What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

I keep forgetting Steve knows. I really need to start listening to his podcast again. Bet he's slipping left and right now that it's become hard to ignore.



whats up with his eye? is he a cyborb

It's pretty great. You can see he really catches Paul off guard.




is his podcast kino or does he just talk about wrestling and fighting house flies?

I know this show gets a lot of shit but this kind of shit writing wouldnt have existed had it not been for stocking the writing room with literally tumblr for season 3. fuck you Dan

I haven't heard it. Broken skull ranch is ok though. I just enjoy that clip because he flips the jews script on him and clearly shakes him up.

Man if he could've been more mature and not let feminists be on the show, it would be nice. I mean Dan was good on Community because he made sure to hire good writers for Seasons 1 and 2.(not sure about the other seasons)

Wrestlers always have some good stories to tell. Their lives are can be more outlandish than the things we see in the ring

They did call him the Bionic Redneck for a while.

very true

Watching Dean Ambrose coked out of his mind try to shoot a work on Stone Cold only for Austin to look at him like a dog who just got shown a card trick was hilarious. You know Ambrose was kissing ass and trying to impress him so he could get some juice with management and when it failed he starts to panic a little and gradually spills his spaghetti over the course of five minutes. Stone Cold wasn't having any of that little faggots bullshit and they both knew it.



That show went to shit, very quickly.

*blocks your path*

Austin trying really hard not to sound racist
(((What do you mean?)))

is he really shilling for a cougar dating site? I found it odd that a dating site willing to sponsored Austin podcast considering his content is mainly wrestling

How quickly?

No, you fucking moron. If Stone Cold questioned the Jews and even said how the women on the website were clingy and desperate, then he's not a shill.

makes sense to me. most wrestling fans are neckbeard losers who can't get laid, which makes them the perfect demo for a cougar dating site.

The best part of his podcast for me is listening to him shill the most random shit because of how hilarious it sounds.

it's a lie though
it'd be like putting a swastika on stalin.

If anything Stone Cold would be a Strasserist or a NazBol.

What do you expect? It's a phallo-centric soap opera for retards and intellectually lazy intelligent people who get off on cultural slumming. Pretty much describes the aut-hwhite that are the primary fanbase of rastlan.

Bo Dallas knows too. He tried to get people to bolieve but the honorary jew Vince Kike Mcmahon put him down.
