Will Sub-Saharan Africa's Population Hit 10 Billion? 15 Billion?

>Fifteen billion Sub-Saharans is really not likely to happen, but my main point is: I’m not making these numbers up. These all come from the United Nations, not me.

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The problem become gravely serious at 2030? I am little bit surprised that it start earlier. I was expecting to start at 2050.

Why does Sub Saharan Africa grow exponentially?

I will forgive our wonderful Jewish masters if they just release the bioweapon on niggers already.

How many threads about this do you need?

Why should I care about that marxist organization?

Because everything can grow forever on a finite planet with finite resources goy. Just like compound interest.

The foreign aids keep them alive so they breed even more. By 2050, it's pretty safe to say that they will eat each others daily.

Niggers are like feral cats. If you keep feeding them they will increase in numbers at an amazing rate.

The best solution for this is to attack the free gibs. If we cut off all the aid flowing into africa we would see a complete collapse of their population numbers in a relatively short period of time. We just need to make regain control of our borders first.

At some point the public opinion and thus support for Africa will shift and then the Great Starvation* will start.

*Really just niggerish incompetence + tribal war

Man, I can't wait.

This looks more scary than it is. There's no way this can practically occur, as the countries currently providing gibs are running out of money and drowning in seas of niggers as it is. Sweden can't even afford to keep their police force running, it's only a matter of time before other western countries are in a similar position.

It will actually be starving chinks who turn niggers into cattle to be eaten.


They don't care about having money to bring up kids well, unlike in 1st world countries. They just fuck all the time, kids keep getting born and they aren't dying because retards keep giving them food because muh poor starving children.

Is niggers having infrastructure like that the new meme?

Oh I forgot about the automation.

No, gweilo, we wirru just turn them into dog food, so we can eat dog. Over six thousand year of ancient Chinese curture, not a singor Chinese eat bracks. We wirru eat monkey, but not monkey peopor.

Imagine what happens when the international money markets fail and shipment doesn't happen. The niggers are probably the only reason they didn't crash the world economy as of now.

It's what happens when the world is run by women and effeminate men. The only thing they care about is making everyone happy and comfortable. They see someone suffering, just throw money at it. We're all the same! Everyone deserves to be happy! Who cares if you're personally funding a continent of people who still believe in magic and can't read or build things.

You know, I've been trying to figure out for the last couple of weeks if the recent comeback of Planet of the Apes was propaganda, or if some producer is slyly trying to subtly warn people.

Africa cannot produce enough food to feed such a population unless whites were to seize all the agricultural land.

they're making progress!
with the help of a few priviledged huwhytes teaching them, they can learn that newly harvested food is better stored on tarpaulins or in barrels than merely being dumped on the ground in the middle of critters and dung

they only do it after a propitiatory communal song however, so no telling how long they will keep doing it right or if they will slaughter some outcast who didn't sing with the rest because he was busy cleaning a toxic-waste barrel

There's a reason most space faring ayylmaos in fiction are 1 race.

Will never actually happen. Population trends follow basic ecological principles like everything else. Niggers are only ballooning in population because all the aid money, donations, and other sorts of investment in africa cause the carrying capacity of that habitat to go up, and the nigger population therefore expands to meet the higher carrying capacity.

Now, think back to ecology class, with an example of something like deer and wolves. What happens when the wolves are taken away? The deer population explodes to the point where there's no longer enough food to carry the deer population, and then a bunch of deer starve and die as the population collapses again. In this example, removing the wolves is similar to how the white man goes in and installs hospitals and vaccines and food in order to get rid of disease/famine/etc that would curb the population.

The only way not to have a collapse is if the west keeps giving infinitely more and more money to Africa. This obviously cannot happen forever. Eventually there WILL BE a collapse.

no, because we simply don't have enough money to give that much aid

Checked, and thanks for saving me from having to explain.

Everyone with an IQ above room temperature knows this.

The blood will be on the hands of cucks and lefties. Relish this.

Dickens satirized this tendency in women in the 19th century with the character of Mrs Jellyby in Bleak House.

"Dickens' major objection to missionaries was that they were more concerned with natives abroad than with the poor at home. For example, in his novel Bleak House Dickens mocks Mrs. Jellyby, who neglects her children for the natives of a fictional African country."

Man, that wiki page sure got a rewrite, lol.

We introduce gut flora that is more virulent so it replaces natural variants but has surface texture that expresses proprieties found on human eggs. This is called immunocontraception. This will create antibodies that will bind to sperm receptor cites on the egg cells blocking them off. It will reduce the chance of unintentional pregnancy by sevral orders of magnitude, essentially putting everyone on the pill but with no hormonal changes. Reliably getting pregnant would require fertility treatment. The cost of this treatment will decrease as demand increases but it will not be at a point where starving masses could ever afford to have children. Problem solved.

A better analogy is feral hogs. Very destructive to the environment around them.



Optimistic, but there's a problem with that. Other islands don't take in reindeer.

There will eventually be massive population collapse once the gibs run out, yes, but before that happens more and more of them will flood into other countries, primarily European ones. Even the countries who eventually wise up will import the exact same problems before they're forced to close their borders and much of the native population will suffer and starve due to third world parasites.

They know that. The goal is to get as many Africans out of Africa before it solves itself.

That picture only tells half the story. Here's the other missing half:

1. Hungry African country receives food aid.
2. Hungry African country's population doubles.
3. Now twice as many people live in hunger and misery.
4. Back to square one.

live in twice as much hunger and misery*

Which is why the goal is to "wake up" European people everywhere and get them to stop taking in migrants.

Correct. Niggers are like bacteria. What happens if you give bacteria food? Do you have well-fed plump and happy bacteria? No, they just multiply to the greatest extent the food source allows.

Start with 100k starving niggers. Give them food, and their population grows. Congratulations, you now have 100 million starving niggers.

Nogs are genetically programmed to constantly shit children because prior to the white man all but 1 or 2 of them died from disease or killing each other.
Once we gave them anti-biotics so more than 2 of them survived we fucked ourselves. That's why you see those things on dindus with 15 kids.

They're like a real life version of the krogans from mass effect. Used to shit out 100 kids each because 99% of them would die on their harsh planet. But then they were uplifted by ayy lmaos who gave them technology and medicine that allowed all their offspring to survive. So then their population swelled to the trillions and they conquered the galaxy, and the ayy lmaos had to spread a genetic sterilization virus to curb their numbers.

Daily reminder you or your children WILL live to see Malthus proven right.

African 21st/22nd Mass Extinction Event

More importantly, there is also the potential for a population to be so far in excess beyond the natural carrying capacity that the crash renders the surviving population unviable for recovery.

The classic example is that of reindeer on St. Matthew island:

The reindeer population grew so rapidly that the island was consumed down to the bare dirt in just a few years. The population went from over 6,000 to just 42 survivors, only one of which was male. The devastation of the island's food supply was so extensive that it couldn't support enough newborns for the population to recover before the breeding age population died off.

Now imagine what would happen if the same kind of resource exhaustion happened to a predatory species like humans. Reindeer simply do not have the psychological capacity to kill each other over food. Humans not only have the ability to consider that a viable option, the means for doing so are far more durable than perishable resources like food. Guns and ammo don't go "bad" in the span of time in which this collapse will take place. If 2 billion starving people can be contained on the continent, it would basically be the end of sub-saharan Africa.

Couldn't we exploit this by making nigger migrants fear the boats saving them by making them think that niggers brought abroad get sacrificed en masse to Ebola-chan, like some people did with those Hazmat doctors praising a shrine?

Exactly. And it's not even a question of if, but when. The only concern is that if our nations are still headed by bleeding heart faggots, we'll end up taking them all in, rather than letting them all die. It would be far FAR worse than the current mass migrations. So we need to get our shit together before this happens, so that we can properly quarantine africa and prevent anyone from getting out.

This is something I'm quite concerned about. A lot of people were quite happy when they found out that ancient Egyptians were confirmed to be white (or more precise, Mediterranean, with the closest living example probably being sardinians). This revelation made my hair stand up on the back of my neck. Why? Because it mean that Egypt's downfall was probably due to mass migration of niggers, whose DNA now makes up like ~20% of your average egyptian. And then you look at how the levant also used to be fairer, or persia, or turkey, or central asia, etc. Is it the fate of all great white civilizations to end up succumbing to mass migration and mongrelization? Is what's happening in America and western Europe just another example of this? I hope we can reverse it before it's too late


Wasn't in the bible some text about locusts? That's how these invaders will come over in Europe, million after million each month, all of the starving, they will literally eat everything.

Anyone have that Haitan mud cake video?

Great idea. Blacks are very superstitious and conspiratorial. Tell them they are being brought into Europe as slaves. Tell them that a number are sacrificed and eaten every full moon. Tell them the Arabs know this and are laughing about it.

I honestly don't think it's possible to quarantine Africa to the extent that it prevents the collapse of that entire hemisphere. Europe will be flooded by hundreds of millions of starving people simply because the mediterranean can be crossed at certain points on even the flimsiest of rafts. There's just no way to stop a migration on that scale with anything short of using nuclear/chemical/biological weapons. Luckily, the Atlantic and Pacific are too wide to be crossed en masse and the only viable waterway (Bering Strait) would require the starving masses to not only have destroyed the entire hemisphere, but have somehow pulled that off in a manner which still allows them to survive the brutal winters on either side of the Strait.

Europe is struggling after taking in just a few million well-fed migrants. Even if Europe uncucks itself, there's no way they can hold back hundreds of millions of invaders with the drive of starvation willing them forwards.

Purely hypothetical. Illegal to attempt.

After that you had to choose whether to allow the sterilization virus to continue or to stop it because it was wrong to have slowed their birthrates.

If you're willing to shoot at them it wouldn't be that hard no matter what.

pretty much

That's like asking why it takes longer for humans to breed than cancer to spread.

before that happens, whites will be uncaring or unable , for a reason or another to keep feeding the animals. expect famines, wars and epidemics. the usual.

Africas Malthusian collapse will be the most frightening thing ever witnessed.
From food aid, nuts & bolts to oil refiners they are completely dependant on others.
1billion people killing & eating each other.

Imagine how many species are gonna go extinct when and until this happens. Carbon footprint my ass, this is going to be a REAL ecological catastrophe of unimaginable proportions.



You do realize the turd world population is artificial right? christcucks have been breeding shitskins since just before the 19th century, "for only a dollar a day." kill off christuck's ability to feed their pets and close the borders, and there will be a mass die off correction.

Red cross money and food aid, once that stops they will all die off again in mass.

Great analogy. I had this experience with cats. I felt bad for a couple stray cats that were on my land and fed them (I've since learned from my mistake). All the cats were feral, but one still enjoyed my company and was nice to me. Only one.

They started to multiply. They would sit in my tomato plants and use them as litter boxes which created an acidic soil environment and killed my plants. They would also crawl all over my classic car and scratch it up, which infuriated me because I worked so hard on it for several years.

Some cats died from disease, but they kept multiplying. I stopped feeding them completely, got a dog on the property, and now they are gone and I'm quite satisfied with the results.


Sub-Saharan Africa cannot support those numbers.
The continent, if managed properly, could support a massive population, but unless the developed nations of the world re-colonize Africa and rule over it with an iron-fist, these billions will be flooding Europe in waves.
They will be walking over the bodies of other niggers who drowned during the journey, and they will keep coming.
And when the last euro can be given to African charities is given, when the last ounce of gold has been sold to support the welfare programs, when the last white person has been murdered, and when the prosperity of Europe has been looted and spent on alcohol and drugs, the black horde will move on.
They will logically aim for the next easiest target
But not easy in terms of logistics or geography. The Asian continent will defend their lands and will not permit such a horde to enter.
Instead, they will go after the easiest victim, just as a bully picks their target, they seek those who give into their antics (begging or beating)
They will try to fly over, sail over anything to get to America and Canada. And just like Europe, North America will be pillaged
But what then? At this point we're possibly hundreds of years in the future. Perhaps the Latin American countries have been completely subverted by Communists by then, and thus make themselves the next target? Maybe some in the Middle East buy into the ideas of liberalism after centuries of orthodoxy, and soon their treasures are despoiled.
One thing can be certain. A very small (((population))) will gain a massive host of slaves to serve them. (((They)), just as they do now, will have their hands in everything from consumer goods to sex slaves. They will seclude themselves from the world even more. By the time America falls, they might be a complete enigma to the world, hidden away in hundreds of acres of land they bought for pennies compared to their power

Just send some feminists over there and watch the men get cucked

TBH sometimes I put on Taylor Swift's Wildest Dreams and fantasize about a timeline where Rhodesia won, and the Rhodies and Saffers just went all the way and removed kikongo from the entire continent and set up a paradise.

But user, they already leave their men whenever they get raped in the ass.

It would be possible but not with the existing political class who relish the fact that this will happen. They are so eager for European man to be wiped from this earth that they have taken to sending slavers out into the middle of the Saharan desert to capture groups of African men to throw into Europe.

Make no mistake about it, the inevitable collapse of Africa has been their intention from the very beginning, they see Africans as less than livestock, they breed them as biological weapons to decimate the Europeans continent. If however we were to free ourselves of our genocidal political class then we could stop the invasion in its tracks with ease. Hails of bullets and a constant mist of napalm would stop any crossings, once the borders were turned into molten hells then the crossings would stop.

The sad thing is that none of this was necessary. Africa could either be getting along nicely under colonisation or be on its way back to reverting to tribal hunter gathering type societies. But the demon worshipers had other plans.

It's great idea

Niggers are not people

you know that right now the dead drowned are far far less than one percent of those who made it through?
people working in constructions or driving trucks ,i.e. people working for a living, sometimes have far worse odds.

Not to mention when there are more of them there is more unrest.

White children at age 5 who have been in a vegetable garden are aware of this. These niggers are beyond saving.

This is why I shoot cats on sight if they are harassing wildlife and not collared. Even collared two warnings and you're gone..

Because the Kikes redirect Western resources such as medical aid, vaccines, food and water supply projects, which destroy the natural checks and balances on African population explosion, which kept their population stable for millennia.
But of course, articles like this want you to focus your rage on mindless niggers who can't stop fucking, rather than the agent which turns that into a problem - humanitarian left-wing Whites and Jews.

You're no better than a White liberal who supports mass-immigration while living in an all-White suburb which is completely unaffected by what they have brought in, due to being economically inaccessible and preferentially protected by the attack dogs of the state (cops.)
All you've done by breeding hundreds of cats then scaring them away is sent the problem elsewhere for someone else to deal with.
Just like the White liberals send their pets into working-class areas, then dismiss any complaints from the White residents as the "moaning of uneducated racists."
You should have euthanized the plague you created.

Feral cats are nothing. Niggers are more akin to feral hogs in the manner they destroy the environment around them. We should issue hunting licenses for feral niggers. Niggers have become a very expensive nuisance animal.

The elites all ready know this. Which is why they've been pushing for homosexuality and broken families worldwide. And making living costs more expensive so people stop having kids.
This is a more palatable solution than shooting nigs with a minigun.


if we keep funding their population growth then yes

but then why do this in civilized countries and let the rest of the world continue to stone the gays and proliferate?

If or when North America and Europe collapse in a civil war or balkanization, there will be no one left to support this nigger infinite growing, the food in africa will be scarce and niggers will start killing each other for food and at some time it will have a pretty fast collapse.
I say there should be a blockade, block all the food aid to africa and sink any ship trying to pass this blockade.
The real question would be, how many are left when the dust settles.
Any way africa would be ripe for recolonization if white people pull their shit together.

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I think it'd benefit us overall to teach them to fear humanitarian aid in general, encourage them to resist it as much as they can. Go full jew and craft narratives, exploit and exaggerate, etc.

Africa without western food aid (and other imports to maintain what is left of the civilization that we built there) would revert to a population much like that of pre-colonial times. Estimates for that range from 1 to 300,000,000 instead of the 1.2 billion they have now. So many dead niggers, so little time.

Because the rest of the world doesn't matter. The jews' goal has ALWAYS been
1. The destruction of Christianity and Christian teachings.
2. The genocide of whites.
Nonwhites can be EASILY used as a slave class for the jews. Whites can't. It doesn't matter what nonwhites do when all the whites are gone, because the jews will be able to control them in whatever way they see fit.

In the 60s there was an experiment with mice where they were given as much food as necessary, but limited space. The rats kept reproducing without a care in the world because animals aren't able to plan for long-term. In a few generations they turned what could be heaven into hell.
Africa is a similar case. Humans give them tons of food and the niggers keep reproducing. As for the mice, the colony died out despite unlimited food.

Colonizing that shithole was a huge a mistake.

Now the fuckers can feed their population, white farmers need to go back home, and let the shitskins starve.

This is bullshit. This graph implies that they will be able to sustain the population instead of starving to death and murdering each other.

you forgot that in your depopulation propaganda, kike.

Fuck you, faggot. The world is our birthright.


Imagine what we could have done with an all-European Africa. Or rather don't, it's too painful.

The riches of the Congo are still there, squandered. The niggers can’t stop killing each other for long enough to make use of them. They’ll be there when we return, user. As will the fields of South Africa, rich enough to grow enough food for the whole continent. The big cats, elephants, rhinos, and hippos may not be, though. Nonwhites don’t care about conservationism.

Camp of the Saints just continues to become more prophetic by the day.

I remember reading about how blacks would eat seeds instead of planting them when they seized Rhodesian farms.

Everbody know only white peepuh care bout plants and crops and shit

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