arrived in the early Middle Ages. The last occupants of what would become England before the Romans were the Celtic Britons, aka the proto-Welsh. Prior to the Celts, speculation is that Britain and Ireland were occupied by a people possibly related to the Basques (the Beaker culture IIRC). I'm pretty sure that the Indo-Europeans in general weren't around yet in the Stone Age, much less had the Centum-Satem divide happened or the Germanic branch split off from the Centum group.

so gay

You can't make a recovery with this illness, the kid won't make it to his 20th Birthday.
He has infant-onset MDS. I don't think anybody with that has lived beyond 15, maybe not even than old.
It's really quite a horrible thing.


The kid is brain dead, so he is already dead. They're just keeping his organs oxygenated. Let him go tbh.

I don't get why they don't just try again and make a healthy kid this time. Why throw good money after bad? Leave the tardlet in the woods for the dogs and go to the bedroom. All gimps and tards should be exterminated.

I mean, sure, use it as a guinea pig for medical testing, but if it doesn't turn into a normal human, throw it out.

Only reason I support this is because it gives Trump a chance to look good and makes the EU look like baby-killing sociopath bureaucrats. Which they are, tbh. Just killing the wrong color babby.

So, the average shitlib trustfund kiddo?

Just another bone thrown to Holla Forums to keep interest away from his foreign policy

top lel m8

This sounds familiar…

I swear, something similar happened in 2016…

You magnificent bastard.



I'm not a fucking jew billionaire.

They mimic the jews being kicked out of nations.

THIS. 1488D chess, plus tax dollars on the treatment and little baby coffin.

Got the shekels on your mind all the time, eh Chaim. Make an argument that isn't economically based. Doubt this will cost much more than the niggercare we have had to suffer the past 8 years.
You son of a bitch.

That kind and considerate man!

It's wearing thin Trumpy. Cut the crap, get back to the job at hand.

How about no, you fucking dickhead.
I mean, forgetting the fact that is a breathing, thinking, feeling human being every person treated improves our medicinal knowledge and one day we'll be able to turn even the most autistic, brain dead normalfag into a full blown ubermensch.

Also you're a kike, Holla Forums hates out of love. No more dead white babies

fuck off, you dumbass woman.

Holy dubs confirm the cult of Marx hates life.

Evey bit counts, goy.

The parents should have gladly Aktion T4'd the baby, which at this point is a potato. The EU are smart, they know the parents will pay for the treatment out of pocket if need be because they know they can milk the system for all it's worth if it lives.

pos it to reddit my fellow centipede haha

This. Happens all the time.

I bounced back from a bleeding disorder at the age of seven. By all rights it should have straight up killed me, or at least made me a cripple for life… but it just fucking stopped overnight. Only kikes don't believe in miracles.



Wonder if they would say that to someone of the tribe.

That link goes to a CNN story about US-led forces shooting down an Iranian drone, and the only mention of this supposed 'allowed' bombing is this:

I could barely be assed to read through it to see as much, but what it amounts to is US via Russia allowed airstrikes on an ISIS position, then turned around and told the Syrians (again via Russia) to get the fuck off their yard and then blew them up when they didn't.

Held what? The link you offered says nothing of the sort - it only mentions strikes against Syrian forces.
The closest it comes to what you're implying is this:
You equate this with 'holding it just fine'?

And then attacked the Syrian ground forces moving to reinforce the Iranian militia… And of course, this all MSM you're citing. Which is trash.

And then attacked those forces… You keep leaving that out…

Which is great cover, yes? Can't rightly claim Trump is a Ziodrone slave when he's allowing Syria/Russia to help BASED Iranians, right? (You're ignoring that the US forces - there to train 'anti-government' forces, which ARE CIAniggers/ISISraelniggers, so I assume we're supposed to as well, right?)

It seems pretty rational.

Well played.

For this faggot:

But let's address the best part here…
What the actual fuck are you talking about, nigger?

Are you actually trying to imply that CIAniggers, with their 'non-ISIS rebels' (ie ISISraelniggers), allowing government forces to move past them in the North - while, it must be noted, retaining an land-based avenue of reinforcement and what have you via the SE between 'not ISIS' (which is totally ISIS) and 'ISIS' (which is obviously also ISIS; of course, 'ISIS' being just CIAniggers, Israel and Sunni mercs) - depletes the strategic value of their holding that position at al-Tanf?
Are you retarded, or did you just get some nigger's poor attempt at translation of The Art of War? Or are you just pushing the propaganda THAT FUCKING HARD that you expect me to buy that the US forces in the south are totally BASED Murrican's and LEGIT VETTED mudfolk, and not just the same CIAnigger/ISISraelnigger/Sunniggermerc scum under a different banner (specifically, a banner that permits the US to bomb the governmental forces of a sovereign nation in their own country, while claiming to be training dissident rebolushenary mudslimes - as opposed to this totally other group, composed of CIAniggers/ISISraelniggers/Sunniggermercs who just pretend to be dissident rebolushanery mudslimes)?

If anything, a quick perusal suggests the current state of affairs suggests the US will maintain control of that area, under false pretenses, while maintaining a connection vector to their main forces (ie, the Southern US-held green-zone is just a mask for black-zone forces by another name, meaning that's just an extension of black-zone forces which bear a mask allowing US forces to justify attacks against any government forces that come into the vacinity without their permission).


Good to see he's rejected (((their))) programming

pic related as proof

based classmate

saging a sticky :^)))))))

Samefagging in this thread too?

I don't think you're this dense but you may very well be. Maybe you have some daddy issues that you pacify with your Trump worship? You keep screeching 'victory is mine' with your shit rhetoric and you haven't even explained how Trump is politically independent from AIPAC and Zionism. Cry some more about how multiple anons are 'failing to refute you' regarding your based jews shilling. The shabbos goy POTUS hasn't done anything to cuck the Fed, in fact he is riding on the power they bestow to him. You wouldn't even be seeing direct action in middle-east without they're permission. How assblasted did you feel when Trump missiled Syria for his kike masters? Your backpedaling threads have been non-stop since then and majority of anons woke up to your contortions when he touched the jew wall. Every time you kikes try to hijack and shut down white movements it just backfires on you.

How assblasted did you feel when Trump missiled a Syrian tarmac?
Literally no one cared, despite what your consensus-cracking memo tells you to push. And I can't believe you've been outed as a shill so often that you had to create such a shit meme. How assblasted were you?

dude you're like neo so red-pilled and aryan

Me sides are in orbit looking at that 'book collection' ($20 worth of fire kindle from some smelly pawn shop) of yours, too. Nice we wuz atlanteans n shit painting too. Here's my collection.



I meant the history of intl/freech being created by legitimate SA goons and all.

some comments taken from those sites now that the Don wants to help


The Northern ones at least. Too far south and you will encounter the Greek, Arab and nigger diluted population.
