So, there's a petition on to remove wild pokemon from highways and "high crime" neighbourhoods

So, there's a petition on to remove wild pokemon from highways and "high crime" neighbourhoods.

Good idea, bad idea, or troll?

anyway, your only other option is getting police to do more work, what do you think is more likely to happen?


Who gives a shit? What the fuck do you think online petitions actually do? Are you mentally ill?

A huge number of people need to die off. Let this happen.



B-b-but people of color have a right to play pokemon go too!

Nobody cares about online petitions in the first place, but you're bored you could sign it for a chance of Kotaku writing an article about racists trying to ban Pokemon Go from black neighborhoods.

Niggers have no rights.

Nah, let them remain in the streets.

If goyim are so desperate to get rare pokemon, they'll have to risk their shit

Natural selection was never so sweet
.t Millennial

No thank you. Keep niggers out of my neighborhood please.

Breaking news: Pokemon discriminates "urban youth".

How about people stop being fucking morons and not run into cars or go into bad neighborhoods?

Seems like it could be a good way to troll people with a "racist pokemon petition". I say we start signing it.

why would you want to stop natural selection?

I just want to take pokemon away from impoverished nigger children

fucking this

Why? Pokemon is for niggers and normalfags

What is even the point of this? Just don't walk on the fucking highway or into ghettos for pokemon.
How retarded are the people that play this game that they need Nintendo to step in because they lack the self control to resist running into traffic?


The only good thing that will come out of that is a reality check for all those bleeding hearts


You just took off your disguise, Schlomo. Into the oven you go.

I play that game, but never unarmed

The more people who are exposed to the idea of "high crime" ie non-white areas being disgusting the better. Then we can move onto the next stage which is reclaiming those areas and doing away with the previous residents.


How do these people even wander into shitty areas? Are they literally only looking at their phones?

What universe do you live in where drug deals still go down in abandoned warehouses?

If you're stupid enough to run onto the highway to catch a fucking pokemon then you deserve to be hit by a car.

Are you implying they don't?

Yes. You've been watching too many movies.

no, drug dealers do shit in places like walmart or 7/11 parking lots, where it's a lot harder to get shot for your shit instead of a neat and orderly transaction.

pokemon already don't spawn if you're moving at highway speeds. these people don't even play the game.

And give up all the microtransaction money from dumb niggers buying pokeballs? please.

Are you racist or something? Those areas are diverse and colorful unlike those boring white areas

*drop dead


Maybe just… don't go there?

No. If people are stupid enough to get stabbed or run over while catching Pokemon they deserve every bit of it and humanity is better off with them out of the gene pool


Bad idea, it will only bring the people of these "high crime" area out into low crime areas. Basically niggers gonna nignog white neighborhoods.

We wuz master baiters

Bad idea. It would reduce a lot of the hilarious stories that come out because of Pokemon Go and would be an affront to Lord Kek after giving us such a blessing.

Nah dawg, the niggers going for pokemon are probably the weeaboos, those guys are chill as fuck


Unfortunately, Pokemon Go is popular even with hoodrats so you're gonna get a few based blackaboos with dindus.




It only gets better when you dig deeper.



Is this what reject 3D animators do for a living?


millenial culture makes me feel violent rage and intense depression at the same time

millenials were a mistake they are nothing bu trash

i pray to god our planet collides with the sun one day soon


This is hilarious.

Watch this video.

Watch it.

You will hate life after, but you will feel good that you didn't accomplishment anything in your life and died a virgin.

t. millennial


Anyone who's between roughly 18 to 36 years old counts as a millenial.

They are doing this unironically..


Can't wait for the inevitable Kotaku article.

Good idea!

Lets let gubbamint control all business!


Is that a Sig?

Yea. Its a sig p229.

I just bought a p320 a few weeks ago. I could tell from the sights.


Anyway, I haven't played Pokemon Go. Any good?

Excuse me, it's called DIVERSITY.

The CIA wants you to investigate behind that ally and wants a focused view of the door to the back of a crackhouse. C'mon you know you want that rare spawn.

Good job Nintendo

The vote was held because of an online petition

so le edgy

nice meme
blacks are poor
commit crimes poor people commit
"wow black crimerate"
meanwhile no one actually addresses the fact blacks get and stay poor for a variety of reasons except to say whitey is keeping them down and shit nigguh
in any case

Lol that's what I was thinking. If I was a nintendo money man I'd say these guys just hate that latinos, blacks and balkans can play pokemon go as well as others. Or something like that.

We need mo money for dem programs, right?

Innate tendencies toward criminal behavior cannot be "fixed" with money. 3rd world countries are shitholes because of 3rd world people & importing said people into a 1st world country turns it into a crime-ridden 3rd world shithole, especially in areas where those low-IQ 3rd world peoples are concentrated. IE. blacks & arabs

the poorest states in the country are in the north and are mostly white though.
They still don't commit crimes anywhere near niggers.

lol buttmad


Shit, did I just walk into cuckchan? Where did all these cucks come from? The niggers always whine about whites ruining everything but it takes literally 5 seconds of critical thinking to know that is complete and utter bullshit. Proof? Was Africa better before or after the white man? Would you rather be in Africa or a white country? Fuck if you hate white people so much don't live in countries where they are majority, niggers.

They're poor because they're stupid and stupid because they're niggers. Your point isn't new and has been constantly shown to be bullshit every time it's pulled up. It's 2016, get on the right side of history and start hating niggers


If a moron walks into traffic or bumps into the local heroin addict, it's best for them to accept their fate and serve as a lesson for the rest.

Literally every black guy I met is a fucking weeb, mate.
I have no idea why. It bothers me. Usually, they're the worst type of weeb, too. Full of waifu faggotry watching shitty 'slice of life' moefest trash.

Most of it is due to their culture. Personally, I don't beleive in the Holla Forums 'MUH UNEVOLVED INFERIOR' shit, but I do believe some cultures are a hell of a lot better than others, and some cultures are so shit you should suppress them.
Nigger culture is one such culture.
No drive to move forward, no want to work together, no morality, and more issues. It does not lend itself to a good, productive society. But, to critique this is racism.

Hello friend. I'm not a weeb. Wanna go get a few beers? I promise not to rape you only if you promise not to rape me.

Except that niggers have proven to be just as shit growing up with white culture.

Beer is shit and you should feel bad.

But is that the dense city poor, or is it rural "poor"?
Rural "poor" shouldn't even count. Those guys don't have want for money because they got everything they need already, typically living largely off big chunks of family-split land they hardly spend a cent on. Meanwhile cities give you no hunting, no family to mooch off of, no free water because everyone has a well, no actually helpful community, and they gotta pay their rents.

Cities are literally everything that is wrong with the world today.
If we nuked them all off the face of the earth, we would not suffer an ounce.

Wanna go out and get a few bottles of water, on me?

Come on, what are we, liberals?
Break out the homemade high-quality rootbeer and call it a day.

source ?

We talking white parents, white classes, kept away from black people entirely?
Because I have my doubts.

So you believe evolution stopped at the neck then?


Quit drinking pisswater. Just because you've never had anything not ending in 'Lite' doesn't mean all beer is shit.

Are we talkin' mythological headless men here or some shit?

petitions do absolutely nothing, so it doesn't matter either way.

the only thing their culture tells them to do is not get married and that's one of the keys to the issue you're ignoring
nice meme

poverty is centered largely around a minority of urban blacks, but cities are always higher in crime-rates across the board in any case
again, its poverty and urban poverty, which whites avoid like the plague because their parents and community bother to tell them to do so

didn't know this was a lol thread

you can't read or comprehend complex topics

that was the point
culture will never ever be addressed unless it is the focal point, it will be the crutch niggers fall upon if their race is questioned and the situation will never improve
the largest differences in "race" are iq and culture, both of which can change and improve as long as you force them to the task

Leave the game the way it is. Honestly I wish the spawn rate had these things more evenly spread. As it stands, it seems like these fucking things cluster up in some areas and avoid others. This is with or without a lure or anything like that. What this ends up meaning is that you can walk forever without seeing a pokemon at all. That's bullshit.
ESPECIALLY since their own in-game tracker is broken and doesn't fucking work anymore.

As for people wandering into the highway for these things? Are people retarded? You have a huge radius.
Listen, sometimes we got to let stupid people just fall off. We have put all the safety nets in place and now we have to just let it go.

How the fuck can I manage to live nearly 30 years on this planet, going outside in busy neighborhoods with lots of high traffic streets and not get even close to being hit by a car and these fucking morons are getting plinked off left and right?

As for the bad neighborhood thing? Good. Fuck it. It helps expose these shitty fucking places to the masses and will help show how shitty people can be there.
It is going to be hard to tell the world that the criminal elements that are popping these pokemon lures to wait for people to come by so they can rob them are doing it because they are poor and the system failed them.

On top of that, consider all the plethora of adults who play this game.

I'm actually just waiting for the Pokemon Go story where somebody carrying a firearm (in accordance with laws and regulations of their state/county) ends up wasting a would-be mugger or other piece of shit violent criminal.

That's the one thing people don't seem to fucking understand. Crime both loves and hates that people, law abiding citizens, are out and about and all over the place. While it increases the target base it also increases the eyes watching the criminal.
And honestly, it would probably bring people back to the side of the police once they realize that all these poor underprivileged dindus really don't give a fuck how progressive or compassionate you are.

This goes against pokemon go's intended purpose:
chlorine for the gene pool

Culture is a byproduct of racial behavior, genius. Not a means to hand-wave it away.
Different racial populations exhibit different cultural values & preferences due to, say it with me, innate behaviors.

The racial differences in brain structure are obvious from simply observing various skull structures.
You think all these different craniums contain the same sort of brain producing the same sort of behavior? Nonsense.
Race exists. Tendencies toward certain behaviors & preferences within races exists. It's the same with the sexes.

How do you like it so far? Love my P229.

American said the same thing about Asians
Now tell what is the racial stereotype of Asians ?

It's a matter of them being unable to co-exist with other races, and that they're lumped into a single term, black. Some of them are straight from Africa, other's are the produce of Irish servants mixing with slaves. It's a profound issue, that isn't found exclusively here either. Due to foreign aid, some races in Africa have grown larger than the rest, and have been spilling over into neighbouring countries, and it causes a lot of war, poverty, and general suffering. Segregation and Apartheid were the best solutions to the problems of multi-ethnic states that didn't involve mass cullings and deportations.

Niantic are notorious for ignoring feedback so it's not like we need to worry about them caving to some random shitty petition and preventing natural selection from taking place.

So where do indians and arabs fit? Caucasoids?

Crying to momma government.

If something like this does come to pass it will most likely bring the bads into the good neighborhoods or convince the bads to be a good neighborhood.
Has there been any past history on something like entertainment or media effecting the behavior of a neighborhood for the better?

Is that in anyway skewed by niggers who become wealthy through drugs, gangasta rap or any other criminal means vs whites who tend to come from wealth?

The spawn rate thing is to get people to go and do their shit in highly populated areas as free advertising. IRL it should send people into the wilderness, that's is what I've heard everyone say.

I thought they just reused the Ingress spawn locations? ideally it would have people going to parks to catch Bokumon.

The first bit is okay, but the last not so much.

The densest locations in my city are the parks. Do the birds need more advertising?

Soulless automata?


fuck off illuminati

The same shit.

wow that looks gorgeous, my toaster cant handle such things. dont think i wanna watch this video though

Pick one


No it wasn't

That would cause discrimination, black people wouldn't be able to play in their neighborhoods

Oh the ironing.

Definitely. Although I have seen claims that the Dravidians derive from an Australoid race.

nobody gives a shit

If parents are too stupid to keep their kids away from "high crime neighborhoods" (aka. niggers), they deserve it.

They huwhite to me


It's Pokemon. I wouldn't expect an old fart like you to understand today's youth

but where else am I supposed to catch rapidash and mankey

Nigger that shit was busted 200 years ago.

Blackaboos are the most beautiful creatures on earth

the graphical mod is separate, but there's actually an actively developed pokemon mod for minecraft and it's really good. basically pokemon 3D with a slower development and a world you can interact with

Indians are far from caucasoids but some arabs are caucasoids

nigga come on, there's probably an electronics store or something like less than a block away