Is germany permanently fucked forever ?

is germany permanently fucked forever ?

I hope so. Germany can forever fuck itself for creating Nazism.

"Germany" didn't create Nazism, Hitler did with the help of the German bourgeoisie to combat the rise of communism after the great depression.

To some extent, yes. The experience of Hitlerism has left an impact that Germany hasn't completely recovered from.


The fuck are you smoking?

Is this some kind of slight against leftists? Germany is run by the bourgeoisie for the bourgeoisie the purpose of the government is to reduce the wages of workers and hinder the labour movement to benefit the bourgeoisie in the class struggle. They are importing sources of cheap labour for the sake of the bourgeoisie and their profits.

People are more scared of extreme leftism than extreme rightism. Sad!

Yeah,that's why it's one of the greatest countries in Europe.

Stalinists need to be gassed.

Not after the purge it won't be

This one of "the greatest countries in Europe" happens to be run by the bourgeoisie for the sake of the bourgeoisie.

Liberals need to be gulaged.

Shut it down!


Yeah, no thanks.



Not if Trump wins.

Obama victory gave birth to SJW all over the world, it wasn't this bad under Bush.

If Trump wins, a massive sense of right wing smugnes and populism will spread to all facets of life.

Fucking kill yourself

The disaster that Bush was gave rise to liberals gaining traction which gave rise to SJW.

You better hope Trump doesn't win, because that will be the biggest blow the right has ever seen.



AfD are nationalist and that's all I care about

Let the jihadis and right wingers go full retard and Merkel try to fix it all.

Truly, the Aryan Ubermensch will "save the white race" once again.

Did I miss something?
Is this about China buying their companies?

Actually, SJW rose under Obama, not Bush.

Specifically they rose in his second term.

Basically when two halfs of a whole idiot decide to do the fusion dance.

The state, perhaps, but not the people.
Even after all the marxism and whatnot.

If you had been born to a German family back then, then you'd most likely have been hitler youth voluntarily.

Losing a war doesn't mean you're wrong, it just means you lost a war.

Fighting against nations that are so big they can fit you into their pocket is not that easy, especially if you get backstabbed on military maneuvers, but since no man can rule alone, what could Hitler have done?

Not much else.
Instead of trying for communism for the umpteenth time, try something that actually made the people prosperous.

Can you even refute the glory of Germany without muh war or holocaust?

Also, the cucked bits are anglofied/marxified Germans.
Just look at Britain and you will see them suffering from "Muzzies" and co, too.
That is a not a coincidence, they are being trolled by their own forefathers for fighting against the savior of the western world.

Britain blowing a certain border incident out of proportion was pretty much the biggest catalyst of the war.

To add to that.
Thanks to your own effort of being good goy golems to leftist ideologies, you are now facing a world, after your revolution is done that is in the following state:

Because of egalitarianism, all glorious countries have been pulled down to primitive levels.
You will have retards as your thralls who will not be able to engineer, build or maintain anything for you.
And the really smart people will reject you and undermine you because you destroyed the enlightenment through marxism and co.

Because of the destruction of gender roles, the glorification of homosexuality and co, you have crippled the family unit and will only have thralls that are special snowflakes that will die after one generation because they read too many books on communism and are now too smart to know "giggle stick in baby chute equals new people" and instead orgasm into oblivion with an eternally massaged prostate.

Meanwhile, the jews and other subhumans will just course along and eventually take over, including you, because while every enemy loves treason, nobody likes a traitor.

If you backstabbed even your own kind, you have about as much trust about you as something that is not very trust deserving.
Plus, you know of enemy plans. Very dangerous for you.

There is a flaw in this plan, though.
Jews never created civilization, they did not evolve in such a way, they ar parasites, and muslims are basically sandniggers that will never do anything good without whitey.
(As do jews, by the way, they're not that clever, they are just very specialized.)

"The revolution, like Saturn, devours its own children."
It's been true back then, it's true now, and will be true forever.

I see right wingers being called larpers so much, but, statistically speaking, communist purges are much more common than "nazi" purges, probably because only one dude really did it so far.

And he made the country great again.
You could have all of that. You like tanks? Germany had tanks.
You like nature? Hitler loved nature.
You like cars? Volkswagen had cars. Hitler had the autobahn.
You like space? Nazis knew how to build proper rockets.
You like animals? Nazis were huge on animal rights.
You like architecture and engineering? Nazis loved that shit.
You like cool occult shit? Himmler was a ginormous otaku on that front.
You like houses and sex? Four children and your house loan was anulled.
You like fashion? Nazis had some nice fashion.
You like diversity? Nazis weren't total xenophobes, they just liked Germany the most and knew the vile races that poison everybody.
Like medicine? You bet they had that.

But even all of that aside, here is something to think about:
If you think Hitler and the nazis were just brutes, know this:
Bullying and exploitation and murder and whatever you accuse them of, doesn't magically create anything.

If I could raise an army and slaughter all the niggers in Africa then I'd only have achieved one thing. No more niggers in Africa.

I didn't magically gain skills in engineering, medicine, sciency. I would still have to sit on my ass and study and work.
And that's what "whites" and other muh privileged people did.

You don't become great by just being a brute.

Which, ironically (not really) the left is. Everything good is being destroyed, and it will never make anyone great, ever.

Which is:
Just because a stronger being died for any reason, doesn't mean you have become stronger.
You'll just be as weak and backwards before, you're merely on top of the foodchain now.
If a genius dies, ignorant people don't magically become smarter because of it.
They're just as ignorant as before.

The world gained nothing through that, it only lost something.

This has nothing to do with the "glory of Germany" it has everything to do with fascism. WW2 was anti-fascist war not an anti-German war. The Soviets were not anti-German, in fact, they were the one country of importance that did not have anything to do with the treaty of versailles because they made a separate peace. Stalin in particular was pro-German and strongly opposed involvement in WW1 against Germany as well as the treaty of versailles which was unfair to Germany.

Stalin : But if we are going to speak of our liking for a particular nation, or rather, for the majority of its citizens, then of course we must not fail to mention our liking for the Germans. Our liking for the Americans cannot he compared to that!

Ludwig: Why precisely the German nation?

Stalin: If only for the reason that it gave the world such men as Marx and Engels. It suffices to state the fact as such.

Stalin even negotiated with Ribbentrop personally. It was the fascists that decided to provoke the war against a country that they had a pact with and that wasn't involved with the treaty of versailles and that didn't harm them in anyway. This was done so Hitler could feel "spiritually free" because the partnership with the Soviet Union was "often very irksome." They launched a war of aggression for which they were later tried as criminals for in the nuremberg trials. This can't be passed over because "muh war."

But even before the war Hitler established a dictatorship over the country and named himself "fuhrer" where he eliminated dissent, burned books, and even purged his own expelling the Asserists. So he established a right wing capitalistic dictatorship answerable only to him. There was no "glory of germany" under the Nazis. In the end they turned out to be nothing more then a band of criminals and international gangsters that led their country to ruin with their stupid policies.

Wrong side won, it's as simple as that and allies have been suffering ever since.

That shitshow?
About as legitimate as the exaggerated holocaust.

Hitler got betrayed on Barbarossa, and if you really think that Germany started the war then you must be a Brit.
You know, the people who actually were the catalysts

they will sell your precious nation for proverbial pocket change as soon as someone offers.

it's literally the same shit as the american reagan era, a bunch of patriotic pandering to cover up the fact that all they wanted was to eliminate consumer and worker rights

Illegitimate in the sense that the Allied powers weren't good by their own merits, but there is substantial, verified evidence that the Holocaust happened, and we actually tried to deny it at first. For example, there were some small scale attempts to reuse human corpses by Nazi engineers, but when this was reported no one cared because it sounded like bullshit propaganda from WWI.
Believe it or not, "muh six gorillion" is actually the conservative statistical estimate, not the ass pulled one. A LOT of people were killed, often for stupid and impulsive reasons. Well, more stupid and impulsive than usual.

Christ, save us this lecture. It's always the samet: Nazi Germany didn't start the war, even though they did, but that doesn't count because they were special snowflakes.
And yes, everyone knows that Bongistan was shitty back then too. Two wrongs still don't make a right. Many innocent people died, yet the Nazis couldn't even kill the amorphous blob of pretentious angst in charge of the royal army.

You didn't read anything I said. The Soviets were pro-German, Lenin was sent to Russia by the Germans in WW1, they were even denounced as "Germano Bolsheviks" for opposing involvement against Germany in WW1, they opposed the treaty of versailles, and even signed the treaty of rapallo, not to mention the molotov ribbentrop pact. They started the war against a country that did not harm them, that was a war of aggression. They did not rise from "nothing" to a superpower they have always been a major power in Europe with a relatively high population. What happened is they went from something significant to a brutal dictatorship under Hitler and then due to their dictators policies the country went to nothing.

What the fuck does that mean? He started the fucking war by attacking a neutral country. They didn't just attack them they went all the way up to Moscow to attack the capital of Russia. The Russians weren't going to stand for that shit. The Russians showed no hostility for the Germans before barbarossa but they weren't going to sit down like bitches and let them attack their country.

Fuck the Brits. They made the fascist Mussolini a British knight for his involvement in WW1. They were also involved with the treaty of versailles though the Soviet Union was not. The Soviet Union was not involved in the treaty of versailles and did not harm Germany in any way. Yet the fascist leadership of Germany decided to launch a war of aggression against the Soviets. They started the war on the eastern front. That is what is relevant.

Since you are so obsessed with cucking if you want to know really "cucked" Western Europe if anything it was Hitler sending the best and brightest of the European people to die of the cold in the Russian winter without proper winter equipment or to get killed or starved. The bodies of young German men piled up in Stalingrad and elsewhere because a war Hitler started as dictator.

Daily reminder: if the Polish hadn't been so difficult about things, 1 million Red Army troops would've been ready to move in on Germany had Hitler attempted to annex Czechoslovakia.

I'm not even a tankie, but the bickering between the Western and Eastern European states forced the Soviet's into doing a lot of fairly bad shit.

5 years of regime.
That's about 1826 days (with one leap year added one).
1826 days are 43,824 hours.
43,824 hours are 2,629,440 minutes.
6,000,000 have died in 2,629,440 minutes.

6,000,000 divided by 2,629,440 is 2.281.
Or about 2.3 jews per minute.
Since day one. 24 hours per day. 7 days a week, without pause.
While struggling on two fronts, labor shortage to the point where women had to pitch in.
And they all were emaciated. Where were the fat people who must have gotten slaughtered immediately, of course, instead of being kept around, getting typhus and co because the infrastructure was bombed out.

And yeah, this is the conservative number, 12 million and co are even worse.
Germans did a lot of great stuff, but I think you're giving them a bit too much credit on efficacy here.

It's shitty today because it fought the savior of the west, the Raj is on their home porch now, not in Pakistan.

Bararossa was not conducted in its form by Hitler, the Wehrmacht was behind it.

One betrayal of several. Why do you think even comedy hitler from youtube poops is angry at being betrayed?

Hitler didn't even hate the Poles like the Germans did because he was Austrian and not Prussian, he had disdain for them for leaving a battle, but he developed respect for them again later.
In fact, there were many a propaganda pieces that showed the German and polish birds of prey one-upping the French rooster.

I continue to stand by my words.
The wrong side won. You are all duped. You are fighting against prosperity.
(Apply yourselves for a moment and think which nation under which leader would have embraced things like "transhumanism" the most.)

The wrong side won, all good things were destroyed and the world is suffering for it.
But the pendulum is swinging back again.
Hopefully you will wake up in time to fight on the right side then.

Read the actual books on the matter, I don't care, mainly since most Holocaust deniers paradoxically wish it did happen.

Hitler was a huge fan of conservative Islam, you fucking retard.

Firstly, jews don't fear muslims, they had more than one choice for their ethnostate location, but they chose the middle east among them.

Secondly, the Raj is not on British soil because Hitler liked Islam, but because Brits, among the other Jew golems, got duped into open borders and co.
You know?
The thing that benefits rootless people without a real homeland the most.

They would walk over glass and hot coals if it meant that Europe (its ancient enemy) kept open borders and multi culture on their minds.

This allows them to come back, live here.
So what if a few of them die in the process, seeing how well the holocaust lie worked, that only works in their favor.

As long as enough of them survive and open borders is on the mind of people, they can spread back out.

What does that have to do with anything? Hitler was the one who ordered it. He conceptualized the attack in Mein Kampf

"And so we Not Socialists consciously draw a line beneath the foreign policy tendency of our pre-War period. We take up where we broke off six hundred years ago. We stop the endless German movement to the south and west, and turn our gaze toward the land in the east. At long last we break of the colonial and commercial policy of the pre-War period and shift to the soil policy of the future."

This is one of the reasons he found the Soviet-German pact of peace so "irksome" because all his concepts involved expanding eastwards.

"The partnership with the Soviet Union, in spite of the complete sincerity of the efforts to bring about a final conciliation, was nevertheless often very irksome to me, for in some way or other it seemed to me to be a break with my whole origin, my concepts, and my former obligations. I am happy now to be relieved of these mental agonies." - Hitler

Stand by your stupid words

Which one? The ones written by the victors, conquerors, occupiers and re-educators?

At this point you are just pulling statements out of your ass.

Well, how do I know your sources aren't lies?

It's the difference between choosing a place and time that is not asinine, and one that will cost you the war, get pushed back, bombed to shit with your women getting raped and so forth.

It's not 500 years in the past and I am German. Old people existed for quite some while.

Also, all allied countries are suffering in the same way.
All allied countries are getting fed up over the same thing (now with the internet and whatnot)
All allied countries are getting more and more anti semitic.
The Lügenpresse is mainstream again.

Because jewish lies, born from a tribe that has never created civilization or has a heart for people cannot ever persist a movement as destructive to the host than leftism and co.

You can stand on your head until you're blue in the face.
Germany enjoyed the greatest updraft in the near history because of Hitler.
Just like America had an updraft after slaying the banks under Jefferson.

If you think Nazi Germany was just a brute then you're deluded, because, again, being a brute doesn't magically bestow you with excellence.

And losing a war doesn't necessarily mean you were wrong.
I'm sure you agree on that, seeing how I'm posting on a board that still fights for communism despite numerous purges and setbacks.

Hell, even the Untermensch is starting to sound like a modern documentary again, save for the outdated names and the face on the cover, since people have become ruined enough already to look like that more often than not.

"As long as there are humans living on earth, will the battle between the subhuman and the human be a historical recurrance.
No matter how far we can see back in the past, this battle against the nations, led by the Jew, is a natural part of living on this planet.
One can be reassured to come to the conclusion that this battle of life and death is a law of nature, just as the battle of the plague bacterium against a healthy body is one."
-Reichsführer SS, Heinrich Himmler 1935

Just like the night that rises against the day, how light and shadow are eternal foes, the worst enemy of man, ruler of earth, is man, himself.

The subhuman, this apparently biologically similar creation of nature, with hands and feet, a kind of brain, with eyes and mouth, is something fundamentally different.
A brood with humanoid facial features, but mentally and spiritually lower than any animal.

Inside this creature there is a gruesome chaos of wild, unbridled passions: nameless desire of destruction, primitive covetousness, the most unveiled form of baseness.

Subhuman – nothing more!

"Because not everything that bears the countenance of a human is the same."
Woe be him who forgets about this!

All that this earth possesses, great works, thoughts and arts - the human has thought it up, created it, and completed it.
He devised and invented, for him, there was only one goal: Work his way up to a higher state of being, to redesign the inadequate, to replace the unsatisfactory with something better.

From this, culture grew.
From this sprang forth the plow, the tool, the house.
From this, man became social, came family, came folk, came the state.
From this, man became virtuous and great.
From this, he rose above far above all other creatures.
From this, he became next to god!

But the subhuman also lived.
He hated the works of others. He raged against it, secretly as the thief, openly as the detractor - the murderer.
He consorted with his own kind.

The beast summoned the beast.
Never did the subhuman keep the peace, never was he placid.
This is because he needs the twilight, the chaos.
He dreaded the light of cultural progress.

To preserve himself, he required the swamp, the pits of hell, but never the sun.
And this underworld of the subhuman found its leader: - The enternal jew!

He understood them, he knew what they wanted. He nurtured their most vulgar desires and passions, he let loose a horror upon mankind.

It started in historical times,with the extermination of the Persians, the celebration of Purim, the first glorification of organized mass murder.
75 000 aryan persians fell victim to jewish hatred. Even today, the jewry celebrates this deed of horror as their greatest "religious feast".

Eternal is the hatred of the subhuman toward the radiant figures, the bearers of light.
Eternally the demise of the western world is looming from the deserts.

Eternally, in distant steppes, the powers of desctruction congregate.
Eternally Attila and Genghis Kahn collect their hordes of huns, to race through Europa, a living apocalypse, leaving fire and death, rape, murder and consternation in their wake.
So that the world of light, and knowledge of thousandfolds, the powers of progress and human excellence shall sink back into the abyss of the primal state.

Eternally is this the will of the subhuman:
That, when there shall be desert again, where, just now, the radiance of sublime enlightenment inventively illuminated the darkness, then his final goal would be achieved.

Thus, there has been the struggle between those opposing poles that raged for millennia, under terrible, unpredictable laws.
Forever will be there a Genghis Kahn, a new Attila who tears open the gates of Europa, who only knows one thing: The complete annihilation of everything beautiful!

Today, the embodiment of this will of destruction is known as Bolshevism!
But this Bolshevism is not a modern phenomenon! It is neither a product of our current day, nor is it an innovation in the context of human history.
It is as old as the existence of the jew himself.

Its forerunners are named Lenin - Stalin.

"There will be the bloody decapitations of the leaders of a people, who then are cast into the statist, into the economic, the cultural, the mental, the spiritual and the corporeal slavery.
The rest of the people, through countless acts of miscegenation robbed of their values, degenerated - and in the historically short passing of centuries one will only merely remember if these people once existed."
-Reichsführer SS, Heinrich Himmler 1935

Regardless of the logistics of it the attack on the Soviet Union was a war of aggression which is a war crime, which makes Hitler a war criminal.

Throughout history, whenever there has been popular discontent the ruling classes have used anti-semitic demagogy in order to prop up their rule. Hitler is no exception, he was just a demagog who used anti-semitism to prop up his rule. This anti-semitic demagogy was characterized by a lack of nuance as all Jews were grouped together rather they were proletarian and bourgeoisie, in practice this meant mostly poor Jews were persecuted. Well bourgeoisie Jews like Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild were ransomed off because they had money. So all they had was opportunistic demagogy.

Yeah, that's why jews always want to come back, because it's well known that they will be fed to the wolves.
And it's not to be subversive against the western world, or anything.
That's why they are commonly known as the real convervatives that would never go against things that built the host country and culture in the first place.

Yeah, that's totally how it is. The world is just a hater and the blameless jew the eternal victim.
That's why persecuting jews is so efficent, too.
The fact that the country usually rises up afterwards is just a coincidence, or rooted in people suddenly feeling empowered for having bullied and kicked out a weak, harmless people.

Is this what you are trying to sell here?
A giant conspiracy throughout history where all the bad and evil demagogues always use the same thing just because they're haters, or something?

I'm not saying it's impossible that that happened, but why could they have been burgeoise jews in the first place?

Because they were living in host countries, playing the fiat currency game, etc.
And the holocaust and co have been nothing but lucrative for the jews.

And they got their ethnostate, etc.
Yeah, a real tearjerker, poor jews, they would never concoct something like that.

I never said either that Jews are "blameless" and the "eternal victim" or that they are to be blamed. It is important to have nuance, and to distinguish between the proletarian Jews and the bourgeoisie Jews. In particular, amongst the bourgeoisie Jews we have the Rothschilds who have been one of the principal backers of Zionism. Edmond James de Rothschild was one of the financiers who helped Zionism get off the ground. Rothschild Boulevard, where the Israeli declaration of independence was signed, is even named after him. However, just as there are Jewish bourgeoisie that have done wrongs there are also non-Jewish bourgeoisie that have also well.

Not a giant conspiracy but rather a common thread amongst elites who have used anti-semitic demagogy for no purpose other then to prop up their rule.

It absolutely happened. The Rothschilds were treated better then poor Jews by the Nazis and were ransomed for money. Look it up.

Certainly not without the help of the Haavara agreement which Hitler supported which sent Jews to Israel. Its also worth bearing in mind that the Nazis under Hitler attacked the Soviet Union even though it was an anti-Zionist country and Stalin was an anti-Zionist.

Yeah, but don't you see the problem in that?
You have a foreign agent in your land, that has so much monetary power and control over your country AND rich enough equally foreign relatives/benefactors to ransom someone already insanely rich?

You think that's is a normal thing that shouldn't be rectified?

And yeah, Hitler wanted jews removed from the country, but I guess only the few bourgeoise jews were good for that, he gassed as many as he could, etc.

Which makes sense, if you think about it.

Maybe Hitler was an idiot after all, if that is how it went.
Only shows that it needs to be done again, more sensibly.

But, anyway. It's not a secret that jews meddle with money and culture, based on ideals they concoct, even though they have no idea about anything other than duping people into moneysystems and being professional parasites and victims, even if the fallout of their parasitism results in some good people every now and then.

The chain had to start somewhere. Brits and Germans didn't shoot one another readily in WW1 because the first instinct when you see someone is not to kill them on sight.
Especially when they're no immediate threat.
(Trigger finger frostbite, and so forth.)

Counter semitism IS the cure for the western world, in which way it is administered is secondary, as long as it is administered.
The wester world will continue to suffer and decay as long as they humor and nurture these warped people.

Step away from the trash can.

I'm sorry if I appear insane, but here is what I have to work with.

Jews are being used by demagogues through history to be scapegoats and jumping stones.

Even the rich ones with money connection and banking conglomerates are being sold away instead of allied with. Despite them controlling freaking finances.

So even the rich ones get shafted.

This apparently has been common knowlege for ages.

So I wonder why you, or at least some of you, who know about this, don't oppose open borders and champion a new form of nationaI sociaIism.

Close borders, so there can be no jews in the country to be sacrificed.

Solving this problem, but also others, like:
By rejecting immigrants, you are ameliorating the divide between poor and rich, and developed and developing.
Why? Because, unless cheating is involved, only the higher status and better off people from poor countries can afford immigration.

They then get skimmed off the developing country, even though the country could use people like them, and, to make it worse, the remaining poor population births million more poors into the country.

This is easily exploitable.

You would reduce racial tensions and eternal turf wars.
Collaboration is not impossible under nationaIism.

But, apparently jews are extremely gullible, because they are among the loudest when it comes to open borders for them and everyone else.
Even though they should know that they get sacrificed on the altar of demagogy again.

How gullible are they? Or is this some 4D chess that is above me?

Because to me this looks like cows rushing to the slaughterhouse.

I could go on about this particular thing, but you can see the craziness in the "leftypol" angle, right?

All this behavior I am describing is consistent with jews and open borders being detrimental, though.
It explains why jews get persecuted all the time, because they meddle with finances and culture, etc.

Only in the setting of them just being victims, everybody involved is suddenly a retard.
Including the jews. Both gentiles and jews are the idiots here, but especially the jews for clamoring for inclusion all the time despite it being a well known fact that they're gonna get sacrificed.

But even in this case, in order to break the cycle of demagoguery, you all should be opposing globalism and open borders.

Because if you deny countries a steady drip of jews to be sacrificed, then demagoguery cannot rise again.
Especially if all tribes/races are in their corner of the world, working together.

So yeah, excuse my confusion.

The entire Volk went to war for a reason: to wrest through flame and steel the one eternal truth of life.

Sadly, it got BTFO like noone before or since by commies and liberals ;_;

The only consequential and coherent response to that is to accept their place in the natural hierarchical order of things, meaning under USSR/USA/UK, and perform as required in the new order.

An order, after all, that was forged in the flames of war.

Thus, welcoming immigrants is the only thing a real Nazi must do.

Be true to yourselves, step out from your cognitive dissonance.

nigga are you high???

They are thieves and parasites.

Are you jewish?



Is DE fucked?


hahahaahwew not bad tovarish I am laff are you of performing on the nightwashs?

you are…leaving out a few factors to put it lightly




90% of AfDs programm talks about loweirng taxes on the rich, banning unions, removing workers rights and social security
but hey, they hate muslims so it is allright and in favor of workers :DDDDDDDDD

oh ok, so you are high then. good to know.