Anti-Trump Julius Ceasar Play Gets SHUTDOWN By Jack Posobiec

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The same guy who went live inside Comet Pizza
The same guy who was FIRED by Ezra Levant from Rebel Media for investigating Seth Rich case on the ground
Is the same guy who just shut down the Julius Caesar Play where they depict Trump being murdered

Fuck freedom of speech.
I'm being completely serious 100% the left should not have freedom of speech or expression.
Look at what they do every single time.

It's based, but I still get stuck mentally when they roll with the 'Dems are the real racists xD' shit.

No he wouldn’t, this is weak pathetic leftwing circle jerking.

And, yet, they didn't shut down the same play by the same troop when it was Obama in 2012. DAS RACISS!!

There was no play where they depicted king nigger as Caesar who then gets stabbed by representations of his political opponents.

This guy knows nothing about Goebbels.


Glad someone did something, though. This shit is sick.

great, more eceleb faggotry. Does this guy really think that all the faggot parasites at this venue can be convinced by any non-violent means? Was this supposed to be a social media coup?

This wasn't funny, profound or the least bit interesting. Please go back to t_d, summerfriend

Unless you can provide a source about them doing this with Obummer, you're full of shit.

That's not how you pronounce gerbils.

He didn't "SHUT IT DOWN" though, he just screamed like a fool and was ushered out the door. I'm sure they resumed immediately after his out burst.

And that's what happens when advocacy of banning "hate speech" turns around and bites you in the ass.

yeah its a shit meme but just remember that racism won't be a thing once we get rid of all the minorities

This. It's like when the protesters would be ushered out of Trump rallies. They will just be more emboldened by it.


Is anyone else pleasantly surprised that Trump just woke the right the fuck up instead of serving as a pressure release valve?

It's like we found our balls.

I saw it. Do yur wurst.

Trump will go back to "sleeping" and being a "valve." He works best when he has a reason to punch back. He doesn't like to just keep punching and punching and punching. Though he's shown that doesn't stop him from false flagging himself.

We should have an armed protest of these plays.

He's also the good goy faggot who worked for Ezra Levant in the first place.

Continue reading the main story

Oskar Eustis on Trump, ‘Julius Caesar’ and the Politics of Theater

Inside the High-Drama Life of Hamilton Impresario Oskar Eustis

That's because this *troupe* never put on a play about killing Obama you fucking faggot.

>>>Holla Forums

It's cool they shut it down, but it's the old jews fighting jews scam:


I dont think theres anything that would make Goebbels feel proud about in our society, except maybe knowing he was right and should have found a way to be more extreme. I think we would get 1924 Goebbels if he had something to say about it.


your floor is filthy and you should clean it.

Tbh a play comparing Caesar to Trump is actually a decent concept because of the legitimate parallels between him and Caesar, problem is that that concept is ruined by a bunch of shitlibs turning it into masturbatory political revenge porn. I wish the same play was written by someone who was properly Spenglerpilled and did not condone the assassination, instead showing it's consequences for civilization and the decline afterwards.


Dumbass faggot can't into Google.

The irony is that it actually speaks more about the left in general, and not the play. Supposedly, the play was being performed when Obama was in office, and he was Caesar. It wasnt that big, because the right didnt have a fetish for Obama assassinations, even after 8 years of his communist tyranny. Anyways, since Trump has replaced him, its become the hottest new thing - and every leftist wants to go see Trump get stabbed to death, along with his family.

So the bad guys arent the people who put the play on. Its the entire left, collectively, for fetishizing it only after Trump replaced Obama. They obviously all have a bloodlust, and are just lying.

I can't tell if he's just that devoid of insight and understanding (the telltale signs of narcissism) or if he's just playing dumb to avoid any further pushback.

In that version of the play, Caesar was sympathetic, and people like Ryan, Cantor, Beck, and Limbaugh are shown plotting to murder the benevolent Obama-Caesar. It paints Obama as a Christ-like figure.

In the Trump version, Caesar is depicted as an arrogant madman who finally gets what's coming to him, and his murder is applauded. It paints Trump as someone who ought to be killed.

No, it's because Obama said, "It's part of the job." and shrugged it off while Trump whines and cries like a little bitch whenever someone says mean things about him.

Typical Jew.

I had high hopes, and he dashed them.

They are two completely different plays. They aren't even Julius Caesar. The Trump version ends with the assassination of Caesar to a standing ovation and a message of peace to come. The Obama version ends with evil Republicans realizing they have no idea how to run the country now.

Is there a cuckchan recruitment drive going on, or something? You must be lost.

Just pull a smoke grenade and cause some panic. The place looks prime for some carnage.

Seriously. The title made it sound like he set off a nailbomb in the crowd or something. Nope. All he did was yell like an autist and get escorted out. Shutdown my ass, he barely even delayed it.

FBI-kun, p-please… my tendies are so sore…

That's your "God-Emperor", ladies and gentlemen.


Hes a counter puncher, and he knows how to rally people against the left and generate a shit storm. Obviously youre just anti-white, not just anti-Trump.

By drawing attention to leftists promoting violence, he damages the left. Only a simpleton would genuinely not understand that, but youre more likely feigning stupidity and doing the same type of thing, except that crap doesnt work here.

Anudda Shoa.
What next?
Calling the police on niggers?
Owning firearms?
Careful, they might start sending you emails too, the fucking horror.

I don't like it on a few levels already mentioned.

It is pathetic. The Left does it like this because they have literally no competency or ability to be creative. Wandering on stage and yelling like a moron is about the lowest thing you can do to counteract an expression aside from just shitting yourself in rage. It's pathetic and ineffective no matter who does it.

Where is the footage of them cheering for it? Getting that sheepish crowd to cheer and thunder in applause while 'Caesar' is getting horribly murdered would be the effective route. Those watching would have seen how bloodthirsty many of these fucks are and how they are just the bloodthirsty mob of plebs depicted in the play. Instead hopping on stage in a 'give them their own medicine!' bullshit just makes whatever they are saying bad and the play the victim. That's Leftist 'cleverness' for you.

This too. Not only on the level of (((who))) is doing the supposed 'based' action, but also that it assures lumps of shit who don't do anything in real life like me and many of you that others are doing at least something somewhere. Don't buy into that.

Same thing. Julius Caesar is a rather sympathetic character throughout, with Brutus being convinced to join the assassination being done through trickery and deception which by the end he immensely regrets. But yeah, that's if you actually understand and follow the play like in intelligent person - leftist morons will just jerk off to the death of pseudo-Trump. Unless is true in that they cut off the whole story wherever it suits them, in which case that is gatekeeping bullshit designed to deceive.

The same left that will push for Laura Loomer to be prosecuted is the same left that applauded Pussy Riot for breaking up a church service.

Why does a theater production have sponsors anyways? Cant they just raise ticket prices? Sounds like propaganda, if they are doing this to spread their message.

My understanding of the Caesar assassination story is from the TV series Rome, which means its probably shit. (I think that was history channel)

Have to rent the theater, make the sets, gather (or make) the props, costuming, and rehearsal all before a single ticket is sold.

that pic is better with the caption "I smell niggers"


Attention whore. Are you a 14 year old girl?

Agreed, it's fucking lame to frame shit this way.


Glad someone is doing this against these lunatics, but..

Gerbels? Really? It's Goebbels for a fucking reason retard. Also, fuck I'm tired of the "No you're the Nazi" line.

Good work though.

what are you referring to?


Sponsors are needed to pay for all the practice and stage costs before the production plays out because it isn't guaranteed that the ticket sales will cover the costs. Same as making any other venture - sponsors invest the starting capital and the tickets are the hopeful returns on that investment.

As for Caesar's assassination in Julius Caesar, the play follows Brutus mainly who is noble and truly concerned about the wellbeing of Rome. Also a close friend of Caesar. Cassius organizes many other Senators together in a plot to kill Caesar, and convinces Brutus to join in because Caesar 'is a threat to the Republic!' which convinces him and enables the plot to move forward. They pull off the assassination, and the penultimate thing Caesar says is, "et tu, Brute?" which is "And you, Brutus?" as a recognition of that ultimate betrayal. After Brutus gives a speech about how they saved the Republic, plebs buy it, then Caesar's right-hand man Anthony gives a better speech ("Romans! Countrymen! Give me your ears!") and that launches the civil war in which Brutus and Cassius get fucked on by Anthony. Brutus also gets haunted by Caesar's ghost I believe and he realizes he did a horrible thing right before he commits suicide.

But that is the whole play. If you cut it off right after Brutus gives his speech it sounds like he did something right, but if the whole play runs through it basically has Brutus regretting what he did after being tricked by Cassius.

Have you checked her twitter? She's a kike, move on. Maybe they'll gas her for us.

Why yes I am mr. pedogate

Get the hell out.
HEY! beat it

Most of that came across in the lemming version I watched, and it also went through a lot of other Roman history, it wasnt focused on Caesar or his assassination. It had Marc Antony in Egypt etc afterwards, and I think it was Octavian or w.e. I watched it a long time ago, so I forget most of it, and it was a cheesy miniseries, so not real history. I know theres some glorious series of books that actually has the real history, Im sure Ill get to it eventually.
I noticed in the video clip he never said the penultimate line, rewatching it just now. Obviously that alone says a lot about the accuracy.
Does the play being performed about Trump include Antony's speech?

I'm all for suppressing the left's freedom of speech, but getting real tired of these alt-right sperglords waving their dicks in the wind and calling dems the real racists.

Its a tactic the "good jews" like hannity are doing to paint us with all the bad things the left are doing. Every time a marxist terrorist blows someones hip off, suddenly its the fault of the fascists.

They are though. They hate white people and are actively trying to oppress and kill us.

Now they'll all go home with the story of how "muh ebil nazi right-wingers" tried to oppress their speech, and all of Left-wing social media will hearken back to this moment for all of eternity as evidence that we are constantly attacking their speech, while they never acknowledge how they do it every day on every level, in a manner only one believing in an adhering to an ideology ideated by kikes could.

Digits don't lie.

Fucking checked Kek

Digits are on a roll tonight. Checked.

The smart thing to do would be to attack the leftists who post things about her as anti-semites with your sockpuppet accounts, because it wakes them up when they are the ones being attacked with ridiculous buzzwords.


holy moley

Nice ID.

That fuck?

Top check.

That's your king nigger, faggot

They don't. It is already written in US law.

That isn't what he was saying.

White Genocide isn't a "democrat thing", it's being orchestrated by the jews who control both parties, and were responsible for this "kike vs kike" outburst.

Have an upkike.
Have a (((you))).
Now back to the oven ya filthy jew!

Difference being the typical Democrat voter vehemently hates whites and wants out nations flooded with muds, while the typical Republican voter does not. 'm not speaking about the higher ups when I talk about them, but the general mentality of the whole.

We're having a civil war soon aren't we?

To think that fucking kike Posobitch used Holla Forums to promote himself and now whiteknight for kikes calling this subhumans "nazi".

You have no shame, get the fuck out of here you little man.

He's using (((their))) tactics against (((them))). And one of (((them))) gets arrested and can be used against (((them))).
He can stay the fuck out of here, but he works best on the streets so it's a win/win.

Even the "right wing" guys. Everytime some kekistani queer acts like an angry lesbian in public you have these guys going, "See? The right is just as bad as the sjws. What we need is
sensible moderates who love Israel AND trannies."

so based(TM)

fucking hell i hate these cunts as much as i do the marxists

current politics is just different shades of marxists calling each other nazis

Nig Kike talks to Kike


This isn't about whether that individual play was "shut down", it's about how we on the right need to heavily push a culture of collective guilt and to do so at every opportunity possible. Normalize the idea that one "deranged individual" leftist represents all deranged indvidual leftists. The left has spent decades doing it to the right to great success. The Allies did it to the Germans after World War II and completely destroyed them as a people.

Relentlessly assigning collective guilt for each new act of leftist violence will be supremely effective. The "normies" just want to live their lives and don't want an ounce of what the commies, anarchists, bourdeoisie progressives, academics, etc. are selling (though they don't want full fascism either). Look at the Missouri protests and how normal opinion turned on the protesters as a whole. Look how it turned on BLM with the police shootings and other bullshit. People see these things and they're already wary and thus by normalizing the idea that all leftists are responsible for the actions of their leftist bretheren, no matter how peaceful they may be on an individual level, leftism becomes seen as more and more unacceptable to the average person.

Another example would be the way we view Islam. The #RefugeesWelcome types are far in the minority. Most Americans support things like the travel ban because we do not give Islam a pass for individuals. We treat the actions of ISIS and other jihadists as representative of the whole. We push the idea that there is an inherent flaw in Islam that produces this. Islam becomes seen as increasingly unacceptable by the average person and that it would be better if we just didn't allow them into our country.

The same applies to the left. Don't just take this as a one off incident. Hammer it home at any time you can. Any time any leftist or liberal does something criminal or violent hammer into people the idea that all leftists are responsible, not just bad apples.

That play has to become the new He Will Not Divide Us

It's just a fucking play. Let the puppers have their chew toys.

I'm surprised that within months we became the ones shutting things down..

Too much winning… now I feel it's going overboard.

Fuck off

um, teargas anyone?



ceasar was stabbed with a nail file?

the tools may change but the intent remain the same

Good times

Care to explain how the left doesn't have freedom of speech?

You call one bitch out for not running the objective and it's the end of the world. Killing the president? Meh.

rape and murder are forms of artistic expression, u racist

Tbh, that actually might be a good idea. Encourage people to barge on to stage and start memeing. It doesn't even have to be political, just ruin the play. Hell you don't even have to run on stage, just make noise or be annoying. If you get 5 or 6 people in there annoying the shit out of people like in the vid you posted, you could ruin the business. The most they can do is throw you out, not much else.

Here's an idea. Take a bluetooth speaker of some kind and hide it somewhere around the stage area. When there is silence, play Moonman or Shadilay. Do it with multiple speakers in multiple locations and you will ruin the play.



Don't bother, I'm just ranting about an art form being destroyed in schools because of women and poor infrastructure. (some tech and science might have something to do with it as well in regards to funding)

This isn't traditional OR modern theatre. This is just a bunch of propaganda. This crap happens in colleges and high schools around the fucking country. Directors are being permitted to perform this crap because most principals and presidents of highschools and colleges see this fine art as something that can hardly be used as a means of corrupting or persuading an audience to commit acts of violence or sexual misconduct - it's not like we're living in the Renaissance times or dark ages in their eyes, yeah?

This kind of crap is being portrayed along side a strong emphasis on women's rights and the leading roles of females in plays that also go so far into complexity that anyone of any made up gender can play any fucking role with this newfound 'limitless creativity' that your women's right minor directors are allowing students to pursue, or are giving them no choice. I'm not even fucking kidding, a had to sit through a play my fellow peer directed a scene from that was just a no named character saying a bunch of numbers. Nothing more, nothing less. I put on a Monty Python skit using one male and two transgenders and my classmates still couldn't fucking see the humor or give a shit about me and my purpose.

Theatre is a historic fine art, and a historic record of literature in its own element, and schools are ignoring terrible directors and their complete and utter disregard for any other genre and style of theatre that may exist so that they may push their ideologies on a student body that already has a hard enough time with identity. They also prioritize content material such as theme and story over cast dynamics and relations. It's killing the art form's credibility in schools. Poor directors who want to teach children about equal rights instead of theatre.

Did you go see it so your wife's bull would feel more comfortable in his new home?

I have a Twitter and try to follow shit, but this little stunt blew up into a massive Alt-Light/Alt-Right E-Celeb circle jerk. On one side you have Cernovich, Posobiec and whoever else. The other side you have Spenser, Damigo and the "Fash the Nation" or whatever crew. I don't even follow any of these people and I'm reading through retweets nothing but them both arguing back and forth about dumb ass gay shit. Calling each other cucks. Also somehow Ben Shapiro is running his mouth.

I want this to happen on stage

no wonder, you're spending your money on seeing these shows, you filthy casual

How do you end Julius Ceaser with that. Anyone who knows their history knows what happens next. "Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war" - Marc Anthony Are they memeing their annihilation. Also in Dantes Inferno the devil comps on the head of Brutus and Judas.

I'm a lurker for long time frends. But this post was such shit I had to comment. Fucking checked!

lefties may not realize they are comparing themselves to histories greatest villains, also Julius Ceasers corpse birthed the roman EMPIRE. I blame modern education and muh hitler.

from the pictures of the play i saw the assassins are all niggers, fitting.

Not to be Machiavellian or anything, but why would we have any interest in making the left more palatable?

If it takes more "dems are the real racists" getting punched or whatever to wake up and ultimately save our people, shouldn't we be playing up their spergouts while quietly building ourselves up?

Yes, make them out a the villains, assassins, and traitors they compare themselves to. If they murder first citizen Donald Trump, make an Emperor Baron Trump

it's like a little box of jewish psycopathy by itself

I had to look this up. I've been pronouncing his last (Goebbels) name wrong this whole time.Though the guy in the webm isn't quite saying it right, but it's damn close. Closer than what I always pronounced it as. Go-bells.

It's Shakespeare about Trump.
Shakespeare alone is boring as a hell, and theatre about Trump to some would be considered the equivalent of the Nazi's destroying historic works of art during their occupations. That is a fucking disgrace and that director should be fucking lynched along with the sponsors and performers.

The only fucking reason this matters in relation to politics is the educational and sociological impacts this has and could have. They're going to think they were pioneers in this day and age for receiving this kind of protest for putting on something so radical and try to compare it to the fucking past when theatre found it's literary roots amidst the political issues surrounding its inception.

Only difference will be that the audiences were split down the middle of protest and humor because they had actual problems in their pasts, and the Greeks were being introduced to new material. This is turning a fucking drama into a comedy through means of depicting presidential assassination, not even a month after some stupid ginger cunt posted a fake picture of a beheaded Trump.

I'm all for this kind of rebellious behavior, but keep it out of the god damn motherfucking art, and do not use art and entertainment to garner support for your violent bigotry. They are the fucking problem now. God damn it I'm fucking pissed, I gotta get out of this place right now.


Fucking this, Every time you come across someone spouting some leftist talking point in casual conversation you need joke like "uh oh, look out for this guy, I better not stand next to a republican senator at a baseball game so I don't get shot".


The Communist Party of USA is literally banned from exercising free speech by law.

I'm so fucking irritated. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!
Using art to fucking promote the acceptance of hate and violence towards another human bean!? On the internet it's whatever, it's the internet and behind anonymity you can't do shit and it's like an entirely different world where anything goes I get that and that's understandable. But this is fine art. This was something that required a team of people, this costed people money, this costed time and effort, this is something that will be remembered in history books as something bad. Not some Pepe labeled as hate symbolism by some jews still using dial-up.

I'm sure there were multiple reasons behind these pieces of shit putting this kind of thing on stage, ranging from inciting anger, freedom expression, creative humor a simple joke. And each reason you debunk, you'll find a new reason behind a new strain of illogical bullshit to support this kind of garbage.
Unfuckingbelievable. FUCKING atrocious, and disrespectful to the entire art community. It's this kind of anger that causes people to blow up Ariana Grande concerts.


It shows they never really thought of art or literature as anything but tugboats to push their message with.
Leftists have never respected art.

It's a hard truth to accept, and I hate knowing I have to agree with you. Having a political message is perfectly fine, but assassinating the president isn't a political message. It's just senseless hate and violence encouraged by hateful and violent people who pander to the common ideologies of one of the largest cities in the country as a source of revenue and publicity.
I'm a "liberal" theatre student, and this kind of stuff insults me I'm a white atheist and something actually gets to me other than stupid people on the chans. I'm honestly flabbergasted.

caesar was loved, killing caesar brought on the tyrants

It is casually free


The DR3 thing is completely stupid. It means they are accepting the left's position as their premise. They will eventually turn on themselves and devolve into leftists if they don't sort that shit out.


It seems like they do president themed Julius Caesar plays.

The best part of this is the "Real Conservative" never trump fucks condemning it.

This is embarrassing. This is what happens when you don't view current events through a racial lens - you don't realize how high the stakes are

if he continues to trigger libcucks and dig up their dirt, I'm all for it.

Fucking really?

There is a correlation I suspect

user you're not from here

Ya, I've been noticing that as well.


Communists don't have rights in US. Communist Control Act of 1954 just needs to be enforced.

This. It never ceases to amaze me how most anons don't have the sense or tact, or take one from the pages of Trump in being able to turn the golem against eachother.
Webm and Files very related. For all that of him visiting that one jew infested building, it brought the protesting libs down on the place, and they mindlessly like the drones they are went after the juden present. It did more to hurt (((them))) than us. Use the momentum against themselves, Throw the fox in the hen house that completely drives more rifts into the left. Out-jew the jew.


And they're growing bigger! really they are… I'm kind of worried actually, I might have a spermatocele. ;_; is this bad?