I have finally come to the realization that you guys are the good goys...

I have finally come to the realization that you guys are the good goys. I am a former victim of the cult that is the alt-right I used to hate you guys because you promoted the destruction of what I felt was muh White race and muh culture and that capitalism. But I now realize that socialists were fighting for me, a working class, person all along and that we're all humans at the end of the day trying to make ends meet.

Other urls found in this thread:


Welcome to Holla Forums, comrade

You went from one misconception about the Left, to another misconception about the Left. Socialists today fight for petty economic gains and cultural signifiers, and those of us who care about the working class are too powerless and too chickenshit to do anything

Welcome to the club, newfriend.

I think he meant socialist, not socdems. As in us, not the SJW "left".

Welcome, comrade. I was todl to come here by a triggered Holla Forumsyp and found myself rather liking it here. Now, I find their ignorant blithering hilarious.

They will periodically try to stir shit but call them on their garbage and your comrades will have your back.

Thanks fam. It's going to take a while to uproot the deep racism that was developed from spending years on Holla Forums but I want to become a better person.

Don't be afraid to ask for reading lists and PDFs, Das Kapital is a good place to start in terms of paper books.

Lurk plenty so you can remember the rhetoric. And know this. A white man's blood runs just as red as a black's.

One race, one people.

>I have finally come to the realization that you guys are the good goys.
I see what you did there


Going for the heavyweight right from the start?


eh, go big or go home.

Thanks for the recommendation, fam. I'll make sure to read it. Also will read Manifesto too.

You're completely right about that. The hate just comes from the propaganda that is spread. I think any Holla Forums user if they were to actually get outside their echo chamber and went and talked to a refugee they'd know that they aren't the evil people that they make them out to be. They're just people who are fleeing their war torn homes for better opportunities but I'm supposed to believe based on nothing but propaganda that they have a sinister agenda to make the West Muslim and non-white? That level of hatred towards other races and groups of people is always rooted in propaganda and false beliefs. It's why Hitler had to make up so many lies about Jews in order to dehumanize them before he genocided them.

I mean I despised Muslims especially Saudis. Until I spoke to a Saudi international student which opened up my mind more about them. These are people who are so sheltered that is why they're easily misled by propaganda.

it's a typo I am not rusing anybody

It's workers of the world unite, not workers of the rich world unite.

As a worker in a rich country, you are the new muh privileged the left fight and the third world worker is the new proletariat the fight for.

This is a nice Holla Forums meme fam

I'm not dumb enough to fall for this

20% of them come from a country at war.
They just come for the better opportunity.

The rape and crime epidemic is real. There is thousand videos of women being harassed by poor war refugees.

It is not about hating others, it is about knowing if the best countries of the world will be pulled down at the level of the worsts or if the worse countries in the world will have to climb their way to the level of the best ones.

After more than a week here, you will.


Fuck off jason.


I don't, but according to what i read here, you do.

Explain BLM.
People self segregate, you can't fight that. You have to deal with it.

This is Germany attempting to prop up capitalism, as breaking down the nuclear family, feminism (all tropes of the Holla Forums narrative) has led to the Germans seeking careers instead of families, they've tried everything to fix their population crisis. Saying they're doing it for altruistic reasons is a cheap diversion that not only directs attention away from the problems with capitalism but pits liberals and conservatives against each other.
Saudis have a shitty reputation because the vast majority of them are too dirt poor to leave the country, and the House of Saud are invariably a bunch of sadistic spoiled brats.

How long have you been browsing leftypol? You seem to have done quite a heel turn with what you're saying.

Then we have to make it widely obvious that racial squabbling only makes everyone's situation worse.

Do you have any evidence to back up the 20% stat?

Also you would do the same if you were in their position. It doesn't change the fact that right wingers in Europe are scapegoating refugees instead of addressing the real reason why there is even a migrant crisis in Europe.

You misspelled Germans capitalists.

I've been browsing leftpol for a couple of weeks though I've known about this place for a long time but I still spend most of my time on Holla Forums though I don't agree with my old views.. It's a habit which I'm beginning to break.

i give you a little part of my illegal immigration crisis folder.

This is correct. Few hate those people only because they're different. They see what direction we're headed down and what the lives of our children and grandchildren would be like. After watching a couple videos shared on here I actually feel compelled to look into the economics instead of believing it's all bad, but our countries will be totally screwed if we don't have any sense of self-preservation. I'm sceptical about the post-scarcity utopia ever really happening but I know with people that don't respect our people and that will try to take power when they have the numbers, we certainly won't reach it.

I agree. You can't really fault them for doing what they can but it's the responsibility of your country to look after its own people. If it can't even do that, what hope will it have for the rest of the world? There are alternative way to help these people.

Consider the following:
Holla Forums loves their dank infographs, but how many of them are sourced.
and of those that are, are said sources provided in full, not cherrypicked and provided by an impartial party who are not likely to modify results to fit their narrative.

Racism is a form of ignorance that is best solved through exposure, but the other side of the thing where liberals fetishize minorities and pretend that suffering and marginalization have imbued in them a fundamental goodness of spirit and nobility born of suffering is just as shitty, imo, and often comes from the same sheltered mindset.

The truth is that all people can be shitty, and the oppressed and marginalized can be just as shitty as the ones who benefit from institutional racism and exclusion, due to material circumstances, criminogenic surroundings, and so on and so on (sniff). I think there are two major currents in racism, the kind formed by ignorance and propaganda, and the kind formed by bad experiences that were not understood within their greater societal context. I don't think the latter kind should be discounted - it's far more insidious than the kind caused by propaganda, and by far more difficult I think to excise once it's taken root.

Likewise, the Saudi royal family and the upper crust are some absolutely horrible people. They're literally propping up a feudal slave state and exporting their toxic brand of Salafist Islam to every corner of the world. Obviously not everyone who lives in Saudi Arabia is behind that, but I wouldn't be too keen to trust liberal reformists of any nationality - I mean, look at what happened to Rosa.

They would do far worse than I do if they were in my position. What is your point?

There is a migrant crisis because we made Europe good to live in and they made their countries shitty to live in. And the door is open.

How do we address that? I say we close the door, it worked for the Australians.
You say we should take them until we are as low as them.

Then, big corporations will use their medias to tell you the only reason to disagree is hate, fear and racism.

Welcome aboard matey!

Yeah I'm sure those centuries of imperialist exploitation and interventionism didn't have anything to do with that. Yep, it was all them who made their countries shitty, forget about the IMF and the imperial governments and America/Britain fucking the ME into explosive instability since at least the 60s.



You have reading comprehension issues then. Nobody on here thinks income dictates class.

I've had conversations with some of them where I've asked for proofs, been linked to a reputable source, not found a single mention of the topic at hand, told them this, and they insisted it was in there relentlessly until I asked them to greentext it, at which point they started posting unsourced infographics.

They're just as cultish as SJWs, they're like those old evangelicals that would knowingly lie because"they know it to be true in their hearts".

Consider the following:

In conjunction, this is solid evidence for the disparate outcome being attributable to more than fluffy socioeconomoc factors.

Also, jews.

Every country has done reprehensible shit in the past, the US and GB most recently. Does that mean civilians in their countries should suffer? Would having working class children that haven't even been born yet suffer heal wounds caused by the elite? It won't. Help the people in their countries, do what you can overseas. We already see the damage being done by bringing them over.

Not the guy that made the claim but:

I agree tbh. Nearly all of the info that forms the ideological basis of the alt-right/nationalism comes from dubious sources. There is simply no reasoning with this people precisely because their views aren't based on reason, logic or evidence.

BLM, just like white nationalists, are a reactionary group that collect people whose prejudices cultivated by environmental and economic isolation become triggered by incendiary incidents and their tribalistic sense of "others/invaders/attackers" kicks in, negating any hope of peacable reconciliation.

No one deserves anything.

Thats great but we aren't talking about what other countries did in the past. We are specifically talking about the Middle East's current situation which is largely due to western meddling.

This is a meme though. The migrant crime stats are blown way out of proportion. Also I'd say even if there is migrant crime that's not the reason why you are against immigration. You are against it because the people don't share the same skin color as you and because you fear that these people will one day replace you. It's based on xenophobic fear.

I was arguing with a black acquaintance the other night about "white muh privilege" and when I said that class was a bigger factor than race in being murdered by the cops he said "you make an intelligent argument but I am tired of white people telling black people what to think about racism" and "reason doesn't matter when my feelings are involved."

couldn't wew hard enough

See The Bell Curve/Minnesota Transracial Adoption Studies

See The Color of Crime

See The Culture of Crutique

Are all hard statistical facts. You can ignore them if you'd like, but this information is far from "dubiously sourced."

So BLM wants to return to a time when black people were legally second class citizens? I don't think that word means what you think it means.

You're not wrong, but this Western meddling is fomented by the jewish ruling class.

Before Israel became our greatest ally, we didn't have any enemies in the middle east.

You can say the same about people your side. If you want to discuss shit with people that just share memes you won't get great info.

The role of a country should be to protect its people. You mightn't agree with this but 95% of people do.

Why ignore the rest of my post? I support giving them aide and kicking out corrupt politicians and interests that supported those wars. Hurting your people, short and long term, isn't the right strategy.

Maybe they are blown out of proportion but they do disproportionately commit crime, regardless of their economic situation. That's not even my main issue. My issue is in the future when they have numbers on us. Why wouldn't they strive to take power? Again I don't blame them for that. I'm concerned about the native children that will be hurt by it generations to come. Their culture and traditions being wiped out. I would be against that for any people, not just my own. But when it is my culture and tradition being hurt I'm going to fight for it.

How exactly does an IQ test measure "genetic factor?" Do you give them some blood every time you fill one out and they return how much "genetic factor" they found in the bloodwork? Or is it just a bunch of retards speculating as to the meaning behind group-level differences and trying to torture heritability into something you can discern for between-group differences?

And government stats fuck up all the time. It's funny how Holla Forums so often comes up with these ideas about how big gubbermand is bad and inefficient but takes the UCR as the infallible word of God despite being made by that same gubbermand. Hell, the stats behind a Holla Forums meme going around saying that blacks rape 27,000 white women a year was based on less than 10 samples that they generalized to rapes per capita by assuming that their sample was representative. Take it from me, there's a lot of shit in stats.

Sorry, bucko, but that's far from hard. And there's no such thing as hard statistical facts. Statistics is what you use when you don't have hard facts.


Argumentum ad populum doesn't make you right.

You don't deserve anything.

Definition is a spook

It's funny how the alt-right is
Your culture and traditions are being wiped out because of capitalism not because of immigrants, ffs. Just look at the degradation of American culture and see what capitalism does to culture. It has nothing to do with immigrants. Again you are scapegoating.

If you went outside you would see that the majority of immigrants are well adapted into the culture. You're only thinking of the refugees who are just starting to come to Europe and assuming their situation is the same for all immigrants, but what about Indians? Chinese? All these people adapt to the country that they immigrate too.

2% of the population wields more than 50% of the political power. Chalk it up to coincidence if you want, but it's a pattern that's played out over 100 times throughout history and I refuse to be that naive.

Totally unbiased, trustworthy source.


If it's so lolworthy than why doesn't anybody try to refute it?

Its how the capitalist system works, its not the magical joos power, you fucking idiot.

Thats why we are against capitalism.

How the fuck do you even quantify political power, you gibbering retard?

By 2% of the population he means 'da joos', not 2% of the population. I'm sure he'd be perfectly fine with the capitalist oligarchy if they were all white.

How do you define political power?

For starters.

That's already been done by people much smarter than me. Just google it. I'm not going to waste my time seriously engaging in some thinly veiled tripe.

There are plenty of white people with incredible amounts of political power. Would you be against them too? I guess being fucked in the ass is only bad when it's the Jews which are doing it.

Oh I didn't read the rest of your post. If the fear isn't irrational does that make it legitimate to you? I don't see how saying I fear something makes me wrong about it when they are legitimate concerns.

Oh I'm not only against immigration. That's just one piece of it. I'm not some neo-Nazi that only gives a shit about white skin. Our culture doesn't deserve saving if it continues how it has. But something to consider is most things can be recovered, but if the genetic make-up of a people is destroyed there's no fixing that. Destroy a country and it can rebuild as something new. Destroy a language or people and they're gone forever. So immigration is one part of it, but it's pretty significant.

I agree, the majority are perfectly fine people that just want a nice life. Again, you miss the rest of my post. When they get numbers, which we can all agree they are having more kids than us, they become confident and they take power. If they have control, why wouldn't they prefer a culture similar to their ancestors? I don't have any sources for this on me but often its the second and third generation immigrants that don't assimilate to the host nation, and it especially happens when they form ghettos or have entire neighbourhoods of their own.



Does the Hibernian know no bounds?

You did not address the main point of my post: capitalism destroys culture and traditions.

Abuse of power is always bad, but de facto slavery of a constructive majority by a destructove minority acting in unison is particularly abhorrent.

I'm not even concerned with how you're conceptualizing it.You can have that as a freebie. I'm asking you to explain, step-by-step, how you came to the 50% figure and what data it is based on.

What exactly have you contributed or done to claim ownership of this culture to which you say you're a part


Jews are 1/3 of the supreme court and also over represented in the senate / congress if you want to do some of your own spade work.

Clearly my "50%" claim is somewhat arbitrary. However, we're deaing with a grup that comprises 2% of the population, so in the context of the above, there's obvious over representation.

Let's work together, comrade.

You have to give up your teethbrush to become one of us

Welcome friend. Read Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution.

Ignore tankies they hate freedom

I'm open to looking into other economic systems. Capitalism obviously isn't doing so well. Doesn't negate anything else I've said. I wouldn't say communism will be a failsafe means of protecting culture and traditions either.

I'm my parents' son, they are their parents' children, and so on. Culture in its nature is passed down through the generations and is added to over time. Our parents do what they do often to create a better world for the future. Saying I'm not worthy of a culture because I wasn't alive in the span of its creation is ridiculous. This is an old alt-right talking point but it applies: would you say the same thing to an African and expect them to agree with you?

The culture you grew up in isn't the culture of your parents or grandparents. The values, technology, and institutions have all changed. There isn't some long unbroken chain of culture that you're a part of.

so you have contributed nothing to "your" culture and yet you claim to be a part of it


you talk about metaphysical bullshit and deserving things you've done absolutely nothing to make and then turn right around and cry about how immigrants don't deserve to come to your shitty country

Just admit you're jealous of your gibsmedats and I'll give you points for honesty at least

Genetics and culture are intertwined and there *is* a long unbroken chain of genetics from which we are derived.

addendum: i would say the same thing to anyone and not give a shit if they agree or not because it doesn't matter in the slightest

top kek

Gonna need a source, champ.

Maybe that has something to do with the fact that the Ashkenazim have a long-standing history of education and professionalism owing to the fact that their religious tradition placed a strong emphasis on literacy and textual interpretation in addition to the fact that they have historically been pushed into banking in Europe due to the inability of Christians and Muslims to engage in usury with their own people, which together have allowed them to come to a position of prominence within the same liberal elites that are peopled by a large proportion of white Protestants and Catholics.

Chalking this up to a racial conspiracy is absolute bollocks, especially when the people who actually run the world don't even view it in racial terms and they don't care about race - they just care about making wealth and protecting wealth.

lol someone call vinkman and the gang because this guy is haunted as shit

That's not true. Yes, it's evolved quite dramatically in the past twenty years, but it's still identifiably the same culture. The values are often very close. Take the Anglosphere. We all have more in common with each other than any other countries because we have similar roots, but if you put an Aussie in Canada they'll stand out noticeably. I'm against multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism, our countries aren't perfect, but immigration is a sure way to destroy it permanently. This could be the wake-up call we needed, but it needs to end sooner than later for all our sake, native and immigrant.

Completely wrong and totally dishonest. A German kid born to German parents in 2016 will hold very similar values and participate in the same traditions as their parents (minus multicultural influence) in 2036. Children of immigrants, born in neighbourhoods full of non-natives, will not hold similar values and be involved in the same traditions. Why would they? It seems like you're trying to deconstruct the entire notion of culture instead of admitting to the fact they will at best change and at worst destroy it.

This is some spooky shit, I thought Halloween was over, what gives?

The values and culture of today are the same as those held in 1916 or 1816?

Like how people are predisposed to picking mates with a similar generic profile to themselves?


Or how twins separated at birth and reunited in the future discovered they both suffered from tension headaches, were prone to nail biting, smoked Salem cigarettes, drove the same type of car and even vacationed at the same beach in Florida?


Keep telling yourself behavior (and by extension, culture) is 100% nurture. Tbh fam, I wish it were, but it just ain't so.

I love it when nobody gives this insufferable autist fuel.

In more ways than not, yes. Especially outside of cities. Are you really blind to this or are you squirming because you cannot address the meat of my arguments?

you can be as mad as you like but the fact of the matter is that you're a parasite claiming partial ownership and entitlement not only to a geographic location but a whole culture you had nothing to do with making or contributing to besides being born

your entire worldview is based on entitlement and spooks. It's pretty pathetic

What's really funny is that you seem almost entirely ignorant of the "culture" you claim to be a part of.

That's because they have the exact same genetics and lived within the same material conditions. Next you're going to tell me you believe in free will.

I'm glad you realized kingdom hearts is light.

I fail to see the overarching similarities.
So now it's an environmental thing?

When I die, I would rather leave my estate to my posterity than a random person determined by the whim of the state.

So too was the will of my ancestors.

What you call unfounded entitlement and parasitism could more accurately be defined as the will of those responsible for bringing me here.

The real entitled parasites are those trying to rent seek by taking gibs from those more successful than themselves.

So a Mongol child raised in an American home would have a penchant for horse archery and Tengriism, and an American child raised in a Mongol home would be all about burgers and clapping despite them not having burger on the steppe?



No matter which angle anyone attacks your arguments they'll never get to the meat of it, because it's fucking nothing.

Nice false dichotomy.

Maybe you're confusing smug for autistic and disingenuous, because you haven't proven their material conditions are different at all.

What does that have to do with culture being genetic? Are we like a hive mind due to our "similar" genes?

That is literally your argument. You're the one that said that because some behaviours are caused by genetics, then culture and genetics are intertwined.

I'm surprised how much I overestimated Holla Forums. You're just as shit as Holla Forums at addressing arguments but just a little bit more smug about your position.

This says more about you than it does me. You come off as being completely ambivalent to culture (assuming not just European) and since you're on this board I know you care about leftist economics. Is this true? Do the stereotypes about a communist state really hold true?

Kek you're so full of shit. Your whole idea of culture is really what are called "trends".

Look beneath the surface and it'll become more apparent. Think about European countries, even ones that are close to each other, and think about what they are known for.
If less than half of a city's population is comprised of people native to the land of course it'll be different.

Your attempt to frame it this way is why your side will end up losing the culture war.

Culture is an expression of group behavior. If we are predisposed to mating with people genetically similar, and genetics are prone to influencing even very niche aspects of our behavior, it's not a very far stretch to suggest that genetics influences culture.

Obviously it's complicated and no air tight "proof" exists that would satisfy you, so keep callng me a spook, I guess.

holy lel, appealing to actual spooks

saints preserve us

We're losing the culture war because people are thick as pig shit and behave like cult acolytes, with you being a prime example; posting your bell curve autism and the exact same arguments every other hour and running away when you get BTFO and acting indignant when you're not taken seriously.

stay classy Holla Forums

Only thing you've established is that genetics can be shown to influence nail-biting in one specific case study.

The "convert" was the booty blasted Holla Forumsyp all along. Classic.

Nah, I think he fucked off just after bell curve autist turned up. They're talking to each other earlier on.

You're actually right. I misread penchant as a different word that was more "necessarily follows" rather than "tacitly influences." My bad.

So yeah, that's right. Except instead of ludicrous hyperbole like horse archery and burger eating, I think factors like "preferred government structure" and "willingness to delay gratification for the purpose of civilization building" are more meaningful in this context.

Do us a favor. Define culture for us, or at the least, "your" culture.

He's not going to do that, he's going to move the goalposts and be posting graphs again within a few posts.

Label it what you like, but all it is is human nature. You can try to manufacture your perfect society all you like but if you try to do it working against how people have always thought and behaved you'll lose. Also, I've done none of those things.

Nice pic but ignoring the "real" way humans "feel" about their group means backlash.

This is exactly what the OP wanted.

Somebody post the incurable and the insufferable, we've got a winner!

come on now you're just having a giggle

We got a live one!

He's in practically every thread.

Saying that what government you prefer is rooted in genes is just as ridiculous as saying that your tendency to ride horses and shoot bows is rooted in genes.

"Willingness to … civilization building" is a complex behaviour that cannot be attributed to genetic causes unless you somehow come up with some data that shows how genetics is undeniably responsible for that. Until then, it's equivalent to saying that genetics causes you to prefer to eat burgers over other foods and clap when you approve of something, because those are the same types of complex learned behaviours.


Replace us with kids from Sudan and you won't have the same country.

Laugh at my phrasing if you want but people will act a certain way when put under pressure. Call it nature or psychology, idc, but it's the truth. Denying the existence of it means you won't ever change things. All great leaders knew how to use it to their benefit.

Yeah, dude. Civilization only existed in certain gene pools. Only white people (and select melanin enriched groups that you seem worthy) have built what could constitute civilization.

Graphs inbound.

I haven't been following this discussion but I've got something to add to a point you made I don't often see people make.

I personally am convinced by genetics influencing behaviour, it makes sense to me that evolution doesn't just effect our physical appearance, but nevertheless when you bring one Japanese family and put them in an all-white neighbourhood, they'll get along and act pretty similar to everyone else. If 30% of the neighbourhood was Japanese, those Japanese kids will be less likely to mix with the white kids and so they'll come out pretty differently. That's a small scale example, but it definitely applies to the greater population. People are tribal and prefer associating with their own group.

Yeah I haven't posted one image to this thread. Check the link I posted. Here it is again if you missed it:

I'll admit Australia doesn't have a long rich culture, it's a relatively new country, but it's still distinct. I said something similar to this before but I'd stand out even in England being an Australian.

OP's """"""""""""culture""""""""""

Yes this is a dessert in australia

Shit article btw.

That's a kid's party food you silly seppo cunt.
And my first post was

Feel free to Google your country's culture, you might learn something about yourself.

I am not a seppo faggot

Speaking as an immigrant myself and someone who lives in a place with a huge immigrant population, I don't think that's always the case. The ones most likely to stick to their own kind are usually first-generation, but people who are born and raised in their country of residence tend to mix with all sorts, from my experience.

Where this would be different is if there's enough of a community there that you can A) get your schooling in your own language, from your own people and B) get all your goods and services from people of the same ethnicity. In that case, you're practically living in an enclave and not in a different country at all. If you're socialized with people of various different cultures and ethnicities from a young age, I don't think the tribalism idea holds.

As an Australian who has definitely not posted yet in this thread I would like to say that this is our greatest dessert dish.

IQ is demonstrably non-zero genetic and appears to be at some level requisite for successful civilization building.

It correlates strongly with things such as wealth creation, not being a violent criminal, and willingness to defer gratification, all of which seem intuitively related to building civilization.

It's impossible to "prove" until we fully map out the genome and obtain a full understanding of the mechanism by which human intelligence is created, but we don't even fully understand the relationship between genes and height, yet nobody would be so nauve as to deny this causation.

The data is there, if you're willing to keep an open mind instead of continually shifting the goal posts and rationalizing away the obvious impact genetic stock has on civilization and culture.

What, like I'm a boring latent autist with no identity of his own?

Even if all of those are true, how can you say that the fact Jews are over-represented in certain positions of power means "the Jews" as an entity controls anything? If a group of individuals who have a certain qualifier in common are powerful, that doesn't mean that there's any organization behind that qualifier through which all those individuals are powerful.

Because of socio-economic reasons historically forcing minorities into their enclaves, until a sort of segregation becomes the norm.

An example of this is the various Untouchable castes in various Asian communities. They're not genetically or culturally all that different from the rest of their community, but their historical social status tends to keep them in their own ghettos.

I'm still here

There is no escaping Holla Forums it seems whole thread has been co-opted

I agree 100% with your second paragraph. I'd be happy if the foreign population was limited to 5%. I'd hold no resentment towards them. Enclaves are a real thing though, and you get a lot of Muslim only neighbourhoods. It'll only grow and get worse.

No lol. There's individual identity and group identity. They exist.

Shame on you OP for misrepresenting the ideas held by the majority of people on Holla Forums. btw did I do anything to pull you back to the dark side?

I was going to post a reaction image but here's a graph I know you've all been holding out for.

You have a point but I would counter it by asking why it's completely verboten to publicly discuss jewish power.

A white person who says jews have too much power is an antisemite, while a jewish person who says whites have too much power is a sociologist.

Paraphrasing Voltaire, to determine who it is that rules over you, simply ask yourself who it is that you're unable to criticize.

So do Sumerian, Egyptian, Ethiopian, Assyrian, Moorish, Mayan, Aztec, etc civilizations not count?

They have in-group preference, they'll select other Jews before goyim, and do things in the Jewish interest; which could mean subversion depending on what's best for Jews in their mind.

Top kek, every time.

This is why I don't like that argument. It should be our genetics built our civilisation for us, therefore we're most likely to uphold it since it fits with our perspective.

By modern race standards Jews are considered white. The only people who insist otherwise are usually white supremacists or hardcore Zionists.

But it doesn't fit my standards.

Yeah, some through labor, some through theft and suckerpunches.

They have white skin but they have been and always will be separate from other white people, especially in their own minds. You're totally wrong about it only being the hardcore Zionists too.

You know IQ is just a form of test that's intended to measure intelligence, right? Whether it actually does so is a whole nother matter, but let me break down what you're saying here: getting higher scores at IQ tests correlates with being better able to build civilization.

Now, there's a problem here - we didn't gather a bunch of IQ test results from hunter-gatherers in primordial pre-history and waited ten thousand years to see which built civilizations. What we did was get a bunch of IQ test results from people living today, after civilization was already built.

It's an entirely spurious correlation. As it stands, you could just as easily say that both low IQ test results and the lack of formal states with complex division of labour circa whenever were in fact caused by another lurking variable. Or hell, perhaps barbarity is simply the default state of being, and the fact that certain groups snapped out of it is the aberration.

Yes, it makes intuitive sense if you don't think about it. But that's all you really have, intuition, not evidence. Could there be a genetic reason behind the fact that a certain group of ancient Anatolians decided to sit on their asses and grow shit instead of being hunter-gatherers like everyone else? Sure. Do you have any proofs besides 'it sounds right'? Fuck no, you don't. It's like Mencken said: for every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.

Going from 'it's possible that genetics might be a factor' to 'niggers are subhuman and we need to build a state based on racial hierarchies and privatization of industry' is the characteristic retardation of Holla Forums. There is no obvious impact of genetics, you admitted so yourself. So long as IQ continues to be the rallying cry of the ignorant racist, this will continue to be the case, as IQ proves nothing.

If you want some stuff to read, here you go.

The manifesto is pretty basic. Some of the specific ideas are a bit dated, but the general theory and concepts still hold up. It's pretty easy to read, you can knock it out in an hour or two.

Don't listen to and don't start with Capital. You'll hate yourself and won't understand shit. Start with this basic intro to marx instead, then get a reading list about where to go from there.

'What is Property' is the founding book of anarchism in the modern era, and Proudhon's mutualism, while not as relevant today, has influenced nearly every anarchist school of thought.

Conquest of Bread is like the Manifesto, but for Anarchists. It lays out the basics for Anarcho-Communism, and is also pretty influential. It's not very long, and while the specific details are a bit dated, it still holds true in concept and theory.

The State and Revolution is Lenin's seminal work, its also not too long and gets the basics of leninism out.

Its up to you where to start(although the manifesto and the intro to marx is probably the best), but try to get a feel for who you agree with the most out of these books, or what ideas fascinated or interested you, and read up on things related to that. Good luck!


Get over it Steven.

Do you have a graph to back this up?


Holla Forumstardation rears its ugly little head once again. No indication in there that there exists a causal relationship between IQ and presence of civilization.

Except that their unique intelligence profile suggests that there is sufficient genetoc differentiation to classify them as non white.


They identify as white for the purposes of blending into a host society but identify as non white for the purposes of practicing an in-group preference.

And you didn't answer my question as to why jewish criticism isn't permitted within the prevailing Overton Window.

Anyone responding to our resident IQ autist below this line is an AnCap

Not on my hard drive but a short stay on Holla Forums should give you something.

I disagree with the second line of greentext. It should be "fuck off back to Africa so we can start thriving again".
Some good material here: thealternativehypothesis.org/index.php/2016/04/20/evidence-for-a-partial-genetic-cause/

So I suppose germans and Itallians are pre disposed to be fascists then?

Explain how Botswana is doing well then if it's in their """"nature"""" to act constantly tribal and dumb, despite having a rising economy which is maintained by trade unions and coalitions of workers, and has a rising HDI.

What's illegitimate about them?


The country with the third highest rate of HIV AIDS? They were given civilisation by the British, they have the mining resources to keep it going, they've done A LOT better than countries that were never colonised. Being close to South Africa helps. And their HDI isn't rising at a rate any faster than most other African nations.

Top kek. Thanks for the whitepill, you guys will never succeed. Saging because old thread.