Red Letter Media reviews the Last Jedi
They liked it

Retard. Mike has cowardly refused to review it.


Is anyone surprised?



Kill yourself.

thanks for the hooktube link, dont want to support these kikes

Its not even fucking RLM, you fucking sperg.


delet this you fucking kikes. if mike stoklasa doesnt have

the balls!!

to review it himself it doesnt belong on Kinochan!!!! Get the fuck out!!!!!!

It's in the OP.


I'll hook your mom's tubes.

I figured you would charge considering how much space his massive cock must take up in your brain case. But here you are, letting him have it for free.

I'm predicting Jay loved it, Mike thought it was okay, and if Rich is there, he loved it as well.

sudocuck you’re a retard and you aren’t BO.


They were too pussy to review it!!!! They gave it to their pussy padawons and told them what to say!!!! Dieeeeeee!!!!!!@

Man, fucking commies love drawing evil mickey mouse.


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I-it was a glitch!