What happened here?

What happened here?

The Indus Valley Civilization supposedly existed before the Indo European invasion of the second millennium BC. It is possibly even more ancient than the official story. Who created it? Also, many main stream historians have stated that the Indus Valley Civilization was remarkably peaceful, claiming that almost no weapons or depictions of war exist from the time. This reminds me of the "consensus" that the Maya and Minoans were "peace loving people not given to war or aggression" but that narrative is being demolished even in mainstream circles.

But is this the exception to the rule? Are the mainstream historians correct? Were the Harappan People exempt from the cycle of warfare that is a fact for every other group of people on earth? Or is this another "peaceful Maya" waiting to be blown out of the water?

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Poo in loos.

Have you heard the theory that Ancient India had nuclear weapons? This excerpt is from the Mahabharata which describes the Kurukshetra War in 3000 BC.

You mean 11th millennium. We’ve proven that quite handily. There are human constructions off the coast of India that are under 200 feet of water.

You mean at Dwarka?

Oh! Yes, indeed. I’d forgotten the name.



Fuck’s sake. The site being broken grabbed my entire playlist. Seems it doesn’t show up for people who aren’t me, though. So that’s good.

A Genetic paper is going out this year of 2017 with sequencing of Ancient people who lived there before the Aryan arrival.
Harappans included. It's probable that they were a Caucasus population similar to Elamites, but with less Mediterranean Farmer admixture.

Vimana nukes and shitjeets don't mix

First of all, your dubs are the best dubs. Heil Hitler
Anyway, back to the topic.
That is fascinating to be sure. One thing that I do not understand about this is, if there existed a civilization before the Holocene, why did Mesopotamian hunter gatherers need to start from scratch when domesticating plants and animals? If there existed Aryan civilizations before 8000 BC, where is the agriculture to support them?

Indus Valley Civilization is something that interest me as well not for the "we wuz aryans and shit" but for purely historical curiosity about longgone civilizations, does anyone know a good book on the subject ?

They didn't. Jews are just lying. The Flood (which refers to the historic event of global sea level rise destroying human habitation at the end of the last ice age) wiped out most of our cities, yes. Even today, 75% of the population lives within 200 miles of a coastline, and ~200 miles inland is how far the world flooded 13,000 years ago. But the only "starting from scratch" that was done is building new cities. The narrative is that hunter-gathering FIRST stopped in roughly 4,000 BC, when in reality we had had agriculture for thousands of years before that (which we had to retool when the seas flooded our fields and homes). The First Civilization lost its global connections only because of that.

I fucking love the ancient nuclear war conspiracy theory.


Is there any evidence of agriculture before the 8000 BC date?

I'm not ready for that full metal alchemist shit. I can't handle the ancient nuke pill.

pretty sure that 'the flood' was a shitskin flood.
you weren't meant to take it literally.

like 'virgin marry' is, was, and will forever be, a damn lying jewess whore. should be obvious, not a virgin, don't marry, etc.

the ye olde books of the desert saga are mostly ass. the bible tried to straighten some of it out, but still ended up framed in ass. as such, they only way the message got through was to play similar linguistic games.

THE flood, that took out THE indus valley, was THE same kazakh expansion. that was the first time, largely unrecorded. then the babylonian fall happened, which was the second flood – of people – which also took out the indus valley, again. in the indians et al never really recovered from that until much later, after the re-expansion of the greeks under alexander wiped out and solidified the low-energy flood remnants, ie the faux-violence submissives (islamics), which permitted the hindu's to rebuild in part. i say in part, because those failures were now heavily cross bred with the other failure-failures from central asia, spatters of original jew, and heavy nig/sand-nig. still, they did get pretty far, before they fell to the expanse, again. by the time the british arrived, all that was left was thugee – heavily islamic muslim hindu abominations.

note that the hindu region kinda leaves out quite a bit between greek:roman era until the victorian? that's the effect of never being able to conquer. that entire time period was the variable-speed collapse-stall+collapse-further purchased by caste model. same thing venezuela is going to have to go back to, almost the same thing all of brazil practices in actual now.

history is not novel. what happened then, is what is happening now. you might call it repetitious, but it is only repeating patterns of the animals involved. that is, it is not cyclical, it is just the same inheritance systems inheriting.

Good on you. It's retarded if you consider carbon dating works for forever BC to 1945.

this just has to do with the gradual ending of the last glaciation.

However, Graham Hancock is terrible. There is another video about this that is actually from researchers who specialize in only this topic.

please stop following loonies like Hancock.

this is the real deal


This details would be rather weird coming from someone who had not encountered nukes, they seem to describe the radiation shock wave and heat wave of a nuclear device.

This was no worn

Carbon dating is like 1 of hundreds of dating methods.

Also sounds like something easy to make up


Step your game up. How will you handle the flat-earth pill?

GTFO. His underwater work is miles above the output of lazy "academic" "archeologists". Truly revolutionary work, dude spent almost five years under water.

I don't necessarily buy it myself, but lying due to what motive? People of those ages only recorded things they thought important.

Any evidence for that hypothesis? The worldwide floods after the glacial meltings were very real.

any evidence for yours? antartica has never melted nor receded once in the entire planetary existence of the earth. other glaciers have, but all of glacial-causality is retarded and not possible.

the shitskin flood has happened multiple times. it's happening now. it has occurred right at the beginning of periods of global cooling, which is what we're headed into now. after babylon's fall, people retreated to the high cliffs; after egypt's fall, people retreated to the high cliffs; after rome's fall, people retreated to the high cliffs. hell, even the cross-bred shitskins in indies, india, and china, all did the same thing.

in contrast, the earth spontaneously changing its mass to the tune of 100 foot-volume of water added to its radius has happened never. also, the reverse of all that mass magically disappearing has also happened never. liquid water does expand and give off co2 when you heat enough of it, but not to the to desert-saga literal water flood mysticism drama, faggot.