What do you think about where the SJWs come from?

So I just watched this video from "The Rebel" (yeah, I know they mostly suck) with Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and PhD student Christine Brophy and it really made me think tbh, it's probably one of the better videos they made

Other urls found in this thread:


I'd go gay for Lauren.

ayy :D
tfw you will never move to canada to change your gender


Did you at least watch the video? I thought it was a pretty good explaination on why they act the way they do.

It was unscientific garbage and armchair psychology dressed up in pseudo-scientific language.

Peterson is brilliant, though this may be the weakest video I've seen from him. It's a very unstructured interview since Southern is completely unprepared to clarify anything or guide it.

so you think there's no pyschology to as to why people affiliate themselves with certain ideologies? or what, i thought it was rather profound

Kill yourselves.

why am I not surprised these flags spring to the defense of the SJW?

It really does fit, doesn't it?

The same could be said of literally EVERYTHING ever 'discovered' in social science.

It was nothing but very bold claims on a foundation of very weak evidence.

They were right-wingers that wanted to prove that es jay dubyoos are created by parents coddling their kids and, surprise surprise, they managed to scrounge up the evidence they wanted. But in the end it was founded on on shit like unscientific questionnaires and failed to differentiate between correlation and causation.

This is basically how all 'research' in the fields of social sciences is conducted no? Like social sciences cannot say 'X is caused by Y'?

Basically this.

I think the actual answer behind why SJWs are a thing has more to do with Durkheim's idea of the society of saints - they are what happens when people are so insulated from deviance, harm, cruelty that they start to perceive really piddly nothing bullshit as grave offences, because their deviance detectors aren't properly calibrated since they don't witness rape and murder on a daily basis. So they go off on people for Holocausts or mild hatred of women because in their experience, these actually are the worst crimes they've ever encountered, so they respond to it as others might to violent assault or pissing on your carpet.

It gets even worse when you get people who respond to capitalist alienation by developing the fervent desire to do the right thing, but because they're not schooled in historical materialism and their whole lives they've just been fed liberal idealist propaganda about how history is the cultural progress of ideas and the way to change it is by embodying tolerance and egalitarianism and changing everyone's minds, they then go about solving the world's problems by being massive cunts on the internet and in person to people who step mildly out of line.

When you introduce Maoism and intersectional theory, it gets even worse. There's also a touch of reactionary thinking in many cases, as people who get into this for a good while tend to externalize all social problems they know into a vilified Jew-like figure, and so they define themselves not by their subscription to a programme of revolution - the reordering of material relations - but by their opposition to the inflated boogeyman of their imagination - racists and sexists or somesuch, in the process inflating the ego of Holla Forumsyps and giving them cause for action. Unfortunately, many leftists also act the same way in the way they act as if Porky is some satan-like figure and not a manifestation of the system of material relations, which I would attribute to an insufficient understanding of theory.

Mind you, I don't think that racism or sexism are okay, but I do not believe what these people believe, that you can cure racism or sexism by literally yelling loud enough. Of course, I can't fault their intentions, because they genuinely believe that it's of supreme importance for them to do so - with education, they might even turn out useful, if of course they proved receptive to it, but their current methods are utterly retarded.

I also haven't actually watched the video, by the way, I just hold these aut-right cunts in such contempt that I am willing to take anonymous Pennposter's words over theirs.

So you're just throwing labels on people and dismissing them. You're so cool.

Basically less tumble and twitter, more lurking on old Holla Forums would fix everyone up.


Nobody's saying the social sciences aren't at the very least in large part a bunch of bullshit.

I tend to agree with this as well.


Sounds like you've got a little hook-nosed head-friend of your own…

Nah I jest. You're post is pretty accurate, though I think this says it more concisely.


of too much time and far to little to do

They saw the protestors of the 60s and the adoration they're held in. They're looking for their own noble cause. And while there ARE issues of sexism and racism, they are no-where near the extent that the SJW (and a complicit media) present them as. But a feedback loop has formed between the activists and media, amplified by social media, and the result is the SJW wave crushing all that stand in it's way. I realise that left/pol/ doesn't care that much as their main targets are those who dare to identify as right wing (or more accurately, those who dare challenge SJW). But their list of targest doesn't end there. With no real plan of how things should be, beyond legislating and creating 'protected classes' to infinity, they will always be in need of an enemy. As soon as the 'class-reductionist' left becomes a real problem to SJW, they too will be crushed.

So yeah. Say what you like about Rebel media, but somebody at some stage will have to do what they're trying. To think SJW will just fizzle out is naive.

Also, Christine Brophy is hot.

>Rebel absurdity media
I'm not watching that

social justice warriors are useful idiots for capitalism and Neo liberalism, they promote an ideology based on pure emotion and identity, it is irrational, but a good way to censor people. And instead of eating the rich, liberals are now more concerned with the lack of black people in pokemon, or are demanding that a major corporation promote diversity, and im sure the corporation has no problem commodifying your social movement to extract more wealth.
the liberal is caught up in an illusion, caught up in tribalism, they are more concerned with the illusions of entertainment than their own personal reality, and they are all very proud and smug about it.


Oh, and when the corporation does commodify your social movement, the liberal is then under the illusion that the system works, the american dream is real, progress has been made.
When in reality they just got jipped out of their money and their revolution turned into a product.

How are you different than a Holla Forums poster who doesn't watch something feminist has to say just because it's a feminist? Don't be a retard.

I still don't know why Holla Forums cares so much about fucking sjews.

They're irrelevant. Utterly. A bourgeois cultural trend that's already on the decline now, that will hardly be remembered after Hillary's presidency.

Do something more productive with your lives than obsessing over a bunch of weirdos who you *do* get to ignore in real life.

I care because I hate that the term leftist is being associated with them when they never speak about any economic theory.

We live in a system that's constantly attempting to crush dissent to those economic structures. Of course they want to associate us with the those fuckwits.

The flipside is what you're seeing when the liberals/sjew milieu divorces themselves from the term 'leftist' and starts calling us 'alt-left' and whatnot, in an attempt to build some weirdo horseshoe theory that links us to populists and fascists.

On such a decline that Porky hasn't bothered to install them in every facet of education to produce more of them. They haven't completely hijacked the public perception of the left or anything.

Nothing to be afraid of here!

this, everyone is talking about "crazy leftists" and pointing to these people all the time
it's like if religious right or ancaps suddenly became popular and tried to associate themselves with everything moderately right-wing, i think they would have a problem with it too

If Gramsci was right, and you can build a countervailing cultural hegemony via the institutions of education and learning, we would have had communism in the 1960s.

The religious right do associate themselves with everything moderately right-wing.

ok, you do have a point
i wish religious people would associate themselves with left wing politcis more tbh

I am seeing Laclau's brand of hegemony producing these commodified, obedient revolutionaries.

We weren't hiring indoctrinated bloggers fresh out of college as mainstream journalists back in the 60s.

well, that's because blogs didn't exist back then user :^)

But there were plenty of socialists and communist journalists back in the 1960s & 70s.

Yeah, I don't entirely disagree there.

this is pretty accurate, especially the bit about being completely insulated from any actual tragedy. The sjws seem to think most problems will just dissapear if we solve racism sexism and xenophobia, instead of realizing that they are a mix of divisive tactics and/or symptomatic of much bigger problems

funny how /pol also thinks all problems will go away if theres only one race left…kinda similar really

And they weren't working for mainstream corporate news sources that have completely disregarded ethics for profits, fostering an environment for postmodern bullshit to run rampant. The circumstances of today are not identical to then.

What have you seen that makes you think this is in a decline?

The term 'leftist' was associated with dumbass liberal long before the social justice phenomenon.

Jesus crhits.

Do you think a broadsheet newspaper in the 1920s, 30s, 60s, 80s was actually a reliable source of independent information, free of ideological interference?

Have you stopped to consider that the current state of politics are so fucked that the only venues willing to even allow leftists to criticize SocJus are alt-right outlets now? Not everyone who appears on these shows are on the right.

I figured you'd say that, but no. I'd say the difference is one of capture. Before, the media danced to the state and now it's far less clear what the relationship is.

Strange how the SJW movement accepts the exact same standards of evidence when the question is "are women oppressed?" or "are all men rapist pigs?".

Can I have a source on that one?

You also are dodging answering anything about why you think this is in a decline.


Conflating dislike of neoliberal identity politics with antisemitism? That clearly marks you out as an SJW. The fact you're posting here demonstrates your claim is nonsense.

Except we don't. Safe space scumbags have utterly infiltrated the fuck out of all the local leftist organizations in my area.


Not that guy, but some media outlets like the guardian have already been running pieces on how liberal idpol destroys any sort of leftist progress.

Only to be shot down by the SJW in response.


Parts of this article may trigger Holla Forums

first fucking sentence goddamn, you weren't kidding

Partially based on watching the same thing happen in the 1990s, partially based upon the cleavage between liberal academics and the more radical elements.

Example - Black Lives Matter actually has pivoted from a purely 'we're being shot because of our race' to a slightly more nuanced 'we're being shot because economic forces disproportionately keep black people in poverty, and they're more likely to encounter police brutality as a result'.

Progress of a kind I feel, even if it's still slightly lacking.

Certainly on the campus where I work we've gone from a situation where there was a very strong intersectional feminist society involved in student politics to practically none as various differing factions argued over long term strategy.

The S█████ candidacy and blowback from that's certainly interesting in regards to this too. Plus the arguments Jacobin's gotten into over this. Chapo Trap House is one of the most popular left-wing podcasts, yet it's pretty unsparing of identity politics.

They're not. I've seen anti-intersectional/sjew arguments in plenty of news sources

Apologies, I thought I'd post that and answer that question in a separate post. Have a vicodin. Simmer.

It's a meme Holla Forums, don't get too triggered.

That's your problem there. Trying to join the sects is never a productive use of your time.


I haven't, which is part of why shitheads like Milo get an audience now.

It also doesn't change the point that it is perfectly plausible that someone on the left would appear on a right-wing show to discuss a controversial topic.

I find it disturbing watching people build their own filter bubbles and think it's a virtue.

I'm struggling to see where you got that from. You getting triggered and starting to splurge GamerGate memes however is quite telling.

Welcome to western liberalism. It's not particularly great.

It's really fucking stupid. Plus it plays into the tendency of left-wingers (which you see a lot of on Holla Forums) trying to gain sympathy from the right.

It's degrading.

Milo (who interestingly, seems to be fading fast these days) built his audience out of pre-existing demographics. Teen Libertarian types. MRAs. Gamers with no conception of politics, but who want nudity in all their video games dammit.

He's hardly leading the new brownshirts.

No, those belong to idpol.

Rather, it's the SJWs that happen to be anti-Semitic:

Social media is creating a world of tribes which only listen to what the respective ideologue says. Remember when the internet was supposed to unite the world, and now they're making it look like everything was designed to prevent dialogue? Pdf related.

Would you describe mainstream media spreading lies about "Bernìe Bros" as being sexists, and throwing chairs @ a Nevada convention, in the middle of the fucking election cycle, and complete with the sabotage of the very democratic party's democratic choice of candidacy, as some sort of progress that is making idpol slowly disappear?

Because for some reason it looks the complete opposite from here. As in, you're wrong about the thing going away, completely so, and the occasional non-former blogger writer on a newspaper that did notice the problem changes nothing - he or she was already filtered anyway.

any actual threats to capitalism are destroyed or subverted.
SJW's are useful idiots, they silence people, they consume media based on their identity.
The reality is that these people are actually driving white people to become more tribalistic by doing stupid shit like telling white people they arent allowed in their safe space zone.

I logged on facebook for the first time in forever today and some dumb bitch posted an article about how some other dumb bitch's college professor was micro aggressing her for correcting her grammar on a paper.

I always wonder, were liberals always this bad?
It seems to have amplified when obama became president.
When i was a kid the republicans where the uptight authoritarians.
Now the right are the laid back meme lords and the left are trying to control every aspect of your life.

You could write psychology tomes about the mind of the sjw, the prevailing theme of wanting to be safe, everyone being nice to everyone, or else! The insist need for progress with no end game. Their embracing of the commodification of their identities which they cherish so much, "did you know im a native american african two spirit trans queer kin?"
These people do not create anything, they do not make art, they perform no labor.

You ever meet someone who wont shut up about being gay or black or whatever, its like what the fuck do you do, do you have any hobbies besides existing?!


Do a bunch of dyed hair feminists really terrify you so much?

Good source my man.

What you saw was the weakness of the mainstream liberal media. They were reduced to those acts because of the strength of their opponents. Those charges also seem to have had remarkably little effect on the primary, B████ failed for a lot of reasons, but whining about pro-capitalist media defending capitalism seems like a non-starter to me.

Why do you think they'll get quieter as they decline? If anything they'll get more shrill and annoying until they're nothing of them left outside Salon & Mother Jones.

I cannot speak for that user, but yes, yes they do. Nothing worse than young impressionable toy soldiers who think their violence to those that don't toe the line is doing good. Their threats aren't always empty.

They were never reduced to anything, this is who they are.

So when exactly do you think colleges will no longer have any use whatsoever for something-studies courses targeting for low-IQ students with middle class parents to make money and subservient little fascists from?

When those kids can't get jobs anymore? Which isn't far off.

I mark essays by some of the people you're talking about for an international policy course.

If they cite tumblr or 'everyday feminism' (which has happened once or twice), or start talking utter rot, I show it to my colleagues and we have a good chuckle, before I give them an F.

Then if the job market is such an important factor, why haven't said courses disappeared?

Beyond women's studies, queer this trans that intersectional here race there, the courses are but proliferating.

The job market never stopped English majors from existing either. And it doesn't look like SJWs are particularly worried about their occupation, it appears they're more worried about people like you not having a job, than themselves.

Yes, actually. Especially since you seem to be mischaracterizing the issue.

Look at that photo and tell me you don't see a problem, beyond the fact they couldn't spell woman hater originally :^)

Tell me the expression at 0:30 in youtube.com/watch?v=iKwqDvljwpo is not terrifying, since she actually feels justified in what she is doing. This is the look of someone who very well may hurt someone over specious postmodern reasoning. She'd hardly be the only one.

Maybe I'm just hopelessly naive and optimistic about people, but I doubt she had to be this way either. Someone went and skullfucked her.

I think that's a real problem and yes, it scares me.

Please point to where I posted a meme.


"failed" implies he had an even chance from the start.

Extreme vaping co-starring Lauren Southern.


dude vape lmao

In my opinion, the existence of these so-called "Social Justice Warriors" is greatly exaggereated and that those who do, in fact, exist are just neoliberals who are probably being used as the means of dividing and conquering the identitarian left.

I don't think B████ ██████ completely failed. He really did change the American psyche.

He raised the most money independent of PACs.

He was actually the most popular politician at the DNC across age-groups and was only second to Michelle Obama in 30 years and younger.

Sure, he might have been fucked over by the neoliberal DNC but he proved that a socialist could be a mainstream candidate. Mainstream. Normalization of socialism in the United States of America.




They came about from American conservative rhetoric and reasoning from a different moral standpoint. Plain and simple.

All he did was reaffirm the liberal mindset instead of repressing it, aka neoliberalism. He touted what clueless burgers think is socialism because they can only imagine modest variations of the same status quo.

Where everything that erodes western society comes from.


There is no bigger problem then class struggle. The economic system and its class structure is the base that determines society.

sasuga Holla Forums

I'd vape her dick



Artificial, prescriptivist reformation of language is cancer.