Don Black's (((StormFront))) Tells Brave Patriot "Theres nothing we can do!"

People still support this bunch? I guess I should not be surprised, being they also support Daily Stormer and TRS, which are both ran by our greatest allies.

Is this White Pride /pol? Demoralize your own race and be a damn coward!! THAT'S ALL FOLKS!!

Other urls found in this thread:

No endchan shills tonight. Just regular shills. Really makes you think.

He's a kike



you people are the reason this is happening..

Holla Forums opps i did it again. Just make sure you tune into David Duke later, fagstormer.

Yeah, way to cut him off before he's finished making his point, faggot.

He made his point! All he did was continue to say why we can't and why we can't some more… Nothing was out of context.


Yet you clicked on the link and took time to write about it. Interesting

Fuck off. He was just beginning to talk about how things had changed under Trump, and how people standing up to Antifa are less likely to be persecuted when you cut it off. You're a faggot, and this thread is a waste of time.

Nope, just stopped by to call you a faggot :^)

No he did not, you are a liar. Listen to his crackling voice and tell me he is not a coward, making excuses. You are a toolbox for Stormfluff

You forgot this.

Did you even listen right to the end of the clip you posted, you retard?

"up until now" He is clearly saying 'I was scared until Trump got in, but I am still scared and just making excuses to sound like I am going to do something, yet in actuality I won't"

Before that he's talking about "government harassment of people who are pro-white" and "now things have changed" - maybe because of Trump or perhaps for some other reason. The "up until now" part has the implication that things are changing moving forward; but we don't hear any of what follows because it's cut off.

Shit job, OP. You heard the phrase "nothing we can do" and reacted like a sperg.

He CLEARLY says it point blank because the caller triggered him. Stop acting like he's going to do something now or was even implying that. He even admits Trump is not doing anything right. Stormfluff is a joke and promotes 'good jews' while they block real patriots on their forums who want to keep non-whites out..

THINGS HAVE NOT CHANGED for the better by the way… Get a clue

Nice outrage marketing, shill.

'outrage marketing' You must be from TRS. You'll still be calling me a shill when Shlomo and Tyrone are drilling your wife for a pornhub promo.

Woop there it is
The faggot can't help but insert his fetish into everything.
Take your drama elsewhere, retard.

Yea, nice deflection. Maybe I should get a real Asian 15 year old like your boy Anglin.

Hey are Don Black and David Duke still sharing wives?

Now he's fantasizing about asian boys? lol

white pride!

Are you sure you're in the right place?

Ya got to hand it to the JIDF shills, they know just how to divide us and cause infighting with Whites. On the one hand I feel that this is simply that the Jews study us and sow dissent logically by spamming these sorts of threads and doing
But on the otherhand, I also wonder whether or not Jews instinctively do what they do. Jews like probably know that they are disgusting subhumans so they know that the very best tactic in their arsenal is to simply accuse every single pro-White of being one of them of in cahoots with them. It is a clever tactic because it discourages pro-White activism. They even accuse Hitler of being Jewish. It's insane.

And the fruits of their struggle are clear. Now, some less intelligent anons are even parroting Jewish lies willingly. Thus furthering the degenerative cycle of accusation after accusation. It sickens me.

I think the Jews' own behavior is enough evidence that they simply must be exterminated. Completely. I have seen enough to conclude that Jews are biologically subversive or "evil."
Expecting anything else is like expecting a scorpion not to sting you.

But what about the BASED jews from TRS that you're defending?

You care so much about Jewish infiltration (me) Yet you ignore the fact Weev is an admitted Jew, David Duke promotes niggers like Tommy Sotomayer, and Mike Enoch said he was a Jew who should be let in because he 'did a lot' …
Alt Right Exposed (Full) Banned on Youtube

Those old geezers on their shitty outdated vbulletin board forum who b& you for saying nigger? THAT StormFront?

Everybody knows it's a fucking honeypot and controlled opposition. They're worthless. Holla Forums has accomplished more in less than a year than they have in their entire existence.


(((OP))) is posting a divide and conquer thread.

Repel it will redpills and it will die



David Cole won't talk about Jewish supremacy, he denies it. He only says that there were no gas chambers.

You're a faggot too

Yes, If only we would stop infighting with the based jews who are doing absolutely nothing wrong by covering israel's based policies for our countries we could finaly win, we just need more podcasts !

this is mostly just a case of the black pill isnt it?
i still dont understand why people bother aiming for the future that they know is the worse choice, and not only that, but they decide to meme it around too (like the guy in the video). the way i see it, these people are pushing and supporting a darker future just as much as the opposition is, but maybe these people are worse because they are more traitor than enemy. is it just a fear of failure or some form of metaphysical cancer or something? i've been getting tired of blackpill faggots lately

you faggot

He also explains why.


Nigger no he doesn't.. YOU ARE A LIAR. What he says is CLEAR, although he did try and back track rather unsuccessfully.

The fact you made that proves you are of a jew mind.

I haven't listened yet but will. Looooong time since I heard this guy. But if he's saying there's nothing that can be done… wtf has he been doing for the past 30 years? I think snitching to the feds. That and or making Shekels off of lost young males.