For years Star Wars fans & redlettermedia bashed George Lucas for grounding the force in the realms of science

Apologize to George Lucas now!

Midichlorians never grounded the force into a science, it was still mystical as fuck. All they did was explain why half the fucking galaxy wasn't either a Sith or Jedi. Only a very small percent of the galaxy could be.

Can someone edits the watchmen comic page of Rorschach saying I whisper no speech to be about Lucas?

First thing Disney fucked up. Now everypony can use the force.

I’m guessing the rumored spoilers of liea going full Superman are true?


so, why don't the sith kidnap jedis and make blood transfusions to get more siths?

I've spent my entire life defending midichlorians and prequelkino, I owe no apology. Though I do feel sorry for George and the plebs who never could grasp his passion and brilliance.

It was established that the blood transfusion technique doesn't actually work and always ends in failure. General Grevious was the primary test subject for this, when he received his new cyborg body Dooku swapped most of his blood with the blood of the dead jedi master Sifo Dyas in the hopes that it would make Grevious force sensitive, it didn't.

Why? Either the force is based on how many midichloreans you have, in which case you can transfuse them to another person, or it aint.

You can't give A-type blood to someone with B-type blood and expect the A-type to be accepted. Similarly, you cannot give blood with high/active midichlorian counts to someone with low/passive midichlorian counts (which are presumably regulated by the body) and expect the receiver to suddenly turn into a Jedi Master.

when was that said? We've only seen 4 people use the force in nuWars

it's possible that Midichlorians aren't so much as a single species of microorganisms, but rather a type of that is completely unique to the person in question and are unable to survive outside of their host. This would make Midichlorian transfusions, much like blood and organs, not something you can just transfuse without some issues involved.

TLJ's very last shot is of a black, oppressed stable boy, grabbing a broom stick with the force and looking towards the stars, dreaming of joining the rebellion.

So you could give midichlorians to someone who allready has some to boost their force power? Why is the emporer not just juicing the entire jedi order and mainlining them to make himself a force god? Why even keep Anakin around when he could've just vampired him for some quick force levelups?

It's much more possible that Midichlorieans are badly throught out nonsense that never got past the "hey, i have an idea…" stage because Lucas wrote the prequel scripts over a weekend with no outside input.


I'm saying the exact opposite, you nigger. Get some reading comprehension and then re-read my statement.

I think the idea is that since the midichlorians are actually a foreign symbiotic organism they can fail to bond to a new host. We also know that once a Jedi loses a substantial amount of midichlorians they can't be replaced. Darth Vader was much weaker in the force than Anakin at the end of Revenge of the Sith because he lost like 45% of his midichlorians from having all of his limbs severed.

I remember some user posting that in the old EU, Midichlorians were retconned into being a side effect of being force sensitive and the Jedi Order simply confusing correlation with causation.



Come, it's the most complex, deep trilogy of a tragedy story of the modern era.