Cop Detains White Man for "Offending" Some Anti-White Slant Eyed Whore

I'm always pro-cop, but..

What in the ever loving fuck?! These are the type of cops who deserve to get shot during a routine traffic stop.

forgot to mention, all the guy did was say she "looked like a mom."

He shouldn't have said it. Cop was in the right. Maybe he'll learn to respect the law next time? We can only hope, anyways. Sage goes in all fields.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Deserves it for race-mixing. Apply yourself Holla Forums.

eat a dick copsucker

Where is this? When he said "Were you offended by that?" I almost blew chunks.

and what's wrong with looking like a mom?

Oh man I just looked at Holla Forums for the first time ever. Fuck me fuck me fuck me. Why is the entire catalog a post of three dicks with no responses. Like the entire fucking catalog. WTF. Never going there again just wtf.

You shouldn't be. Have you been living under a rock for the last 12 months? We've routinely had stories like this where kike owned militarized cops fuck us over in favor of communists like antifa.

Cops are not your fucking friends. Don't be an idiot and mistrust them just because niggers get uppity every time some spic cop shoots one of them.

This. Cops are based.

JIDF detected.

Fuck off TRSodomite.

Even better.

You can respect what they do, but you shouldn't just mindlessly agree with them on everything. Remember Rotherham.
sage for doublepost

Looks just like any other day on Holla Forums to me.

Hate to admit it, but dubs of truth. Just because they occasionally take out some tweaked out dindu, doesn't mean they're out to protect and serve.

Fuck off kike. Rotherham was a Jew led operation. Most people and kids smuggling or raped around the planet is conducted by the Jewish mafia. This has been this way since the Atlantic slave trade.

You're missing the point, but whatever. Sounds like you just want (you)s.

But the cops actively covered it up…

Can someone make a webm instead of shitposting this much?

Cops are only told what to do by Jewish elites. Holy fuck you are summer. Go back to reddit.

Didn't miss any point TRSodomite. It's just you are a blue pilled faggot from that faggot subreddit.

He didn't break any law.

No. They are the enforcers of the state, which is controlled by Jews and bent on our extermination. Cops are also more likely to shoot whites than blacks by a huge margin, whereas the opposite is obviously true for criminality.

Fuck this theme.



You're laying it on too thick. Tone it down a little.

Only people that complain about "laying on things thick" are faggots close to the rhetorical center that can't handle the level of discourse here, i.e. TRSodomites, cuckchanners, and redditors. You've just outed yourself.

You couldn't possibly fit more buzzwords into that post if you tried. Kill yourself kike.


I mean your shilling is too obvious. Either you're a try hard faggot or incredibly butt blasted cop. Come to think of it, you have the perfect personality for easily triggered white knight cop.

You couldn't be more obvious, leftyfur.


I'm not the one being buttblasted about common terminology used here and word policing what people say, because you act like an offended /r/cuck redditor.

just filter the waste of a post and move on fellow ayran brother

And then he can sue the police for wrongful arrest, I mean what can they charge him with that will stick?

Literal Long Live Holla Forums!.

Holla Forums is literally Holla Forums trying to be likable.

I should have listened to this wise user here

That's pretty fucking hilarious.

Nah fuck the police even the good ones. I believe the best method is "self policing." We wouldn't even need police in a 100% white and based country. Fuck em, they're always out to get you with traffic tickets, they'll find a way to fuck you. I'd sooner fight for my self than call the cops.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT STOP REPLYING TO THE SHILL ALREADY. He is destroying conversation by making you argue with him. Stop being retarded user.

The police are a tool of whatever party owns them. Nothing more, nothing less.


I suck at making webms. no bully

Gotta admit tho, he's got bantz.

Jesus, what a weak fucking attempt at a troll, you piece of filth. You think everyone here is "pro-cop?" Go look up Ruby Ridge and Waco for a start.

isn't offense just a physiological reaction to perceived threats?
if it's an illegitimate threat, is it not then illegitimate offense?

This. Although, if you get in a conflict with someone, especially a violent one, calling the cops before they do can save you a whole lot of hassle. Often the cops side with whoever plays the victim first.

Deport these people, there are too many low class, poorly educated, and loathsome cultures ruining our society.

What the fuck…


Can anyone screencap his face when he is hand-cuffed and looking at the camera near 2/3 of the video? That ultracuck expression on his face is priceless. I'm on my phone right now.

If the guy doesn't sue he's passing up free money.

Does this shock you summerfag?

I don't understand, for what reason did he put that fag in handcuffs?
It would make sense in a serf state like Australia but they actually have constitutional rights in America, right?

What does it say about Sweden when I can't tell if this person is joking or not?


Then why aren't the dicks black?

cause nobody likes dicks that look like turds

Dubs of half-truth, in reality the cops have never been more than a force used by the elites to pacify the general populace. They side against whoever poses the greatest threat to the desired order, regardless of political stance.

They side against whoever poses the greatest threat to the desired order, regardless of political stance. Decades ago it was the left at Berkeley and other such places, now its the right.

Vid related, cops don't give a fuck if you are the victim of a crime and have no issue with murdering homeless veterans.

Couple of questions, first, why did he blur the cop's face? He has no obligation to protect the cop's identity when the cop is being videoed while on duty.
Second, did he sue for false arrest? If not, then why not?

Trips confirm blacks in porn = scat. No wonder the jews are pushing it.

change your theme or customize the css
or stop being such a bitch boy to your mother she will love you unconditionally

Fucking Chinese goddam subhuman filth.

Where did I talk about "laying it on too thick" you fucking retard?

Fuck off with your non-argument sliding kike.

Cops are shit
Motorcycle cops are worse than shit.
And these faggy bicycle cops who look like homosexual rent-a-cops are the fucking worst. Comparing them to shit is an insult to shit.

Being mom is offensive nowadays, heh. Because babies are evil and must be aborted! So the "mom" is shaming word! I just hope later in her life that bitch will regret not being one.

Fucking spoiled degenerate subhumans. They deserve an actual hitler, not trump.

Hopefully he gets a nice big settlement out of this.

kek, that's got to be a troll. Then again, it's often that the left is legitimately going full retard.

well, he was released in about 2 minutes, it's terrible, but it's not nearly as bad as I thought it was when I read the OP

Monkeys in their natural environment

Good goy.

Those were feds.

I'm convinced you people work in teams. First, the set up of absurdly pretending that police are always right, then the "criticism" comes in the form of rejecting all police authority as a pursuit of liberty/masculinity. Fuck off with your false dichotomy.

He still does have a point. All law enforcement orgs are scum

Same shit different name.

saying that 10 > 5 is not saying that 5

What even is this retarded shit? Their communication skills, even drunk, are like they're on some rice nigger sitcom where they don't even understand what words mean. I assume a mixture of female, drunk and almost likely actually ESL.

Typical Ancap faggots. Cops trained in Israel are garbage. Cops trained by Israelis are garbage. Corrupt cops are garbage. Cops who are foreigners are garbage.

Cops who join to serve the people, and do their duty to the letter of the law should be respected. OP's cop is clearly a fucking Israeli trained lapdog. Generalizing is retarded. Law enforcement is a necessary component of modern society due to the size and density of populations, not to mention the horrifying side effects of miscegenation and multiculturalism.

It's not the same. Police are localized most of the time, while the federal government is trying to reserve this. Waco was Chuck Schumer, the Clinton's, Joe Biden and the usual crowd of Jews and Satanists who wanted to burn a bunch of kids alive in a ritual sacrifice. They used the ATF, secret service, and other federal and state agencies to carry out the operation. Oklahoma city bombing was part of the same operation. A one two strike on militias, because they blamed militias for the attack on the Oklahoma city building, which they said Waco was the cause for the "terrorist" to bomb the building, which he didn't. When a, surprise, LOCAL cop discovered inconsistencies in the story, they had him killed.

Ruby Ridge was set up by the FBI to entrap a man with asking him to sell them weapons, so they could force him to be a plant, when he refused to be a plant, they got offended and killed his family.

Enjoy living in Somalia. There are no law enforcement "orgs" there. There's a distinction in acknowledging what is necessary and acknowledging what needs to be done to make that necessity workable. Where the Nazi police scum too? Generalizing for the sake of it is an emotional brain response.

Does anyone remember that one William Pierce broadcast where a Florida cop sent Pierce a letter threatening to arrest National Alliance members if they "spread hate" in his city and he thought that "being hateful" was illegal?

why the fuck are they doing this?

Isn't sending letters threatening illegal detention, or possibly worse, illegal? Or is it OK when cops do it?


10,000 hours in Corel Draw.

You're the summerfag, too manichean to realize you have to punish the jews' pets to teach people not to serve them.


He's a smug manlet and they still all want to fuck him.

when you look at that thread called satanism it suddenly stops being hilarious and you see WHY Holla Forums is getting slid so hard

Cops are only jackasses because they have to deal with ghetto nigs and beaners. Because of this they can't afford to be pic related, they are effectively thrown into a warzone and so they militarize to keep up. Their attitude also changes to a more adversarial one and unfortunately regular law-abiding people even rural whites get the splash damage. Imagine being a cop in a high risk area and not knowing whether you'll be pulling over some MS-13 gangbanger or a soccer mom. Or maybe you're even a rural cop but you've done cross-training with the city boys and they've given you enough horror stories to shake you, and policing methods that match that standard which you then take back to your local community.

You're only pro cop until you've met one or two

Hair comes off better. Then yummy food time.

Cops aren't one way or another. They serve the state. This particular cop is a faggot and should be punished, other cops smash niggers' teeth in and deserve medals. It's all relative.

I've met a lot. They're hit and miss. Around 50/50.

If all of this is true and it affects your behavior, then don't be a fucking cop.
In fact, just wanting to be a cop is kind of a red flag. Sure, it's great when you're under 12 years old, to want to be a cop, but if you really want to be a cop, then you better be prepared to act appropriately.
Don't arrest white kids for offending someone. If you ever consider arresting someone for "offending people," you should turn in your fucking badge that day and kill yourself.


just fucking filter these faggots

This is why so many niggers get dropped. Whites comply peacefully even though they've been wronged, whereas niggers can't control themselves and always escalate.

Underrated post

What if cop saw some mother fuckers trying to flank bantz guy and "detained" him to be a bro? Dude looks super little.

kek. thanks for the morning laugh lads


Do we even know if this video is real? 90% of these "prank videos" send out casting calls weeks in advance to filming……...

Sure obviously the job description can attract a good deal of scumbags. For the ones that aren't it's still not easy to fully compartmentalize your behavior when you're doing it day in, day out and likely at odd hours, maybe for shit pay. The stresses and behavior patterns will tend to bleed over. If you take the viewpoint that the problem is systemic then then easiest thing to do is find police departments that are fully grounded with trust in their societies, where there is less abuse of power, and look at what are the differences and learn from that.

Until I see a record of arrest from an official source I am calling:


Pretty much only in leftist controlled cities, where frankly right-wingers are fucking retarded to try to organize in. Not excusing them, but you really shouldn't expect better if you go to fucking Berkley.

Nice VPN, kike.

V-necks are really gay.

The Constitution is toilet paper if no one observes it. A magical scrap of paper doesn't do anything if breaches can happen and aren't punished.

Ahahahah faggot. You let your mom look at your pc when you're watching porn too? porn is unhealthy, you should stop jerking off to it

Haha, have you been hibernating all the way through 3rd wave feminism?
Cops used to be the attack dogs of the elite, well now the elite also includes women.
Watch cop suckers and "my lady isn't like that" types try to justify cops jumping to attention and assaulting any man that a woman points her finger at and says "he was mean to me."
When your wife decides that she is "unfulfilled", all it takes is one call to the cops and a "he makes me feel unsafe" (she will stop there IF you are lucky) for a platoon of cops to show up, drag you out of your own home and throw you into a prison cell.
Cop worship is sickening, they serve virtually no useful purpose (to non-special-protected groups), hardly ever "save" anyone and are a bigger threat than the criminals in most places.
What kind of cuck would rely on the police for self-defense? No real man would do so and only a fool would expect them to provide it, the cop's job is to catalogue who died and what killed them, and clean up the mess, the Supreme Court already agreed that it is NOT a cop's duty to protect your life.
Cops: the ultimate White knights. They relish "teaching bad guys a lesson" and "bad guy" includes anyone a tearful woman complains about, they get off on being viewed as saviors, protectors, punishers, "highly trained" despite the fact that nearly every other trade has a training period (at least) 4 times longer.
Think about that, the people we unleash with guns and swollen egoes have less training than a painter and decorator, baker or carpenter.

As someone with many former leos in the family on both sides. They will all freely admit, in a private setting, that they're just a cleanup crew and rarely are allowed to be proactive and stop real crime. Just tons of wasted time meeting quotas and harassing the pet peeve of the latest diversity hire chief or commanding officer.
Want to know why there's so much crime in black neighborhoods that doesn't get solved? Every former LEO I've ever met, that worked in a city with a large population of apes, will eventually mention "misdemeanor murder." Which always gets a good laugh, as long as the apes kill each other and it stays out of white neighborhoods they're not going to put much effort into the investigation unless prodded by the higher ups.
Unfortunately, the "real" cops, the hardasses with relatively decent IQ, aren't going into the profession like they used to. Too much regulation and oldtimers aren't encouraging anyone to follow their path because you have to walk around with one arm tied behind your back unless you're conforming to the latest bullshit diversity instructions. Plus, you can get into real trouble for just shouting profanities at someone who's attempting to murder you.
Let alone the good ole days when you could smack some aggressive ape across the face with a sap or mag light and nobody would give two hairs on a fruit fly's nutsack. Those days are gone, unfortunately. So, you get faggots like this cop who are liberal arts graduates consumed with "diversity is our strength" and white guilt, with the power to fuck your life up if they feel "offended" or want to white knight for some (((sexy brown))) ass. Most cops are decent, but like with anything it just takes a couple bad ones to spoil the bushel.

the whole system has decayed
cops used to beat the shit out of nigs as the first response to showing up to a place
and shoot them if they were actually committing a crime
not to mention all the vigilante shit after hours
but all that is past now, its time to start over

Seems like it's legit but I'm not experienced in routing out jewish TV lies

I'm sure this guy is serious. I met Germans that talked this way too

you're shit post was so shittpostery it got you baned, at.

He has to or he'd disappear

I hate this world so much…

Days without Jew tricks: 0

probably another fake "prank" vid. let's see the paperwork.



barely even an asian, it's just some white-washed cunt with rich parents feeling morally superior.

Do you have the Archive? its been slid


that happen to me to
i told my mom im reading about history she told me just don't shave your head.


Get blank your monitor. turns the background to solid black for public browsing.

Fake video. Fake thread.
I am sad to see so many on Holla Forums continually fall for these stupid prank videos.

Suing is a fucking meme, dude. It's almost never advantageous for anyone involved. A buddy of mine got laid off from a cable provider, a local operation. He was promised severance and in the state he lives in, all severance and final wages must be paid out on the last day by law. They "lost" his paperwork on his last day and didn't give him shit until he threatened legal action, at which point they only gave him 2/3s of what was in his contract because "we changed the policy a month ago." Grounds for suing? Absolutely. Except almost half of what he could win from that case – at maximum, so it's more likely he'd have to pay about half – would go into the lawyers pocket. And he would be blackballed from working at pretty much every cable provider in the state. So he ate shit, the end. Involving lawyers is almost never a good idea for the average citizen. I can gaurentee you that this guy would gain minimal shit for suing the police for this. Maybe if he managed to kick up a big enough shit about it and get it in the news, but that requires its own set of skills and effort.

I think you should seek treatment for your paranoia. It's effecting your judgement.

This is why the expectation of physical violence when someone fucks another over is preferable to (((legal))) action.
If my (((boss))) is afraid I'm going to knock his teeth down his throat if he shafts my paycheck, he's more likely to honor his contracts and promises.
Nobody used to get worked up over a hypothetical such incident I outlined above and most people would side with the employee. You would surely not be detained and thrown in the an animal cage and humiliated on the local news like you would today.
I hope we can return to or create an honest white society in my lifetime.

having already been dehumanized, seeing that pupper struggle whilst burning to death made me skip sadness and anger. I FUCKING WANT WAR. All subhumans must die. Time to go to the gym, my fucking blood is boiling.

I usually support cops, but Jesus Christ, what the fuck man, what was he fucking thinking? He literally asked did it hurt your feelings and arrested somebody for that, instead of the cunts for battery.

The guy should sue the police department and the cunts (civilly, since battery is a tort and a criminal act, and only requires an unwanted touching). And all the bootlickers here, are you seriously supporting this cop? For what reason, you better be acting retarded and not really retarded. Last time I checked the US doesn't have hate speech laws, and where was is white privilege to not get arrested while the gooks get to do whatever they want?

Only with a shit lawyer, punitive damages is where it's at, where you get to fuck the other side's shit up as a way to "punish them" unless it's a contract dispute, then punitive damages are not allowed.

Your friend should have followed through and could have recovered a decent amount, through a few ways, like lost profit, and the money he was owed on the contract, since that would place them in breach, and you get to fuck their shit with that fairly well, at least he would be put back to where he would have been had the contract been completed, though since I don't know all the facts to your buddy's situation, I won't say anything else to the matter, but suing can be helpful if you're willing to go through with it and do it on a contingency fee basis, though they'll get 25-33% of whatever you win, but on contingency you don't pay unless you win.


This tbh. Summer bootlickers please leave

Love trumps hate, user.

What movie/show is this from?

It says that you're black pilled. This post is obviously to me a joke. I can tell from the "at least 6 months." Anyone stupid enough to post that unironically would be unable to grasp such a precise concept as "6 months."

Other than that, could be real.

Turtleneckfag detected

You nailed it dude. Lawsuits–even before they start–are just a game of chicken. The only way to win is to so convince the other side that you're ready to die trying that they give up.

If nobody turns their steering-wheel at the last second, then both parties die and the lawyers get to salvage the rekkage.

If you saw the cow that shit out 10130436, you'd understand.

Well this is reason #999999999 to have ZERO interaction with non-Whites.

user, let me introduce you to a little thing called "expenses." Filing fees, photocopies, postage, travel, expert witnesses, etc. Even with a contingency fee, the client pays expenses as the case progresses.

Since long before then, user. Jews were the slavers during mohammed's conquests, the umayyad conquest of Spain, the ottoman conquest of Constantinople, etc. Jews deal in slavery.

And this is exactly why ricefarmers will get the rope.


I meant to add that caveat in, before I posted, but the picture makes note of that.

whell therez ur problem you bootlicking dick-fart>>10130616

that's not even a v-neck you retard… it's an unbuttoned polo.


This meme needs to stop. Cops are the same people holding you back while jews and groids ruin your nation. Yeah, you can be against niggers nigging, but don't act like cops are our friends in all this
polite sage for off topic

I guess the captcha cleared the sage

This is why you destroyed civilization. You didn't listen.

Poe's law.

Sweden pays school girls to spend time with grown migrants, and gives migrants sniper training - so him saying that is very stupid yet plausible in comparison.

Normal day on Holla Forums. You new around these parts? Sage for off topic.

not an argument

Cop knew he was arresting someone for offending another person, thats textbook unlawful arrest, and he can sue for it. Maybe if it was "you might be a criminal, we have to detain you" but he was arrested for saying he thought someone looked like something. The act of arresting him was illegal.

Cops are ZOG-bots in a different uniform. Maybe 10% of the police force actually gives a shit about their duty, and that's being generous. Just look at the Eric Clapton shit. If it wasn't for Holla Forums proving without a shadow of a doubt he was the faggot who did it, Eric would have gotten off scott-free.

Fuck off TRS

Could you stop using so many buzzwords. You sound new as fuck and are beginning to irritate me.

He was arrested in USA by the Austin, TX bike cops.

But this whole thing is shill bait for his twitter.

Well, they listen to them, don't they? Police are what keeps the lid on this whole shit storm that's just waiting to happen.

Cops keep niggers from going full chimp, which in turn keeps most white people thinking they dindu nuffin.

If blacks were left to their own devices they would go full blown Africanized rape monkey and the whites would purge them immediately, and whatever police were left would be trying to stop you from committing the crime of cleansing this land. Fuck the police.

point and laugh at this nigger