Esoteric General

So someone made a thread about esotericism, and in 30 hours it hit bump limit. Clearly there is interest in this. Let's try to keep it related to politics in some way though. Here is the last thread

And the very last post seemed to hit the nail on the head. Do the philosophies of mystics and in esotericism imply a moral relativism?
I think so; objectively speaking one cannot logically prove that a person should be a 'good person'. Can this be reconciled into nationalism? Of course! There can be something like nationalistic moral relativism. You can be a degenerate, but not in my country! This nation has a shared set of morals. Deal with it.

Other urls found in this thread:!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ trungpa&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def trungpa seminary&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def yoga&open=0&res=100&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def

You can try to be amoral but karma will fuck you for it, in this life or another. His post references mine, and mine came from Buddhism. Buddhist morality is fairly straightforward: if it causes yourself or others unwanted suffering, it is amoral.
If someone sees "all is one" and thinks "no one else exists at all" they misunderstand.
The "other people" are you, experiencing life through a different set of eyes. They don't exist as external beings, but rather internally. Hurting them hurts you. This is "karma": you only help yourself, and you only hurt yourself.
So stop inflicting unwanted pain, outside of self-defense or defending the innocent.

Yea but you can't objectively prove "karma"
Politics is entirely exoteric right? Exotericism is more like using logic to develop philosophies, and in the modern day and age there's a dogma that nonphysical phenomena is somehow not objective due to it's supposed lack of logical basis
And even esoterically speaking, you got luciferians and shit…

You can't objectively prove anything. You are animated dust, you think you are your eyes. None of this is real from an objective sense, other than as light and sound.
There is a vibration, but nothing vibrates.

but muh axioms. they provide objective mechanisms for subjective phenomena. it's logical bruh

The reason Buddha is the Buddha is because he figured out how to manipulate karma to get the results of better rebirths. If karma didn't exist there would be no point to any of it. Karma is what teaches you lessons. I don't expect anyone to believe in it until they go inside themselves, but I caution you very strongly that it affects you until you transcend this place regardless of whether or not you believe in it.

This is mysticism, not scholastisism. Logic is irrelevant when discussing deities, psychic abilities, prophecy, and so on. The answers lie within regular meditation, not books.

Moral relativism implies you will fall to the lowest level of anti-social and self-destructive behavior. It won't happen if you are properly aligned with your own soul (you have undergone a spiritual healing and de-conditioning process to undo your childhood experiences, inherited behavior from your family lineage, past life-experiences etc…)

In the absolute, at the God leevl, there is moral relitavism, because good and evil must counter-balance each other, like light and dark, cold and warm … you cannot have one without the other. But God is an infinite creative mind, and in this experience, we are not. We become imbeded in bodies that have needs we cannot meet on our own, and must setup rules so we can live comfortable while minimizing physical and emotional suffering.

The problem comes when human egos tries to apply moral relativism at a human scale and in human relations/ systems of government. Of course, the left is attracted to this, just as the left likes to think it can decide what is beautiful and ugly, what is success and failure (or that these concepts can be erased completely).

The Left is fueled by a rebellious impulse against God for being separated from God. So the ego of the leftist seeks to counter-balance this by trying to impersonate god. This can only happen in prosperous cities, as they are artificial environments where the laws of nature are mitigated, and can only be done during times of prosperity where the realities of life can be ignored (usually through debt). This is the degeneracy that has killed so many civilizations in the past.

I agree with this, and will add that the kikes are anti-nature, they fear nature, and as such their outlook is fundamentally an abomination to the natural way of things.

I think it should have protection from red too since that's what mexicans mainly are.


It'll attempt to go a lot further than that if you consider transhumanism as an endgame scenario.

That is fundamentally it. The left is at its core Luciferian. It denies God (the Creator Mind of the Universe, of which we are all a small aspect), then declares itself to be God alone (We're the Chosen People goy!!). It can re-write the rules, it can define morality, it can even mess with the human body in an attempt to (((perfect))) it. In other words, those who are attracted to leftism are, at a deep subconscious level, those who are the most lost and taken by the illusion of separation that this dimension creates. Empathy for others (people, animals etc…) is the manifestation of the unconscious knowledge that we all come from the same place (The Original Creative Mind)

And you are absolutely right about trans-humanism, but here is the thing: It will fail spectacularly.

It will fail because of the human energy field. People who undergo implantations, injections, synthetic organ transplants or whatever other hell the scientists will try to come up with will become very physically sick, and there will be no way to get around this.

Go do your shit on 4cuck we dont give a fuck

Just go you obvious faggots

No half the posts were people telling OP and /fringe/ shills to fuck off. The other half was dude weed lmaos conjecturing about psuedoscientific bullshit and talking about their dreams.

You aren't from around these parts are you

see user is referring to you

If you can't explain it with logic, then it ain't shit. All the 'deities, psychic abilities, prophecy,' meditation spiritual phenomena or otherwise, all that I know of I can explain logically. If I couldn't I wouldn't believe in it. Until you have logic, you are living in a delusion. Faith is bullshit. Have faith in logic and your intellect.

That's great. You aren't a mystic. You're a spiritual tourist at best, and a waste of my time. When you're ready to embrace paradox you will experience time stopping and space collapsing. Until then you will remain ignorant no matter how much you study. You shouldn't be offering advice when you know nothing.
I passed my tests. Good luck with yours.

sounds logical to me
projecting? enjoy your ignorance in delusions
then fuck off

Don't take it so hard. Some people just aren't ready for this. In Tibet it is taught that there are three levels of mental ability. The most gifted can simply be told of the nature of emptiness and they will reach enlightenment. Next comes those of average ability, these people need Tantric meditation and visualization to experience emptiness. The third level, which includes you, is charitably referred to as children, because they are too polite to refer to them (you) as idiots.
You are very spiritually immature. Maybe you should take up stamp collecting instead. Tantra is difficult. Stamp collecting is easy.
Have a nice day, user.

Nature, and the iron rules that guide it, in all things. If it gets to the point where the logic and reasoning are hard to fathom, such as in the social and memetic realm, then there is a place for the spiritual. It doesn't mean it's real outside your head though. It's a tool for using other parts of your mind, or manipulating your internal feelings and desires.

Spiritual maturity has nothing to do with mundane maturity. Your ignorance and assumptions do not equal knowledge. You two aren't even playing the same game that real mystics are.

I agree

I can't unfuck you. You have to unfuck you.
Go act stupid and petulant and cocktails with a professional, lineage-based spiritual teacher and see how fast they verbally bitchslap you. No one gives a shit. If you are karmically meant to learn you will shut up and humble yourself. Otherwise you will fuck off. I talk to actual gurus and Lamas. This is how shit is irl.

well fuck it's already happening but these shameless people aren't even going to pretend it's pseudoscience and would literally prefer to be seen as illogical.
The problem is legitimate posts just take so long to wrap your mind around, as that is the nature of esoteric things

Yes from the perspective of the absolute there is only the yin yang of chaos and order. They're misappropriating corrupting abusing god level philosophies. So now that humanity has exposed itself to these god perspective concepts as applied to humanity, might as well engage in it; that is why I brought up "nationalistic moral relativism"

Very well put. Of course the ones at the top, when it comes down to it, are completely delusional in embracing this illusion of reality. And yea the concept of empathy, it's so simple that everyone seems to know it but don't really think about it.
I wouldn't say assuredly whether it will fail. I hope so, but we better not just stick around waiting for it to fail. It better not even happen in the first place.

Yeah what is "real" can be debated all day long, I mean that's literally the whole point of thousands of years of philosophy; that is why we look to esotericism for influence. Logic doesn't care about what is real or not though, it can literally be applied to everything.


But really it doesn't matter. Anyone from a human perspective or not, anyone with some intellect can see that morality is very simple. Either you are selfish or selfless, and people who choose to be selfish need to be exposed as such to all the selfless people.
What's happening today is that selfless people are brainwashed into thinking that being selfish is not actually selfish
it's totally logical

God I always knew liberalism was was a tool of satan.

When you reach the limits of logic and rational understanding you have reached the beginning of spiritual understanding wherein you must leave the logical behind.

And there are selfless people who perpetually enable the evil or degenerate, while a selfish person can still be good. It's not very relevant to morality. Neither does morality have to do with the esoteric. It should be something clear and open so that people have the opportunity to know how to be moral (rather than basically knowing it and being taught contradictions and platitudes.)

Why not both?

naaah brooo it's all logical.
people don't even know what logic is. you must use your intellect to understand the spiritual phenomena otherwise spiritual understanding is impossible
I'm sure you are being logical without even realizing it. The assholes running everything have put a stigma on the word. Think about it, they are against objectivity and want people to believe everything is subjective and meaningless therefore YOLO
There's no way anything spiritual is logical, only science can be logical!
And you all fell for it!

Yeah yeah it's a yin yang thing. You need to be a little selfish to maximize capacity to be selfless. And even the most selfish person has to resort to some deceptive cooperation to maximize their personal pleasure
This is why nationalism works. Obviously the nationals will be selfless for each other, but the country as a whole must be selfish as possible. However to maximize selfishness the country has to cooperate with others for mutual benefit in trade and etc

The thing is though an action cannot be selfish or selfless without context; it's really the intention behind the act that can be selfish or selfless. Since we can't read minds then no judgement can be made on an individual basis. Only god can judge as they say and since only you can read your own mind to judge your intention… but of course you need courts to judge crimes to be against a nations shared set of values.

So the thing is, it's not just people that have intentions. Institutes parties cooperations etc they all can publish their intentions and goals and it's up to the people to make sure everyone conforms to what the nation has defined as the selfless set of morals and values. This is already leading into national socialism. It's common sense really nothing esoteric about it



To be honest I see it possibly happening, but the ultimate fate is that humans get supplanted by what they create instead (within through increasing modification or separately through a competing intelligence), resulting in eventual extinction of humanity.

lurk moar

no u. you were referring one poster to another, but both are same. learn2samefag redditscum

No wait. Actually transhumanism is only the end game from the perspective of "The Left" but the one's at the top who have completely sold their soul are just wiping out humanity on one hand, and creating robot vessels for the truly luciferian entities

and let's get real. We are talking about kikes who are trying to allow the conditions for antichrist

It's kikes who are trying to implement the "Internet of things". They want to control every facet of our lives. It has nothing to do with religion or anti-religion, kikes want to reduce that concept into nothing all together. All they want is power and complete control. The sooner you retards realize this, the sooner you will be able to make a counter argument other than "muh religion".

Okay shill let me explain, I referred your post here
Then greentext'd your dumb shit:
Then I told you to see this post:
In this post, the user says the following
Then I said this user is referring to you (your jewish outlook/weltanschauung)



Do you even know what 'triggered' means?

you complete moron do you know what ids are

why are you not responding to

What are you doing?

i have nothing to say lol. I'd rather talk about why kikes think talking to demons is good, and I think it has to do with their misconceptions about Solomon

I mean I agree but I am not sure what you mean actually. internet of things is bad, transhumanism is bad right?


Religion or not, everything has to do with ideology. Their desire for power and for complete control everything, but for what end?

Pretty sure we are agreeing, these things take time to wrap the mind around

So what do you think about the internet of things overall? How will it benefit the human race in the long run?

He's just another victim of goytube e-celeb kike shills who can't into the realisation that occultism is just a society of frauds and muses trying to get money out of wealthy retards with nothing to do on the weekend but watch cp and experiment with bath salts

Just let the thread die user

I honestly want to know what this faggot has to say.

Fuck the internet of things. Fuck technology. Fuck this shit I hate it all

We're all hold up in our houses or jobs or cars, completely isolated and absorbed into our shitty phones even while cramped together in public transit.
Literally the people who live around us are strangers. This is called a neighborhood? What the fuck happened to communities? It's a complete deconstruction of society

This fucking forum is the most meaningful social interaction for the vast majority of us. Yea even if you got a girl friend you know there's no one for you to talk about politics.

If it's not true then god bless you for somehow still being human

please specify exactly what your problem is in anything that I say?

FYI having a girl friend is degenerate. You better be married instead, but then why the hell are you on this board?

God created all things and saw that they were good. God is the font of all things, and all things God created were good; thus God is good, and is the font of all righteousness. God's creations invariably have a purpose, and should they be used for this intended purpose they are good - which is why God said they were good. So how can evil exist? Evil is when the good creation is used for a purpose it was not intended. Evil is when force is not used for discipline, but to intimidate the innocent. Evil is when the sexual organs are not used as they were intended; when the penis is put into the anus instead of the vagina. Evil is when the good creation is used in a way it was not intended.

God created us as stewards of the Earth, stewards of reality. As humans it is our duty to maintain the goodness of creation. So long as all things are used as they are intended, all will be well. Thus far we have failed in our duty to keep reality on the path that God desired for it; we have misused the blessings of the Earth and used them to murder one-another, we have used our powers of communication to deceive one-another, we have perverted creation and robbed it of what it made it good, what made it righteous. Our evil is the misuse of creation, and our purpose is to rectify this misuse so that all things are used for their intended purpose.

Our most important virtues are: Truth, Justice and Order. Without knowing the truth we cannot know anything, we cannot discriminate between what is the intended purpose and what is not, we cannot know good or evil. Thus truth is the primary virtue. Once we know the truth we must ensure that the intended purposes of creation are maintained; thus when evil is committed we must use force to rectify the aberration - we must enforce justice. Justice is allowing creation to fulfill its intended purpose, and oppose any misuse. When we know the truth, we can dispense justice; when we have dispensed justice, we have order. We have order when only what is right and intended is being performed; and thus creation is existing as God, who is the font of all good, intended.

It is our duty as men, stewards of Earth, to remove that which is corrupting creation. By knowing the truth of who the enemy is, and dispensing justice to remove their evil influence, we can bring back the righteous order that God intended for all creation - all reality will then be 'good'. Put in more Holla Forums-friendly terms; gas the kikes, race war now.

They still exist IRL, you have to go outside to experience them. They also exist in forums and imageboards.

So coming together to solve a common purpose is bad?

You are basically supporting anarchism. We should all go on our own way without rulers and just establish our own rules

We are a trinity, your task is to find equilibrium between your dual nature, reaching a 3rd state the enlightened state.

Filter this guy for sure; i can answer legit questions if any user is looking for truth and justice.


Great post I broke this down to really get into it
So know truth to enforce justice which will allow order. Justice aka Law is the mechanism to bring about order, and this mechanism is programmed by truth.
Yes 'reality' has been compromised to say the least. The righteous order must be brought back; this is the goal to accomplish that we must all strive for. But even after this and rooting out all the evil and it's influence, maintaining this this order and always being on the look out for the enemy to return with a new face or some other new trick.

… what the fuck why even mention that

Okay I have no idea how you misrepresented what I said to get that. Maybe you have me confused for someone else? What was said that lead to that conclusion?

You know I never try to be convincing. I have discovered what I know of the truth and I share it. Take it or leave it.
You deluded pathetic people brainwashed into being shills, I almost feel sorry for you but if you didn't exist I wouldn't have anyone to ridicule! Thanks for the lulz fuckos

The question is, what is the intended purpose for creation? I have my own favourite answer but what do you guys think

dont let the gun hit you in the brain on the way out

To create.

It is God's nature to create and destroy. But to what end does he do it?
To what end will man create? For what purpose?

You haven't read a single book on this subject have you.


Why do you use a Trump pic for an esoterics thread?
I have no problem for the gazzilon Trump threads but it's a little bit inappropriate for the occasion.

Wew leftylad. Just don't go to /fringe/ with these idotic closed questions and statements. They'll summon a tulpa on you.

Do me a favour. Don't delve into occult. You don't even know what it means becouse you're a crypto-lefty/an idiot and a mundane as you can get. Gotta hijack them all narratives

Because he's the God Emperor and his God Hand will strike down the corruption of the satanists
Btw I've been posting on /fringe/ for a few weeks now and everything is pretty chill. And you can't really summon tulpas btw, they have to at least turn into egregores. I already know all that there is to know, feel free to challenge me by engaging in logic :")

I know this is off topic with the current discussion in the thread. But has anyone got anything on Nazi occultism?

Did you read the Oera Linda thread user?

No, but thanks for the link to it.

What end could there possibly be for creation? An infinite and eternal being has no need for the material it has created, nor may its inhabitants be considered peers to the All. The godhead dreams creation because it's the only way the godhead can prove to itself that it exists. Were there no creation, the lonely godhead would exist in a state of eternal stasis. A stasis which asks only for itself; it asks for nothing.

Well you pointed out the need yourself: an infinite and eternal being has a need for the material it has created, since the godhead dreams material creation because it's the only way the godhead can prove to itself that it exists.
The question still is the same though, what is the point of existence? As even the most superficial religion will say, 'life is a test' but then what is the point of tests? To learn! The point of existence is to have experiences, and to learn and grow from these experiences.
Why would God care about this? Because in all his perfection God never had the experience of growth or learning, let alone experiences. And so he divided himself infinity into this dream where he may forget godliness and finally be able to have the glorious experience of learning and growing


kill yourself already

Avoid kvetching shabbos goy author Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke (Black sun, Occult roots of Nazism, etc)

What do you think of this practice? I tried it yesterday, and everything that happened was being light-headed from lack of oxygen.

Fuck off with your jewish claptrap, you can easily judge people by their actions and words. Intentions are largely useless considering the muddled state of people's minds. That's why I'm saying it's not a fit basis for morality.

I grew up outside a nearby community that was mostly scum, so I lost nothing, but in recent years I've noticing all the other small towns around falling apart socially. Even lifetime friends of mine were getting so absorbed with clickygames on their phones and bizzare porn fetishes that they were ignoring each other in the same room. The people around them weren't strangers and they still were isolating themselves. Of course, marketers and tax men and divorce lawyers, jews all, want that. But in that isolation is also where we are strongest. We were born and bred and trained for it. In other times we would have been happy leading or just having a small group. With society fractured, attacking it's parts and people focusing hatred on their own, they are lost and susceptible en masse to a leader with a clear vision, and the thousands of us have seen the way.

The one variable that is of the utmost importance is time. If events move slow enough and tech fast enough, than the jewing will be complete and our race will die out, or a system propped up by the white man will fall apart too late for us to have the numbers to survive, or our people will be a remnant that takes thousands of years to make a comeback.

I've tried getting an answer in a few different threads, but I've been unable.
To make it quick,
See the immensity of Stephen Fry, a half Jewish homosexual.
How do I go about accomplishing the Trivium and the Quadrivium, and really get accomplish the depth of knowledge that the scholars of the past had?
After I finish the works of Plato, I'm planning on hitting the Kybalion.
Also, here's a MEGA library of esoteric texts.!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ

Fucking hell what a mess of a post
Ignore the extra "accomplish"

Lucifer and Satan are not the same.

His swimsuit mountain climbing stunts do a pretty good job of demonstrating the endurance/health benefits, so it might not be a bad place to start.


what kind of conditions is this guy in and for how long? Acclimatizing yourself and eating a fuckton go a long ways.

holy molly i love theses rare mint pepe. Have you the whole P9 ?

He is able to hold his breath for six and a half minutes under water, control his immune response systems, adrenaline, and keep his body temperature stable under extreme conditions.

A rational argument for rationality is either completely circular or faith based. Base reality lies below these ideas.

I think the average freediver can hold theirs for about 5 minutes, so I'd recommend looking up some videos on their breathing practices.
t. wanted to get into freediving for a while now but don't live close enough to any decent bodies of water

Exposing yourself to the cold elements to strengthen your body is something every White man should do.

just wondering about details that don't involve watching videos. is there a writeup somewhere that isn't a sales pitch?

Fuck off with your degenerate kike-definition of karma, it has nothing to do with what karma actually is

Checked. Praise kek.

Karma is a patterning of behavior that causes similar behavior in the future.
It WILL fuck you.
No one teaches here because most of you act like faggots shouting down what you haven't figured out and insulting people who bring you priceless information.
I explained everything in the last thread. Go fuck yourself.

All criminal actions must be proven to have an actus rea and mens rea. Not only does the the physical act of the crime have to be proven, but the mental intent to do the crime must also be proven. This is why I say you need courts to judge crimes. Only a court and society can collectively decide to the best of their ability what the intention of the criminal act was.
They could be wrong, but consensus is what democracy is all about. Generally the decision is between acquitting, jail, mental institute, rehab, etc…

hey isn't that from /philosophy/

I think one can figure out what is being referred to in the context. Names and Labels come second to the concept
this video seems like insanity definitely watching it though I'll probably still have questions of what this supposed difference is

Yea rationality is not very logical. It certainly is not objective, is subjective and relative to the society or individual's perception

If real, I think karma is subjective. there are 'evil' entities who embrace 'negativity' and the illusion of separation. isolated from the eternal source they are doomed to feed on the energy of others lest they dissipate out of existence

u mad? if you don't want to learn keep your arrogance to yourself and let us out of it. assume that everyone read your bullshit last thread and determined it was lacking in logic; ie. stop being a pretentious douche and accept the possibility that you could be wrong.

anyone and everyone can be wrong. that is why we must collaborate towards the truth

It's a really simple guide on the page i posted:(

- +-30 times balloon blowing
- Breathe in fully
- Breath out without force and hold until gasp reflex
- Inhale fully and hold for 10 seconds.
- Repeat until finished and recover from the breathing exercise

I tried this three times and experienced a tingling sensation and a slight euphoria. It made sink more and more into a meditative state. I don't have much experience with this, except the josè silva method. I presume the method is to force a beta, or semi-concious state, which makes it easier to direct your energies. However, everytime i meditate i either fall asleep, or i begin daydreaming uncontrolled. How do you keep focus?

yeah I think enough is enough though
this docility is a complete halt on time

When you are reborn there is a competition for good rebirths. Donald Trump only got to be born into wealth because of his previous lives' karma and merit.
If you act stupid you'll be reborn a nigger or a tapeworm inside a nigger or some shit like that.
It doesn't effect me at all what you do. I don't care what you're reborn as. My job is to warn you. Listen or don't.

I think /lit/ put it together.

Karma is something that should not be accepted. Meditation is all you need consider, along with eugenics.

Trying to prove reincarnation is silly. It's like trying to prove a kike on a stick is meaningful.

Spirituality irl is competitive as hell. Being a guru or Lama is competitive. This idea that you can coast through your spiritual journey doesn't exist offline within organizations.
Everyone wants the next promotion, the next title, the next realization. Rich faggots pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for personal instruction.
Buddhists won't teach here. I've tried. They won't help you. They think you're too violent. We're not allowed to teach violent people. I see you as freedom fighters in need of liberation. They see you as garbage. If they are right I'm getting a shitty rebirth just for helping you. That's how much I've risked just to penetrate the minds of the few of you that are ready.
I'm a bodhisattva. I have to come back here. The rest of you don't. The rest of you can go to heaven (there are many), nirvana, etc.
I can't go to Nirvana until every being does before me, which may never happen.
So I have potentially infinite lifetimes of trying to motivate and educate you all into salvation. I'm in no fucking rush.
Love you, Holla Forums.

There is no reincarntion. There is rebirth.
If you want to call the Dalai Lama a liar that's your business. I believe he's on his 14th.
Be well.

You helped us find the path of light instead of the path of darkness, which most here is fighting against.

What you choose to be "reborn" as, or at all, is entirely in your control unless you implicitly give up control
you leave your body every night to dream; if you can master the dream state and then astral state you will have complete control over your actions after dying
demons angels entities etc all these beings live in the astral realm, and through mastery of this state you basically become one of those kinds of beings

you're condescending pretentious arrogance is so hilariously ironic
you can fuck off any time you know. no one gives a single fuck how much you're 'risking' just to 'penetrate' our minds. that sounds incredibly aggressive, but hey when you don't have logic you're actions are no different from those of a cult

I don't mistake for malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. If you see even the Buddha himself, kill him.

Youre simply insane. Problem solved.

So use lube.

What was the problem in the first place? I think your problem starts and ends in how you perceive

Kek led me to Tibetan Buddhism. It is considered an act worthy of damnation to gain enlightenment and selfishly keep it from others. All I'm doing is tossing user the same rope that user helped throw me. Without user, without kek, I wouldn't be aware of any of this. I truly believe in you all. I think you are the future.
I don't know own how to make the other Buddhists understand any of this. All I can do is hope enough of you become involved that cultural Marxism is pushed out.

We all take vows not to lie. You are saying every Tantric practitioner going all the way back to pre-India is willfully lying to you.
Believe that if you want. It's your business.

Everything you said. When you dump it all, and search for rationality, you will find stability. Then you can be heard.

Read what I said again, as I was using Hanlon's razor: I was saying they're were being stupid.

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
When you go far enough you will learn for yourself that all you can do, after sleep or death, is reawaken.
Good luck.

Life is a waveform: up down up, left right left, cold hot cold, awake asleep awake, life death life.
That final sequence is the important one. This is part of why you're learning to recognize patterns.
Even lefthand-pathers should know this stuff already.

I say I'm blind. You say you can see. Why then do you pretend there isn't a mountain in your path? Maybe the world is nothing you assume it to be? I myself a bug moving along pretending to know what I cannot, and even then I don't pretend to think I can see, what I clearly cannot.

You can be the master. I choose nothing.

I am too , apparently.

Tibetan Buddhism seems to be more Holla Forums friendly. And the Dali Lama is literally a nationalist leader in exile.

Let me say a bit here about manifesting things externally. If you read the internal documentation within the Tibetan Buddhist sects, such as these: trungpa&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def
You will learn that Tibetan Buddhist monasteries are like a low key Howard's. Performing siddhis (psychic powers or "miracles") is so common that there is a designated senior monks who is assigned to following the students around and watching them to see that they aren't performing miracles because they are supposed to be learning, not doing.
The accepted sign of ability is to leave a handprint or footprint in solid rock.
You can go to Tibetan and see these prints for yourself.
All of this was secret until the Internet. The only reason I know is because the secret books are available now.
This knowledge is there waiting on you to read it. It's up to you to choose to pursue it or not.
These books are only available to graduating priests, for example: trungpa seminary&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def
There is so much of this stuff that I can't list it all. This is just a very small sample.

Nice to have you along.

What happened to the other Kek praising thread?

Why was it deleted?

it's just a matter of degree, which is why there is manslaughter, recklessness, negligence. I guess I wasn't clear that good intentions mean jack shit when they allow anything
where's the part where I care about democracy?

I agree, just saying that we are the only ones who will be able to say so and lead, the rest are too oppressed by herd behaviour, and herd animals are constantly nervous and frightened when they are cut off.

The last kek thread fell off after someone posted an esoteric thread. The esoteric thread hit the limit. Functionally they are the same threads anyway imo.

Beating others is child's play. Beating yourself isn't

That is their problem.

No, just don't think many have ears to hear.

And I'm a fool. Hello.

Have you learned the difference between sutrayana and mantrayana, bodhisattva and vajrasattva yet?

So, what you're saying is that

It seems to me, that the most selfless thing a Buddhist could do, would be to commit violence (sacrificing his next rebirth) against his other "selves" in order to keep them from committing violence upon the innocent (also themselves?).
This is interesting because not only is it selfless, it's also selfish. Even though you do suffer a miserable next rebirth, your rebirths, and in turn everyone else, following will benefit from your previous actions.
This line of thinking causes me to see Buddhists as neutral if a bit lazy at best, to selfish to somewhat evil at worst, if they refuse to stop their selves from harming others then they might as well be aiding them.

This seems like delusions of grandeur. If you're honest in wanting to help others it's best to keep those to yourself, or have something to back them up.

Bodhisattva is a role, a function. It isn't a promotion from average. It is a demotion. Like a janitor, my job is to remove spiritual stains (ie the fucked up parts of your personality that you refuse to fix on your own). It is a shitty job. Teaching is the lowest job, the worst job, in spirituality. Only the uninitiated think it's some kind of lofty position. In Zen the head abbot cleans the toilets as a semi-metaphor for cleaning up his students shit.

The "bodhisattva" hasn't responded to my latest posts, but I will leave this video for those interested in learning.

Yea this illusion of reality is based on a spectrum between dualities
buddhism has the most practical application of duality, samsara and nirvana, looping repetition vs creative novelty

when you say 'everything you say is wrong' then it shows your lack of willingness to have a constructive conversation. and if you are adamantly refusing to be constructive, you are a strain on humanity and should probably kill yourself
stay in your delusional "rationality" there is only logic. I don't give a fuck if I am "heard" or not. Like I said

fuck your tibetan bullshit, derive the logic and keep learning but at this point you are entirely bogged down from dogma and the folly of subscribing to a belief system without even analyzing. I'm not saying the monks are wrong, but they have an entire logic for all that they do and it seems to have entirely gotten past you

kek threads are a dumb distraction. archetypes do what they do, it's only a very small scope of what esotericism is all about. also it's NOT AT ALL POLITICAL literally a bunch of spergs jerking off to memes
At least there's room in this thread to expose kikery like luciferianism or whatever the fuck label you want to use that doesn't rustle your jimmies

Although the road to hell is paved with good intentions, you cannot punish those with good intentions. They are ignorant and need to be taught. This is not an easy topic to discuss though, really requires critical thinking
It is the arrogant that need to be ruthlessly punished
Socialism requires democracy at some level otherwise it turns into Marxism or some other authoritative bullshit. How else will you determine the needs of society; how else will you value the interests of the individuals making up society? You need the good parts of everything, Authoritarian democratic nationalist socialism or something see pic related

Hmmm I guess you are right. If we even did try to partake in this society, we would only find more and more degeneracy. Man fuck this planet where are all the wholesome people. Isn't there anywhere the depravity hasn't corrupted the people?
I guess it's up to us to lead the sheeple

Woah very interesting take. Yea most monks seem to be worse than just lazy, it's like an escape from reality to go INNAWOODS meditating all day isolating themselves from the rest of society
The thing is they don't give a fuck about 'humanity' per se. It's actually all about a singular 'desire' towards individual nirvana or at least the desire to stop desiring. No connection with other individuals other than accumulating some karma for a better next life; which is almost contradictory since the final nirvana is all about breaking this eternal cycle of samsara reincarnation
It's logical in it's own sense and they're entitled to their way of life but it isn't really much direct benefit to society or collective humanity
But goddamn do they have the mechanics of consciousness figured out better than anyone else. The legit parts of Western psychology is entirely based on this Eastern philosophy, plagiarized even

I rest my case

Has anybody read this?

When something is completely smashed, it should be tossed out.

None of us knows which will come first: our next breath or our next life. Death comes when it decides and only the most well-endowed psychics know when theirs will be. This very moment may be your last.
Would you be proud of your death, if you died today?
Act decisively at all times.

Evola is good stuff. If you want to do yoga I suggest starting with Kriya yoga: yoga&open=0&res=100&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def

By the way, in Buddhism itself there are different realms that you can incarnate into. One cannot astral project before balancing their chakras, and one cannot truly balance their chakras until karmic debt has been paid. What I say has zero contradiction to the beliefs that you so called buddhists can't stop wanking off to
When you are ready to achieve nirvana, you have a choice to actually let go all aspects of individualism and join the eternal source, or not. Instead you can choose to incarnate into a lower realm with a specific purpose, like to help others reach nirvana.

and what has been smashed? pray do tell

By saying that, it is clear to me that you should be his master.

reminds me of this song

That doesn't work on me. I don't care his name, or his body.

If science says something is wrong in buddism, then science is correct. If you are talking about chakras and such stuff, then rethink what you should focus on in buddism. That which you like the most, should be smashed, and that within Buddhism you like the least should be practiced.

If you want the full explanation of karma you'll find it here:

oh god video is pretty much some shitty brainwashing liberal arts project nvm pls delete

This is only your warped corrupted understanding of Buddhism. Like the other user said, what is "good for you" is not always good for everyone else. It is quite selfish actually, to forget everything and just cease to exist to literally no one's benefit. The eternal source does not give a fuck, it's entirely a narcissistic goal
Not to mention, nirvana is the destination of the journey, but the point is not the destination it is the journey itself. vid related

if you can't explain it yourself then you don't know shit, fuck off

what doesn't work on you? this question shows your complete lack of reading comprehension and total retardedness. what you posted was 2 fucking hours long with a retard and a jew. no one is going to watch this shit.

here watch Peterson absolutely destroy everything this atheist faggot believes in

Then delusions of grandeur wouldn't be the correct term, seeing as you wish to help others and that you know the "uninitiated" react to the term I can't see how mentioning it helps. Even after having it explained to me it still seems you see yourself as special in some way.
No offence intended, user, but any religion that sees something as important as teaching to be lowly must corrupted.

Democracy itself has a tendency to sink into marxism, I agree a counterbalance of some sort is needed long term, but democracy has a nasty habit of giving outsiders a chance to have a louder voice than a nations people, defeating its purpose.

I've seen them all already. I am not angered by the religious, nor am I angered by the atheist. I hear all sides, and consider it all in peace.

My gods are killed. I have only the world.

stop blogposting no one gives a fuck

I don't care what you think.
I'm not here as a recruiter. We don't recruit.
I'm also not here as an evangelical. We don't evangelize.
I'm not even here to "save Tibetan Buddhism", as the dharma has its own irresistible will and it has been fortold that the dharma will be extinguished, then return, of its own accord, and nothing we do will prevent that.
I'm here to give user forbidden secrets in order to overthrow the kikes.
I don't care if you choose to participate in that or not.

if they gotta come back, then why have competition? It's a nonsensical concept anyway

and thus the evil will always hide behind 'good intentions' and the weakminded will not think of consequences. They need a dose of Nature's teachings, not leniency.

too vague
democracy is communism-lite
some other way
depends, have we secured the existence of our people yet?

His mother is a hollywood jewess

You certainly do. If I lived in the time of Christ, I would almost certainly be crucified.

I don't care. I listen and decide based on arguments.

I will leave now, so you all can feel more comfortable.

oh my god am I the only one who sees the narcissism? you yourself said you cannot teach the violent or whatever, and you have shared no secrets that everyone doesn't already know

good riddance

My mistake. I thought you sought to help others, seeing as how you treat well meaning advice, I see that is not the case.

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris

the good thing about learning someone is a jew is that you don't have to waste the time to take their arguments seriously. Don't rely on jews on yt that no one here will sit through – make the arguments yourself if you think you can.


I should say this about the spiritual journey.
There is a saying "If not started, better not to begin. Once begun, better to finish it."
The spiritual path is difficult, confusing, often unsatisfying, and if you earnestly set it into motion then lose interest and go back to being a jerk to people, it will begin wrecking your shit. Loved ones will die, marriages will end, kids will be born ill, that kind of thing.
Chanting "om mani padme hung" or "nam myoho renge kyo" while visualizing the air full of enlightened Buddhas and an intention to bring all beings to enlightenment, is a spell. It's a pact. You are saying to the universe "burn away my ignorance and make me perfect so that I can find bliss". But if you do that you've bonded yourself irrevocably to the journey, and if you resist it will drag you, violently if it has to.
These things are not jokes or to be taken as casual philosophy. This stuff is an ancient and extremely fast-acting key to power. But power gives you the potential to make much worse mistakes.
Being head abbot of a monastery is difficult: so many students paths lie in your safekeeping. If they fail to reach enlightenment you have harmed them so greatly.
Only a fool takes such a position frivolously.

Although statistically speaking it is most certainly a waste of time, it is still an illogical (but rational) assumption as it comes from the ad hominem fallacy.

Arrogance simply means refusing to reason. If they agree to try and be objectively logical, then they will be willing to learn and engage in rehabilitation and reform
Well that's the thing. If someone with good intentions commits a crime, then they are ignorant of possibly many different things (or they are, as you imply, lying)
Either way, they need to be told and explained how their criminal act is not a logical derivation of their 'good intention' and if they thought so then they are basing their decisions on lies or delusion (false logic)
Repeat offenders would then be proven to be mentally challenged and unfit for society, (or they are lying, hiding their arrogance behind lies). Regardless, there will be consequences as you say
These consequences will be enacted immediately to anyone that is explicitly (publicly?) arrogant. All those who do not listen to reason must be eradicated, ie kikes

This is very intriguing though; like I said this requires quite the critical thinking. Definitely worth discussing
well let's figure that way out

Care to explain? I mean there is ((representative)) democracy and there is actual democracy that no one practices (except inside the cantons of Switzerland)

At least two 'buddhist' shit heads in this thread. They've shown that the corruption of Buddhism has let to a complete narcissism allowing perfect brainwashing into shills

Okay this got me wondering why Jews are so into Buddhism and so I looked into this Goldstein kike and I found this
I'm not even going to bother spending more than the 2 minutes researching but there is definitely a lot down this rabbit hole of kikery. The Jews have truly corrupted everything. Take all that you read with a grain of salt and use your intellect to extract the truth, gaining a higher insight than the corrupted source could explicitly give you

ah. if you use a nonstandard definition you might want to lead with that.

I think the presumptuous claims or assumptions is the clear indication of refusing to listen to reason.

But even the typical standard definition of superiority implies the lack of humility.
And humbleness is knowing that you know nothing

presumptions of social superiority are less about reason and more about animal behaviour and backing up claims with force or cunning. Humility is not a virtue, it can hobble the naturally superior and let the inferior arrogate what is his.

HUMIL'ITY, noun [Latin humilitas.]
1. In ethics, freedom from pride and arrogance; humbleness of mind; a modest estimate of one's own worth. In theology, humility consists in lowliness of mind; a deep sense of one's own unworthiness in the sight of God, self-abasement, penitence for sin, and submission to the divine will.
2. Act of submission.

If I met a man who claimed that, I would figure he is a tool of the manipulators -the best goy- or trying to snow me with false humility. I've met many genuinely humble people and the notion that they thought they knew nothing would be absurd.

Personally, I see justifiable pride as proper for men, and humility or arrogance just natural tendencies. We have a job to do, and in that, I would prefer to tend towards arrogance if I stray.

Dude just look up how Plato died. This knowing nothing thing is like an antiquated greek meme. It was a relative thing that in all the knowledge in the universe, what one hopes to learn will always be basically nothing in comparison.
So fucking Plato goes around saying Ha you think you know anything? I obviously know more than you because I can admit I know nothing! He pissed so many people off the state executed him. This fucker was arrogant in humility lol

Anyways of course my implication is that those who are not arrogant are willing to admit that they could be incorrect or ignorant and not be aware of it. This admittance of ignorance shows humility.

Is the user who met Mr. Trungpa still here? We were having lovely conversation but I had to rest before I got a chance to respond. I've taken into consideration a lot of the meditation, and I've begun reading, listening and watching the material you suggested.

I would like to know more about getting into this, if you're reading.

Anytime. What would you like to discuss?

You're thinking of Socrates and you are giving him a bad sell he was trying to prove the Oracle of Delphi wrong because she said he was the wisest man in Greece so he went to wise people and found

He also pissed off a bunch of prominent Greeks who already didn't like him because he praised Sparta a ton, called out the government, and didn't believe in the greek gods.

I should have known better in an esoteric thread than to think you plainly meant what you said, but it's not too much to ask when you define things to actually define them and not make inaccurate allusions. And you socrates was an exasperating bastard at times

You don't know shit about eastern philosophy if you think that's what karma is. Get the fuck out of this thread.

There are a few books that I suggest you look into. I realize this is giving you a lot up front to look through, but I'd rather give you what I can ASAP.
These first two I posted in the previous thread so you may have them already.
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism is the best book I've found describing the spiritual journey. It isn't geared towards beginners but it is something beginners should at least look into to see the challenges that await advanced students.
Halfway Up the Mountain: The Error of Premature Claims to Enlightenment is one of the few books that deals with false claims of enlightenment. It will not tell you what enlightenment is, but it will tell you exactly what it isn't. Few know about this book.
A Zen Forest: Sayings of the Masters is a collection of Zen riddles, called koans, designed to help you stop thinking. It is suggested that you meditate on these.
The books I've linked you to so far are fairly heavy. You may not be into heavy reading yet, so here are some books geared for beginning Westerners.:
The Tao of Pooh explains the basics of Taoist philosophy through the stories of Winnie-the-Pooh.
Be Here Now is an illustrated rendition of a Hindu awakening.
Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender explains from a modern clinical psychologists perspective exactly why and how Buddhist techniques let people start increasing the level of happiness they experience in life by learning to let go of useless or destructive thoughts and focusing on strengthening, important ones.
The Little Zen Companion is similar to A Zen Forest but more laid back and includes Western koans.

what is 'this'
FYI you don't 'just get into esotericism' everything you do needs to have a goal. Learning for the sake of learning is meaningless if you don't at least have a topic in mind to learn. Also this isn't 'required' to 'get into esotericism' but I would highly recommend learning holistically. Everything is connected ya know? Then you can almost get away with 'learning for the sake of learning' but if no connections are made, the acquired knowledge will dissipate

oh my bad it was all Socrates. I still like my version better, but I'll add disclaimers next time I share this hilariousness

Took me a while but I think that quote quite makes some sense. The best way to teach, is to get them to figure it out for themselves. If you just tell them they will never learn, especially not the arrogant ones. It's actually basic psychology regarding defense mechanisms when one feels under attack like when their illogical beliefs are threatened

But I will add, I swear these guys are some expert fucking trolls, philosophers and even psychologists usually are. I think true enlightenment is cosmic rustling of jimmies

Everything you just posted I read in my head with your nasal whiney accent.

Glad you're back, perhaps we can get some other sort of contact so we don't have to wade through shitposts.

I'll definitely look into these.

I do have a goal, I just didn't outright state it.
I guess my goal is to master my mental and physical exterior through self-realization in order to be able to communicate in some more solid way with the universe/collective unconscious.

All my life I knew that many coincidences which have appeared more than enough times to be considered not coincidental had some kind of connection, but I could never fully explain it. With that in mind, I would like to shape my reality into one in which I can find peace without struggle. That, and having some knowledge and conformity over one of my greatest fears (which is slowly dissipating), what happens/what we experience post-death.

[email protected]/* */

Sent, but for now I guess we can continue here.

So are you saying you'd like to begin practicing Tantra? If so the audio I linked you to yest will do that. Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism is Tantra as well.
I can link some other stuff relating to it if you like.

the thing about teaching with questions I agree with as well.
it has value, but it can also be used like the kikes do with their dialectic as a weapon instead of trying to find truth or root out contradictions. So trolling is an apt comparison.

I assume so. There are other more selfish reasons that I would like to see to test the literal shaping of the reality (More so life events or experiences, less so matterbending or something to that effect; though that would be mighty interesting). But I have a feeling that I might not be able to do so because the reasons are intrinsically selfish. But yes, tantra.
I'll begin listening to the audio, as I started on the video, but the audio seems a bit more convenient.

Video is good place to start actually.

Also, meditation has helped me quite a bit over the last few hours, surprisingly. I try to do it once when I wake up, once in the afternoon, and once before bed. The first time I did the Tummo method, I saw this geometric shape similar to that of that Hindu flower, forgot its name. Then I watched the first video you recommended (spiritual), and the video started explaining the importance of said shape.
These kinds of coincidences are why these spiritual enlightenments interest me so much. It's almost like I have this inherent oracle ability inside me, but it only comes at random and on things I don't necessarily expect.

I saw the geometric shape as well. You're doing well. Tummo is a very powerful practice disguised as simple breathing.

Thank you. I actually met someone while I was meditating Tummo, too. He called himself Wunderbar. He had a helmet with horns, and was wearing a green skirt/kilt. He explained to me that I am him, and he is me, because we're both in the same collective unconscious of the universe. I asked him what exactly he had in mind for me. He said that he plans to guide me for a while to introduce me to exploring on this journey I am about to take. I asked him about the person you met, Mr. Trungpa. He said that he might have heard of him before, but had not directly met him. But, he did say that I will meet many more guides like him and Mr. Trungpa on my path.

Before I go to rest, do you have any suggestions as to how I can clear my head during meditation? I try to empty it but usually theres a song of some sort or a thought I keep entertaining and I can't really focus on myself. Perhaps a visualization of something within me might help.

Now we're talking! Very specific request; do I ever have the article for you
And give this thread a read for a rollercoaster of a ride through the nature of reality.

There are 4 parts to that first video. I suggest watching them all. The scientific video is much less newbie-friendly but it will help you see alternate perspectives on how this all works.

The entities you meet in Tummo are just manifestations of your own mind. Everything is. So don't take them seriously. The take away should be that all phenomena you encounter as just as illusory. This doesn't mean they don't exist, just that they are reflections of yourself.
Visualize your lungs filling with white light on the inhale, red light between breaths sparking through your body, then exhale healing blue breath for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Everyone has this to some extent. These practices will help you learn to control the process.

I will most definitely watch them all.
I think that's exactly what he meant by "You are me, and I am you; I am a reflection of your mental image". But, will do nonetheless.
This seems great. Thanks.

I hope so too. I must rest now, and I'll meditate for a bit using the new method you presented. Thank you very much Guruanon. I'll be in touch with updates.

You should research synchronicity
Sorry struggling is the point of life. How else will you learn? Consider trying to find peace IN struggling. Have a gander at this. I read a description of this in a bhuddism book about the 8 fold path or something. I'll go into detail but it's about embracing a peaceful state of neutrality.
It doesn't really matter what exactly happens; for one to get over their fear of death one must realize that they are an eternal being that will never die. This life will end, but who knows what the next life will bring. Sounds exciting doesn't it

That's more so what I meant.

I mean don't take them too seriously. If shit tells you that you're the savior or something, or to hurt someone, ignore that stuff. As long as they are acting as benevolent guides and you recognize that they are not external to you it's cool.
I am not worthy of the title guru. I am not a proper Teacher. I'm more of an introducer. I just help those who seek find their own path. Rest well, user.

I'll go into detail l8r

Remember to never neglect your needs of your lower chakras for the sake of your higher chakras. Acceptance of truth is great but only helps your third eye chakra, well it also barely helps the two chakras it is in between I guess

If you go top to bottom instead you will know everything and do NOTHING





All is mental. What exists within, manifests without.

Well said

you idiot its ashes and echoes lurk moar.


The great Japanese master, Hakuin, wrote
This is what happens when you reach complete meditative stillness. The fire in the chest that he mentions is the sacred fire you see surrounding pic related.
By visualizing ourselves as being in a state of union with these flaming, dancing, frightening-looking yet benevolent deities, we light this sacred flame within ourselves and burn away our delusions.
This is the ultimate goal of the Sadhana of Mahamudra: to make contact with the Guru and to let him stop time for you. At that point, you reach enlightenment. However enlightenment is not the end of the journey.
Frankly, there is no end.
You just get reborn forever.
That's why karma matters: you literally have nothing to do here except give into muh dick desire or realize that you're eternal, you will be reborn infinitely into these cycles of suffering births until you meditate and learn how to gtfo, and the only person who can get you back to the state of bliss you've been looking for your entire life is you.
A musical scale just repeats when you get to the end, but in a higher or lower key.
The secret of the bodhisattvas is that we realize this and intentionally don't go to heaven so that we can be born into eternally better births. See, once you get to heaven/nirvana, you eventually get sick of it. So you start over. You drop back to the bottom and start this while miserable process over again.
Buddha figured out not to go to heaven/nirvana. That's part of what made his teaching so revolutionary: Buddha figured out that by avoiding the ultimate we set ourselves up for eternal improvement.
Think about a number. Like 1. Take away 0.9, leaving you with 0.1. Now add a zero and take away 0.09. Now you have 0.01, then 0.001, 0.0001, and so on. You will never get to zero this way, just eternally approach it.
So within every 1 lies infinity.
This is a mathematical way of expressing the bodhisattva path.

Lots of Eastern and Buddhist filth in this thread. Reminder that the acceptance of degeneracy as a part of yourself, as a part of the 'infinite', as part of the 'oneness' of reality leads to the acceptance of the filth. This is why Eastern nations have stagnated despite, historically, a massive technological lead over the West.

It is our way to differentiate between what is good and what is evil. It is we who separate the wheat from the chaff. We do not accept what we see as useless, evil, corrupting - we strike off the cancer infested limb, we pluck out our eye if it makes us sin.

It is because we do not accept the evil as a part of us that we are able to advance. Where the Easterner proclaims he has found enlightenment in 'nothingness', we find glory in 'righteousness' and seek to eradicate all evil. Resist their slothful apathetic ideology - become the ubermensch.

They seek nothingness, we seek divinity.

Tibetan Buddhism is the opposite of slothful. Hitler adopted our swastika for a reason.
Be well.

what a pussy can't hold the camera steady. or you know, everyone is roleplaying.
Thing is, this is at the Large Hadron Collider, CERN. There are over 16,000 people in the personnel, of which 10% are under 25 and 20% between 26 and 30. On top of that, there are maybe a few hundred summer students each year. A handful of them wanted to do a prank ritual to trip people out and see how much attention they could get it seems, doesn't seem like they actually know shit.

What is REAL and way more fucked up is the ritualistic opening ceremony for the world's largest tunnel in Switzerland, also very close to CERN. World leaders were there to watch this fucked up satanic show including Merkel and Hollande. There was even some sort of priest with a menorah baptizing the train tracks not sure if this video covers everything but I don't recommend watching it. AN hour long ritual ceremony for lucifer

This degeneracy is a part of the oneness that is you in the sense that it is a manifestation of our repressed sin, or something like that. We will only be absolved once we eradicate this satanic filth. Only God is the totality of oneness, we are only parts and it would be lunacy to equate us to this totality just to embrace degeneracy. We accept that we must remove the evil in the world, and inside of us. We will all return to nothingness, but there are infinity paths to this destination. We seek the path of divinity.
Anyways my point is that originally eastern philosophy was actually legit, but of course like all religions they've become ((corrupted)) so these morons are just brainwashed by kikery and are ignorant of the genuine philosophical teachings of the East, or of any for that matter.
Anyways I don't mind the metaphorical rhetoric. Technically nothing you say is incorrect.

well put, that's why I point to books because I don't know how to word it that way

A tree does not choose to exist, it does not try to exist. It simply exists.

Here is some more Tao wisdom from the great philosopher Yoda.

"Do or do not. There is no try"

Star wars isn't real, user. Do you think deep wisdom came from the same person who wrote the prequels dialogue?

Stop listening to pop culture trash

And I was reading about Tao when I was reminded by Yoda. Sometimes it's a good idea to actually unironically consider something especially if you got am uncomfortable hunch Like Kingdom Hearts or ATLA or the first season of Heroes or Lost or FMA Brotherhood or AoT or even the first Matrix movie very hard to find actually good stuff. The original movies that Lucas wrote were influenced by Eastern philosophy but I think he got incredibly lucky getting Yoda so spot on. Obviously new shit is pozzed to hell.
Then again there's that theory that the Galactic Empire are the good guys, ridding the corruption of the previous Republic

Also you're obviously someone who hates everything. Deep breaths user

If you're the user from the previous thread, I find it very disappointing you would stoop to such a low level of chastisement. You need to rest.

Nobody here is interested in democracy and all it's pretty lies.

My answer I've come up so far is that in order to reconcile undefined states of absolute nothingness and infinite, a boundary is required to make them definable in a relational context. Reality itself serves as that boundary. It exists to circumvent two paradoxical states, mixing them into a spectrum of all possible states.

So you could consider creation itself was a solution to an existential problem God had.

If this were offline I would be polite.
This is Holla Forums.
I don't have time for the intentionally difficult.
People who a4e ready to learn act a certain way. The rest simply aren't ready. I haven't gotten into the difficult part yet. Most user will not make it through the preliminaries.
Very few people are cut out for this.

One time a nigger wanted to be my disciple.
I said "This is a big deal. I'll be responsible for you for at least the rest of this life. Will you be loyal?"
He said yes, sure.
I said, "What if I tell people you're a stupid nigger, will you be loyal?".
He said no.
I said "If all it takes to chase you off your spiritual journey is one man calling you a nigger you aren't going to be able to work where I work, sorry".
If a person can't defeat their pride they won't make it in tantra and they'd be better off practicing something easy and non-challenging like Pure Land buddhism.
I'm willing to teach anyone, but if they aren't capable of mastering themselves long enough to get what they want out of this they are a waste of time.
To begin tantra, to be accepted as a student, you are expected to display the abilities of an adept. It isnt fair at all, yet it has been this way for thousands of years.
When you start doing miracles irl it only means you are ready to seek a teacher and start learning. I'm not making this up. This is fundamentally, by design, a very challenging, very rewarding, path.
If you enjoy Dark Souls because it kicks your assistance and makes you an expert, you will fit right in.
Otherwise practice anything else.
As for the tests, well, you will be tested constantly. I said before this was competitive. Get used to being tested or find something easier.
I'll be happy to help with easier paths as well. Right now I'm trying to quickly get some user through the door so they can help unfuck this kiked up "reality".

While many here talk about the realization of the All being nothing more than yourself and finding the path of righteousness by meditating and so on, there is something that I can't seem to find in all these esoteric threads.
By that I mean not LARPing as Tibetan Buddhists, but to find Truth of all that which means to be you, as a Human being, animal, and as a chaotic element in our universe. The universe, or at least this reality we all are in being that which many refer as God.

My path in life has been a pretty fun ride, but by being much fun it also was pretty hard. I will try to keep my message as straight as possible so don't try to over analyze my words.

user should not carry a name nor a role. user are you and user am me. The path that user takes will always remain the path of user, but that path will always be that of truth. Many anons might take the tangent into a false reality where struggle is something bad. Those anons are exactly half of user.
You will only be allowed to be happy, once you were, are or will be sad. You will laugh when you are allowed to cry. You will live and experience everything, once you are destined to be dead and become nothing. That means that our whole perception will be divided in two. That which exists and that which doesn't.
Truth will be only half of everything, because by dictating, realizing, creating Truth, the possibility of denying that Truth is open, creating the Lie.
Half of everything is a lie, does not exists.

user realizes, reaches enlightenment, when he forces himself to see, say and experience Truth. There is no other way to come closer to everything that exists, but being part of all that which exists, consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously.
Everything that we have come to experience and experiment with is composed, in a subatomic level, from the same particles, light, vibrations, however you want to call it, as are.
That is our truth, that which exists. If you keep seeking for truth, you will be closer to existence and by that to everything that exists. The All.
user must only follow, tell and experience the Truth. It is from the Truth that user will learn which behaviors are to be kept and which decisions are to be taken. If Truth reveals us that in order to clean yourself of parasites fire is needed, then jews will get fired.

Nice logic right there.

Be advised - This is a discord + /fringe/ + Holla Forums collaboration raid containment thread. If you are a regular, please do not post in this thread.

Why you still here? Your first 11 attempts at derailing failed miserably.
Remember to gas yourself.

Me: the thread pt.2

The Church covered up the dead sea scrolls for almost 50 years. These documents come from the very earliets days of the Christian Church, and are closest to what the followers of the actual historical Jesus believed. Here's a quick summary of the Hypostasis of the Archons, as an example:

Sofia, one of the aspects of The All, gave birth to a child who entered a formless material realm. Having seen that the material realm was formless and infinite, that he was the only being within it, and being blind to everything outside of it (that is why he is called Samael, the blind god) he declared himself The All. He then sculpted the universe out of the formless void and created a pantheon of deities. These deities created Adam, but Adam did not have a soul. Sofia took pity upon Adam and gave him Eve as a source of spiritual enlightenment. The deities raped Eve and tricked Adam into thinking they created her. Sofia sends a snake to Adam and Eve, who guides them to eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil and thus a realization of the world that they live in is inverted.

Notice a few things about this story in contrast to the standard interpretation of Genesis creation.

You have to go back to your gipsy water divining board


This is very similar to a tibetan breathing technique I was taught. Be aware that I have seen people pass out from it, so do not do it in an environment where you could become injured by falling over, drowning, losing conscioussness, etc. Personally I have never had that problem but everyone is at a different level of capability in different areas.

Oh and being lightheaded is exactly what should happen, however you need to go past that point. If you can maintain consciousness past that point you gain the ability to fight certain infections and resist cold. I have done it in deep freezers as a test, works great.

Read some Arthur Edward Waite, newfag esoterics.

Well that would be different for everyone, you can't find personal truths in an impersonal thread. And no don't expect anyone to hold your hand
You only have one lifetime to be you. In the afterlife you will ascend and become your higher self, but this is a cumulation of more than just who you are in this life.

He just stated that reality is a chicken-egg problem. To solve it, you have to move past the concept of "beginnings," which is admittedly tough in an era where the Big Bang is considered unquestionable fact.

By starting with "God thought," you're basically saying, "the chicken laid the egg." That may be subjectively true from a certain temporal perspective, but does nothing to address the fundamental problem. The response is always, "well, where did that chicken come from?" Of course, from a logical perspective, we have to say, "an egg."

There's a reason the infinity symbol is shaped the way that it is. I suppose that also goes for the Ankh.

Anyway, I'm responding mostly because I'm pretty impressed both of you have put that much thought into this. Most people these interested in the esoteric days just rag on the material. It's nice to see alternative perspectives are out there.

That would be funny if it weren't so sad. I hope you're misinterpreting the teachings for your own sake. That's the rough equivalent of saying you want to spend another X years in college, because keggers are fun and the real world after graduation might be tough.

But if that's the way you feel then you aren't ready for the responsibility anyway.

Woops didn't finish my post

If you don't mean individually, and rather as in 'what is humanity's purpose in the universe' it is actually the other way around. The universe was created for us and all entities/conscious beings so that we may have experiences and hopefully learn and grow from these experiences

yeah my ass. you must be being sarcastic or something as what you say next simply demands analyzation, even to the degree of considering capitalization in context. But sure I won't post my analysis. Intriguingly mind boggling

you know what I meant smart ass. FYI science is technically based on having faith in axioms (which are then used to provide a more logical understanding of the universe).

Literally everyone has agreed that we need to kick out kikes for the sake of our nation.
If you think National Socialism belongs on Holla Forums then I can't help your retardedness
The only thing you're right about is /fringe/ but if we really wanted to raid why would we contain ourselves to one thread?
stop being so butthurt or go make your own board instead of bitching and complaining continuously
wtf is discord btw

that guy is really fucking annoying though

you stupid fuck face that user was asking why why a 'spiritual teacher' would have to be 'lineage-based' as you had said so earlier
no one is going to even read your blogposts. we can see ids you know and you've proven to be, well to say the least, illogical and not willing to listen to reason


You mean like when you get a head rush and go blind? calmly lowering yourself to the ground always speeds up the recovery. never tried in a damn freezer though. are you saying you risked freezing to death for the lulz? lad

Isn't it simple enough to say that God exists outside of time? The question, at least for me, is more 'why did God create anything' like what was the point of creating the universe or any existence for that matter.
That's where that little story of God having a dream and forgoing godliness
The ankh is a wonderful symbol. Energy retention OP. Almost like the cross is a corruption of the ankh. What does the cross symbolize anyways

It's not even budhism, it's all JUBU heresy being spouted from the same piece of shit. 813952 He spammed the kekism thread last.

That was meant more as in looking for a double or hidden meaning behind what I wrote. I am all ears when discussing such topics.

Sure, but in the meantime I am to wonder and work with who am I in this life. As for

Still not sure about that, makes the searching for the light end in a "the universe created itself" idea which then kinda contradicts the idea of everything being a consequence of something else.
Maybe I will be proven wrong when I'm reborn as a nigger.

(((Quantum physics))) and (((relativity theories))) are two of the most popular shill lies. There is 0% truth to any of it due to fundamental paradoxes; they are mocking you because you don't understand logic and that paradoxes can not exist in nature. There are no square circles and no effects without cause. (((Einstein))) and his disciples are mysticists, and we know that mysticism is the tool of tyrants.

Explain me what is light then.

Ah, the demon the jews simulate sex with at the wailing wall

Oh, you mean the jewish name for Azazel, the leader of the Grigori who convinces the other angels to have sex with the daughters of man and create the Nephilim/Giants? No, that is not God. Nor do the Dead Sea Scrolls indicate that he is.

Shows you know little of both cultures. The Semites did not enslave their women, nor did the Nordics particularly respect them. The Patriarchal nature of Nordic/Germanic/Celtic/'white' peoples has been essentially the norm for the entirety of history, the few instances where women were afforded lots of respect and allowed positions of authority quickly ended in disastrous defeat and conquest every single time.

He does die, actually. Before he had the knowledge of good and evil he had ever lasting life. Do you know what knowledge of good and evil is? It is obedience unto God, the Creator. God said do not eat from that tree, and he ate from it anyway; thus he disobeyed God. Remember my original point: God created all things and saw that they were good. All things are good so long as they are used as intended, according to their purpose. Evil exists when the good creations are used in ways they were not intended and when it goes against their purpose. By disobeying God man upset the natural Order, he went against his purpose (an aid to God, a steward of reality) and disobeyed God instead. Thus he discovered what evil was (to disobey God - to go against the intended purpose of our Creator), and what good was (to obey God - to fulfil the purpose the Creator intended for us) - and the punishment for this act is death (indicated by the whole man shall not live beyond so many years verse).

This shit is just as bad as LARPing around as an ebin bagan.


The funny bit isn't that I know anything. The funny bit is that the competition has nothing.
Where are your meditations? No one who has called me out has linked any. I linked mine.
What's their lineage? They have none. I linked to mine.
What are the results of following their path? They don't know. Something about heaven because that's what their baby boomer mommy taught them.
It's a joke. It's funny.
Git gud fggts.

See the animal in his cage that you built
Are you sure what side you're on?
Better not look him too closely in the eye
Are you sure what side of the glass you are on?
See the safety of the life you have built
Everything where it belongs
Feel the hollowness inside of your heart
And it's all right where it belongs
What if everything around you
Isn't quite as it seems?
What if all the world you think you know
Is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection
Is it all you want it to be?
What if you could look right through the cracks
Would you find yourself find yourself afraid to see?
What if all the world's inside of your head?
Just creations of your own
Your devils and your gods all the living and the dead
And you really oughta know
You can live in this illusion
You can choose to believe
You keep looking but you can't find the ones
Are you hiding in the trees?
What if everything around you
Isn't quite as it seems?
What if all the world you used to know
Is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection
Is it all you want it to be?
What if you could look right through the cracks
Would you find yourself, find yourself afraid to see?

Lol. If you have to NIN at least pick something from before With Teeth.

>>>/x/ or >>>/fringe for generals

Trent Reznor and fucking Jugglos figured this shit out before Holla Forums.
They are all manifestations of you communicating with yourself. Pop culture is You. Niggers are you. Kikes. Everything.
If you don't want to learn this go fins a religion. Take up stamp collecting.
Go forget and stay safely ignorant.
No one said enlightenment was going to be what you thought it was.
I wish I didn't know.
It's a curse.
But the flame has to be passed on.
I don't even know why, really.
This is why most people get lazy after they reach their awakening. The truth is pretty horrible.

Ya'll are still thinking that esoteric Kekism is going to lead to different results somehow.
It isn't.
This is the end result of every authentic path.
In the end you find out it's all YOU.
So reject what I'm saying, doesn't bother me in the slightest. You'll figure it out when you are ready.
You won't like it.
That's just how it goes.
I love you all very much. If I didn't I wouldn't waste my free time trying to cram some truth into your skulls.

You are probably why this thread got bump locked. Nearly everyone in this thread told you to fuck of but you didn't
No one asked for meditation to be explained
Unlike you no one is going to share shit that no one asked for

I've gotten banned before for chronic shitposting, why not just ban this moron too
But I guess it's for the best. You fuckers are too godamned pussy to expose esoteric kikery so this thread is pointless if it's not political
All of you kill yourself

Yea let's just send book recommendations for the entire thread.
fucking moron

fyi I was only banned for 3 days. mods are based. you fuckers are not worthy

I do that.
I used to have aweful anxiety issuse where I couldnt get out of bed before noon out of fear of my own mind.
This winter I forced myself to get up and go outside, I sat in shorts in the snow and felt nothing but cold.
I gladly exchanged anxiety for painful cold.

I found wim hof after that while reading benifits of cold exposure, i started doing it and almost immediately it was gone.

Im a new man. Ive lost 50lbs, gotten engaged to the love of my life,finished electrical engineering degree and have the courage to challenge myself by opening my heart to the possibility of god.
One day I need to meet Wim, and hug that motherfucker.

oy vey shut it down

Swastikas pre-date buddhism.

Absolutely. It is part of most sun cults.

holy fuck you are a shameless piece of shit

Thread is anchored. I am not a very big fan of eastern mysticism, but wim hofs method is more scientific. Combining this with Josè Silva, and i think we can get somewhere. The point is to slow down your brainwaves from Alpha (wake), to Beta (Semi-conciouss). When you dream you are in Gamma, with even slower waves. The slower, or longer the brainwaves are, the more effective. It is possible to use telepathy under beta, which i have done together with a friend. You can also get increased strength focus, making you able to spin metals spoons perfectly without effort.

If we are going to go anywhere we need to look at this from an European viewpoint. Call it breathing, not pranayama. I understand many practices is recorded in ancient texts, but i prefer them translated.

One of the lesser known symbolisms of the black sun is 12 lightning bolts striking a single point simultaneously. This represents many things but sudden enlightenment is one of them. The red flash of the in between breath in the visualization I gave above is the same flash of lightning.
The Nazi SS used double lightning bolts.
The Tibetan double dorje is two scepter laid across one another, forming a cross and both directions of swastika. What do they represent? Two lightning bolts, but used for protection rather than war.
Tibetan Buddhism comes from now-extinct (Muslims killed them all) Indian Buddhism, which came from Hindu Tantra, which came from pre-India.
"The lineages" aren't just Tibetan or Buddhist. They stretch back past recorded history. Everything was passed down orally back then.

Taking it further; planting thoughts in the minds of others, and even visiting their dreams, both is entirely possible. That's why we shouldn't have focused on this CIA kek shit during the elections.

Lasted longer than expected.
There is a concerted effort to keep user ignorant. The answers are in plain text and still most won't see. The mysteries are called self-serve for this reason.
Holla Forums is going to have to choose between facing the truth or abandoning esotericism.
I was just user. That's all. Everyone got into this esoteric shit so I did too. Everyone wanted to learn tantra but ya'll needed a guru. So I went and found one, learned it the hard way, brought it back. I went out and prostrate before a Lama and all that jazz, got taken as a student, learned the practice.
But once I got the answers, no one wanted them. Which is funny in a lot of odd ways.
So, whatever, lol. I don't think the mods are going to let you learn anything past a certain point, because past a certain point all paths become one path.
Good luck on ya'lls journeys. I've been trying to unfuck this place for a long time now.

nu-Holla Forums has reached the level of self-parody

This only opens you up to astral agents. Do you really think you can just leave your body and fly to the white house or something? Fly to mundane places and share dreams with your friends, this is great for personal development.

On the other hand if you are implying we should make our own astral army, that sounds great but we are so woefully underdeveloped for that kind of thing myself included it would take waay too long.

so yea, we all need to really hurry up in our self development.
this can definitely help. modernizing the language (not anything else, fucking kikes actually changing and corrupting the teachings and inherent concepts themselves) can be a great catalyst for self development on a global scale

so you filtered the OP? your arrogance knows no bounds
you're shitposting is literally why this thread got anchored probably. your existence is why I regret making this thread

We have lost a great potential with the meme-magic, but it also opened their eyes to the esoteric. You can astral project your body, and even remote view places. They did that during the cold war apparantly. I'll study the matter further in private.

Kikes are releasing apps full of irl missions to fuck over whites, and meanwhile white nationalists are so fractured they can't even hold a fucking image board together.
If this is the intelligentsia of the far-right there's no way in hell you're going to out maneuver the globalist. They have money and organization, hierarchies, blood debts. White nationalists meanwhile are scattered like leaves on the wind, both socially and mentally.
If this is your best you've already failed.

If white pride means burying my head in the sand, is it really pride?
Is this what we're proud of? Is this all that's left?
Imageboards. Moderation.
That's what the white race has been reduced to.
Fucks sake.

I believe so, yes. Checked.

Checked and heil'd.

In time, I think they'll see. All the roads they take will bring them to the same path. I know it brought me here.

I really hope you are able to glean any wisdom from his ramblings. As I said earlier
There's many things that he said that are just plain wrong, which I could point out and explain logically; it's not just me as others have also pointed it out

Anyways I promised to explain equanimity in response to your desire for peace in struggle so here it is
In the guide I read about the 8 fold path in Buddhism, it said that there are hundreds of emotions but they are all either positive emotions or negative emotions. Except for two. There are only two neutral emotions, they are confusion and equanimity. One should not be pursuing positive emotions and instead strive for equanimity.
Equanimity as explained in this book, is to accept that you do not know. In confusion you are distressed that you do not know, but in equanimity you accept that of course there are some things that you possibly can never know, and that is okay. A state of total acceptance and peace in the world.
And I would say, accept the struggle as opportunities to grow. Celebrate your failures as now you know that you are wrong and what exactly you must do now.

A state of total acceptance and peace with* the world.

Sent you a message from a different account. Leaving this thread. Be well.

holy shit he's gone. oh well if this sore loser nolife is gone that means there is absolutely no one else in this thread. if there is go to
for the most fringe and cutting bleeding edge part of humanity smugfrog.jpeg

I was gonna make some more serious responses but gave up after bump lock. dumping whatever i managed to halfass whever

interesting explanation. why exactly half? only half of user exists in the true reality?
I think semantically you should use another word for nonexistence, as you imply nonexistence exists. woooaahh I already consider consciousness to be essentially nothingness, only able to do anything due to perception of the illusion of reality
your saying something else though. how can half of everything 'not exist' and be a lie. from the perspective within physical reality, the nonphysical realms do not exist so there is that
yea technically speaking we are eternal beings that exist outside of time and this experience of life is just your spirit looking back for the first time. very trippy to think about but a meaningless distinction since you can 'change the past' if you don't know what happens after yet.

That sounds like gnosticism or neoplatonism. I love Neoplatonism!
aaaaaaaand that's why everyone says christian gnosticism is retarded. inreresting alternative narrative though, perhaps true when looking at the biggest picture of our human reality from the perspective of ultimate reality. But Humanity must have the perspective that the snake deceived Adam; any other perspective is detrimental to spiritual evolution
your greentext shows a misrepresentation of christanity, maybe you are referring to modern christianity. No your gnostic story is not original christianity either. There is a third real story, the first story told. although your alternatives in the greentext, are actually true as far as the original story goes.
anyways, if your gnostic story is valid, then where

if ya can't explain it yourself… but sure thanks for contribution
hey he's Rosicrucian. eh I probably know everything he ever wrote already

oy vey but he hates jews!
Damn I didn't know that term. it's more than just a thing, more than just a subversive corruption, these kikes are going all out assault on Buddhism! I wonder fucking why
BTW where'd you get that ring design model? Did you make it?

I love the idea of christ consciousness

inspiring stuff, well done user
turning things around isn't easy
but it is certainly worth it
and it ALWAYS involves ACTION