I'm going to post this on here everyday until you like it1

I hereby announce to you an idea that will take the world by storm! It's an idea so great that any system of government that adopts this idea will improve dramatically!

It's an idea that could not have possibly been implemented prior to the 21st Century, because the technology needed to implement it could not have existed until recently. What is this world changing idea?

Two words: Public Surveillance.

What is Public Surveillance?

Quite simply, it's keeping all politicians and candidates under 24/7 surveillance via livestream, completely open to the public. Anyone who wishes to be a public servant must sacrifice their right to privacy.

Why should we do that?

There is no question that with modern technology, governments have more power than ever to affect the lives of everyday people. This power has become so great that we can no longer just trust our politicians to do what's best for us. Even honest mistakes can impact millions of lives. It's simply too much responsibility to put on the shoulders of people without a new system of accountability.

How would this system help?

For starters, we'd know who the most dishonest politician are and who aren't. We'd also more easily be able to tell if a politician is incompetent or is making an error in judgement before crafting policy. Backroom deals would also be a thing of the past, and waste would likely be reduced.

Not only that, but it could be made so that the politicians could interact with their constituents in real time, allowing them feedback in order to help craft better policy.

But what about the privacy of the politicians?

Their privacy is a small price to pay for the power they wield. If a public servant truly wants to do good for the people, they will happily give up such a right.

What about government secrets?

This is a trade-off, but the benefits of the system could offset the lost of government secrets. It's also possible to that under certain circumstances, such as war, the system could be restricted. How far you can take this is up to debate.

So there you have it! A new idea enters the area! I personally believe that if the technology exist back in the days of the Founding Fathers, they would have wanted a system like this included in the Constitution.

What do you think? I would love feedback.

1984 was a novel, not an instruction manual.

Do not post here again. Sage in all fields.

Was the dictator of INGSOC under constant 24/7 surveillance from the public? I'll admit I haven't read the book (though I have read Animal Farm), but I'm pretty sure dictators tend not to allow themselves to be visible to the public at all times.

OP, you need to leave.


I'm just trying to come up with solutions to age old problems>>10085638

I'm of the opinion that our governments leak so much and are already so infiltrated with spies that we might as well drop the pretense. Think of the saving to the tax payer when we stop bothering with counter intelligence (since it doesn't seem to work anyway).

who will design it?
who will build it?
who will merchant for this building?

who will maintain it?
who will manage the maintenance of this utility?
who will merchant for this maintenance?

who will custodian the records?
who will service the custodianship's storage, receive, and delivery of records?
who will merchant for this data service?

i can, but i will not.
you can't, and so you will not, because you cannot.

separately, i don't need to survey those who correctly+completely deliver their work as receipted and noted, especially if done without confabulation and crazy. i do somewhat need to survey those who incorrectly or incompletely deliver work, as it facilitates the discovery and separation of real correct and real complete receipts from the fictitious confabulation asserted otherwise. i do recognize that the maintenance of these tools and records is not able to be serviced by shitskins and jewtits, and creates more problems than it solves if the tools extend the pseudo transient naked short power of said shitskins and jewtits. so in transition into further population descent and demographic shift, a minor funding will be tolerated, followed by the complete removal of support eventually, to leave all said tools to decay and ruin as their utility to correctness+completeness+sans-confabulation is no longer able.

tl;dr, the police will get their cameras. for now. and they will use them. you should do the same. see: soviet dash cams.

do you want the nation's enemies to have access to everything that the nation's military leaders say and do including the president?

These are all excellent questions that are worth a lot of thought and consideration. I'll try to get back if I come up with any good answers.

If we were to use the U.S. as an example, I would recommend an exemption for Generals, Admirals, and the Secretary of Defense at a minimum. Also, you could have it so that the President can not be subject to surveillance when meeting with the Secretary of Defense or his Generals, especially during a time of war.

install one on your toilet OP…..

That would definitely prove that OP is a faggot.

ewwww that turd just flopped out

Been awhile, but my memory says no.
Either way he was the power, he swallowed the pill.
We could set up a voting system, where people could vote at their local post office using fingerprint, id card, whatever and wed simply vote on STATE ISSUES and the federal government would only maintain the military

Sure goyim, let's get in the way of government trying to prosecute known criminals by posting all that info online, or telling foreign countries all our secrets.

Great idea OP!

This is unrelated, but I'm of the opinion that Universal Suffrage is a massive mistake, so if we did try your idea, it would have to be so that only those who are net tax payers could vote on policy.

Politicians don't prosecute criminals, so I'm pretty sure nothing would change there. Also, our governments are so filled with spies and are hacked so damn often that it's likely that foreign government already know what's going on. I figure why not drop the pretense.

Fookin wew

You fucking kike. 1984 was about spying on citizens, not politicians. OP is suggesting the exact opposite of 1984 you fucking CUNT.

revoke universal suffrage and citizenship
only citizens can vote
citizenship through service (public service, military, X amount of taxes)

The way I see it, if the surveillance goes both ways, then there is a balance of power between the public and the government. I hate the growing police state that we're in, but I'm not optimistic that we can prevent that without civil war. Even if we did prevent it, it might pop up again. So if we did have civil war and rebuilt our government, we could rebuild with something like this system in place so that corruption doesn't take place from the get go.

you're a nigger

You're fucking stupid. You REALLY want to help? Let's try a few more realistic ideas instead.

All bills must be read aloud during congress, and all congressmen must sign or otherwise acknowledge by binding agreement that they have read and acknowledge all measures that they vote on. This ensures that congressmen are ACTUALLY DOING THEIR JOB.


Amendments CANNOT be attached to bills that have very little or nothing to do with the original bill itself. This ensures that somebody cannot simply attach measures, spending, or rhetoric that is unpopular or unnecessary to a bill that is almost guaranteed to pass.

If the first measure is instituted, then any amendments are to be read aloud and acknowledged, as well, so this measure would effectively be a double-whammy.

The public voice MUST be heard, and the public MUST be allowed to see more congressional hearings and public votes no more back-room private votes, period, and all bills and measures must be openly advertised and be made fully available to the public. Democracy only works when the public is informed, because the United States of America is supposed to be run by a government that serves the people, not by snakes driven by greed.

For too long, the media has been allowed to feed the public bullshit. If the media is allowed to continue existing, it must be held to a higher standard of ethical requirements. A new department of ethical reform must be instituted that investigates all journalistic outlets for potential ethical violations and ensures that all members of the Fourth Estate maintain a reasonable degree of separation from the subjects they report on.

This department would investigate everyone in a media organization, from interns to anchors to executives. Financials and communications. Sources are probably one of the things that would not be investigated, given the right of freedom of press and a large amount of case-law regarding anonymous sources.

Any media organization that wishes to be properly certified ethical and trustworthy must meet specific guidelines regarding separation. Bullshit like the JournoList is not acceptable, and any illegal action discovered is immediately forwarded to the appropriate authorities.

All unclassified records maintained by this department are made available to the public at all times. Obviously, anything currently under investigation or potentially linked to illegal activity are not made available.

To ensure people who serve the public are actually here to serve the public, anybody elected or nominated to any position in the United States Government MUST be an American citizen and cannot hold a citizenship to a second country. Just as you cannot vote in America without losing your second citizenship, you should not be able to represent another country in a position of authority or power here.

Generally speaking, a standing congressman, president, or department head should be fully willing to step away from any business dealings they are involved in, step down from any executive or leading positions at any company they are in, and sell or relinquish any stocks or holdings they are maintaining. A person who serves the public must actually serve the public, and even an inkling of personal or private interest can taint the public's view of an individual. Of course, this could be tougher for somebody like Trump, who's entire life was spent building an empire, so take this with a grain of salt.

All of this is just a start. We have a ways to go before we could even begin to implement anything remotely close to this, but if we want to ensure a government that works for the people, the system must be designed to work for US, not for the special interests.


I appreciate the effort you put into this post, and I must say that I really like 1st, 2nd 3rd and 5th ideas and will support them myself.

The fourth idea has the same flaws as any other government bureaucracy in that it'll likely get infiltrated by leftists and corrupted overtime. It'll pick favorites and discriminate against anyone on the right.

The 6th idea would just as difficult to implement as my idea and would weed out at least as many people. And of course it has the flaw that some public servants (like Trump and Washington) can have those business dealings and still maintain integrity.

In any case, thank you for the feedback. It's getting late for me so I'm going to bed. I'm glad we had some discussion and I heard some great points from many of you. Have a great night!

>>>Holla Forums
Fuck off

I have a better idea

Congrats you got your namefag filtered, what's the next step in your master plan

OP got it from pic related, it's one of the main plot arcs.
It's a decent book, would recommend giving it a read. It's meant to be a modern take on 1984, but with large tech companies doing the spying instead of the government.

none of that will work.
it is also remarkably inefficient.
code != process != processors.

law must have process. most of the strange in lawmaking 'process' is better understood as an adaptive adversary process. it goes more along the lines of hell-no-you-didnt (response: increase the effort required to do x) and dear-god-why-didnt (response: decrease the effort to do x). as such, process measures are the focus, with the result process modifying, bypassing, erecting, demolishing the actual work required to pass content (code).

law must have process, to produce code, in that order, without kidding ourselves. your post is focused on the code. not on the manufacturing production process. this is the part that matters the least. granted, if we're surrounded by shitskins and jewtits, then making it impossible to do anything isn't a bad plan. except it is a bad plan. happenings will happen, things will need to be done. and then the shitskins will refashion themselves to mime and mimic (the lie) whatever is getting work done (the steal) so as to continue parasitic shunting (the eat). thus, the downside to the 'sparta committee lock everything model' is that the actual model is really the abandonment of work + the make believe that it's working.

so abandoning the process to autist on code does not work. vacuums that are created on and off are precisely what permit bolsheviks and their proxy fight-(lie)-on-behalf-of-(steal)-agents'-causes-(eat). that is, house floods with shit + belief that they're just acting childish and walk out/refuse/blockade = oh fuck (see: gi-bill, medicare, great society, nafta, savings and loans, enron, green epa/osha, angel investors, solar pentuple tax scam and carbon credits, obamacare/medicaid, migrant refugee daca, etc).

now lets get to where the real source of failure originates. the origin is actually the processor, and we're running out of them. process must be manned, but there's a fun glitch: it can't confess being manned. law is stateless. it cannot consider circumstance (eg you're a shitskin, you're –going– to shit). the reason for this is itself a result: the serial outcome of trying to manage the work required to report, audit, model, understand, etc that is imposed by having degenerates. so the inescapable reality is that, just as code activity must be implemented by process, process must be implemented by processors, and processors can only handle so much work on top of all the thieving. so the decision keeps being made to abstract (terminate stateful inspection) in the face of not knowing because of the work to get to knowing itself escalating and being unattainable.

these processors/people are inheritance systems of iterative generations. this guarantees ex fact that divergence of those who can correct and complete work the most efficiently will be surrounded by those who can't. failures will begin to die, failures will shunt and misappropriate to avoid dealth, and liars will use chimeral/fashion exploits to hide to steal to eat. this worsens/heightens the fight to correct, as more is eaten right when reserves and manpower is needed the most. while this exploit self terminates (just an entropic escape, oroville damn overflowing instead of doing work generating, etc), it still will always always always emerge, and can destroy civilization's outward visible presence (no more buildings and roads, etc).

knowledge isn't so much forgotten as devoured, as the shitskin tide rises with each further rise of man.

bypasses of this statelessness of code have been attempted, such as requiring citizenship, native birth, property holding, and any manner of reuse-the-legacy-processor. such walls do not last, however, because the actual is an inheritance processor generation iteration system that ex fact states branches of decay will form on prior citizens.

David Egger kosher shit

Tastes like fresh pasta with a hint of sage leafs.

The word for public surveillance is sousveillance, which doesn't include just politicians, but all public servants and public spaces.

This is something leftist radicals have been big into for about a decade. But they're learning to hate it as it comes to favor us. Case in point: body cameras that exonerate police when blacks dindu muffin. BLM leftists wish they could take that back.

Oh look another namefag to filter.

Sounds like a plan fam

All of them.

See, now THIS is a good idea.

Open source government.
No politicians or public servants at all, just us. Majority would rule every vote. Bye bye fags and new pronouns and genders and hate speech laws and corporate lobbying. Work it like torrent ratio, you have to maintain an amount of input to cover the publicly funded services you use.

How nice of you to let your enemies listen in to nuclear secrets, military discussions, and the like.

You do know the more secrets a government has the more likely it will collapse, so, what good is surveillance of officials when it's the corporations and RELIGIOUS organizations that are the REAL culprits

Sage in All Fields
Attention Mods! This is a bad thread pleas deleted it!