Sony has a new Flash Sale, just for Stillborn, half off too

Sony has a new Flash Sale, just for Stillborn, half off too.

Is it safe to not only call it flop of the year, but one of the biggest flop of the current gen so far?

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There was so much fucking advertising for it. Superbowl, Stanley cup and other big sports events. They are probably just trying to recoup as much as they can as quickly as they can.

To be fair the number of players is up slightly but like evolve you really need to weekends to judge it. Evolve going free to play turned out to be a failure and although it's likely the same will happen to stillborn there could always be a miracle.

In truth both games are doing badly because they are very flawed gameplay wise and extremely bugged. Neither have waifuable characters (no, wraith does not appeal to normalfags).

As far as I know there's only one poster who defends battleborn here which is another terrible sign. Even the biggest pile of shit usually has more shills than that.

it's a bigger bomb then tortanic, so yes.

How long will it be until Stillborn ends up on this list?


ghostbusters movie is giving it strong competition for flop of the year, but maybe. its definitely one of the two.

Holy shit, that's hilarious.

They also had a meltdown on Twitter rivaled only by Scalzi's

It's already Humble bundle filler.

And not even a full 6 months after launch.

I'm honestly interested to see how far it drops this week.

Why is that game so bad compared to all these generic class based shooters ?

Evolve is far better than Overwatch in gameplay. Or at least it used to before the dumbening.

Another notable flop would have to be Umbrella Corps with 12 playing as of 7 min ago on Steam, but given Battleborne's ad campaign it's a big contender for the number one flop

The art design is ridiculous, gameplay and performance was (allegedly) poor at launch and it made the grave mistake of trying to outshill Blizzard.

Also the budget was higher than Borderlands 1+2 combined because ????

Eh, they should have made more sexual characters.

Marketing. If it weren't for Overwatch, Battleborn would be much better off (normalfags worship Blizzard). It probably wouldn't be a success overall, but not failing at the TORtanic levels we see now.

I don't think many people view your opinion as credible. Looking at the basics evolve is a bullet sponge game which is huge disadvantage right there. It's the same problem that played a part in killing games like Battleborn, The Division, Destiny and Brink. Of course you could say Overwatch is a bullet sponge game too, but to nowhere near the same degree.

We'll never know if that's true but what is true is that Battleborn has exceptionally poor character designs. They would have a hard time standing up against any game. There is nothing to market. In fact I would argue that marketing those characters makes people less likely to buy the game. In that regard I think Gearbox's failure is historic.

"Bulletsponges" would definitely go against Overwatch's instant gratification design philosophy and it's core essence of a glorified facebook-tier game.

What is this game about?

I personally dislike both games but there is no point deluding yourself as to how gearbox has torpedoed battleborn. You have your opinion but you also have to accept very few people agree with it.

How those faggots not kill themselves yet?

If you meant the birds and the logs and the footprints, decent players (not even good, just decent) don't leave those. Hunters literally just run around for 10-15 minutes and then spam all they have and hope their aim is good enough to win, while the monster hides for 10-15 minutes, feeding when he can and then spam all his abilities and hope he's OP enough to win.
Definitely much better.

Except, it's not Juggernaut at all. The jugg doesn't start at his full power while the other team does, and this is why it fails as the Juggernaut gamemode it wanted to be.
Hunters are more agressive than the monster in early game. They are more scary to the monster than he is to them, that's how fucking retarded the game is.
However, you get to stage 3 and good luck losing, you could just faceroll your keyboard and still win just with the stats the game gives you to make the wait worth it.

Or at least, that was how the game was played before the F2P update. Now the Hunters were buffed a bit but the Monster was buffed even more and he can freely engage in a fight at early stages, take down a few people and leave like it's nobody's business. Wraith doesn't even have to wait for S3, she can solo an Hunter team at stage 1, just gotta get Armor first.

You do realize you are saying "if it doesn't take 3 months to kill, it's not fun", right? Overwatch does keep throwing shit at you during a match, respawn timers are short, travel time too and you'll be hard pressed to get 5 seconds of quiet time.
However if this is "instant gratification", then let's go back to Quake or Unreal where you can kill someone in 2-3 seconds and maps are designed in a way it never takes longer than that to find the respawning enemy.

Are you seriously this triggered because of the votes in the end?

Please, stop excusing how awfull the game is with that lame excuse. Even if there was no competition, it would have sold like shit. It's a game that doesn't appeal to anyone at all.
Everytime I see someone talking about this, all I see is "Oh, it's a perfectly great game, 11/10, too bad about the marketing and the competition, it would surely be a major sucess otherwise".
Leave the "more ads = more sales" to the suits that don't even play videogames.

It's a tower defense MOBA with first person combat in real time, where a Jedi Knight, Master Chief and Gandalf fight side by side.

Sounds exciting? Read it again but this time imagine it's an "Ideas Guy" saying it.

Pitchford really must have been an ideas guy to fuck up BB. That or he is more of an idea kid.

That "a Jedi Knight, Master Chief and Gandalf fight side by side" is actually a direct quote said by Randy, actually. He wanted a game where this could happen so he made Battleborn.

Demon's Crest was known to produce negative sales for Capcom. How is it not listed in the wiki?


Deande is decent and Orendi has the most porn of all crew, but I think it's only because how weird her desing is.
Too bad Bird husbando had to end up in such a pile of shit game.

I really doubt the naked legs are supposed to follow the outlines of his cargo pants.

The art style and character designs in Stillborn is a mess. Its like it was designed to appeal to as wide a demographic as possible but in the end it appeals to no one because it so generic and cluttered.
It would have flopped whether Overwatch had come out or not.