YouTube is now promoting #MoreThanARefugee in its logo to support Refugees in Europe...

YouTube is now promoting #MoreThanARefugee in its logo to support Refugees in Europe. How about we visit the Video and leave some Redpills in the comments?

The hashtag video already has a lot of downvotes and anti refugee comments but I'm sure we can add more…

Other urls found in this thread:

Post the link you dumb fuck.

Feeling the cultural enrichment yet?

In b4 Jewtube deactivates comments.

And of course, wherever there are rapefugees to be found, North American nu-males arent far away.

I'm surprised the comments and ratings aren't already disabled.

and snivelling jews

comment section is pretty redpilled, this stuff always backfires on the jews

They're starting to delete the comments.

Dubs confirm. They're losing control of the younger internet community. Everywhere I go the conversation always has a high dose of Holla Forums, oftentimes even when heavy moderation is involved. Even in fucking mobile games with chat the 12 year olds I (shamelessly) play with are wise to something being fucky (and this goes beyond the lowest common denominator: "SJWs suck amirite?")
Holla Forums is everywhere. In everything.

I think it's because Holla Forums made such huge efforts during the election to control the memeosphere, and already had control of the meme market before the election. kids are literally raised on the internet now, so they are constantly in contact with internet culture and memes. Didn't a reccent article say the current generation of kids is the most conservative in a long time? It's cause they're hooked on memes and the right has always had the best memes

Not long ago, my cousin with whom I never talk about politics, more or less out of the blue tells me about Holla Forums, Merchants and Shadilay and asked me wether I'm familiar with it.

True story. Needless to say, I was pretty flabbergasted.

Two threads on it now. whatcha sliding moishe?

No wonder he didn't touch the German traitor

this is a perfect opportunity to redpill people

2 0 1 7

I am connected to a super-faggy lefty publication. Every time we upload a story about the gosh-darned Holocaust, the FB comments fill up with people calling bullshit.

It's heartwarming to see.

I think it has tits

Liberals sometimes do that sarcastically, fyi.

tbh I love when youtube shits out these videos because it's such blatant propaganda that even normalfags see it. And the comments sections are hilarious and always 200% Holla Forums. They're always great while they last, until more and more comments start getting deleted until they just give up and disable the comments completely.

There are also some more #MoreThanARefugee videos all coming out together now. Totally organic movement, goy.

Besides deleting comments they also undo dislikes, I refreshed the page and had to dislike again.

And even so, it's past 50k now, more than double the likes.

Best comments currently:
212 thumbs up

77 thumbs up

They aren't disabled for data mining purposes. If you downvoted that video you're on a list now if you weren't already.

How long do you think the comments will last? They're already censoring the shit out of them, and they're still 98%+ Holla Forums.

Can they actually do anything with that list though? Assuming you're using a gmail+youtube account that is not at all tied to your real identity, of course.

I mean, all they have is "oh wow, YT user Shlomo Shekelberg at [email protected]/* */ is posting hateful rhetoric!"

They're right, they are more than refugees. They're terrorists, murderers, rapists, thieves and drug dealers as well.


How's your Patreon, cunt?

~300 dislikes a minute

They are a gay couple IRL, openly so. Both have a very, and I mean VERY evident fag-lisp and they are not at all hesitant about exhibiting their extreme SJW libtardation to the public. They also participated in the #proudtobe bullshit several months ago and recently deleted all anti-refugee comments on vid related. Make sure to flood them with dislikes and """hate speech""""

Vid related


I fucking hate whatever bullshit algorithms jewtube uses. Even when I have everything sorted by "top comments" the comments I see are TOTALLY DIFFERENT depending on whether I'm signed into my account or not.


Over 100k dislikes.

Keep the storm going, niggers.

which one of you is pretending to be /hebe/ on there?
Fuckton of 'pls import more i'd smash dat dirtloli xD' just as I loaded that shit up. I don't quite imagine real paedos are paying attention to this nonsense, there's dozens of russian twerk videos they'd more likely be jerking around on.

Ghostbusters all over again!

Monster Warlord eh? 8D
(srsly Korean games are so full/pol/….I think because they're breaking conditioning after learning their government was run by a feminist death cult)

Wouldn't doubt it, remember it's not just those being raised but also "rejects."
I've seen some humourously pro-Holla Forums marxists that just basically got tossed onto our side and started defending us due to being Bernd during the DNC.
The writers on Counterpunch might've only been ironically shitposting against the Clinton machine, but all the Steiners and commenters on the FB aren't.
Similar to that 2014 faGGotry they trend leaning pro-NS over pro-antifa, it's pretty kek how much killary nuked the left. If she weren't such an insane entitled baby herself I'd suspect her and Trump planned it all along.

I wonder what the interface for that looks like? They aren't straight up resetting it so I can only presume they have to do that shit manually, must be fucking annoying.

That ain no tranny, that's actually how those centrals look. Probably from Congo/Zambia/Mozambique aka "heart o' africa" aka "what those smarmy liebulls say is our ancestors and what all humans is"

Also known as "that place with all the fucking clicking noises"

At least the ones I pulled up stopped wearing bones in their noses.

jesus christ, that has to be the result of chemicals. No genetically / hormonally fit male would ever turn out like that. They are dead ends as far as survival and reproduction.
