Asia has the biggest Consumption of soy in the world

Really makes you think

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It all makes sense now.

Makes you think.


Asia doesn't consume unfermented soy, and the fermentation process removes the estrogen.

Top cuck.

reminder to all /polyp/ soyboys

Yeah, on paper soy sounds great. A lot of military dudes and lifters loved it until the whole xenoestrogens thing came out.


Only because there were meat shortages during the war and they used it as a substitute for protein, they wouldn't eat that shit otherwise. It wasn't a popular dish like it is in asia

no proof those even exist, take your meds

Meh. The guys injecting memes into pol and the alt-kike are clearly mocking them anyway. They deserve it too tbf.

are you brain damaged?

To be fair to the nazis, they didn't exactly have hundreds of fish-mouthed vegans obsessively tweeting about every aspect of their life to see the effect soy has.

When in the 1930's? Because beginning in 1936, the Four-Year Plan was initiated, which was about preparing Germany for World War through re-armament and autarky, since meat from large export markets like America and Argentina would be greatly reduced by the Allied blockades of Germany. Thus, growing soy would have been an ersatz solution to the meat problem.
Soyboy detected.

Gaydolf Shitler was a vegcucked soyboy and so are any other "men" (,they aren't worthy of the title) that refuse to eat the flesh of a animal. Period. Nazis are officially betacuck soyboys with homosexual tendencies.

Adolf had moral standards that he set himself to, which is more than I can certainly say about (((men))) like you. You talk like you're Chad Thundercock, but I can notice the inherent insecurities that warns me of your betacuckery.

tl;dr: you're the soyboy betacuck faggot


Haha you showed him :)


The only thing to show to a racist nazi is the business end of a semiautomatic rifle.

This is how twitterfags and redditors unironically sound, btw. Whenever I venture out into the simpernet I always come across queers saying the exact same thing verbatim, same pics too.

Really makes you think

Eugene is the Asian one.

>mfw Asian cucks are more manly than these manlets

Following a zionist neocon and CIA propaganda news. The literal state of Holla Forums.

I have become the normalfag. Still better than being a edgy Shitler fanboy. I'm not about to abandon my principles so I can fit in with a bunch of racist assholes that want to let "der (more like duuuuuuur) fuhrer" teabag them with his solitary testicle. Thanks but no thanks sweetie, I'm not in the mood for your poison mr hater and I don't think that your car breaking down or you running out of milk is the work of a global jewish conspiracy,I just think you are fucking insane. Sorry honey but the truth hurts…It's time to leave mommy's basement, enter the workforce and come to terms with the fact that everything you know is a lie. Sorry but I'm not sorry. You need to hear this.

Is this the most Jewish phrase ever?

lel, pretty accurate impersonation/10

I think it's a goon thing, but I'm not sure.


Then explain their tiny cocks.

They aren't that small. Sure they aren't as big as most people's but they are pretty damned close.

t. cumskin

Fake news. Eurasian Tiger had a great video dissecting this myth but his channel was shoah'd. It's a total fabrication.

Is that the autist-face that wanted to fuck his mommy?

I wouldn't be surprised. Cumskins like to project their own failures onto better peoples.
Funny how all those things fit inbred birdshitskins better than anyone else they try to tack them onto.

Dude I aint gay but ET is legit handsome. HE could be a model if it wasn't for insecure white people abusing their control of media to shoehorn themselves into everything,

Nah, Elliot Rodgers was legit handsome. ET looks like Sheldon with microcephaly.


Testosterone actually leads to smaller pene. Why do you think roiders have small pene?

4D chess


You thought it was just a meme, didn't you?

Hitler moved to Argentina and lived until the 1950's…



I feel like this post needs to be preserved somehow.

Why a semiautomatic rifle, and what kind? Can't be the Moresin-Nugget, that was made by racist and sexist Russian bigots and the mass-murdering genocidal Tsar, who were thankfully overthrown by Vladimirita Lenina, may kox pronouns be respected.