Judge Frees Terrorist-in-Training Because Whiteness Is a Helluva Alibi

Judge Frees Terrorist-in-Training Because Whiteness Is a Helluva Alibi
Even though the man was a member of one of the most dangerous terror communities in the country; despite the fact that he knew how to make bombs; with the knowledge that he was in possession of bomb-making materials; even after he exhibited every single trait of what law-enforcement officers, Homeland Security experts and Army investigators describe as “America’s biggest threat to national security”—a federal judge released neo-Nazi Brandon Russell on bond Friday, because the judge says that he saw no evidence that Russell was a danger to anyone.
But mostly because Russell was white.
I do not have a desire to be white. It looks too constraining, the food is too mayonnaise- and mustard-based, and I have grown fond of clapping on the beat. However, after looking at cases like the saga of Brandon Russell, even though I am a proud, unapologetic man of African descent, I am comfortable enough in my blackness to admit one thing:
Being white must be amazing!
According to NBC News, Russell was living in white supremacist utopia with three fellow neofascist members of the Army National Guard (because, for whatever reason, if they aren’t living in their mother’s basement—white nationalists always have roommates) when one of his homeboys, Devon Arthur, went apeshit crazy.
Arthur held three people hostage in a Tampa, Fla., smoke shop (yeah, that’s another thing about neo-Nazis: They vape a lot) and announced that he had converted to Islam and killed two of his roommates, claiming that his victims were white supremacists who were planning to go on a killing and bombing spree.
While this story might already seem nuts to most people (including the part about a nonblack guy named Devon), it is pretty routine for white people in Florida. But don’t worry, it gets more interesting—even on the Sunshine State’s Caucasian scale of craziness.
Russell, the surviving roommate who wasn’t killed in the prevape store slaughter by the Nazi-turned-Muslim part-time soldier, received a visit from police because cops are usually forced to follow up on leads from Army Nazi double murderers who reveal terrorist plots. It’s kind of their thing.
When a law-enforcement officer contacted Russell … you know what? It is difficult for me to construct a paragraph containing all of the dangerous, crazy paraphernalia in Russell’s possession. So here is a list:
A cooler containing a “white, cakelike substance.” It turned out to be HMTD (no, not the shitty Android phone or the web programming language)—a highly explosive chemical that law-enforcement officers call “the new weapon of choice” among terrorists;
A framed photograph of Timothy McVeigh, who killed 168 people in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing;
A copy of The Turner Diaries, and other white supremacist literature;
Electric matches, fuses and other bomb-detonating devices;
A copy of Hitler’s autobiography, Mein Kampf.
During the interview, Russell also admitted that he had organized his own neo-Nazi group, named “Atomic Wooten,” which is German for “atomic weapon.”
So, of course, you know what happened next:
Police took note of all this dangerous, extremist evidence, in conjunction with the testimony of Arthur’s statement that Russell was planning to “bomb infrastructure,” and then did what any police in America would do: They said “Aight, bruh,” and left Russell alone.
This is why it must be so lovely being white!
First of all, where do you even get white-cake explosive powder? Is there a secret Caucasian supermarket that sells stuff white people buy? Because in conducting our own scientific research, The Root staff could not recall a “white terrorist” section in Books-a-Million or Barnes & Noble. (And we looked everywhere. There was a young-adult section, classic literature and even the section that sells Caucasian cookbooks that require people of color to double all the seasoning ingredients—but we could not find The Turner Diaries or even the Cliffs Notes to Mein Kampf.)
And how is it that no one alerted authorities when Russell showed up at Hobby Lobby with a photo of terrorist McVeigh and a coupon for half-off framing? It’s the same reason that no one skips social studies class even when a white guy comes to homeroom wearing a black trench coat in June—because whiteness is never associated with danger. They are usually off their meds or have played too many video games. They’re just “troubled,” at most.
But mostly, they’re just white.
The Washington Post reports that as soon as the cops left, Russell went to the gun store and bought a cache of hunting weapons because that’s what crazy, Nazi bomb-makers do to wind down after a long day of police interrogation.


Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/#q=muslims in sweden avoid jail despite conviction

Whatcha slidin', rabbi?

I'm sliding a big dry black cock up inside your grandmother

salty nigger detected

Lel they can't spell properly.

cool post faggot but why isnt the text green

google.com/#q=muslims in sweden avoid jail despite conviction

Nigger doesn't understand cuisine and bases his opinions on fast food. Makes sense.



Its because he's a fucking asset now dumb ass.

If Iron March and the Atomtards weren't a honey pot before, they are now.

The OP is copied and pasted from the article, retards.

I reckon that a good percentage of us here could make an explosive/incendiary device if we had to.
You can't arrest someone because they know how to make bombs. Every chemistry professor in the US would go to jail.

Grind up granulated ammonium nitrate fertilizer until it's the consistency of salt in a blender
Buy 4 micron aluminum powder on Amazon or EBay.
Mix together, add diesel fuel if desired but not necessary.
Place mixture inside a 2x18" metal or pic pipe. Add some steel nuts and washers.

You just made a bomb. Now all you need to do is make a detonator.

Now come and arrest me.

So the guy did nothing wrong and is free to go?

maybe this is gonna be a bait and switch of sorts, but only if this gets blown up in the media


Why are all these new WN groups made up of ZOGbots?

In their defense, they probably joined so they'd have access to the armory.

If you signed up for the military to protect your people and earn some cash only to find out the whole thing revolved around dying for Israel and you're surrounded by niggers and spics, you might have a chip on your shoulder too.

t. Former ZOGbot

Sort of yes and no. He had chemical stuff that is illegal. It doesn't matter what the reason is, it is illegal because the law said so. Many people had them for research so thst means they are at risk being prosecuted.

too bad someone couldn't get Devon Arthur a message in jail about this for some lulz

in between the bbc trains of course

"Florida judge rescinds order of release for self-proclaimed neo-Nazi"

TAMPA — A federal judge in Florida has reversed his own order and will keep a self-professed neo-Nazi accused of collecting bomb-making materials in jail during legal proceedings.

because they're dumb kids that don't know until after they join?

In all seriousness, it makes me want to avoid groups like atomwaffen, if these are the type of unstable weirdos they attract.

If they were disgruntled veterans who got jew'd I'd get it, but these are young kids. Somebody leaked some audio from the American Vanguard discord, and a bunch of them, including their leader at the time, were talking about their future plans to enlist.

Someone, somewhere, thinks this is what journalism looks like.

This entire text reads like a fucking nigger wrote it, with some basic understanding in spelling.
(this empty space between two sections of text is a paragraph)
Stop creating new lines for no reason whatsoever, basic english teaches you not to do this whatsoever, unless you want to create a headline. Only create a paragraph when you change subjects, and want to list a new idea, change the time or place this creates a simple poper organizational overview for the reader.

Learn to the basics of punctuation! You can't just simply spam them where you think they are suppose to be.

Yes, even we make mistakes in spelling but it reads a hell of allot better then this absolute emotional tirade garbage that is this mess of a blob of text is.

Now go shoot up your high school because it's evident you didn't even graduate from that tax funded public shithole, nor did you even come remotely close to the standard white's are held to.

Bomb the mosque!

is shutting out the outside world the answer?
Get in, infiltrate, take over.

You think Atomwaffen is degenerate? Iron March is the most degenerate subhuman garbage I've ever seen. They're all faggots and weirdos.

I guess you could say I'm disgruntled. I'm 36 and served 4 years and a deployment. But keep in mind I joined in '99. The Internet and forums were just in infancy stages. We had Usenet.
Had I known or had access to the information I have now, I would have never joined. They probably think they're going to come out of basic training as hardasses. Which will not be the case. I pushed myself harder getting ready for basic than I ever did in basic.
Maybe they just want to see a real life gas chamber?

well I mean they just had a muslim member of theirs kill his fellow members so yeah I would stay the fuck away from an organization that has no ability to vet or manage members


Has Holla Forums had an influx of retar….
Ohhhhh, I get it.

I've heard stories about Ironlarp, but that's worse than I thought.

It's frustrating that so many pro-white organizations are still attracting the most degraded and bizarre whites around. I guess the movement (fuck I hate that word) is still in it's relative infancy, so we should expect that.

Less degenerate and more LARPy. Reading SEIGE religiously will make them think they are 80s/90s revolutionaries.

Infancy? National Socialism/Fascism in America has been around since the German American Bund. Rockwell tried, Pierce tried, hell even Duke tried, all of them peaked. Pierce had his issues with the skinheads of yesteryear, real violent and addicted to God knows what. Nationalism is still a fringe movement and has been for years now, the question has always been how to make the common man from the office building to the rural farm understand.

The Charlie Manson shit is so cringey. I was gonna read Siege, but the Manson shit that I know is in the book turns me off.

Good information can be gleamed, just don't LARP about it. If you want white nationalist politics there are better to read, if you want books on revolution there are better to read. It's good to think forward knowing violence will probably occur in the process of gaining a nation-state or ethno-state for whites, but this isn't the authoritative document.

This forced meme is cancer

I've never understood the mayo meme at all even. It's like the people who spout it have never actually been around black people food. Also this is the first time I've heard the mustard one. I've never met a white person who is "really into" mustard - unless it's a new euphemism for yellow fever, in which case I've met one or two dudes.

free training and contacts seems useful for our cause


The only contacts you'll make are niggers and spics, my dude.
Apparently you don't realize what an SJW infested shit hole the army is. The army is really mostly spics, niggers and chinks. They will promote a nigger who can't do his job over a competent white man. The army is basically life under communism/Marxism.
As far as training? You'll spend about 5% of your time actually training. Training for scenarios that you'll never encounter as a civilian even in a race war scenario.
No, you'll be "training" on how to press your uniform and have a close shave, how to pull CQ duty and KP.
If you want combat arms training, don't get it in the army for fucks sake. You'll have a nigger platoon sergeant, a Mexican section chief and a chink 1st Sergeant.
The only way the army could be useful is enlisting for that $90k bonus with about a hundred others, pooling your money together after you're out and doing something with the cash.
I have learned more about small arms as a civilian than I ever did in the army.
Good training is available for free elsewhere.

I've only ever heard really delusional suburban white people perpetuate the idea that black people have spicer/hotter/more loving ;)))) cuisine than white people. I grew up around niggers and it's just basic southern dishes, greasy shit usually cooked poorly because they have really weird basic cooking misconceptions


I used to live next door to a Jewish lesbian. One day we got into a heated argument about food and culture.
She claimed not to be religious and even celebrated Christmas, but when we talked about the culture of white people, she basically turned into Tim Wise.
When I pointed out that whites in the south have their own dialect, food, religion and customs, she refused to accept that as genuine culture.
So I asked her what makes Judaism a culture… And she flipped the fuck out. Her 16 year old son told me if he saw me outside, he was going to kick my ass. So I spent the whole summer in my back yard blasting metal and giving him dirty looks.
We actually had several interesting conversations about a wide range of topics including religion, gun control and Trump.
I had never met a kike in real life before her. If you have never had the misfortune of actually talking to a kike, you are missing out. All the stereotypes we talk about here on Holla Forums are so stunningly accurate that it's unreal.

I never understood why they wanted the white people to be cultureless. It is impossible for the people to remain cultureless unless if the multicultural garage imposed on them like crazy in order to destroy. The drawback is the white people can lash out at them.

I think she was just parroting the Jewish pop culture and didn't understand why whites aren't allowed to have culture herself, but it's simple.
If you take away a group's culture, you take away their ability to stand together. If everyone is rootless without a common thread, it's much more difficult for that group to rally together around a cause.
When confronted, she went with the typical black comedy meme of "whites have stolen everything."
So I asked her if black people are a culture in America. She said yes. Then I asked what makes black people a culture and she said music, their churches, food, the way they talk.
So I asked how that's any different from southern whites. After all, southern whites have country/bluegrass, southern food, southern Baptist churches and they also talk differently than people from anywhere else in the English speaking world.
She couldn't give me an answer and just said people from the south are whites trash. And I told her black culture is for niggers,

I'm starting to take the "explicit mass genocide of white people and their culture" by the Jews theory a little less serious, at least directly. It's becoming apparent to me that Indians and East Asians are able to exploit and dominate academic, lucrative research and development, entrepreneurial fields while being less successful owing to slightly less in-group preference. Jews just happen to have one thing going that's that they're basically an anthropological anomaly, a completely self-interested and defining in-group.

But that they're also completely fucking insane with varying levels of inbreeding, insecurity, greed, and hatred. This wheedling to the top of everything through cheating and helping one other finally ends up with us just having an insane Jewish ruling elite. They hate "us", but they basically hate everything, and just follow tossed up shit steered by their hatred, insecurity, and greed

Yea you are right man. They are antithesis to the humanity so they must be removed or they will destroy us.

She must be dumb. I brought the authentic smoked American BBQ burger from the yank owned business in Queensland. The taste is heaven!

"White Trash" is a test-phrase for being anti-white. If someone is white I guilt trip the shit out of them about "white trash" being the ones who essentially allow their cushy little lives to exist and that usually plants the seed. If they're jews I just add them to the The List after exiting the conversation.

Southern food is excellent. Cajun is good. Southern barbecue is great too.
Whites in the south are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet, especially if you're white. I live in the north, but was raised in the south. So much of the culture is different from the rest of America.
I'm convinced that the "redneck" tv shows are only put on tv to demean southern whites because it is a culture and the Jews are horrified at the thought of recognizing whites in America as a culture because of what that would mean for Jews. If recognized as a culture, Jews would no longer be able to freely walk amongst them and take advantage of whites.
I was thinking about this the other day… When, besides Andy Griffith, have you seen southern whites portrayed in a positive manner on television? It's important to note that The Andy Griffith Show was produced by DesiLu entertainment. Non-kiked. DesiLu put out many tv shows back in the old days. DesiLu, of course meaning Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball.
But yeah, Jews are terrified that southern whites be recognized as a culture - or dare I say… Protected class in America.

I want you to watch this episode of Andy Griffith.

A farmer's daughter is forced to work on her fathers farm because he didn't have a son.
She turns ugly and undesirable from hard work. Andy and Ellie take her to the store to get makeup and have her hair done. Her father is furious because she is doing the work of a man and he reckons she doesn't need to look like a lady.
Andy steps in and says, "she needs to be pretty to attract a husband that will do the work and have a strong son to help." He completely destroys the "women can do whatever a man can do" narrative. You will never see anything like this on the electric synagogue again.


He dont give one fuck about spooks. We need more people like that.

He could even be on this very board right now. Asking for a friend, do you think he looks white enough?

Don't worry Brandon, you're clearly white.

Yes they are nice and hard working people but the education over there is poor quality so I think it needs the urgent attention especially the impoverished areas. Many of them had to join for the money so they can send the money to their families. I used to live in West Virginia and Pennsylvania many years ago.

No I haven't watch it yet and I am deaf so I prefer to watch them on the DVD. It would be nice.

I disagree about the education. It is true that their curriculum is far behind the north, but the last thing they need is for the (((government))) to get involved in (((educating))) southerners. Because it has worked out so well for the urban areas, right?
Nah. Leave them alone or join them. Don't force their indoctrination.


If that was what I saw recently, he didn't step in, the woman wanted to butt in and subvert the girl and andy said it was none of their business. The girl didn't need makeup to get a husband, and anyone who has been around farm girls knows this.

as a redneck I agree, though it isn't just the south.
there were plenty of old shows and movies that portray country people well, with less city population it was normal. You'll also see how many actors have accents from all over, which has disappeared.

Even the jewish shows from back when tended to be relatively benign vaudeville stuff, though some were subversive. Pretty easy to tell when the kikes were openly communist back then

No to the education, maybe if we were firmly in power or something but schools are cancerous and the fact that our schools aren't as monolithic as the coasts and cities is one of the things that have kept us less pozzed. I went to a university that was mostly higher class people from all over the country, and it was freakish how IDENTICAL they all were with the same 'learning' drilled into them. You could even see it with Jeopardy questions. They all knew the same ones. It was creepy. It's also why homeschooled or self-educated people are treated like aliens, the socialization stuff is just the excuse.

It doesn't have to be public school. They should get $300 or less education vouchers or supply weekly for each children to home school their children. The white children have right to be well educated, strong and healthy. The problem is where will they get the money to fund this? Crowdfund is a good idea however it will only cover some white children though.

Oh dear, that is so awful to hear that. Homeschooled children are generally better than public schooled children because the home education allowed them to learn at their own pace and the parents have flexibility over home education.