Be paranoid schizophrenic in black metal band

why the fuck does anyone take varg seriously

Other urls found in this thread:

Why the fuck does OP gargle cocks so prolifically?


he's okay to watch ironically but other than that he's a meganigger

Europeans are Cro-Magnon.

Bump lol

cannot into paganism and prolific resurgence

Varg did nothing wrong. But his theories about the past are a bit off the mark.

nobody takes varg seriously. he's just a meme for 14 year old edgelords

Varg is always right, you filthy christcuck.

Yeah, total loser. Everyone should do everything they can to ensure they don’t end up like Varg.

So OP sucks cocks, that's easy, but I want to know, is if it's legit leftist/jerwish shills or /christian/ s who just really really really hate pagans on Holla Forums.

Burzum and black metal in general has had an enormous impact on white nationalism and white solidarity, whether you like it or not.

In Varg's case, I'd say it's christians the vast majority of the time. Varg seems to bring up how Christianity is a horrible religion for whites and wrecked so much havoc across the white world much more than jewish influence (he'd also go to jail in France for only talking about jewish influence).



Schizophrenia isn't real, however a lot of christcucks actually believe they can talk to God like an imaginary friend.


Im fine with white pagans,
And I know OP is a low effort shit poster….

But still, I too never got on the Varg train

Polite sage

Because the Pagans need somebody to idolize and masturbate over, since their actual ideals and ethics are just reskinned utilitarianism and repainted Atheism with a huge dollop of autism on top. Without demagogues and e-celebrities, they have nothing.

Also, besides weev, he's the only guy they have. And weev is so pathetic even the Pagans don't take him seriously.

gas yourself kike

Asatru is such a LARP religion. Sorry but it's retarded to pretend that it's a true representation and continuation of ancient paganism. It doesn't even have a complete written canon because it was destroyed. Whatever the ancient pagans believed it was lost a long time ago when the stories were lost.


how often are you going to make this thread?

Im not a pagan but what an ironic picture OP used, I know Christians that would give away their daughters to a nigger if he was a Christian over a white atheist.
pls kys christcuck

2/10 didn't even mention that he shills for muslims

sweet post. Have some Burzum

This faggot post this same thread everyday on 4cuck.




those are degenerate sides of this movement that need to be purged tbh

it's the same as chad nationalism, our US normies have nothing on finnish reprobates

Op's not wrong though in that noone should follow Varg. I posted his video here where he says that white people deserve their own destruction for colonizing/civilizing the earth and that the destruction of whites is mother nature "correcting the problem"
His "solution" is literally the destruction of white culture, white civilization and white race.

Fuck him regardless of any pro/anti paganshit. He wants everyone to live uncivilized nigger lives and is glad to let niggers do it after the white race dies.

Ye have little faith, that a better culture can be born from the ashes

The West deserves to burn and he isn't wrong about the colonization part considering Mosley spoke of it being a mistake as well.

Burn some churches

*you know you want to*

Watch the video you niggers it's 3 fucking minutes.

The current west did bring destruction upon themselves but he attributes the destruction of the earth to the white man and concludes that the white PEOPLE need to be destroyed.
He says that africans deserve this earth more because they don't invent shit like nuclear power and pills and he says believes africans aren't destructive. He is completely wrong.

This is now a reaction thread. Post rare Vargs.

I don't think you understand irony

anyone have any shotgun shells I cans be borrwings?

OP is faggot.
Varg is awesome.
Stop sliding schlomo.

the west should not be destroyed just because it can build great things and make decent safe societies. Neither should it be destroyed because it can wield great power.
When I say they brought destruction on themselves I mean with outgroup preference and pathological altruism causing them to destroy themselves. It is not some "mother nature" shit, it's 200 years of philosophy/ideology (not to mention christcuckery) that is doing this.

If you still haven't bought land, tools and weapons you're beyond saving.

Fuck right off KIKE

We're being raided. This is the third line they've tried to get us to fight along in as many days, their old favorite; the Christian vs pagans and atheists one. Don't fall for it. Just sage.

we are being raided by alt-kikes the OP of this thread is the OP of the moneyjew threads.



he's ironically calling the downfall of civilization 'white genocide' because the kikes have falsely equated civilization with whiteness when really whites are tribal not civilized domesticated urbanites

he is a bit off on some things but for the most part he is right.Don't advocate him yet he brings up relevant topics and his perspective is completely european I am US and want shitskins and jews gone as we can never live in peace with these shit stains fucking everything up that can be so great without them.

Also living in the woods having your own house and residual income and a family many whites dream of yet live in a shit storm of jew rat politicians and are faced with circumstances that require immediate solutions not sitting in the hills of france.

Easy to talk when your family isn't in danger.

So I like varg a bit of a shit fuck but would be fun to have a beer and some shots and have him try to stab me lmao good times Semper Fidelis.

and not euronymous .

>reddit spacing

never did reddit I like Voat nigger and spacing opps could you ever forgive me

these threads are just as bad as eceleb bullshit

The worst things about him are his kooky bullshit theories and his butthurt about christianity. And i'm an atheist. You know it's pathetic when he is so scared and timid he refuses to criticize Islam and Judaism without mentioning Christianity in the same breath. /r/atheist redditor behavior.

Yes millions of Muslims flooding europe BUT CHRISTIANITY IS JUST AS BAD.

"Islam is a threat? How DARE try to make a distinction between christian conversions in Europe 600+ years ago and the invasion of millions of non-white muslims in the current year! They are both the same and my ancestors wuz vikangs before the christians oppressed us! I'd marry off my daughter to a bosnian muslim if he was blonde!(Good example of faux edginess, plays weird games to avoid taking any meaningful or strong stance but still tries to be edgy)

What are you sliding, Shlomo?

Varg makes good points at times and has some good insights but he often lets his pagan larping get the best of him and he starts making no fucking sense.

Or maybe we're all wrong and Varg is just truly enlightened? :^)

Varg is a good dude. If there were more people like him the white race wouldn't be in so much trouble.

One day.

Good that he had 5 kids, also don't care if you're on welfare if you're ethnically european, only a cuckservative or a shill would pretend to care about that in our current climate where most of it goes to fund our demographic replacement. If we won't use it, invaders will.

Nothing wrong with rural living either, it's just the guy is delusional and kooky in his bunk theories and bitterness towards christianity. Overall i'm more impressed with The Golden One if we're talking scandinavian youtubers.

You made this exact shill thread few weaks ago, fuck off

Also poland is having a baby boom for paying people to have 2+ kids now, if the west had done that decades ago maybe we wouldn't be in this situation where our politicians were replacing us(Unless you think the end goal is solely replacing whites and not just more cheap labor and population growth). Now with millions of non-whites in our countries the welfare state is funding our replacement and a policy like Poland's would speed up the process.

I always thought this was Trey Gowdy

cant unsee

Yeah, to save civilization you must destroy civilization. But he is alright in general.


whos tht qt ;-)))

Varg hit the jackpot.

Am I on /christian/ again by accident?

The jews really do occupy the holy land, you know?

I think Varg is a bretty cool dude. He enrages christians and doesn't afraid of anything.

Space exploration is a meme meant to distract Russian rocket scientists so they'd stop building so many ICBMs. The purpose of the ISS is to keep Russian rocket scientists employed following the breakup of the USSR to prevent them from seeking employment in other nations such as Iran.

Varg is a gay faggot but this copypasta thread sucks. Whatcha sliding, chaim?

He's a European. Avoiding imprisonment isn't cowardice, it's pragmatism.

tbh UI think he is pretty cool yet he really regardless of being or claiming pagan is a civ nat and that is FUCKING CANCER ..All these shit skins need to get out of white culture and leave us alone to pioneer instead of clashing us when we obviously will never get along considering IQ diff could be a good way of weeding out weak race mixing whores

kill them all and their niglets!!!


Actually, Christianity is the worst of the bunch.
For obvious reasons, unless you're a Burger, then you think Europes timeline is like this:
It's dumb, but I can't blame the burgers, they are living in judea II, after all.





No words, only laughter

Another slide thread. And a shitty one mods won't delete, at that .

It's Christcucks. They place their kike on a stick above all else, and they consider anyone who threatens that to be their greatest enemy. They would gladly beg for communism if they thought it would help their religion spread. They are a mind-virus.

Copper overload/zinc deficiency (they correlate) is the actual problem, and it sometimes gets diagnosed as schizophrenia by that pseudoscience cult known as psychiatry. This imbalance can be caused by many things though. A leading cause is vegetarianism.

This religion was created to misdirect people away from the true historic religion. Just look at how Crowley dedicated his life to creating pseudo-pagan cults on behalf of MI5.

All Christians are like this, by definition. They have no allegiance above kike on a stick.

Kill yourself, fag. You are too fat too survive, and that is why you will die. We have no use for the useless. Improve yourself, or join the niggers.


ay yo mang we wuz all vikangz n sheit

Why is Ryoko so perfect?

because anime is based on white people


Every time.

You unironically make your shit thread, every fucking day on both chans. How much you must have been triggered, you pathetic vermin.

Polack here. The birth growth is barely noticeable and most of these children are born in the poorest of families. 500+ also made our national debt skyrocket, it increased the number of officials and some taxes were raised into oblivion.
Read an economics book, przyjacielu.

OP is most likely a non-white, possibly kike and very much triggered that the pro white movement will not end up as useful idiots as the goodest goy evangelicals.

You tell us, OP. You've obviously done that by watching so many of his videos. Fruit trees, nigger? You must have really been on his dick. He rejected your man love huh? That explains your insult about his wife.

Whoop, there it is. Stay salty little fag.

All Christcucks should be crucified. Daily reminder that even Marcus Aurelius persecuted your Jewish desert cult.

Ofc they would. They spearheaded the abolitonists aswell. Kiketianity is at the very heart of the downfall of the west.

Best cleavage in all of anime that's why

Ah it's that time again.

Another Kike D&C thread.

Thanks for the entertainment.

10/10 .gif there boyo.

It's like you are reading straight from your talmud isn't shlomo?

Varg is the pagan equivalent of CF, he defends muslims and marxism. Calling him out on being a faggot has nothing to do with D&C, it's just calling him out on being a faggot.

Yeah I mean. I'm a pagan and I don't really care for Varg but some people do and OP is obviously just trying to get us to fight over that. Works every time.

I'm gonna dump my ryoko folder on /a/ one of these days.They must be shared and seen.polite sage for samefagging

The Christians are importing those muslims, brainlet. And it was actually 900k in 2015.

same shitty pic in every thread, just as stale as your non-arguments

Are Christcucks the most pathetic bunch of all? Spoiler: yes they are.


It's accurate and a classic. It deserves to be in every thread. You faggots need to be reminded everytime. No shut up and go read your talmud.


It's nothing. It's a pathetic vermin, just like you. And if you mean "read the talmud". You know you are talking about the old testament, right, you pathetic vermin?

I hate you so fucking much, Christcuck. Almost as much as the communists, which spawned from your shit religion in the first place.

Hey man, every a few generations of pimping out your own daughters to a bunch of nogs you might have the strength to conquer Christendom but for now, just know your place.

why are you even posting this at me?

I would take a Syrian/Croatian muslim than one of you dumb fucking niggers.

He's no better than any other prison rat skinhead latching on to our movement, and almost as nutty as Sinead. William Pierce would rip self-important thorns like him and their underage fanboys to shreds.

He's not really Pagan either, he just borrows Pagan rites and symbols. His idea of Paganism is somehow just scientism, and the old gods are in his eyes just "Stone Age misconceptions".

I know you would, that's the sad part. You hate Christendom so much you are willing to ally with the enemy out of spite .

He must be doing something right
I noticed the ZOG shills on krautchan/int/ is obsessed with him

How hard would it be to blow up his house from a distance with a bazooka and then drive away into the night?