Why is everyone so mean to George?

Why is everyone so mean to George?

He's not jewish.

SW autists are a blight upon humanity. They even went after 9 year old Jake Lloyd and now the kid is in jail with schizophrenia.


Pretty fucked up if you ask me

They were essentially mad he didnt make the same flicks as the OT

The beginning of A New Hope until we meet luke is very well directed, with lots of scenes without any dialogue, or just following the droids yet it keeps your attention.

Lets be honest here, the prequels werent great but they were alright. The soundtracks were great, the visuals were pretty good and the story was there.

Because he's an agenda-pushing faggot who can't write good movies worth shit and is better off working with concepts and vague plot-lines than a full movie.

Yup. Episodes 1 and 2 have their issues but are still decent. Episode 3 is great though, the fact that there are people who think it flat out sucks and lumps it with Episodes 1 and 2 are autists who just blindly dislike the PT.

Who cares
Let people be mean to whoever they want
Fucking faggot

Yea I agree Episode III is by far the best and pretty great

You are gay and I hope you die getting lynched by a pack of niggers. Doesn't feel so good now does it?

Wait, was that it?

All of you

Big ass forehead, man

I dont even like that girl but you must be a spic or nigger

Unironically this.

Because prequels were shit

Did nothing wrong

Tall poppy syndrome.

I ♥ George

wrecked the original series in his re-releases and forced fans to dig up old reels from god knows where so they can watch the originals on something better than old tapes. only george has been this big of a cunt about making directors cuts wildly different from the originals with no theatrical re-release during major format changes. he shouldn't have had the authority and power to memory hole three movies with that much of a cultural impact.
it was just sheer luck that there were 35mm reels still in good enough condition in the 21st century, otherwise you'd be watching this shit on rotting tapes, preparing to off yourself while seeing han shoot first for the 20th time in a day.

not anymore

Have some perspective: Han shooting second is far, far less egregious than Han abandoning Leia because their son went to the dark side.

A rock outcropping in front of R2D2 is minor autism compared to Luke going Palpatine and trying to kill someone in their sleep.

Maybe he meant

He couldn't ever make anything as good as Rian Johnson

Because he's made more bad movies than good movies.

Because he made a lot of bad mistakes. But despite this, all of it looks like harmless autism when compared to the outright evil bs Disney keeps pulling.

Could this movie have possibly handled Luke any worse?