Why do some leftists (like rebshit) become more centrist? Is it lost hope in a revolution...

why do some leftists (like rebshit) become more centrist? Is it lost hope in a revolution? Is that why bernard and others became socdem?


Rebel just wants attention; he was never convinced of anything to begin with. To add insult to injury, he's not even really educated on whatever he flip flops to, usually being familiar with at best (if anything at all) Youtube videos or Wikipedia articles on a given subject. For example, he's a 'post-Keynesian' now because it's the most out there and (relatively, for Holla Forums and social media normies) obscure economic theory to subscribe to, so he does it because he might get attention for it from newfags or the gullible fucks that watch his Youtube videos.


I suppose people find a way to work within the system and reform it as opposed to conducting mass revolution

People like rebel obesity are only "leftists" for the same reason they tripfag. If they were women, they'd be getting piercings and dating bad boys to get back at their parents.

As for people like sandlers, it's the result of being against a system while still trying to work within the system. In the name of trying to "actually get something done" as a socdem will doubtlessly defend themselves with, they give up on trying to accomplish something meaningful because the price is too scary, too difficult to accept. They still want the same thing, but can't come to terms with the means to reach those ends.


I left it there as part of the joke

This is implying he was ever not a socdem. Of course, he's a much more feisty socdem than most others, he perhaps even once had truly radical views, but a socdem nonetheless.

Note that I absolutely do think S█████ and figures like him will be important to revitalize the left. Figures that manage to rally a popular discontent to channel forward. They must always be criticized though and we should channel this discontent for truly useful purposes.

Basically this Rebel and people like him are attention whores and they basically need to be put in the gulag because they're going to be the counter revolutionaries if an actual revolution happens.
Also, Rebel is an emotional little bitch.

Rebel is a pempered faggot who wants to be special and above in any environment, so figured out the best way to be like that among left-wing edgelords is being a centrist.

All you need to do is post zippocat to make him have a hissy fit

After the revolution there will be giant pictures of zippocat and other gore images so that people like Rebel and normies in general get so triggered that they don't go outside and therefore don't participate within society

Holy shit this is what this guy ACTUALLY BELIEVES.

Someone beat you to that tbh

What, changed ideologies again already?

The normalfag in question has arrived, abandon thread.

Isn't post-keynesianism just just soc-dem reforms in practice? Does it even necessitate the worker owning the means of production? Also, everything I've read makes it sound like capital accumulation is still possible

Sartre is my favourite existentialist tbh


You're 20 minutes too late, delete it before the hotpockets ban you and use it in a thread where he recently shitposted

Fuck rebel but
Don't fuck with cats.

this board is beyond salvation

I've seen it before, I just don't like kitty gore. I've been that way since Holla Forums

I don't like it either, but when I posted that, I made that faggot reply:
so it was worth it.

here's your You.

now fuck off.

It's hilarious how many newshits are on this board.

Rebel represents the worst of pseudo-intelligence in leftist circles (especially forums and social media). It's all big words and fancy names to hide behind a 1% knowledge or reading of anything beyond Youtube phil intros and Wikipedia pages, and whenever someone points out bullshit or gives him cogent critique of his pop-phil tier knowledge it's automatically your typical coy and 'ironic' replies coupled with anime pictures and image macros to make everything seem like 'just a prank bro'. This is then usually accompanied or shortly followed by even more verbose and mildly obscure trivia about the subject to project and feign a teensy tiny bit of doubt that he might know just an ounce about it. This is exemplified at its most extreme when he starts uploading PDFs (which he's never read) to signal that he 'really knows his stuff guise!'.

because he was never leftist to begin with. he's just bored

Leeeeeel, that fucking faggot is posting about this thread on his twatter.

The word cancer is thrown around a lot, but out of curiosity I went and checked his twitter feed.

Only now do I truly see.

Why don't you faggots go pick on someone who's read LESS theory than you?
Shit gay thread.
Post-Keynesian economics is just the most solid economic theory, it's not anti-revolutionary or pro-market or anything.

go defend your IRC buttbuddy elsewhere

Lares = Rebel?

equally retarded, so maybe.


They got tried of debating stormfags.


At least you managed to condense the entire experience into stormfags converting you into a socdem during one debate.

All me btw


Looks like you forgot to take off your flag, Rebel.

Nobody will ever believe you're a master troll, nice try.

this is clearly a shitpost flag
why the fuck would I pretend to be rebel bashing rebel?

and judging by his gif he's underage too


I don't know, some pretentious philosophical meta joke? Are you trying to coax me into a snafu lad?

While I don't doubt that rebel could come up with something that retarded, I can assure you it's not happening right now.

I guess that must mean you then, because that's the most retarded thing I've read today.

It's pointless to get too flustered over guys like this. Everybody who is interested in politics as a youth goes through this phase in their late teens/early 20s.

"Changing ideology" every couple of months and thinking it's some profound milestone, picking the most obscure label to call yourself like a rich kid telling you about his favourite shitty indie band nobody cares about, convinced of your own sophistication and intellect and that people who criticise you or disagree with you "just don't get it".

I was that kid. Everybody over 30 (or even fucking 25) on this board was probably that kid.

The only difference is that with youtube and other social media and shit these kids make fools of themselves in front of the whole world now instead of just being made fun of behind his back by his friends.

People who swing have no shame anyhow.


The revolutionary leftist is like a child, quick to assume that everyone around him is wrong, and everything is entitled to him from his existence. He has trouble coping with the world that is not like his idealistic vision, and thus looked for a radical method to change it, amend it so that it fits his needs. And just like a child, he often dreams of big changes and big results, without actually knowing how to get there, and thus all his solutions are arbitrary. "Revolution!", "The bourgeoisie!", "Workers ownership of the means of production!", his understanding of the world is crafted with a lack of real experience and more of philosophical defense. He drowns himself in stacks of books written by authors who lived long before he was born, consumes their thoughts, and romanticizes them as the authoritative guiding figure he desperately needs. Instead of dealing with real people and concerning himself with things that directly affects him, the revolutionary leftist seeks to rationalize his radical rebellion with self-promises of big changes, claiming that only a fundamental change can solve his and society's problems. This way, he can avoid ever actually taking action in creating small changes to better the world he lives in, instead he can just claim that any small changes have no effects to further his cause, and thus are meaningless. He fights for change for the sake of change, not for actual betterment of the society which he lives in, or even a betterment of himself as an individual. His existence is reduced to being a mere parasite of society, crying for improvements without ever improving himself nor any minor aspects around him, instead leeching off others around him for resources and existence. In the end, his cause is never taken seriously, as individuals always shape the society around them, not the opposite, for society is not a conscious being but rather a composition of individuals. People will always realize the so called "revolutionary" leftist has no actual impact or capability to create an impact on the world around him, and will always abandon the cause they take with him. The leftist is left alone, alienated, only to keep blaming anyone, or even no one at all, he blames society, capitalism, the "system", anything to avoid ever blaming himself.

TLDR you fags are pathetic as fuck

ftfy newfriend

Said the ancrap who just posted a wall of text no one will read.

Fuck off cappie

It's very simple: the path of least resistance is more comfortable.
I've known personally a lot of people like that.

You're seriously fuckin retarded my man

I wonder…

He might not be a revolutionary Marxist, but he's an incrementalist Marxian nonetheless you fucking mongoloid.

Rebel is a cretin, more at eleven

what do they have to do with post-keynesian economics

maybe he's a post-keynesian because it's the most empirically valid economic school of thought?

Nah, next month he's going to discover even more obscure shit like neo-Ricardianism and ditch post-Keynesianism.

didn't know psychics browsed Holla Forums

You don't need extrasensory perception to know Rebel is a fag