Why do all (((alt right))) claim to be red pilled evem tho they are pro israel and jew?

Seriously, these fucking flaming sacks of shit are claiming to be (((the real deal))) when they can't/won't see the real deal. Why is this happening reeeee

Baby steps. The Jew is the final boss.

It's White Nationalism for normalfags.

I think they erroneously believe red pilling to be converting from blue to red

Most of them don't tbh. It's just the cancerous leaders steering a bunch of /ourguys/ down the path to racist libertarianism.


because they're controlled opposition OP
its not that hard to understand that even alex jones is controlled opposition

It's happening because "alt right" is a bad brand

Because they're jewish controlled opposition.

Because that's how Jewish subversion works goy.

Literally who? What is that picture I'm supposed to be looking at I have no idea who that is. Post a little context next time OP. I would say this is a shit thread but most threads these days are.

The alternative to the right is the left.

Jack Posobiec is alt-lite, not alt-right. Get it right, >(1) retard, and never come back to this fucking board.

Many people likely won't agree with this but the (((alt-right))) is a 'gateway drug' to the real deal. So on some-level it is necessary, yet there should also be a large clear line drawn between between )))us((( and (((them)))

really makes ya think

Fuck off, you haven't done your time lurking, nigger

Because it benefits jews to create a controlled opposition that absorbs frustration over white genocide, while telling everyone that "the real redpill is to be pro-Israel."

of course it is goy, now send israel another $50 billion and accept another 5 million based african migrants into your country.

It's called alt-kike for a reason and why nobody on Holla Forums calls themselves that. It's their label and they want to hijack this shit the same way they did with the tea party idiots into neocucks.


anyone identifying with the alt right is either retarded or a shill

Being jew-wise is the only redpill.

The problem with the label of alt-right is that it is in fact a huge umbrella term coined by the jews in order to get all of the disparate right wing ideologies in a single bag that can easily be watered down and dissolved like the term republican(USA) and neo-conservative(Europe) was.If you analyze how many groups there are that are behind this label(or in fact arent but are put there by the media machine anyways)

Alt Right:
White Sharia(I dont know if its a joke or not but some take it really seriously)
Christian Fundamentalists
State Capitalists
White Indentiterians(?)
White Nationalists
White Supremacists
Civic Nationalists
National Socialists
Left Nationalists(might as well be softer Natsoc)
National Bolsheviks
etc. might have missed some

Keep in mind tough that the entire label and concept is to gather all those ideologies together in a bag which the media can kick every so often and ascribe to them values and policies that make it seem its a unified "bad guy" collection to the regular normie pleb that is also batshit insane since there is a lot of conflicting ideas in this huge tent.Or at least thats the picture i think the (((media))) wants to paint to the regular pleb.Any Holla Forumsack worth anything knows that the alt-right doesnt really exist.

because god forbid we ever lower military spending…. (((they))) have kept draining american tax funds to destabilize the mideast

You answered your question in your (((title))) user.

Because retards actually believe the "redpill the world", "le overton window" memes.

These people are a step backwards you dumb fuck.

Please nigger. This shit is neoconservatism but with gays and trannies instead of Mexicans and blacks. It's as much a gateway drug as Mitt Romney is or whatever.

History has shown the nations that choose to ignore their armies discover death or slavery. Defending our military and defending the mid-east "adventures" are two separate things. Anyway "military spending" is a meme, 60-66% of US spending is gibs, military is about 15-20%.

Remember, our enemies always take up both sides of an issue to lure us down separate paths. They either want us to end our "military industrial complex" or use it to serve their needs.

A truly independent and free nation will have a strong military that it uses to benefit its people.

Here are some images to clarify spending.
First is a division of discretionary, mandatory, and interest spending.
Second is discretionary spending. This is the what is used to push the "military overspending" meme, but notice how it only makes up 29% of total spending.
Third is mandatory spending.
Fourth is total spending, that shows the full picture.

(((Controlled opposition))) goy, why is this even a question


Also, the "Alt-Right" doesn't really exist.
It's just an umbrella term made up by some fags to include everyone who dares to stand against the ant-white status-quo.

They install (((leaders))) for our movement and slow it down and eventually turn our ideology against us again. Right now they are stalling us as much as they can. If you thought getting Trump in was hard wait till a Kucinich type runs in 2020.


They are desperate to avoid the DOTR by to co-oping with the right wing nationalists to survive. Alt-right is not real at all.

Why do Jews only support their own kind?

Gee gosh I don't know why they'd do that, I better make a thread about it.

This. It's also the left/jew/establishment zeal where 50% of the population are racist sexist homophobe bad people without distinction. Alt-right = gamergate = Trump = Nazi = gay bodybuilding reactionaries. This and what you said are natural together.

Though there may be some positive effect to having pro-Trump reporters lumped in with holocaust revisionists. They're mixing things which they normally keep carefully boxed.

Its good to point out every once in a while. Tonight this Jack guy very publicly showed his hand. All these alt-kikers are in the same bowl, maybe this is why Trump has ignored all of them.

Kushner and the Chabad Lubavitch kikes (the "Russians" that the jewish liberal media keep calling them) who are managing the propaganda created the (((alt-right))), a dumb controllable golem army pretending to fight against jews, by championing jews and leading a huge election campaign to vote in messianic Chabad jews.

That's why I don't ever use the term, it's meaningless. I don't even like the labels "left" and "right", since they're much too vague.

left-wing = jew controlled marxist distraction
right-wing = jew controlled zionist distraction
Both should be seen with equal contempt.

There isn't a single individual involved in the alt-right that I wouldn't want to throw on a burning pyre along with the left wing marxist drones.


So ur planning to commit suicide?????

The plan and intent is to exterminate (((you))) jews and all your golem army.

It's the jew once again trying to stay ahead of the current and keep themselves still on the teet, suckling on the white-man's society like the parasites they are.


Cuckservatives attempting to fit in with the new young hip non-leftists, and failing miserably.

it's classic d&c