I almost went to prison for fucking with a local small business online...

I almost went to prison for fucking with a local small business online. Dude actually called the police and managed to hit me with blackmail charges because I said I'd stop trolling his business if I left a bs4 game somewhere in town. Small business porky is still porky.

Pic related notice how he looks like a douchy Chad.

Small businesses can eat my ass like groceries.

He could have done better with the wife.

he's pretty ugly too, look at that bone structure

sounds like you were just being an asshole tbqh. You were just fucking with the guy's business for no reason? why?


what happened op

OP is "fucking with porky" the same way antifa is "fighting fascism".

His wife looks halfway through her metamorphosis from blowup doll cheerleader to 'can I speak to the manager?'


You support harassment of some random dude who runs a store for no fucking reason? What the fuck is wrong with you?

You aren't a leftist, you're an edgy child. Kys

It's not that I support it, it's that I don't defend the dude as fervently as you. Go back to reddit, liberal.


your OC is shit

you're shit

nazi punks fuck off

i didn't try. don't care. keep being a liberal


I'd say he's a 7/10. She's a 4.

probably has a really great personality


To be honest, it depends on whether he hires people or not.

If he does, then I can see your point. Though, honestly there's MUCH bigger fish to fry. (And, he's justified in his actions by the way. I would freak out if some random guy keeps fucking with me.)

Some "small" business people can be complete shit, though. I know of a SJW small-business woman who literally believes that employers should fire people they disagree with and fires workers just for triggering her. She also tried to get Thunderf00t fired from his job under false charges of him being a "nazi". Not only that, but America defines small businesses too loosely. (Europe does too, but America's "small" businesses would be large or at least medium sized by European standards.)

If he doesn't or relies on his family to help around, then you're a complete douchebag. Especially because you're basically doxing him. (If that's his actual picture and you're not just fucking with us.)

*Heard of, not know. It was pretty high-profile a while ago.

Blow up a bank or wall street.


first of all why arent you on a veepeenis tovarish wat are u some kinda fackin mook, that kind of stupidity is almost deserving of a rape cage

second of all details plez you cant just give us a half ass here what the fuck are you doing i want to know faggit so i can judge U