Slavoj zizek

Which one of you just asked zizzy g a question?

Other urls found in this thread:

OP means this

You talked about us.

and the only question you asked was about identity politics.

Go ahead and fuck yourself.

'The anti identity left' doesn't exist oh my god

You know Zizek agree with him.


You did, OP

You didn't even properly formulate the question. The best I can give you is a 6/10

What did the meat of the conversation go like? I couldn't listen further than OP regaling Zizzy with tales of funny mayms.

when does he mention leftypol?

You are mistaken, johnny. It is real and you better believe it.

at the very beginning

this is reddit fuel.

"I saw this funny meem last nite on leddypol"

Peak autism, but not gonna lie, entertaining.

that pic was a good meem I'm gonna tell zizek about it

I had to pause when he literally described a meme




I had to too

I couldn't make it through. I had to skip to zizek.

rewinded 3 times to listen to the guy laugh at his own meme

is everyone on leftypol autistic IRL?

pretty sure I have aspergers. I haven't had a real conversation with anyone in weeks.

leftism makes it worse cause of all the reading and shit

Zizek-senpai finally noticed us!

top kek

diggin them digits boyo

You can tell he got literally all his knowledge of leftism from memes and lurking on this board. Jesus Christ.

I'm not I swear. Then again you would have to be autistic to bring up Holla Forums and twitter memes to zizek and expect him to know what the fuck you're talking about.

I think only the ones who are dumb enough to profess allegiance irl.

user thought that Zizek would be like: "Yo, bro! *sniff* You browse leftypol too? Hahaha! My got! I write most of my material there! *sniff* Alunya, amirite?"

It was bound to happen


The question was pretty cringey but not exceptionally so. Just a (audibly excited) young guy without public speaking experience trying a little too hard, no big deal. Could've done without mentioning the board.

protip: keep it concise, don't try to be clever

the Z-man's answer was pretty good, all told. And the impression I've gotten from reading him is that he'd be the kind of person to appreciate a decent meme if he'd been born 30-40 years later.

This guy is a fucking autist. Talking about Holla Forums and "boards" out of context. Christ, he could have just said "i know youre interested in alternatives to the politically correct left, would you be interested in a website that is based around the concept of politically incorrect leftism?"


and this

Jesus christ, that was pure autism. He the kid asking the question sounds like the scientist from the simpsons.

Good response from zizek though.

*the kid

I just hope that none of the intersectionals get ahold of it tbh. It really feeds into their brocialist narrative quite well. Only a matter of time tho.

Basically, people take the issues that arise by class division, such as between prole and bourg, and apply it to a new dichotomy black vs white, female vs male, and so on.

Once you go to a few of these Q&A sessions with writers etc. you see that autism from the people asking the Qs is pretty standard. Ziz handled it well, got the gist of the question and answered without embarrassing the kid further and the kid will know better for next time.

At this point, this board could become a progressive stack paradise run by DeRay Mckesson and bell hooks and they'd STILL insist it was filled with disgusting brocialist mysogifascists.

same, I didn't even listen to the whole thing. user is a fag

Which recording is this taken from? Is it from



i think it was snitz or whatever

I asked the question.


Sure, I get that it was pretty haphazard - but I damn well tried to relate it to Lacan and surplus enjoyment. (Actually, I didn't do too well with that, either.)

No shit. I even have high-functioning autism to boot.

inb4 Holla Forums screenshots this

Question was asked very awkwardly, but props on having the courage to ask.
I'm very impressed with his answer - he sums up everything wrong with idpol without sounding irrational like sometimes happens on here.
Thanks a lot for asking user, this is a perfect summary of our views from a legitimate academic - we have credibility now.

Tank u famr8

Don't worry, I have high functioning autism as well.
I'm sure its prevalent on every board regardless of ideology - you'd have to be a massive fucking dweeb to post on an image board.


Already happened m8.

Would someone mind transcribing this?

Don't let people get on your genies. I once asked a question to John Gray and I got laughs as well. It happens.

Eh, everyone's cringy in their own ways. We're all learning shit at the end of the day.

Jesus fucking wept.

kek this is a goldmine

I'll try transcribing it, give me a bit.

Thank you.

As opposed to posting on forums and developing an internet identity?

Q: Hello, I'm-
Z: Yeah?
Q: Oh god (???)
Z: Yeah
Q: I couldn't help notice (that?) (look at these panellists?) we've had, we've had the anti-identitarian left. For example, the- I go on a board called Holla Forums, it's full of anti-identitarians who criticize both the identity politics of the right, especially those on Holla Forums, and that which is on the left, such as those you might find on tumblr find. And I was thinking, the whole thing about class not being a struggle, why do people make these things identities when sometimes they can be concrete facts, such as in the Marxist view or even in the Lacanian view. Why do they make them identities?
Z: Give me an example? I'm sorry, quite sincerely, I don't get clearly what are you aiming at. I (???) now, which identity are you mentioning? Sexual identity? Or more class identity?
Q: Well, the process of creating the identities, for example I saw a - there was a funny meme - where there was some person, where there was someone on twitter saying - richsplaining - defining it as when a rich person explains something to a poor person and followed by a funny caption saying "class war's over guys". It's - why do these - why are things turned into identities and why do we get this identitarian and (thus a moralistic?) sentiment that comes out of this identity politics.
Z: Ok, I will now ask you a rough question, because I am not sure, like - where do you stand here?
Q: I am anti-identitarian, a very staunch Marxist.
Z: Ah perfect! Then we agree! Because, you know what's for me the basic problem? Identity politics is for me the politics of coexistence. The goal is not to destroy the other, but, can't we all live together with our identities recognised? And of course, at a certain level this holds, like, but not at the basic class level. There, I'm sorry, class struggle does not mean we should get over it and have some identity politics where proletarians can be fully proletarian and bourgeois fully bourgeois and whatever. No, it's a totally different type of antagonism, it’s a radical antagonism. And my problem with identity politics is that this type of antagonism disappears, or is even, translated into antagonism. For example, in United States, I noticed how class issues tend to be retranslated into identity issues. For example, the usual - when they speak about Mexicans, if you listen to many academic texts, its almost as if - its not economic struggle but what appears as economic struggle is our intolerance of the Mexicans and then you even go a step further into some pseudo-Freudianism and says "we project out fears onto Mexicans, but what are these fears? We should look deeper into ourselves and locate it and son on and so on." So again, my reproach against identity politics is first, I'm an old, old fashioned universalist. I think a priori - that’s my subjectivity with that LGBT point, "we don't want to be hurt". Well sometimes, you have to be hurt, for example - I'm not changing the topic, another point I wanted to develop - One way I was attacked when I was (Romala?) I think a did a very proper anti-anti-Muslim point, I said we should attack of course the honour killings and so on, but I just listed a series of other examples from Canada to Mexico to my own country, where also horrible things are happening to women, to minorities, no? And I just say that we have to be fair and locate all these horrors - and you know what reply I got? - a pretty horrifying reply for me - it was that, while apparently, I was criticising violence against women and children and so on - by talking about it, I was “reproducing it verbally”. I totally oppose it - you know for what reason? It’s an old humanist saying by Edward Bond - it’s a little bit too naive but I agree with it - he said somewhere that if you don't want to confront Hiroshima in theatre openly, you will probably confront it in reality again - that is to say - I think that - how do you put it? - things like rape and horrors and torture, whatever - we have to confront them in a brutal way. We must be heard, these are horrible things, otherwise we will follow that way to which I often refer, yes immediately mockingly, you know now that as we learned from Americans, torture is called "enhanced interrogation technique", so I ironically proposed once, why don't we call rape "enhanced seduction technique" or whatever, you know.

Like, all the horror disappears. No, you must - that's why I'm totally opposed - of course within certain limits - I know what it means to be really terrified and son on - hurt - but - to this Rated PG Parental Guidance system now in Ame- I mean - sorry - university is not an isolated place where you are safe - University should precisely expose us to the brutality of life - of course not at the level of being really raped but to confront the horror - only this works. And that’s for me the fear of all these Rated PG Parental Guidances, people must - no people must not FEEL safe, people must BE safe. And the worst thing, is that to make you feel safe while you are not really safe. So, you see, my problem with, again, my problem with identity politics is that it simply - for example - the moment with LGBT - the moment I just said that - I'm not saying this devalues LGBT - but - the fact that all the big businesses emphatically supporting it - it says something, we should at least ask - is then this a totally neutral field? Can we somehow combine LGBT with other struggles now? I was instantly attacked for class essentialism! Class in this - identity politics - class essentialism is a label which you get if you just mention class, in any way. I know when they say there are multiple struggles, class, race, sex - class never really occurs, there. And things that especially excellent, as it often happens, when the very progressive identity politics gets caught into - gets a very weird class connotation. How often I encounted in the United States, that beneath the critique of male chauvinism, and so on, anti-feminism, it was really upper - middle class, white, academics, silently targeting allegedly primitive Mexican workers, who don't read there - but you know I simply think - of course it’s not the simple old bourgeois-proletarian - but - something that which we should still call class struggle antagonism - it’s going on, getting stronger and stronger, and my source would be here like somebody who you can really not accuse to be a leftist - Peter Sloterdijk - he wrote a book on - I quote it often - on capitalism as a ??? - where he in a wonderful, develops how this logic - Hollywood – you know, if you’re disoriented, look at a good Hollywood blockbuster - although they're very excellent films - like, Hunger Games, Elysium, we are moving towards this 20% of people living in ??? protected, majority is out, and so on, and this tension, I reject to claim, that this basic tension is simply one on the same level with others - this is the radical tension that stills defines us. But, I talk too much, there was the gentleman there, there was a lady there.

Rated PG Parental Guidance = trigga warnin
"excellent films" = problem films
Damn it BO


Eh, keep trying eh?



That's basically what I got.
Questioner even mentioned right wing idpol and Zizek just ranted about how left idpol stalls insurrection and he was wronged by the new left when spoke about Muslims.

comrade autismo asked a question filled with lingo and sentence breaks. For zizek who isnt wel versed in lingo it would be hard to understand the question.


Why'd you use words like tumblr and Holla Forums and expect him to know those stuffs?

Quick tip for anyone who wants to make a panelist's life easier: If you think you'd like to ask a question, and you feel you aren't an experienced public speaker, WRITE IT DOWN FIRST.


Thanks for the advice Zizek

You made out like the crux of this board is

is oky bby

you tried lad

don't worry about it me boyo. none of us would have done any better

I'd like to ask Zizek what does he think about marxists who think there is no separation beatween young Marx and old Marx

AFAIK there's no decisive evidence that there was an epistemological break between the philosophical humanist Marx and Marx the historical materialist. One argument I heard for continuity was that commodity fetishism is a more sophisticated form of his conception of alienation.

there's a clear change of terminology around the Manuscripts and Marx's eager attempts at finding a new conceptual apparatus (break with Feuerbach's anthropological hegelianism: species-essence, alienation, etc.).

read Althusser's For Marx

read Althusser's

No, thank you.

11.08mb – was the upload limit raised?



This is great, thank you! ❤️



Lol, I actually started off by saying that I hate my voice. Every time I speak into a mic it sounds like I'm underwater.


they don't call me "comrade autismo" for nuthin

…where did I say this?

He is right, though; the left has a mess to take care of on its own doorstep. Marxists who reject identity politics have two fronts to right on. Pic related; it's beyond obvious now for anyone who's lurked on this board for more than half a week.

What was the meme you were referring to?

It was an image of a tweet with someone talking about "richsplaining".

Oh. Cool. I couldn't make out that part of what you said.

I paused at this point and came back to it later.

Zizek gave a good answer, but god knows how he managed to find a question.

Thank you based Žižek


I got diagnosed for aspergers and autism when I was only trying to find out if I had ADHD, and yes I have that too.

I felt embarrassed upon being informed.

Embrace it friendo. I found out when I was a toddler.
I call every faggot I encounter online an autist.

Isn't richsplaining just economics?

Hmmmm… I wonder who could be behind this

Even by DSM standards you can't have both, you mongrel. Ditch the biopolitics, and get on the level of rescuing yourself from this shit.


Who the fuck is that? His Twitter is just Zizek dick sucking


I'm not sure why this happened but I thought Simon Gros was a good guy considering he runs an archive of Zizek lectures on mariborchan

He is a good guy. He's torn down any trace of that question and its link to this board.

Yes, check it under the post form, it's 12 now.



I met him afterwards for a few seconds.

Jealous as fuck. Did you make an offensive comment towards his mother? He would have appreciated it.


No, I had enough time to have him recognise me as the Marxist kid before some bitch got in the way to get his email for an event and he walked off to do other things.

Ah, damn. But it's still cool he recognised you. Maybe now he is amongst us. :^)


What are you doing?

But seriously I enjoyed your question and the answer given was a pretty wonderful argument against all kinds of identity politics. Good job user.

here is a link:

Hey I made this thread, Mr question asker, did you know I wanted to find you before you left the lecture Hall and ask you loudly about how Holla Forums is filled with nonce material.

But unfortunately I am shy and autistic too. So I just made this thread instead.

I also made this thread too. Forgot about 8ch domain change. Notice how I was less than a few metres away from you and still couldn't talk to you either. I've been using imageboards for nearly a decade too.

Thanks Anons. Have some more Zizek